

单词 考评

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目前,评估过程可以使考评者决 定一项计划是否符合评价框架中 确定的指标,但只是通过或未通过。
At present, the assessment process enables the evaluator to determine [...]
whether a scheme conforms with the indicators identified
in the evaluation framework, but only on a pass or fail basis.
虽然并没有改变企业考 评分数,可学生感到自己很有收获。
Although he didn’t change grade of enterprise, student felt that he had much harvest from the internship.
考评对于 工作人员的持续专业发展十分 重要,对于监测所有工作人员在履行预期职能方面的业绩也至关重要。
Performance assessments are important for [...]
the continued professional development of staff members and are critical in monitoring
the performance of all staff members in relation to their expected functions.
项目简介: Eledge开放学习管理系统.这个软件提供一个框架来创建一个用于在线教育的web网站.包括学生注册,认证,内容创建,知识测验,家庭作业评分,教 考评 登 记 ,课程安排,在线帮助等。
Project Information: Eledge Open Learning Management System This software provides a framework to create a web site for online education , including student registration , authentication , content creation , knowledge quizzes , homework scores, teacher evaluation, registration, curriculum, online help , etc. Eledge not provide knowledge content , it is only through the Internet, which provide teachers with convenient , flexible way to make their courses to allow students to more easily understand .
2010 年出台了经修订的能力框架,启用了工作人员电子业 考评 系 统, 为改善个人业绩管理奠定了基础。
The introduction of the revised competency
framework and the launching of
[...] e-PAS system for evaluation of staff laid the foundation for improved management of individual performance in 2010.
此外,根 据监督厅关于人力资源和管理做法的检查报告,近三分之一(31%)在检查过程中 接受意见调查的工作人员表示,他们在过去 12
个月中没有同主管完成关于电子 考绩报告的讨论。36 在此次检查中,监督厅分析电子考绩工作计划随机抽样样 本后发现,工作计划的编写方式存在差距:明确说明产出和交付成果的工作计
[...] 划不到一半(40%),清楚说明如考评 目 标和业绩的工作计划仅占三分之一 [...]
In addition, based on the OIOS inspection report on human resources and management practices, nearly one third of the staff surveyed at the time of the inspection (31 per cent) indicated that they had not completed an e-PAS discussion with their supervisors in the last 12 months.36 In that inspection, an OIOS analysis of a random sample of e-PAS workplans showed gaps in how they were developed: less than half (40 per cent) clearly defined
outputs and deliverables, and only one third (32 per cent) articulated how the goals
[...] and performance would be assessed.
两年期内的每一年中,97%的员工准时完成业绩与成 考评 ; 2012 年,用于 个体承包商业绩管理的在线工具已取代纸质系统。
In both years of the biennium, completion of the
[...] performance and results assessment was on time for [...]
97 per cent of staff, and in 2012 an online
tool replaced the paper-based system for performance management of individual contractors.
[...] 进行调整,以避免教师出于诱惑,着重教授评估范围内的内容,而以放松对未列入 标准化程序考评范围 、但是对学生的成长具有关键作用的内容为代价。
At the same time, it is necessary to continue adjusting the tests in order to avoid the temptation of teaching to the test at the expense
of other subjects of importance to the education of the pupils
[...] and which are not assessed within the standardized tests.
[...] 行成果问责,例如公布高级主管契约以及就他们兑现契约内所订各项目标的实际 业绩而作的年考评,在秘书处内联网上发表和公布 2008-2009 两年期头一年的 [...]
The Secretariat has also been working constantly to increase its accountability for delivering results, at both the staff and organizational levels, for example by
publishing the compacts of senior
[...] managers and the annual assessments of their performance [...]
towards achieving the objectives
contained therein, as well as issuing and publishing on the Secretariat Intranet an interim programme performance report covering the first year of the biennium 2008-2009.
就委员会关于进行研究和分析的时限问题,主任答复指出,由高级监测 和评价干事进行的评价工作将在 2008
[...] 年最后一次会议之前完成,而秘书处根据执行委员会 核可需要考评价结果的分析报告将在 2009 年第一次会议之前提交执行委员会。
In response to queries from the Committee concerning the timing of the study and analysis, the Chief Officer indicated that the evaluation to be undertaken by the Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Office would be completed by the last meeting in 2008, while the
Secretariat’s analysis, which would take into account
[...] the findings of the evaluations as endorsed by the [...]
Executive Committee, would
be presented to the Executive Committee by the first Meeting in 2009.
大会 对所取得的进展表示赞赏,包括相关的规定和程序得到了遵守,业 考评 工 作 以及学习与发 展的作用得到了加强,并请总干事“向执行局第一七五届会议报告人事政策的实施情况 [...]
(33 C/75(I)号决议)。
The General Conference expressed its appreciation for the progress achieved in the policy framework,
including the respect of rules and
[...] procedures, the performance assessment process, and the [...]
enhanced role of learning and development
and invited the Director-General “to report to the Executive Board at its 175th session on the implementation of the staff policy”.
泰济生与全球知名医疗设备生产商形成战略合作联盟,世界顶尖设备荟萃于此,拥有众多当今世界高端诊断、检测设备,如美国“通用”64排128层PET/CT、德国“西门子”炫速双源CT扫描系统、荷兰“飞利浦”全景高场开放式超导型磁共振系统、美国“贝克曼”全自动生化流水线、美国“ABI3500型”基因分析仪、美国“好乐杰”双能X线骨密度仪、芬兰“普兰梅德”数字化乳腺X射线系统等,设备配套齐全,超低辐射、绿色环保、安全可靠、快捷准确,经权威专 考评 , 泰济生设备水平处于国际领先地位,超过国内三甲医院的装备水平。
Such as 64slices-128layers PET/CT from the United State GE, Dazzle speed dual source CT scanning system imported from German SIEMENS, Panoramic high field open magnetic resonance system imported from Holland PHILIPS, Automatic biochemical lines from American Beckman, ABI3500 gene analyzer from the United States, Dual-energy X ray bone densitometer from HOLOGIC, the United States, Digital Mammography for breast X ray system from PLANMED Finland, etc. which has the advantages of various equipments, super-low radiation, environmental protection, safe and reliable, fast and accuracy.
培训可能包括灵活、自定步调的学习、在线培训,以及正 考评 工 作,评估学生是否掌握了相关技能。
Training may include flexible,
self-paced learning and/or online training as
[...] well as formal assessment to see whether [...]
the student is competent at the skill or not.
The user should refer to the
[...] commentaries for an assessment of the circumstances [...]
appropriate for the use of a particular model clause.
公司首席运营官徐斌先生就项目的开展情况和完成情况向各位专家进行了介绍,专家组专家在认真审核项目验收资料后纷纷表示我司在此项目上严格按立项要求进行了实施并圆满的完成了该项目, 考评 表 上 给出满分 考评。
The company 's chief operating officer, Mr. Xu Bin is the progress of the project and completed to the experts were introduced, the group of experts to carefully examine the project acceptance information expressed after the Division I in this project strictly according to project
requirements were implemented and the successful completion of the
[...] project, the appraisal table gives the full appraisal.
MET 强调了学校可用来衡量
[...] 教师绩效的几个衡量标准,包括学生问卷 调查以及专考评人员 在观察教师日常工 作后出具的报告。
MET highlighted several measures that schools should use to assess teacher performance, including student surveys and
[...] reports from trained evaluators who observe [...]
teachers at work.
本节首考评了根据第 26/6 号决定单独适用 于环境规划署的效绩指标,然后说明了对所有机构共同的目标和成果,最后根据执行委员 会在其第二十六次会议上采用的加权数值作出评估。
This section presents a review of the performance indicators unique to UNEP per Decision 26/6 and then addresses the targets and the achievements common to all agencies followed by an assessment based on the weightings adopted by the Executive Committee at its 26th Meeting.
绩效考核:通过对BPO管理平台话务报表和业务报表的整理分析,可以对相关市场营销和客户服务人员做全面的绩 考评。
Performance Management: By analyzing agent reports and business
reports on the BPO system, enterprises can do
[...] comprehensive performance evaluations for marketing and [...]
customer service agents.
委员会请缔约国在其下次定期报告中说明落实缔约国报告中提到的反应计划的执 行情况和所进行的工作重考评和支 付补救费用的情况。
The Committee requests that the State party provide in its next periodic report information on the implementation of the response plans mentioned in the State party’s report, and on job revaluation undertaken and remedial settlements paid.
这些作曲首先由音乐老师评分,然后上交到考试委员 考评。
These compositions are first graded by the Music teachers and then
[...] submitted to the examinations board for consideration.
o 让参训者去辨别,举例和评估不同的收集学生成就的信息的方式; o 分享设计与特殊的学习目标相关的评价标准的经验; o 思考评价中 存在偏见事例和其它问题的根源,以及如何把它们最小 化。
Ensure that courses allow adequate time for o discussion of the different purposes of assessment and the uses made of assessment data; o trainees and participants to identify, sample and evaluate different ways of gathering evidence of pupils’
performance; o giving
[...] experience of generating assessment criteria linked to specific learning goals; o considering evidence of bias [...]
and other sources of
error in assessment and how they can be minimised.
她先后在技术服务部及人力资源部担任管理工作,在人力资源规划、职位评估、绩 考评 、 薪 酬管理、员工发展等领域有丰富的实践经验和独到的见解。
Ms. Jin has managed both technology solutions and HR departments, applying her
extensive practical experience and insights on human
[...] resource planning, evaluation of positions, performance assessment, salary management, [...]
and employee development.
为此,该 国决定利用 2009 年的“国家公民周”来考评估机 制作用。
Burkina Faso had devoted its national citizenship
[...] week in 2009 to considering the role of monitoring [...]
例如,行业可以在校为学生和教师提供实习机会,或提供一系列服务帮助学校开设相关培训服务,如派遣行业专家参加教学 考评 、 提供赞助拨款、设备、材料和场所。
For example, industry may provide work placements at schools for students and teachers, or offer a range of services to help schools give relevant
training, such as industry specialists
[...] for teaching and assessment, sponsorship funding, [...]
equipment, materials and venues.
2008年起,我们开始在年度员工调查中 将制造业的其他跨国公司作为参照基准对公 司进考评。
Since 2008, our annual survey has been benchmarked with other companies in the global manufacturing industry.
各地分公司将因地制宜寻求最有效的 方法来促进回收,目前包装回收率和二氧化 碳排放量将占管理层年度绩考评的 8%。 我们的业务重点是为客户提供 高效的解决方案,帮助他们提高生 产效率、降低运营成本,并实现对 环 境 影 响 的 最 小 化 。
Our country managers are absolutely key in realising this goal: it’s up to our local companies to find the most effective approach for their respective markets.
透过适切的教学方法考评的调 适,以及善用资讯科技,有关人士的读写 问题一般可获改善。
In general, dyslexia can be improved
through appropriate accommodation in teaching
[...] methods, tests and assessments, as well as proper [...]
use of information technology.
[...] 学年,科罗拉多州法律规定,在对所有教师 考评 因 素 中,学生的考试结果要占到 一半比例。
Colorado state law mandates that by the 2013–2014
[...] school year, ratings for all teachers [...]
should be based half on the change in students’
test results and half on other measures.
2010 年 1
[...] 月,训研所着手执行全面成果管理框架,把战略计划和两年期成果 方案预算与年度计划和个人工作计划挂钩,并把工作人员年度业 考评 与 其 发展 计划挂钩。
In January 2010, the Institute began the implementation of an integrated results-based management framework which links the strategic plan and the biennial results-based programme
budget to annual programme and individual workplans, and the
[...] annual staff performance evaluation to staff development plans.
[...] 是检察官、法官、地方法官和涉及司法的其他人员,并确保长久和持续提供这种 培训,同时在这些人员的业考评和 晋 升方面考虑到这一点。
The Committee encourages the State party to continue providing training on the Convention to the various officials involved in the protection of migrants’ rights, particularly public prosecutors, judges, magistrates and personnel involved in the administration of justice, and to ensure that this training is provided on a
permanent and continuous basis and is taken into account
[...] in the performance evaluations and promotion of those [...]




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