


hoe up soil around plants



hover at height


hang gliding
hang glider


circle (in the sky)

External sources (not reviewed)

上一个专家组对科特迪瓦可可业提出了翔实报告(见 S/2009/521,第 211-248 段),本专家组继续对以下方面进行调查。
The previous Group of Experts reported extensively on the Ivorian cocoa industry (see S/2009/521, paras. 211-248), and the current Group has continued investigations in the following areas.
除了继续并有可能扩 展已经在 32 C/5 中开始实施的工作重点外,根据地区磋商的结果,新的跨部门的专题可能包 括:教师培训与信息传播技术、艾滋病毒/艾滋病预防教育、教育为可持续发展服务、妥善 处理小岛屿上发生的变化和维持岛上的多样性、多语言使用以及通过收集和使用翔实数据促 进基于证据的政策制定等。
In addition to a continuation and possible broadening of the de facto main lines of action commenced in document 32 C/5, new themes for intersectoral initiatives may include among others, drawing also on suggestions made during the regional consultations: teacher training and ICTs, HIV/AIDS prevention education, education for sustainable development, coping with change and sustaining diversities in small islands, multilingualism, and the promotion of evidence-based policy-making through the collection and use of quality data.
(B) 本公司须不时在百慕达由其不时厘定的地点(但并非於香 港)存置及保留一份完备及完整的可换股优先股及可换股 优先股股东名册,有关名册须不时载有任何可换股优先股 兑换及/或注销及销毁详情以及就取代任何损坏、涂污、 遗失、被窃或损毁股票而发行的任何替代股票的发行详 情,以及所有可换股优先股股东的翔实身份资料。
(B) The Company shall maintain and keep a full and complete register at such location in Bermuda (but not in Hong Kong) as it shall from time to time determine of the Convertible Preference Shares and the CP Shareholders from time to time, such register shall contain details of conversion and/or cancellation and the destruction of any Convertible Preference Shares and the issue of any replacement Certificates issued in substitution for any mutilated, defaced, lost, stolen or destroyed Certificates and of sufficient identification details of all CP Shareholders from time to time.
除上文所披露者外及於最後实际可行日期,李正邦先生、高翔先生及刘肇晖先生各自 於过往三年内概无在任何其他上市公司担当任何董事职位,彼等各自亦无於本集团任何成 员公司担当任何职务,与本公司其他董事、高级管理人员、主要股东或控股股东概无任何关 系,亦无在本公司拥有其他股份权益(定义见证券及期货条例(香港法例第571章)第XV部)。
LI Zhengbang, GAO Xiang and LAU Siu Fai did not hold any directorship in any other listed public companies in the last three years and does not hold any position in any member of the Group, nor does each of them have any relationship with any other Directors, senior management, substantial shareholders or controlling shareholders of the Company or any interests in the shares of the Company within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong).
媒体大量采用这些新闻信息充分反映了它们在这些事件上对教科文组织的关注。这个 现象再次表明,除个别情况外,吸引媒体注意力最有效的方式,就是制作出内容翔实,及时 可靠,并且凡有可能都辅以数据说明的报道素材。
Large volumes of press clippings reflect the very significant media attention received by UNESCO on these occasions These, once again, demonstrate that with few exceptions the surest way to attract media attention is to produce solid, up-to-date reports laden, wherever possible, with comparative statistics.
委内瑞拉代表团坚决支持特别委员会的工作, 欢迎委员会提交的出色而翔实的报告,并且与其他 代表团共同呼吁以色列立即结束在被占领土的存 在,以此作为实现中东全面、公正和持久和平的先 决条件。
Her delegation firmly supported the work of the Special Committee, welcomed its excellent and detailed report and joined other delegations in calling for an immediate end to the Israeli presence in the occupied territories as a prerequisite for a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East.
鉴于安全理事会和大会必须在各自领域密切合 作,以寻求应对国际社会面临的繁多挑战的方法,我 们强调大会和安理会之间需要进行定期磋商,并及 时、有效地互通情况,以及向大会提交更全面、更具 分析性的报告,包括就目前国际关切的问题提交特别 的专题报告和发布内容翔实的新闻稿。
Given that the Security Council and the General Assembly must work closely together within their respective spheres in seeking solutions to the plethora of challenges confronting the international community, we have emphasized the need for regular consultations and the effective and timely exchange and flow of information between the Assembly and the Council, and for the submission of more comprehensive and analytical reports to the General Assembly, including special subject-oriented reports and informative press releases on current issues of international concern.
特别是,该办公室通过综合监测和文件信息系统这一在线报告系统确 保及时和翔实地提出报告,以此为基础协调非洲经委会下列工作:(a) 方案执行和管理审查 会议;(b) 方案执行情况报告;(c) 为秘书长的联合国工作年度报告提供投入;(d) 提交政 府间机构和监督机构的报告。
In particular, the Office ensures timely and evidence-based reporting through an online reporting system, the Integrated Monitoring and Documentation Information System, as a basis for its coordination of ECA (a) programme performance and management review meetings; (b) programme performance reports; (c) inputs to the annual report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Organization; and (d) reports to intergovernmental and oversight bodies.
我们观看飞鸟的翱翔,凝望天空中的星星;我们观察猫 的敏捷动作或者研究岩石的形成;我们惊讶於贝壳的美麗,同时瞪大眼睛阅讀着新的发 现。
We watch a bird fly or we gaze at the stars; we observe the physical agility of a cat or study the formation of a rock; we marvel at a seashell and read with astonishment about a new discovery.
我要感谢目前还担任非洲联盟(非盟)主席的安 全理事会主席国利比亚组织这次公开辩论,感谢秘书 长作内容翔实的通报,并感谢普罗迪先生代表秘书长 设立的非洲联盟-联合国小组介绍报告(S/2008/ 813)。
I would like to thank the Libyan presidency of the Security Council, which currently also holds the chairmanship of the African Union (AU), for organizing this open debate; the Secretary-General for his informative briefing; and Mr. Prodi for introducing the report (S/2008/813) on behalf of the African Union-United Nations panel established by the Secretary-General.
The allegorizing tendencies he inherited from his spiritual father, Ambrose, carry him now and then into extravagances, but more often he rather soars than commentates, and his "In Genesim ad litteram", and his treatises on the Psalms and on St. John, are works of extraordinary power and interest, and quite worthy, in a totally different style, to rank with Chrysostom on Matthew.
非政府组织也向委员会提交了书面文件,在与 委员会成员举行电话会议期间,他们更加翔实地阐述了所发生的事件,以引起以 色列当局和巴勒斯坦方面的重视。
NGOs also made written submissions to the Committee and during teleconferences with the Committee members further documented incidents they had brought to the attention of authorities in Israel and on the Palestinian side.
Adrenalin junkies will get a good hit in Ireland – the country’s dramatic landscape makes it perfect for abseiling, bungee, caving, mountain biking, hand gliding and skydiving.
他解释了政府的构想, 即建设国家机构的能力,使它们能够发挥联刚特派团目前发挥的作用,他强调现 在是让这个国家“用自己的翅膀飞翔”的时候了。
He explained his Government’s vision of building the capacity of national institutions to enable them to assume the role that MONUC is currently playing, stressing that it was now time to allow the country “to fly with its own wings”.
(10) 本 条 内 有 关 搜 查 车 辆 纪 录 的 规 定 亦 应 适 用 於 船 只 、 飞 机 及 飞 翔 船 。
(10) The requirements imposed by this section with regard to records of searches of vehicles shall apply also to records of searches of vessels, aircraft and hovercraft.
该报告提案最初提交第五十三次会议,委员会在该次会议上决定“推迟审议为欧洲 和中亚区域臭氧网络提供以情报为主导的执法支持,同时要求环境规划署在未来会期重新 向执行委员会提交一份更翔实的提案”(第 53/19(c)号决定)。
This project proposal was initially submitted to the 53rd Meeting where the Committee decided to “defer consideration of the intelligence-led enforcement support for the Regional Ozone Network for Europe and Central Asia (ECA) and to request UNEP to resubmit a more comprehensive proposal to the Executive Committee at a future Meeting” (decision 53/19(c)).
特别报告员于 2011 年 8 月 1 日正式接受履行此项任务的责任,他后来通知 秘书处,由于对他的任命来得太迟,他无法提交一份内容翔实的报告,但会把重 点放在提出拟议工作方法以及记载伊朗伊斯兰共和国人权状况的最新趋势上。
The Special Rapporteur officially assumed responsibility for the mandate on 1 August 2011 and has since notified the Secretariat that, owing to his late appointment, he would not be in a position to present a substantive report, but would focus instead on presenting his proposed methodology and cataloguing the most recent trends in the human rights situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
All L'AVION’s medical travel products made to its exclusive customers are top level, unique and unduplicated, including the anti-aging tour to Switzerland Biotonus Clinique where medical service has been made for presidents; early stage comprehensive Cancer prevention examination and comprehensive cerebral examination tour to Seijukai Japan; Relaxing tour to the places on the edge of the earth to release pressure; Medical Spa tour to European private site to make body and spirit healthy… All these products are designed according to special needs, by expert designers with the help of 24 hour private butler service, allowing you to enjoy extraordinary travel experience, learn the beauty of life, of livelihood and of the world.
2011年报告的印刷版本和PDF版本是 一份将利乐战略重点和实现路径予以提纲 挈领式呈现的高阶文本;网页版则提供了 更多翔实案例,以及通过多媒体互动来解 读我们如何实施影响。
The printed and pdf versions of this 2011 report provide a high-level document outlining our priorities and approach.
开幕式於是日晚上七时举行,出席主礼嘉宾包括中央人民政府驻澳门特别行政区联络办公室经济部副部长陈翔先生、澳门特别行政区政府旅游局局长安栋梁先生、澳门特别行政区政府民政总署管理委员会副主席李伟农先生、美高梅中国控股有限公司董事长及执行董事何超琼小姐、美高梅中国控股有限公司联席董事长 Jim Murren 先生,以及美高梅中国控股有限公司首席执行官及执行董事简博贤先生,与在场一众宾客共同见证「翩蝶馆」的盛大开幕。
João Antunes, Director of Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO); Mr. Lei Wai Nong, Vice Chairman of the Administration Committee of Instituto Para Os Assuntos Cívicos E Municipais (IACM); Ms. Pansy Ho, Chairperson and Executive Director of MGM China Holdings Limited; Mr. Jim Murren, Co-Chairperson of MGM China Holdings Limited and Mr. Grant R. Bowie, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of MGM China Holdings Limited.
它还负责确保参选的候选人在获得提名时翔实公布财 产,并有在全国利用媒体和竞选的平等机会。
It also ensures that candidates make a full declaration of their assets at the time of nomination and that they have equal access to the media and equal opportunity to campaign throughout the country.
城市规划师卢西奥·科斯塔(Lucio Costa)和建筑师奥斯卡·尼迈尔(Oscar Niemeyer)认为城市中的一切元素都应该与城市的整体设计相吻合,巴西利亚城的城市布局常常被形容为“飞翔的鸟”,因为城市的行政管理区域和居民住宅区域布局对称,同时城中的每个建筑物也都是对称的,特别是政府办公楼,体现了极强的创新精神和丰富的想象力。
Urban planner Lucio Costa and architect Oscar Niemeyer intended that every element – from the layout of the residential and administrative districts (often compared to the shape of a bird in flight) to the symmetry of the buildings themselves – should be in harmony with the city’s overall design.
(b) 以色列电视节目“飞翔的厨师”一集的开头是宣传联合国的部分,是在 总部拍摄的,代表和工作人员参加了食品品尝/评比
(b) An episode of the Israeli television show “The Flying Chef”, with an initial United Nations informational segment, was shot at Headquarters, with delegates and staff participating in food tasting/judging
在减少粘度方面,路博润英国技术中心的Gareth Brown博士通过翔实的数据展示了粘度和粘指剂对多种其他参数的影响,包括摩擦性能、抗磨损性和总体效率。
On the issue of decreasing viscosity, Dr. Gareth Brown of Lubrizol’s Technology Center in the UK provided comprehensive data showing the influence of viscosity and VI improvers on a complex matrix of other parameters including friction profiles, wear protection and overall efficiency.
常设论坛欢迎儿基会的参与,注意到其代表团规模庞大,并对儿基 会关于为支持土着人民而开展活动的内容丰富翔实的报告(E/C.19/2011/7)表示 赞赏。
The Permanent Forum welcomed the participation of UNICEF, noted its large delegation and expressed appreciation for its detailed and informative report on activities in support of indigenous peoples (E/C.19/2011/7).
秘书处还认识到,氟氯烃淘汰管理计划的项目编制工作包括制定一项关于氟氯烃淘 汰的支配性国家战略,以及内容翔实的第一阶段,其中,后者应详述各国于 2013 年实现冻 结和可能于 2015 年实现 10%的削减目标所需的资金。
The Secretariat is also cognizant of the fact that the project preparation for the HPMP will comprise the development of an overarching national strategy for the phase out of HCFCs as well as a fully developed Stage 1 which will detail the funds required by each country to meet the freeze in 2013 and possibly the 10 percent reduction target in 2015.
诸如LED(发 光二极管)和OLED(有机电致发光二极管)的 照明技术将营造美观的车内照明以及翔实的信息 显示,并对前方道路及其附近区域提供可靠的照 明。
The latest lighting techniques such as LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) and OLEDs (Organic Light Emitting Diodes) ensure pleasing and informative lighting of the interior and the safe illumination of the road ahead and its surroundings.
潜泳或借助呼吸器具潜水、任何种类的危险攀爬或攀山、探索洞穴、跳伞、特技跳伞、悬挂式滑翔、滑翔、伞滑翔、热气球飞行、小型飞机飞行活动 (micro-lighting)、高空弹绳跳、涉及爆炸品的活动(如爆竹及烟花)、户外冬季运动,如滑雪和用滑雪板滑雪 (snowboarding)、骑马打猎或需要驾驶或骑乘的任何种类比赛以及各种形式的专业运动。
Underwater swimming or diving involving the aid of breathing apparatus, any kind of outdoor climbing or mountaineering, pot-holing, parachuting, skydiving, hang-gliding, gliding, para-gliding, ballooning, micro-lighting, bungee-jumping, any activities involving explosive or explosion (including but not limited to firework or firecracker), outdoor winter sports such as skiing and snow-boarding, hunting on horse-back or driving or riding in any kind of race and all forms of professional sports.




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