

单词 耳闻目睹

See also:


hear of
hear about


eyes and ears
sb's attention or notice

耳目 n

information n
knowledge n


see with one's own eyes
see at first hand

External sources (not reviewed)

新的传播和公众宣传战略的首要目标是重新使教科文组织的职责、计划及其关注的事 项被人们耳闻目睹,成 为公众舆论关注的焦点。
The overriding goal of the new communication and public information strategy is to bring UNESCO’s mandate, programmes and concerns back into the public eye and at the centre of public debates.
在选举之日,外国外交官和闻社 目睹 了投 票和计票。
On the day of the election,
[...] foreign diplomats and news agencies witnessed the [...]
casting and counting of the ballots.
同時,我亦耳聞目睹很多 長者勞碌大半生後,落得令人心酸的晚年生活情況,實在令 我於心不忍,這也是對香港這麼富庶的社會一個強烈的控訴。
At the same time, I have also heard and seen many instances [...]
involving elderly people who, having toiled for the greater
part of their lives, ended up in pitiable circumstances in their old age.
目睹新闻自由 和基本民主原则遭到攻 击,也有若干反对派人士被捕。
We have witnessed attacks on freedom of [...]
the press and on basic principles of democracy, with a number of opposition figures having been arrested.
请在下面登记您的产品,我们将确保您收到产品更新 耳 麦 新 闻 等。
Register your product below and we will make sure you receive
[...] product updates, headset news and more.
2.1 1993年10月4 日,申诉人、其表弟及一个朋目睹 了 对 土 耳 其 Si irt附近 Daltepe
2.1 On 4 October 1993, the complainant, his cousin,
[...] and a friend, witnessed an attack on the village of Daltepe, near Siirt, in Turkey.
總督答(譯文):唔,首先請容我說,我歡迎這位議員完成北京歷奇之旅回來(眾笑), 因為我知道從報章或電耳聞目睹的 事 或許並非總是可信的。
GOVERNOR: Well, first of all, if I may say so, I welcome the honourable lady back from her adventures in Peking, (Laughter) recognizing that perhaps one should not always believe what one reads in the newspapers or yet sees on the television.
该决议草案的提案国出于个人利益对这一修正案耳不闻,提出的论据不足,其行为阻碍了在一切情 况下,消除对妇女一切形式暴力这一伟 目 标 的实 现。
The sponsors of the draft
[...] resolution had turned a deaf ear and had made weak arguments motivated by personal interests, thereby hampering achievement of the noble goal of eliminating all [...]
forms of violence
against women in all circumstances.
當然,當局會說,必須由投訴人講述證供,這當然要由他自己講述當時 的情況、處於甚麼處境耳聞目睹了 甚 麼,“聞”到甚麼,看到甚麼等,那 當然要由他自己講述,其他人或議員助理是不能代投訴人回答,說例如 4 月 27 日他在巴士站看到誰,那細節只能由投訴人自己回答,對嗎?
The complainant certainly has to present his case himself, and other people or Members' assistants cannot answer questions on his behalf.
长期以来,世界一直在纵容专制政权,对它们 镇压自己公民的行为漠视不顾,并且对要求自由和尊 重基本人权的呼声耳不闻。
For too long, the world condoned autocratic regimes, looked away
from the repression of their own
[...] citizens, and turned a deaf ear to the calls for freedom [...]
and for the respect of basic human rights.
将举办一个关于“面临危机非政府组织的承诺:志愿者的价值 观和意义”的园桌会议和目分别为“与卡桑德拉共舞:决策者真的对科学家的提醒 耳不 闻?
A Round Table will be held on “The commitment of NGOs in the crisis: the value and scope of voluntary work” and workshops will be
organized on two
[...] sub-themes respectively titled “Dancing with Cassandra: are decision-makers well and truly deaf to scientists’ warnings?
想必读者们有耳闻,中国长期以来都是抗生素滥用的“重灾区”, 目 前 政 府也加大了对抗生素滥用的监管力度。
Do people know there is a lot of unhealthy resistance to antibiotics here in China?
大家可以 透過電視機,甚至親身前來議事耳 聞 目睹 整 個 調查過程的進行,讓 自己作出結論。
Everybody can, by watching television or attending the hearing in person, learn about the course of the investigation, so as to draw his own conclusion.
我们仍目睹这种 走私活动造成的破坏性后果, 上月哈马斯恐怖组织的成员使用他们走私进入加沙 地带的反坦克导弹,攻击并完全击毁了一辆行驶在以 色列南部的校车,导致汽车司机受伤和一名 16 岁的 少年死亡。
We continued to witness the devastating consequences of this smuggling activity when, last month, members of the Hamas terrorist organization used an anti-tank missile that they had smuggled into the Gaza Strip to strike and completely destroy a school bus travelling in southern Israel, injuring the bus driver and killing a 16-year-old child.
(d) 除了(c)項所述者外,為避免任何可能發生的 問題及確保秉行公正時目共睹,小 組所有法 官均不應聆訊任何在調查過程中曾獲批司法 授權的案件。
(d) Further to (c), to avoid any possible problems and to ensure that justice is seen to be done, all Panel Judges should be excluded from hearing cases where in the course of investigation a judicial authorization has been obtained.
这个阶目睹了联合国机构对于计划制定和实施的观念开始在变化,它的方法方式不 断增多。
The period saw the beginnings of a perceptible change in the cumulative approach of the United Nations agencies towards programme development and implementation.
1983年,Ursula首次來到阿富汗,親 目睹 當 地 兒童的悲慘生活,於是她便決定參加當地一間臨時學校的教學計劃。
In 1983, Ursula arrived for first time in Afghanistan and saw for herself the misery of children in the camps.
以下代表团提到了法律框架方面的发展:罗马尼亚提到以色列于 2007 年颁 布《刑事诉讼法》和修正 1998 年《闻自由法》;耳其和 拉脱维亚提到《两性 平等法 》 ; 希腊提到以色列颁布《 [...]
妇 女平等权利法》 ; 菲 律 宾 和 罗马尼亚提到
2006 年 《 反贩卖人口 法 》。
The following delegations made reference to developments in the legal framework: Romania referred to the enactment of the Criminal
Procedure Law in 2007 and
[...] amendments to the 1998 Freedom of Information Act; Turkey and Latvia to [...]
the Gender Implications
Legislation; Greece to the enactment of the Equal Rights for Women Law; and the Philippines and Romania to the 2006 anti-trafficking law.
继 2006 年第一阶段开展多项提高认识活动后,又实施了四项新的地方节目项目,内容涉及: (i)在玻利维亚、肯尼亚、秘鲁和西伯利亚(俄罗斯联邦)确定了新的群体和培训机构;(ii) “最后的说书人”项目,与来自俄罗斯联邦西伯利亚的多尔干土著人民合作,记录他们的生活和文
化传统;(iii)“电视农村氏族公社”项目,与玻利维亚的农村氏族公社和 Markas 社区合作,记 录在玻利维亚土著运动大背景下的故事;(iv)关于肯尼亚马塞人社区如何促进文化敏感的地方发
[...] 展以及保护他们的文化和生物资源的纪录片;(v)秘鲁 Matsiguengas 人的纪实和调查闻项目。
Following awareness-raising activities carried out during the first semester of 2006, four new local content production projects were launched, involving five new communities: (i) new groups and training institutions were identified in Bolivia, Kenya, Peru and Siberia (Russian Federation); (ii) the “Last Story Teller” project, with the Dolgan indigenous people from Siberia, Russian Federation, documenting their life and cultural traditions; (iii) the project “TV Ayllu” with the Ayllus and Markas communities from Bolivia documenting their story within the larger context of the indigenous movement in Bolivia; (iv) a documentary on how a Massai community in Kenya promotes culturally sensitive local development and the protection of their cultural
and biological resources; (v) a documentary
[...] and investigative journalism project by and with the [...]
Matsiguengas from Peru.
奥尔加也经目睹父亲 殴打她的母亲和弟妹们。
Olga would also witness her father beat her mother and her siblings on a regular basis.
议员们有责任确保民间社会不至困在 耳 不 闻 的 政 府和冷漠 无情的市场之间走投无路。
It is up to parliamentarians to ensure that civil society is not trapped between States that do not listen and markets that do not care.
它敦促厄立特里亚同国际社会合作,以便结束次区域的不安定局面;制定 旨在帮助长期冲突的受害者康复的国家行动计划;以及修 目 前 适 用于 闻 机构 和人权组织的规定。
It urged Eritrea to cooperate with the international community to end the instability in the subregion, to develop a national plan of action for the rehabilitation of the victims of the successive conflicts and to revise the rules applicable to press bodies and human rights organizations.
(1A) 警 務 人 員 可 依 據 第 ( 1 ) 款 的 規 定 , 行 使 權 力 , 逮 捕 任 何 人 士
[...] , 不 用 有 供 此 用 的 任 何 令 狀 , 而 且 不 論 他 有目 睹 任 何 罪 行 被 觸 犯 。
(1A) A police officer may exercise the power to apprehend
a person under subsection (1) without any
[...] warrant for that purpose and whether or not he has seen any offence [...]
3.4 提交人指出,Djebrouni 家属求助的政府机构不承认拘留了受害者;通过国 家人权观察站的途径,缔约国明确否认军人逮捕了 Kamel
[...] Djebrouni;至今阿尔 及利亚政府还未承认非法逮捕和拘留了该公民,而这一逮捕是在证 目睹 的 情况 下发生的。
3.4 The author notes that the authorities approached by the Djebrouni family failed to admit to holding the victim; that the State party explicitly denied, through the National Human Rights Observatory, that Kamel Djebrouni had been arrested by soldiers; that the Algerian authorities have
still not admitted to arresting and illegally
[...] detaining him even though the arrest took place in the [...]
presence of witnesses.
勞永樂議員(譯文):主席女士,在香港獲得世界 生組織從 SARS 疫區名單 上除名後的第八天,香港立目睹了自 1989 年以來最龐大的示威遊行。
DR LO WING-LOK: Madam President, eight days after the name of Hong Kong was taken off the World Health Organization's list of SARS infected areas, Hong Kong witnessed the biggest protest march since 1989.
论坛18 新闻社提到,耳其作 为欧洲安全与合作组织( 欧安组织) 参与国已 经同意采取措施,“特别是在教育领域防止偏见和误导”,如通过了《关于公立 [...]
F18NS mentioned that, as a participating State of the
Organisation for Security and
[...] Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Turkey has agreed to implement [...]
measures “to counter prejudices
and misrepresentation, particularly in the field of education” like the Toledo Guiding Principles on Teaching about Religions and Beliefs in Public Schools.
叙利亚政权 对本国人民的呼声,以及国际社会的一切呼吁,包括 阿盟及其亲密伙伴的呼吁,耳不闻 , 沉 迷于实施日 益血腥的镇压和日益野蛮的暴力。
Deaf to the voice of its people and to all the appeals of the international community, including those of the Arab League and its close partners, the regime has plunged into ever more bloody repression and ever more brutal violence.
2011 年,“阿拉伯之春”在世界各地再次唤起了对公民行动的信心并催化了 “占领华尔街”等公民运动,因为那些通常被贴上“普通公民”标签的人们对于 被困在耳不闻的政 府和冷漠无情的市场之间走投无路的情况终于失去了耐心。
In 2011, the Arab Spring had renewed faith in citizen action around the world and catalysed citizen movements such as Occupy Wall Street, as the people often labelled “ordinary citizens” finally lost patience with being trapped between States that did not listen and markets that did not care.




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