单词 | 耆老 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 耆老 noun, plural —seniors plSee also:耆—man of sixty or seventy 老—experienced • always • of the past • outdated • of long standing • all the time • old (of people) • (of meat etc) tough • prefix used before the surname of a person or a numeral indicating the order of birth of the children in a family or indicate affection or familiarity • venerable (person)
在過去的 20 年﹐亞裔 長者公民服務中心 (AASCSC) 和 NAPCA [...] 簽有合約為 55 歲或以上 低收入長者提供耆老就業培訓計 劃﹐包括就業及培訓。 napca.org | For the past 20 years, the Asian American Senior Citizens Service Center [...] (AASCSC) has contracted with NAPCA to provide SCSEP employment and training to low-income [...] seniors who are 55 years and older. napca.org |
Elefante 太太時常 對耆老就業培訓計劃辦公室表達 感激﹐因為她覺得她的培訓工作 對她來說很有良效的﹐她亦很享 受和 Bayview Manor 的職員交 流。 napca.org | Mrs. Elefante constantly communicated her gratitude toward the SCSEP office because she felt her training assignment was very effective and she enjoyed interacting with Bayview Manor’s staff. napca.org |
全美亞太裔耆老中心恭賀芝加 哥和波士頓耆老就業培訓計劃 於去年達到所有計劃訂下的工 作目標。 napca.org | NAPCA congratulates the Chicago and Boston SCSEP projects for achieving all of the SCSEP Performance Goals for last program year. napca.org |
目前只是耆老就業 培訓計劃方面﹐NAPCA 已有 400 間非牟利社區機構和政府部門合作伙伴。 napca.org | Currently, NAPCA partners with 400 non-profit community-based organizations and government agencies through SCSEP alone. napca.org |
由於威廉是全美 亞太裔耆老中心長者環境就業 計劃的參加者而不是聯邦政府 環境保護局的職員﹐他的名字 不會在獎項內﹐但他的監督主 任要確認他是獲獎隊伍內重要 的一份子﹐而全美亞太裔耆老 中心亦認同他的成就。 napca.org | Because William is a NAPCA SEE Enrollee and not a Federal EPA employee, he will not be named on the award but his monitor wanted to be sure that he received the recognition for being an integral part of the winning team, and we at NAPCA wanted to recognize his achievement as well. napca.org |
她介紹了 NAPCA 位於橙縣的耆老就業培訓 計劃求職研討會 (Job Club) 和 亞裔長者公民服務中心的癌症計 劃。 napca.org | The visit was hosted by Donna Lin, Executive Director, who introduced the Orange County NAPCA SCSEP job club and the AASCSC cancer program. napca.org |
全美亞 太裔耆老中心第 5 區長者環 境就業計劃主任 Mei Lin 亦 邀請了美國心臟協會﹐美國癌 症協會和美國糖尿病協會設立 資訊攤位讓個別人 士可以討論這些健 康問題。 napca.org | Mei Lin, Region 5 NAPCA SEE Project Director, also invited the American Heart Association, the American Cancer Society, and the American Diabetes Association to have information booths to provide time for individuals to discuss these health issues. napca.org |
於 2011 年 6 月 3 日﹐ NAPCA 董事局成員探訪位於橙縣 的耆老就業培訓計劃次合約機 構﹐接見和觀察參加者及該機構 的職員。 napca.org | On June 3, 2011, NAPCA board members visited a SCSEP subcontractor in Orange County to meet and observe the participants and staff. napca.org |
由於政治㆖即將出現的變化,不少㆟離開香港,因而沒有留港照 顧家㆗耆老;此外,在生活指數高企的情況㆘,不少年輕家庭只有非常微薄的積蓄, [...] 不足以照顧年老的家庭成員。 legco.gov.hk | The imminent political change has diverted many out [...] of Hong Kong so that they are not here to [...] take care of the old and the high cost [...]of living has left many young families with [...]very little financial savings to look after the aged. legco.gov.hk |
亞太裔社區接受了超過 800,000 個服務 小時﹐這使到我們的合作伙伴可以加強他們目前的服務﹐並可以因 為耆老就業 培訓計劃參加者的派註和培訓而增加新的服務﹐同時擴 展他們的服務容量。 napca.org | The AAPI community received over 800,000 service hours enabling our partner agencies to enhance their existing services and build capacity by adding new services through the assignment and training of SCSEP participants. napca.org |
該 講座由全美亞太裔耆老中心 (NAPCA) 區域協調主任及大波 士頓中華耆英會行政副主任張 昆 (Kun Chang) 以英語及華 語主持。 napca.org | The presentation was facilitated in English and Chinese by Kun Chang, NAPCA Regional Coordinator and GBCGAC’s Associate Executive Director. napca.org |
一個照 顧 弱 小 、 貧 困 和 耆 老 的 社 會 是絕對不容 這 類 [...] 情況出現的 。 legco.gov.hk | A situation like this could hardly be justifiable in a society that cares for [...] the weak, the poor and the elderly. legco.gov.hk |
美國勞工部顧問 Joyce Welsh 亦提供重要培訓﹐包括過渡計 劃及計劃參加期限﹐招募接受 在職培訓計劃的機構﹐個別就 業計劃及評估目標﹐和耆老就 業培訓計劃新規例。 napca.org | U.S. Department of Labor Consultant Joyce Welsh also provided important training on transitional planning and durational limits, host agency recruitment, Individual Employment Plan and Assessment goals, and the new SCSEP regulations. napca.org |
Elefante [...] 太太相信她能獲 得聘請是因為NAPCA 耆老就業培 訓計劃辦公室給她機會學習新的 [...]技能和展示她的職業操守。 napca.org | Mrs. Elefante believes her employment resulted [...] from the NAPCA SCSEP office giving [...]her a chance to learn new skills and display her great work ethic. napca.org |
多年來您們和全美亞太裔耆老中心 (NAPCA) 合作支持耆老就業 培訓 計劃﹐也幫助了我們透過這個重要計劃為超過 10,000 個亞太裔長 者服務。 napca.org | Many of you have partnered with NAPCA through the years in support of SCSEP and have helped NAPCA serve over 10,000 AAPI seniors through this important program. napca.org |
耆老就業培訓計劃全 國總監李恩姃博士 (Dr. Eun Jeong Lee) 主持大部份培 訓﹐包括整個耆老就業培訓計 劃程序﹐從招募和登記參加者 至替他們找到一份非資助的 工作。 napca.org | SCSEP National Director Dr. Eun Jeong Lee conducted most of the training, which encompassed the entire SCSEP process, from participant [...] recruitment and [...]enrollment, to exiting for an unsubsidized job. napca.org |
經過很多個月找工作的失 敗﹐她從朋友處聽聞有關全美亞 太裔耆老中心 (NAPCA) 的耆老 就業培訓計劃 (SCSEP)﹐於是她 決定聯絡他們的辦公室。 napca.org | After many months of unsuccessful job searching, she heard about NAPCA’s Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) through a friend and decided to contact the office. napca.org |
耆老就業培訓計劃的計劃主 任李樂民 (Norman Lee) 先生 講解求職研討會的目的和它的 活動。 napca.org | Mr. Norman Lee, SCSEP project director, explained the purpose of the job club and its activities. napca.org |
當年為我們英勇作戰的男女青年 如今已成耆老。 legco.gov.hk | The gallant men and women, who fought for us while they [...] were young, are now old. legco.gov.hk |
全美亞太裔耆老中心 (NAPCA) 從華盛頓特區計劃辦公室﹔ 伊利諾州芝加哥第 5區計劃辦公室及華盛頓州西雅圖第 10 區辦公室的 3 個辦公室﹐在全國的政府機構安排富經驗的專業人士。 napca.org | NAPCA matches seasoned professionals with government agencies nationwide from three field offices: The Washington D.C. Project Office; the Region V Project Office in Chicago, IL, and the Region X Project Office in Seattle, WA. napca.org |
2012 年沒有收到耆老農產 市場營養計劃代金券的申請者在此次抽選中將 得到優先考慮。 agingkingcounty.org | Applicants who did not receive a Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program voucher in 2012 may be prioritized during selection. agingkingcounty.org |
於新聞發佈會上﹐孫李美香指出 耆老就業培訓計劃是聯邦政府的 唯一就業計劃﹐專門幫助沒有工 作的低收入長者﹐而 NAPCA 的 耆老就業培訓計劃亦是服務弱勢 亞太裔耆老社區的唯一就業計 劃。 napca.org | During the Los Angeles press conference, Miriam Suen pointed [...] out that the Senior [...] Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is the only federal employment program targeted to assist unemployed low-income seniors, and NAPCA SCSEP was the only employment program focused on serving the disadvantaged AAPI aging community. napca.org |
李議員請香港耆康老人福利會的代表解釋有關長者就業 的建議。 legco.gov.hk | Ms LI invited the representative of SAGE to elaborate [...] on the proposal on elderly employment. legco.gov.hk |
政府委託香港耆康老人福 利會統籌嘉許計劃,聯繫全港十八區的長者中心及長者學苑,提名合資格長者参加,提名期至二月二十八日止。 forum.gov.hk | The Government has commissioned the Hong [...] Kong Society for the Aged to take charge [...]of the award scheme and co-ordinate with [...]elderly centres and elder academies across the territory to nominate eligible elderly persons for the Awards. forum.gov.hk |
為響應「世界視覺日」,失智症治療隊兩位職業治療師於2008年10月9日在本會舉辦「世界視覺日,與你同行」活動中負責主講「視 障 耆老 樂 安 居–無障礙環境與失智症感官治療工作坊」,並與66名業界員工分享提供創新性感官刺激活動之經驗。 hksb.org.hk | To echo the World Sight Day, two Occupational Therapists of the Dementia Care Team [...] presented a paper on “Sensory Stimulating [...] Treatment for Demented Elderly” at the “World [...]Sight Day 2008” Seminar held on 9 October 2008. hksb.org.hk |
我們現時在眼睛護理、復康訓練、視障人士無障礙設施、視障人士訊息科技、多重殘疾兼視障人士服務,照顧患有痴呆症及需要療養照顧的視 障 耆老 服 務 ,均擁有優良的隊工。 hksb.org.hk | We now have a staff team excelling in eye care; rehabilitation; barrier-free access facilities for the blind; information communication technology for the blind; services for the multi-handicapped blind; and services for aged blind people requiring dementia care and infirmary care. hksb.org.hk |
因為時至今天,經過三十多年的爭取,由三方中央公積金,到了今天 [...] 以強積金為機制進行改革的全民退休金,希望每一位退休老人,包 括 耆老當 中 的女性,可以領取 3,000 元,但政府卻說不行,那麼,它還說甚麼尊重人、 [...]尊重婦女呢? legco.gov.hk | Because we have been fighting for the establishment of a central provident fund with tripartite contributions for some 30 years and now, we want to reform the mandatory [...] provident funds system, in the hope that [...] all retired elderly persons, including elderly women, can [...]receive $3,000 a month. legco.gov.hk |
由於耆老農產市場營養計劃 (Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program)的申請人數眾多,西雅 圖人類服務部( Seattle Human Services Department )不能為所有申請者都提供代金券。 agingkingcounty.org | Due to the large number of applicants for the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program, the Seattle Human Services Department does not have enough vouchers to provide one for each applicant. agingkingcounty.org |