单词 | 耶稣会士 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 耶稣会士 —a Jesuitmember of Society of JesusSee also:耶稣会—The Jesuits (Society of Jesus) 会士—translation of French agregé (holder of teaching certificate) • penitent • frater • member of religious order
他于1643年加入由Henschenius和Papebrochius(1628年至1714年),因而对Bollandists协会开始,并持续, 在 耶稣会士 镇 压 尽管直到法国大革命,1794年。 mb-soft.com | He was joined in 1643 by Henschenius and Papebrochius (1628-1714), and thus the [...] Society of Bollandists began, and continued, in spite of the [...] suppression of the Jesuits, until the French [...]Revolution, 1794. mb-soft.com |
这本托瓦尔手抄本被认为是 16 世纪墨西哥耶稣会士胡安·德·托瓦尔 (Juan de Tovar) [...] 所作,其中包含关于阿兹特克(也称墨西卡)礼仪和仪式的详细信息。 wdl.org | The Tovar Codex, attributed to the [...] 16th-century Mexican Jesuit Juan de Tovar, contains [...]detailed information about the rites [...]and ceremonies of the Aztecs (also known as Mexica). wdl.org |
当时,耶稣会士需要 人们支持他们到智利南部传教,因此奥瓦列受托寻求帮助和筹集资金。 wdl.org | At the time, the Jesuits needed support [...] for their missionary work in the south of Chile, and Ovalle was commissioned to recruit help and raise money. wdl.org |
在巴西,耶稣会会士于 1 949 年在马诺基(Manoki)人的地方开设一个传教站, [...] 并把儿童迁往乌蒂亚里提。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Brazil, the Jesuits opened up a mission [...] post among the Manoki peoples in 1949 and relocated the children to Utiariti. daccess-ods.un.org |
他是著名的语言学家,同时还是一位向 Moxo 印第安人布道的传教士;他还数次担任秘 鲁 耶稣会会士 省 修 道院的院长。 wdl.org | He is best known as a linguist and a missionary to the Moxo Indians; he also served several times [...] as Superior of the Jesuit Province of Peru. wdl.org |
信中提到了耶稣会教士何塞 ·古米拉 (José Gumilla),他的《图解奥里诺科河》完成于 [...] 1731 年并且随后在马德里出版。 wdl.org | The reference is to the Jesuit José Gumilla, whose [...] El Orinoco Ilustrado (Orinoco illustrated) was written in 1731 and subsequently published in Madrid. wdl.org |
Ufer先生是一名耶稣会教士,在 马达加斯加生活了 33 年。2007 年,他 得到长期居留签证被取消的通知,因此被迫离开该国。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2007, he was notified that his permanent residence visa had been cancelled, and he thus had no choice other than to leave the country. daccess-ods.un.org |
同年,杨光先被任命为钦天监监正,但是于 1668 年被革职,官职被耶稣会会士南怀 仁接任。 wdl.org | In the same year, Yang was appointed head of the Bureau of [...] Astronomy, but he was removed in 1668 and [...] replaced by the Jesuit Verbiest, who proved the miscalculations made by Yang. wdl.org |
这张地图见于智利耶稣会教士阿隆 索·德·奥瓦列(1601-51年)的Histórica [...] Relación del Reyno de Chile(智利王国历史叙述)一书中,此书被视为是这个国家的第一部历史。 wdl.org | This map by the Chilean Jesuit priest Alonso de Ovalle [...] (1601–51) appears in his book Histórica Relación del Reyno de Chile [...](Historical narration about the kingdom of Chile), considered the first history of the country. wdl.org |
位于南部意大利语区的门德里西奥(Mendrisio):在大斋期第四日,当地 人 会 上 演 耶稣 受 难复活剧,及罗 马 士 兵 、马背上的小号手。 swissworld.org | In Mendrisio in the southern Italian-speaking canton of Ticino, the locals stage a [...] performance of the Biblical [...] Passion Play, complete with Roman soldiers and horseback trumpeters, on the [...]last Thursday of Lent. swissworld.org |
今天,我 从圣地、巴勒斯坦的土地、神谕和先 知穆罕默德升天之地以及耶稣基督 的诞生地来 到大会。 daccess-ods.un.org | the Holy Land, the land of Palestine, the land of divine messages, ascension of the [...] Prophet Muhammad and the birthplace of Jesus Christ”. daccess-ods.un.org |
就是这样,这「耶稣帮」聚会,将 人带 到 耶稣 那 里 , 耶 稣 帮 助他们活出健康成熟 的生命,最终还可以帮助别人。 ccineurope.org | In this way, these “Jesus Gang” meetings bring people to Jesus who can help them [...] to live out a mature and healthy life so [...]that eventually they can in turn help other people. ccineurope.org |
这部 1790 年的手稿包含萨利巴语言的语法和部分词汇,由一位不知名的作者在桑米格玛库(San [...] Miguel del Macuco,今哥伦比亚的奥罗库埃)编译,并 由 耶稣会 传 教 士 使 用。 wdl.org | This 1790 manuscript contains a grammar and partial glossary of the Saliba language, [...] compiled by an unknown writer in San Miguel del Macuco (present-day Orocué, [...] Colombia), and used by Jesuit missionaries. wdl.org |
(e) 该研究所的工作人员向国际预防诈骗大会提交文件,包括 [...] 2010 年举 行的注册舞弊审查师学会环太平洋地区舞弊问 题 会 议 ;在英国剑桥大 学 耶稣学 院 举行的第二十八届国际经济犯罪专题讨论会。 daccess-ods.un.org | (e) Staff members of the Australian Institute presented papers at international fraud prevention conferences, including the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners’ Pacific Rim Fraud Conference 2010; [...] the twenty-eighth International [...] Symposium on Economic Crime, at Jesus College, University of Cambridge [...](United Kingdom). daccess-ods.un.org |
诗篇从出生开始回顾圣人的生平,叙述了他的军事才能、远见和成长,直到建 立 耶稣会 , 受到教皇保罗三世 (Pope Paul [...] III) 的祝福。 wdl.org | The poem relates the life of the saint from his birth and recounts his military [...] prowess, vision, and the developments that led to the [...] establishment of the Jesuit order and its blessing [...]by Pope Paul III. wdl.org |
教科文组织/巴勒斯坦权力机构联合委 员 会会 议 接受了两个旨在保护和宣传巴勒斯坦文 化遗产旗舰项目建议,即“伯利恒的基督诞生教堂 、 耶稣 诞 生 地和具有显著普遍价值的古 迹” 以及“文化路线—耶稣基督之路”,涵盖从加沙地带(Nusseirat 遗址,圣希拉容修道 院所在地)到约旦河西岸(布尔津村和圣乔治教堂)的文化、宗教和考古景点,人们认识到 这一项目不仅包括与耶稣生前相关的景点和传统,还包括纳布卢斯的撒玛利亚传统这种宗教 传统和民间传统。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Two flagship project ideas were accepted by the Joint UNESCO-Palestinian Authority Committee meeting, aimed at the preservation and [...] promotion of the [...] Palestinian cultural heritage, namely “The Nativity Church in Bethlehem, Birthplace of Jesus and Monuments of Outstanding Universal Value” and “Cultural Itinerary of Jesus Christ Route”, covering cultural, religious and archaeological sites in Gaza (the [...]site of Nusseirat, [...]location of the Saint Hilarion Monastery) and in the West Bank (the village of Burqin and the Church of Saint Georgos), it being understood that the project will include not only sites and traditions related to the life of Jesus Christ but also religious and popular traditions such as the Samaritan traditions in Nablus. unesdoc.unesco.org |
理事会推荐任命为全职法官的候选人是梅姆 达·易卜拉欣-卡斯滕斯女士(博茨瓦纳)和达尼埃 尔·格勒尼耶女士(加拿大)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The candidates recommended by the Council for appointment as full-time judge are Ms. Memooda Ebrahim-Carstens of Botswana and Ms. Danielle Grenier of Canada. daccess-ods.un.org |
博海索女士这是初次会见霍诺瑞里的母亲,从欧莱葛 巴 耶 女 士 的 言 词判断,她希望她女儿重回市场,头顶托盘卖面包。 unicef.org | It is the first time Ms. Bohissou has met Honorine's mother, and, judging from Ms. [...] Olègbèyè’s expression, she expects the [...]girl will be marched back into the market with her tray of bread. unicef.org |
1830年,在一次在有关国家的犹太信仰承认法国商会对等的辩论中,海军上将Verhuell宣布自己无法原谅的人, 他 会 见 了他的旅行期间在世界各地无论是对他们拒绝承 认 耶稣 为 弥 赛亚的犹太人或他们拥有的犹太法典。 mb-soft.com | In 1830, during a debate in the French Chamber of Peers regarding state recognition of the Jewish faith, Admiral Verhuell declared himself unable to forgive the Jews whom he [...] had met during his travels [...] throughout the world either for their refusal to recognize Jesus as the Messiah or for their possession of the Talmud. mb-soft.com |
斯托耶娃女士(保加利亚)(裁军审议委 员 会 报告员)(以英语发言):我很高兴向裁军审议委员会介绍 载于文件 A/CN.10/2010/CRP.2 的委员会报告草稿。 daccess-ods.un.org | (Bulgaria), Rapporteur of the Disarmament Commission: It is my pleasure to introduce to the Disarmament Commission the draft report of the Commission, as contained in document A/CN.10/2010/CRP.2. daccess-ods.un.org |
一项由巴西矿业技术中心(CETEM)和国家艺术和历史遗产 协 会 ( PH AN)联合开展的损害分析发现,带着咸味的潮湿空气并不 是 耶稣 雕 像 受损的唯一原因;他们同时还发现微生物在新陈代谢过程 中 会 产 生 酸性物质。 wacker.com | A damage analysis by the Brazilian Center for Mineral Technology (CETEM) and the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute (IPHAN) showed that the damp, salty air was not the only factor attacking the monument; they also identified microorganisms that produce acids as they metabolize. wacker.com |
古今中外皆同,所謂[道行很高]或 [成佛]之人散發出來的就是白光,因此我們看到東方的 [菩薩]像或[佛]像與西方的[耶稣]像、 [聖母 ]像,在頭部都繪有白光光環,這是東西方 [天眼 ]開的 人 士 , 所 看到的光相同,長期 [吃素 ]的人,氣脈較旺,長期 [吃葷 ]的人血脈較強,因此 [練功 ]、 [養氣 ]、 [吃素 ]的人,血脈較強,因此 [練功 ]、 [養氣 ]、 [吃素 ]就成爲 [長壽]的重要課題了,氣脈旺的人血液循環較慢,身體病痛較少,且較 [...] [...] 長壽,血脈尚旺的人,血液循環較快,身體年齡四、五十歲以後雖強,但病痛較多,心腦血管疾病較易發生,因此,想長壽的人,就不能不修練氣功、靜坐了。 grandmasterusa.com | All times the same as those so-called [Daoxing high] or [Buddha] is the person comes out of [...] the white light, we [...] see that the East [Buddha] as or [Buddha] and the West as [Jesus] like, [Notre Dame] Like, all painted white light in the head [...]ring, which is East [...]and West [days eyes] open people see the same light, long-term [vegetarian] who, Grand Momentum more prosperous, long-term [everybody eats meat] blood stronger person , so [practice], [Yang Qi], [vegetarian] of people, blood stronger, so [practice], [Yang Qi], [vegetarian] became the [longevity] is an important issue, and Grand Momentum busy people slow blood circulation physical pain less and less longevity, blood still busy person, the blood circulation rapidly, the body ages four, five-year-old later though strong, but the illness more prone to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, therefore, want to live longer people cannot help but qigong practitioners, sit up. grandmasterusa.com |
我在一次祷告会中遇 到F,后来我们成为朋友、旅行的同伴,也在2006年七月一起成 为 耶稣 的 "驴 子"。 amccsm.org | It was at one of the prayer [...] meetings that I met ‘F', who was to become a friend, a comrade, a travelling companion and fellow ‘donkey for Jesus' in July 2006. amccsm.org |
我们关怀这些无证及 其他人士,是仿效耶稣基督的榜样, 回应衪的爱, 我们更盼望他们能早日接受福音, [...] 跟随耶稣。 ccineurope.org | We follow the example of Jesus and respond to His love [...] by caring for people, including those with no legal status, and we [...]sincerely hope that they would receive the salvation of Jesus. ccineurope.org |
在8月12 日委员会第8 次会议上,佐勒菲卡尔女士介绍 了案文草案 A/HRC/AC/7/L.4, 提案人为:何塞·安东尼奥·本戈·卡韦略先生、劳伦斯·布 瓦松·德·沙祖尔内女士、陈士球先生、郑镇星女士、沃尔夫冈·海因茨先生、 艾尔弗雷德·恩通杜古鲁·卡罗科拉先生、弗拉基米尔·卡尔塔什金先生、奥比 奥拉·希内杜·奥卡福尔先生、阿南托尼亚 · 雷 耶 斯 ·普 拉多 女 士 、 坂 本茂树先 生、迪鲁杰拉尔·西图辛格先生、阿赫马尔·比拉勒·苏菲先生、哈利玛·恩巴 雷克·瓦尔扎齐女士、莫娜·佐勒菲卡尔女士。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the Committee’s 8th meeting, on 12 August, Ms. Zulficar introduced draft text A/HRC/AC/7/L.4, sponsored by Mr. José Antonio Bengoa Cabello, Ms. Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Mr. Shiqiu Chen, Ms. Chisung Chung, Mr. Wolfgang Heinz, Mr. Alfred Ntunduguru Karokora, Mr. Vladimir Kartashkin, Mr. Obiora Chinedu Okafor, Ms. Anantonia Reyes Prado, Mr. Shigeki Sakamoto, Mr. Dheerujlall Seetulsingh, Mr. Ahmer Bilal Soofi, Ms. Halima Embarek Warzazi and Ms. Mona Zulficar. daccess-ods.un.org |
本文件就是这段历史的纳瓦特尔语版本,使用的是可能带 有 耶稣会 影 响 的高雅纳瓦特尔语。 wdl.org | The present document is the Nahuatl version of this history, written in a cultured [...] Nahuatl with possible Jesuit influences. wdl.org |
星之子 (Tiernapojat) 的传统,是来自圣经东方三王(又名三位 贤 士 ) 朝 拜圣 婴 耶稣 , 和后来希律王为了消灭耶稣,下令把伯利恒一带两岁以内的男孩全部杀光的故事。 visitfinland.com | The Tiernapojat (literally, ‘star boys’) tradition, which draws on the legend of the Three Kings and the slaughter of young males, is enacted in Helsinki streets by groups of lads hoping for a coin or two. visitfinland.com |
此外,特 别报告员并从以下的国际组织收到了回复:难民署、联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组 织)、国际移徙组织(移徙组织)和以下的非政府组织:大赦国际、阿根廷公民社会协会、庇护 [...] 机会、伯特尔斯曼基金会、国际天主教儿童局、边缘儿童、保护儿童国际、荷兰难民事务理 事会、信仰与至福会、难民教育信托基金会、Gewerschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft、人权观 [...] 察、匈牙利赫尔辛基委员会、韩国移民联合理 事 会 、 耶稣会 难 民 服务社、国际无证件难民问 题合作平台和救助儿童组织。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, the Special Rapporteur also received replies from the following international organizations: UNHCR, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), International Organization for Migration (IOM) and from the following NGOs: Amnesty International, Asociación de Derechos Civiles de Argentina, Asylum Access, Bertelsmann Foundation, Bureau International Catholique de l’Enfance (et al.), Children on the Edge, Defense for Children International, Dutch Refugee Council, Fe y Alegria, Foundation for the Refugee Education Trust, Gewerschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft, Human Rights Watch, Hungarian [...] Helsinki Committee, Joint Committee with [...] Migrants in Korea, Jesuit Refugee Service, Platform [...]for International Cooperation [...]on Undocumented Migrants and Save the Children. daccess-ods.un.org |
在其第 65/245 号决议同一节第 4 段中,大会满意 地注意到秘书处已根据以 往的决议做出了照顾东正教耶稣受难 节以及法定假日开斋节和宰牲节的安排。 daccess-ods.un.org | In paragraph 4 of the same section of its resolution 65/245, the General Assembly noted with satisfaction that the Secretariat had taken into account the arrangements referred to in its previous resolutions concerning Orthodox Good Friday and the official holidays of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. daccess-ods.un.org |