单词 | 耡 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 翡—green jadekingfisher耡—hoeExamples:翡翠n—jaden leapn 翡翠—emerald halcyon feitsui
此外, ROGER DUBUIS是除了百达翡丽之外,唯一一个确保其每一个内部制造的机芯符合享有声望的日内瓦印记钟表制造标准的品牌。 iontime.ch | On top, Roger Dubuis is the only watch manufacture besides Patek Philippe, who ensures that every one of its in-house movements meets the standards of the prestigious Hallmark of Geneva. iontime.ch |
深浅不一的绿色翡翠的玫瑰金表壳的钻石表盘,周围环绕着镀铬电气石长棍面包。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Shades of green jade made out of diamonds dial and surrounded Chrome tourmaline baguette in a rose gold case. en.horloger-paris.com |
缅甸翡翠、红宝石蓝宝石以及天然珍珠闻名于世。 shangri-la.com | Burma is famous for its jade, rubies, sapphires and natural pearls. shangri-la.com |
百达翡丽Calibre 89的复杂功能包括月相、复活节日期、日出日落的时间、恒星时和i星相。 swissworld.org | The complications of the Patek Philippe Calibre 89 include the phases of the moon, the date of Easter, the times of sunrise and sunset, indications of sidereal time and a star chart. swissworld.org |
然後选择“钻石白色,粉红色或黄色的”卷曲雪“绿玉髓,翡翠,绿松石或蛇形盘之间的蛇蠍美人。 zh.horloger-paris.com | The femme fatale then choose between the discs diamond white, pink or yellow "crimped snow" in chrysoprase, jade, turquoise or serpentine. en.horloger-paris.com |
棒棰岛景区位于大连市以东5公里处,岛上风景如画,绵延的沙滩和翡翠般起伏的绿色丘陵让人流连忘返。 shangri-la.com | 5 kilometres east of Dalian is Bangchui Island, a scenic retreat of sweeping sandy beaches and emerald rolling hills. shangri-la.com |
零售商亦须在供应地点的显 眼位置展示订明格式的告示,告知顾客关於天然翡翠、钻石、黄金、 黄金合金、白金或白金合金的定义,以及供应商须就该等商品发出详 细发票或收据的责任。 legco.gov.hk | The retailers are also required to display prominently at the point of supply prescribed notices informing customers respectively of the definitions of natural fei cui, diamond, gold, gold alloy, platinum or platinum alloy and the supplier's obligation to issue a detailed invoice or receipt. legco.gov.hk |
翡翠是和谐与诱惑的象徵,让人想起年轻优雅的现代女性,天真而活泼并不自觉的散发出诱惑魅力。 aster.com.hk | Jade is a symbol of harmony and temptation, is reminiscent of a modern and elegant young women are not consciously naive and lively and the dissemination of the charm of a temptation. aster.com.hk |
该命令亦规定商店 须在供应地点显眼位置展示210 毫米 x 297 毫米的告示,让顾 客知道“天然翡翠”一词的定义,以及供应商在完成交易时, 有责任发出一张载列制品详情的发票或收据,并保存副本。 legco.gov.hk | The Order will also require traders to display prominently a notice measuring 210 mm x 297 mm at the point of supply to inform customers of the definition of “natural Fei Cui” and the supplier’s duty to produce an invoice or receipt when a transaction is concluded, to retain a copy of the invoice or receipt, as well as the details to be included in the invoice or receipt. legco.gov.hk |
灵感来自於翡翠所代表的典雅与纯粹。 aster.com.hk | Inspiration from the elegant emerald and represent pure. aster.com.hk |
而有关相片亦将于同日香港时间2230 (GMT 1430) 起上载于邵逸夫奖网站www.shawprize.org。有关卫星发放之安排详见附录。邵逸夫奖颁奖礼电视特辑将于9月22日香港时间2300–2330及9月24日香港时间1835–1900分别在无线电视翡翠台和明珠台播出。 shawprize.org | Photographs will be uploaded the same day at Hong Kong time 2230 (GMT 1430) on the website www.shawprize.org. The ceremony program will be broadcast on HKTVB Jade and Pearl Channels on 22 September at Hong Kong time 2300–2330 and on 24 September at Hong Kong time 1835–1900 respectively. shawprize.org |
蓝色翡翠的烟壶之所以常常带粉红色碧玺盖是因为碧玺鲜明的粉红色更能显出翡翠绿的蓝色。 e-yaji.com | One reason why tourmaline stoppers are nearly always found on bottles of anything approaching blue colour is because the vibrant pink of the material emphasizes the blueness of the jadeite. e-yaji.com |
这种新草蜻蛉——研究人员将它命名为饰草蛉属翡翠(Semachrysa jade),这一命名并不是来源于它通身的碧绿色,而是来源于首席研究者的女儿的名字——可能代表了许多这类新发现的领军者往往来自于与大自然亲密接触的摄影师和泡在办公室中的科学家的相互协作。 chinese.eurekalert.org | The new species—dubbed Semachrysa jade, not for its green color but for the lead researcher’s daughter—may represent the vanguard of many such finds made possible by collaborations between nature photographers and office-bound scientists. chinese.eurekalert.org |
百达翡丽推出Ref.5208三重复杂功能腕表,这项成就再次表明公司日内瓦工坊在复杂功能腕表领域的领先地位。 patek-institutional.com | Patek Philippe launched a Triple Complication, Ref. 5208, an accomplishment that, once again, underscores the leadership of the Geneva workshops in the complicated watch segment. patek-institutional.com |
根据Vontobel调查报告显示,全球十大制表商除以上提到的七个外,还包括Fossil(美国)、百达翡丽(瑞士)和爱彼(瑞士),它们共同组成了全球制表销售总额的三分之二。 wthejournal.com | Lastly, again according to the Vontobel report, the world top ten watchmakers – the seven mentioned above with the addition of Fossil (USA), Patek Philippe (CH) and Audemars Piguet (CH) – are the source of two thirds of watch sales in the world. wthejournal.com |
1967年,一款以翡翠为表盘,于表面镶嵌祖母绿和钻石的珠宝腕表问世,并成为当时美国总统夫人杰奎琳‧肯尼迪(Jacqueline Kennedy)的最爱。 piaget.com.cn | In 1967, one such watch set with emeralds and diamonds in the bezel and a jade dial was the favourite of Jacqueline Kennedy. piaget.com |
新闻片段播出时间,请勿超过3分钟(整个颁奖礼过程将于今年9月22日香港时间23002330及9月24日香港时间18351900分别于无线电视翡翠台及明珠台录播)。 shawprize.org | The duration of the excerpt news footage cannot exceed 3 minutes (the Award Presentation Ceremony will be broadcast on HKTVB Jade and Pearl on 22 September at Hong Kong time 2300–2330 and on 24 September at Hong Kong time 1835-1900 respectively). shawprize.org |
澳门四季酒店的鸣诗餐厅现推出海鲜盛会自助晚餐,於世界各地搜罗精选海鲜,海鲜爱好者可一次过大啖波士顿龙虾、纽西兰蓝青口、翡翠螺及加拿大雪蟹,可谓一流享受!四季酒店行政总厨高伟士将率领来自不同地方的厨师,炮制各国美食,更会特别设计多款精选甜品,令食客大饱口福。 yp.mo | Not only offering delicious seafood such as Boston Lobsters, New Zealand Blue Lips Mussels, Hokkaido Scallops and Canadian Snow crab, Four Seasons Hotel Macau’s Executive and his international culinary team will present a series of dishes from different countries as well as delightful desserts. yp.mo |
在近期有关绿色策略的《Rooftops to Rivers II》报告中,自然资源保护委员会给予费城最高评分,将其评为美国领先的「翡翠之城」。 impeller.xyleminc.com | In its recent “Rooftops to Rivers II” report on green strategies, NRDC gave Philadelphia its top score and ranked it the leading “Emerald City” in the US. impeller.xyleminc.com |
备受赞誉的翡翠36餐厅曾荣获各种奖项,如《葡萄酒鉴赏家》杂志的最高奖项(美国)、“中国10佳商务餐厅”、《亚洲最佳餐厅指南》评选的“亚洲最好餐厅”之一,以及《Tatler》杂志评选的“上海最好的餐厅”之一。 diningcity.com | Jade on 36 is an award-winning restaurant that has been recognized by Wine Spectator as one of the top 10 business restaurants in China, and also features in Tatler Shanghai’s list of best restaurants. diningcity.com |
百达翡丽将1997年推出的Aquanaut男士休闲运动腕表缩小,以适应女性手腕,推出拥有实用的石英机芯的Ref.4960腕表。 patek-institutional.com | The Aquanaut model, launched in 1997 as a men's casual sports watch, was adapted in size to fit the feminine wrist with the Ref. 4960, which has a practical quartz movement. patek-institutional.com |
由香港作曲家及作词家协会(CASH)主办,香港电视广播有限公司及香港电台第二台协办,通利琴行全力支持的「第23届CASH流行曲创作大赛」总决赛已於2011年12月3日假将军澳电视广播城隆重举行,并由无綫电视翡翠台及香港电台第二台播出。 cash.org.hk | The Final Concert of The 23rd CASH Song Writers Quest, organised by CASH and co-organised by TVB and RTHK Radio 2, with the support of Tom Lee Music, was successfully held at TVB City, Tseung Kwan O and broadcasted on TVB Jade and RTHK Radio 2 on 3 December 2011. cash.org.hk |
凭六福贵宾卡前往六福珠宝、Luvina璐云廊及Iceg.专柜购买钻石、天然翡翠、珍珠、宝石、K金首饰或Luvina璐云廊旗下货品(钟表货品除外),每一元港币、人民币或葡币可赚取一分,购买黄金或铂金首饰(金条及金粒除外),每三元港币、人民币或葡币可赚取一分*。 lukfook.com | Simply present you Lukfook VIP/ VISA card at Lukfook Jewellery, Luvina Jewelers and Ice g., and purchase diamond, natural fei cui (jadeite), pearl, gemstones, K-gold items or products of Luvina Jewelers (timepieces excluded), you will earn 1 point for every HKD, RMB or MOP spent. lukfook.com |
系列灵感源自夏日的花园派对,美丽活泼而生机勃勃,闪耀着璀璨光华的钻石幻化为灵动的鸟儿和盛放的花朵,引领我们走入一座闪烁着翡翠和钻石的花园,玉髓与碧玺的幽幽光芒更令人情不自已。 piaget.com.hk | Inspired by a typical summer garden-party, the vivacious collection contains animated diamond-set birds and precious sparkly blossoms as the pieces transport you to a garden full of Emeralds and Diamonds with flashes of chalcedony and pink tourmalines. piaget.com |
为配合由公民教育委员会与香港电台电视部联合制作的「文化长河─山川行」国情教育电视节目,于2012年3月31日至6月2日期间逢星期六晚上8时正于无线电视翡翠台播映,相关的展览现正举行。 cpce.gov.hk | To tie-in with the showing of the national education television programmes namely "Cultural Heritage 2012", co-produced by the Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education and the Radio Television Hong Kong, on every Saturday at 8 pm from 31 March to 2 June 2012 on TVB Jade, related exhibition is being held. cpce.gov.hk |
欧阳秋眉老师以地质学的观点研究翡翠,将翡翠的矿物组成、颜色、结构、构造和裂隙有机地结合在一起,揭示了翡翠的规律为认识翡翠提供了科学的依据和方法,指导了对翡翠及处理翡翠的鉴定工作及对翡翠原石判别,使我们对翡翠的认识有了「质」的飞跃。 hkgems.com.hk | Mrs. Ou Yang fall eyebrow by the geology viewpoint research jadeite, the jadeite mineral composition, the color, the structure, the structure and the crevasse organically unifies in together, has promulgated the jadeite rule for knew the jadeite has provided the science basis and the method, has instructed identify the work to the jadeite and the processing jadeite and distinguished to the jadeite original stone, causes us had "the nature" to the jadeite understanding the leap. hkgems.com.hk |
爱尔兰位于欧洲西端,被称为“翡翠岛国”,除了拥有丰富的自然美景之外,它还因其独特的花园而着名,因为爱尔兰的花园拥有众多包含众多奇异的绿色植物、神奇的暖房和迷人的气氛。 discoverireland.com | Perched on the western edge of Europe, it’s not hard to see why Ireland has become known as the Emerald Isle. But as well as a landscape bounteous in natural beauty, Ireland is also famed for its hauntingly beautiful cultivated gardens with exotic, verdurous plants, mystical greenery and intriguing character. discoverireland.com |