

单词 考量

考量 ()

give serious consideration to sth.

External sources (not reviewed)

該決策也必須將與現有系統設計 的相容性納考量。
That decision
[...] must also include consideration of compatibility [...]
with an existing system design.
成功的适应措施将需要长期思考及详尽考量有关在区域 (跨国)、国家、次国家及地方 [...]
Successful adaptation measures will require long-term thinking
[...] and explicit consideration of climate change [...]
risks at the regional (cross-national),
national, sub-national and local levels.
以上数据显示,工作时间长、薪水偏低是请不到本地人的两大主要因素,工作环境 和地点也是重考量之一
The results show that long and irregular working hours and perceived low wages are the
major reasons that locals
[...] sniff at taking up such jobs, while another important factor is a less than desirable working environment or location.
值得一提的是在 2006
[...] 年一份来自欧盟外部的评估欧盟与中国合作计划的报告,它 批评双方在扶贫和气候变化上考量 上 缺 乏系统化的整合,项目无法反馈到政策对话 [...]
里(欧洲委员会, 2007b :附录 3.10)。
It is noteworthy that in 2006 an external evaluation of the EU’s co-operation programme with China
was critical of a lack of systematic
[...] integration of considerations on poverty reduction [...]
and climate change, and a lack
of feedback from the projects into policy dialogues (European Commission, 2007b:Annex 3.10).
上述全部人士均為SAMREC所界定的合資格人士,各人均具有與 考量 的 礦 化類型及礦床類別以及其所進行工 作相關的充足經驗(分別有22及30年經驗)。
Both are Competent Persons as defined by SAMREC and each have sufficient experience (22 and 30 years respectively) which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which they are undertaking.
以安全的 觀點而言,航空公司或許考量報告 者之建議。
Therefore, from safety’s point of view, Airline B might take the
[...] contributor’s suggestion into consideration.
基于 对美国国家利益考量,针对津巴布韦的措施可以通过 行政命令进行修改。
Measures against Zimbabwe can be modified by executive order if deemed in the U.S. national interest.
委员会将目标概念与目的概念等同起来,通过“审议该诉讼的第二部分”的 提法,采用法律上可疑的方式,将第二起诉讼附于第一起诉讼,听任与第 26
[...] 条――原本适用于第一起诉讼案(赔偿) ――有关考量分散 对属物管辖权缺失的注 意力,因此在事实与法律两方面都犯下了判决错误。
By equating the concept of object with that of purpose, by appending the second action to the first in a legally questionable manner through a reference to “consideration of the second part of the legal action”, and by allowing its attention to be
diverted from lack of jurisdiction
[...] ratione materiae by considerations relating to article [...]
26 — which could have been applied
to the first action (for restitution) — the Committee has made errors of judgement with regard to both the facts and the law.
气候变化让我们更有理 由做出改变,因为将气候变化纳 考量 , 适 应的 好处就更多。
Climate change provides an additional reason for making such changes because benefits of the adaptations are larger
[...] when climate change is considered.
(b) 对第 1 项和第 19 项有关完整火箭和无人驾驶航空飞行器系统及技术附
[...] 件所列可能会用于此种系统的设备、材料、“软件”或“技术”的转移 申请进行审查时,政府考量其“射程”与“有效载荷”交互效应的能 力。
(b) In reviewing the proposed applications for transfers of complete rocket and unmanned aerial vehicle systems described in Items 1 and 19, and of equipment, materials, "software" or "technology" which is listed in the Technical
Annex, for potential use in such systems, the Government will
[...] take account of the ability to trade off "range" and "payload".
[...] 方面都要求采用包含跨部门协调的新方式,在发展进程中纳入环境和社 考量。
All those dimensions call for new approaches to
involve cross-sectoral coordination, and integration of environmental and
[...] social concerns into all development [...]
境外法庭的设立和有效运作的模式问题包括对以下因素 考量 : 索马里当局 和潜在东道国的意见;法庭的法律依据和管辖权;海盗案件起诉需要有适当的刑 [...]
事和程序立法框架;房地;安保;需要训练有素的法官、检察官和其他法律专业 人员;与第三国的合作;证据和其他问题;羁押和监禁安排;法庭的建立和运作
The modalities for the establishment and effective
functioning of an extraterritorial
[...] court include consideration of the views of the Somali authorities [...]
and of potential host
States, the legal basis and jurisdiction of the court, the need for an appropriate criminal and procedural legislative framework for piracy prosecutions, premises, security, the need for trained judges, prosecutors and other legal professionals, cooperation with third States, evidentiary and other issues, detention and imprisonment arrangements, the time necessary for the establishment and functioning of the court, and costs and financing.
为突出非洲在坎昆联合国气候变化会议上的声音,教 科文组织与非洲国际新闻社(IPS)合作,遴选了 2 名国际新闻社工作人员制作平面报道和 广播报道,将非洲的需要与立场置于非洲各新闻编辑室分 考量 的 中 心位置。
In order to highlight Africa’s voice at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Cancun, UNESCO cooperated with Inter Press Service (IPS) Africa selecting two IPS fellows to produce print and radio stories that placed Africa's needs and positions at the centre of deliberations for distribution to newsrooms across the continent.
近期目标:鼓励把千年发展目标方面的各 考量 纳 入 区域交通运输干预措 施的规划和执行工作之中。
Immediate objective: to encourage the inclusion of Millennium
[...] Development Goals considerations in the planning [...]
and implementation of regional transport interventions.
各国应确保在所有针对被贩运儿童的决定和行动中,均将儿童的最大利益 作为首考量因素 ,不论行动方是公共或私营社会福利机构、法院、行政机关还 [...]
States should ensure that the best interests of the
[...] child are a primary consideration in all decisions [...]
or actions that affect trafficked children,
whether undertaken by public or private social welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities or legislative bodies.
此外,还将在此种研究考量如何 通过具 体的解决办法来保护那些从事非正规工作的人员,因为他们在大多数发展 [...]
The study would also consider specific solutions [...]
for protecting informally employed persons, who make up the majority of
employed persons in most developing countries.
在确定本报告涵盖哪些建议上,我采 用的是以下标准:建议必须尊重条约,而且不需要对条约进行修改;建议必须在 磋商流程中获得众多利益相关方 考量 , 并 且拥有获得最广泛认同的可能性;建 议必须与其他建议相兼容并且可以同时实施,能为条约机构系统的未来远景提供 连贯性;而且最重要的一点是,每一项建议都必须能加强条约机构,促进人权的 [...]
In identifying the proposals to be included in my report, I have applied the following criteria: proposals must respect the treaties and not require treaty
amendments; they must
[...] have been considered by the various stakeholders during the consultation process and bear a likelihood of generating the largest possible agreements; [...]
they must be compatible
with and implementable alongside other proposals with a view to providing a coherent vision for the future of the treaty body system; and, most importantly, each proposal must contribute to strengthening the treaty bodies and provide for enhanced promotion and protection of human rights.
[...] 利益相关方沟通后将其关心的议题进行汇总,并由各相关单位对各类议题的受关注程度及其重大性分别打分、 综考量决定各议题的优先性,将优先议题纳入年度工作事项或目标。
Astronergy summarizes the topics mostly focused on through all channels and after communication with stakeholders, and relevant units score the focus degree of the topics and their
materiality, decide their priority via
[...] comprehensive consideration, and put priority [...]
topics into annual working items or targets.
尽管这些动机均源自国考量,但它 们的活动造成的国际影响却愈发深远。
Yet despite the domestic nature of their motivations, the implications of their activities are increasingly international.
消費者的健康、安全和福祉是我們的首 考量 , 因 此身為 Colgate 的僱員,你有責任立即向你 的業務單位領導人呈報你所遇到的有關產品品質或安全方面的任何問題。
Consumer health, safety and well-being are of paramount concern to us, and as a Colgate employee it is your responsibility to immediately report any issues you encounter related to product quality or safety to your business unit leader.
在為殘障家人制定總體未來規劃時,這些都是我們應 考量 的 重 要文件,特別是 假若我們不再能夠簽署文件、操作銀行賬戶時,其利益將受到影響。例如,假若我們 [...]
為家人設立了非正式財務管理安排,於一個銀行賬戶中與其聯名擁有資金,那麼假若 我們突然喪失能力,有人能替我們簽名是非常重要的。
These are important documents
[...] which we should consider when formulating [...]
our overall future plan for our family members with
a disability, particularly if their interests are likely to be affected if we can no longer sign documents, operate bank accounts etc. For example, if we have set up informal financial management arrangements for our family member, in which we hold funds jointly with them in a bank account, it might be important that someone can sign for us if we suddenly lose capacity.
环境署将进行科学评估,提供政策和立法咨询,并采取 试行措施,重点关注三个优先领域:(a) 着眼于生态系统的适应方法:通过采取着眼于生态系 统的措施培养适应气候变化的能力;(b) 降低森林砍伐和森林退化产生的排放(降排)并发挥养 护森林、可持续管理森林和森林存量的作用:帮助各 考量 减 排 (和其他陆地固碳措施)彼此产 生的好处,以全面提高减排的可持续性,降低不可持续的风险;(c) 为采用不引起污染的技术 做准备:支持各国准备好采用不引起污染的技术。
UNEP will conduct scientific assessments, provide policy and legislative advice and undertake pilot interventions with a focus on three priority areas: (a) an ecosystem-based adaptation approach: building climate resilience through ecosystem-based measures; (b) reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) as well as addressing the role of forest conservation, sustainable forest management and forest stocks: helping countries to factor in co-benefits of REDD (and other terrestrial carbon sequestration) to enhance the overall sustainability of REDD and to reduce risks to its sustainability; and (c) clean technology readiness: supporting the development of country readiness for clean technology uptake.
因此,在1979年《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》出台30多年 后、在经社理事会决定出台15年后、在《千年宣言》出台十多年后以及到2015年
[...] 实现“千年发展目标”之前仅3年的时间,当前问题是如何确保真正并积极开展 性别主流化工作,以及渔业和水产养殖领域性 考量 中 的 诸多方面。
Thus, more than 30 years after the 1979 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, some 15 years after the ECOSOC decision and more than a decade after the Millennium Declaration, and with only 3 years to go before the goal of achieving the MDGs by 2015, the issue at hand is how to ensure genuine
and active mainstreaming of gender and the
[...] many facets of gender considerations in the fisheries and [...]
aquaculture sector.
但由于多种原因,包括规模经济、工业和市 场的需求以及环境和政考量,逐 渐放弃了这种计划,而是利用可靠的国际市场 获得核燃料服务,就乏燃料而言,制定了重要的国家最终储存计划。
But for a number of reasons, including economies of scale,
industrial and market demands as well as
[...] environmental and political considerations, such plans were gradually [...]
abandoned in favour
of utilizing a reliable international market for nuclear fuel services and, in the case of spent fuel, important national final storage schemes.
协调委员会承认,缔约国及其他方明确表示,应采取步骤,在《公约》范围 内加强对国际合作与援助考量,并 注意到多方表达了对设立新的合作与援助常 [...]
The Coordinating Committee recognised the clear expression of the
States Parties and others that steps be taken
[...] to intensify consideration of international [...]
cooperation and assistance in the context
of the Convention, noting the support expressed by many for the establishment of a new Standing Committee on cooperation and assistance.
[...] 密的联系,呼吁实施更协调一致、更全面的战略,将减少灾害风险和适应气候变 化考量纳入 公共和私人投资以及人道主义和发展行动的决策和规划,以降低风 [...]
We stress the importance of stronger interlinkages among disaster risk reduction, recovery and long-term development planning, and call for more coordinated and comprehensive strategies that integrate
disaster risk reduction and climate
[...] change adaptation considerations into public and private [...]
investment, decision-making
and the planning of humanitarian and development actions, in order to reduce risk, increase resilience and provide a smoother transition between relief, recovery and development.
(a) 确保在向被贩运儿童提供补救的过程中,始终将儿童的最大利益作为 首考量因素 ,并考虑到每个孩子的具体情况,包括其年龄、教养情况、种族、 [...]
(a) Ensure that the best interests of the child are
[...] a primary consideration in providing [...]
trafficked children with remedies, taking
into account the individual circumstances of the child, including his or her age, upbringing, ethnic, cultural and linguistic background and protection needs
此外,中心亦十分鼓勵業界留意食物標籤所列的重量/數量資料 與營養標籤上的食物考量標示 方法(即每 100 克/毫升、每一食用分 [...]
Traders are also strongly encouraged to note the consistency of the information on
weight/count declaration on the food label and the
[...] expression of reference amount of food (i.e., [...]
per 100g/ml, per serving or per package) on the nutrition label.
布隆迪国别组合将继续积极支持 政府努力将建设和平方面的工作纳入减贫战略文件,
[...] 以便实现确立单一框架的共同目标,而该框架将享有 国际社会对布隆迪的坚定支持,并体现建设和平方面考量。
The Burundi configuration will continue to actively support the Government in its efforts to integrate peacebuilding aspects in its poverty reduction strategy paper towards the shared goal of concluding a single framework
that will enjoy the committed support of the international community to Burundi and
[...] reflect peacebuilding considerations.
[...] 离岸外包服务中心配备工作人员时,保持组织的国际性质的建议,重要的是,要 摆平这一好处和经考量以及 东道国政府在离岸中心的利益之间的关系(建议 7)。
In addition, while UNDP supports the recommendation to maintain the international character of the United Nations in staffing of offshore service centres, it is important
to balance this benefit with the
[...] objective of economic consideration and the interests [...]
of the host country governments in
offshoring centres (recommendation #7).




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