

单词 考期

期考 ()

end of term examination



final exam

考虑期 n

reflection period n


mid-term exam

期末考试 n

final n

External sources (not reviewed)

扣减指的是承诺期内报告的碳储存年均净增加小于 考期 内 的 报告值或在 考期 内 报 告了碳 储存年均净减少。
A debit means that either the average annual net increase in carbon
stocks reported in the
[...] commitment period is smaller than that reported in the reference period or an average annual net decrease in carbon stocks has been reported in the reference period.
考期间,ICBC 的一位考官会与您 一起去考查您的驾驶安全程度如何。
During the road test, an ICBC [...]
driver examiner will come with you to test how safely you drive.
在 進行每兩年一次的檢討時,政府當局主要考慮 考期 內 消 費物價的變 動、聘用私人執業大律師及律師服務的實際或預計會出現的困難,以 [...]
In conducting the biennial reviews, the Administration takes into
account mainly changes in consumer prices during
[...] the reference period, actual or anticipated [...]
difficulties in engaging the services
of private counsel and solicitors, and other factors such as the state of the economy and office rentals.
一旦验明身份,越来越多的国家一般给予贩运受害者/幸存者在目的地国一 至三个月的恢复和考期,让 他们有时间考虑各种抉择(奥地利、保加利亚、加 拿大、塞浦路斯、丹麦、立陶宛、马耳他、荷兰、葡萄牙、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼 亚、西班牙、瑞典和瑞士)。
Once identified,
[...] recovery and reflection periods of generally between one to three months are increasingly granted to trafficking victims/survivors in destination countries, to consider their options [...]
(Austria, Bulgaria,
Canada, Cyprus, Denmark, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland).
按照此成本法,計劃資 產按公平值衡量,而退休福利責任則 考期 限 與 優質公司債券之相若負債 的市場孳息率,以預計其未來現金流量,再折算為現值。
Under this method, plan assets are measured at fair value, retirement benefit obligations are
measured as the present value of
[...] the estimated future cash flows by reference to market yields [...]
on high quality corporate bonds
which have terms to maturity approximating the terms of the related liability.
此外,进口预混多元醇中所含的 HCFC-141b 总 量是根据 2007-2009 年期间进口的平均数量得出的,而出口的 HCFC-141b 多元醇数量与 2008-2010
[...] 年期间的一年或两年相关,这导致因 考期 间 不 同,进口与出口数量之间存在 数据差异。
Furthermore, the aggregated amount of HCFC-141b contained in imported 6 pre-blended polyols is based on the average of amounts imported over the 2007-2009 period, while the levels of HCFC-141b-based polyols exported relate to one
or two years in the 2008-2010 period, which results in data discrepancies between imported and exported
[...] amounts since the reference periods differ.
學院會最遲期考前一個月, 發期考考試時間表。
The Examination Schedule will be announced at least one month before the examination.
敬覆者:本人得悉 貴校中六級第一期考試的 安排,自當督促敝子弟留意各 考 試 日 期 , 並勤 加溫習。
I have been
[...] notified of the arrangement of the First Term Exam and will advise my son / daughter to revise [...]
會計師公會當晚向2,141位成功考取 專業資格課程期考試的 同學頒授合格證 書,並同時頒發優異獎項及獎學金予得獎 同學。
The event brought together international thought leaders from business, government, academia and the community with coverage of an extensive range of topics, case studies and practical solutions.
公共部门的哪些收入和支出调整不仅要做 期考 虑 ,而且还要使之成为 促进中期和长期发展的更佳手段?
Which adjustments in public sector income and expenditure should be considered, not only for the immediate term, but to better promote development in the medium and long terms?
关于结束过期,考虑到 局势 的脆弱性,联合国应当采取全面的国际应对措施,把 索马里国家的稳定作为一个长期的核心目标。
With regard to
[...] ending the transition period, and given the fragility [...]
of the situation, the United Nations should provide
a comprehensive, international response that makes the stabilization of the Somali State a central and long-term objective.
帐户的无掉期Swap-free服务专门提供给在使用交易系统时不把 期考 虑 在 内的交易员,或因为自己的宗教信仰无法使用掉期的客户。
Swap-free account is intended for traders who use trading systems without adjustment to swaps or for the customers who are not allowed to receive swaps owing to their religious beliefs.
但如果在过程的期考虑了 语音问题,利用 Jabra 免提音频解决方案完成统一通信 (UC) 解决方案,每一个人都能享受完整的好处。
But by thinking about voice early in the process, and completing the Unified Communications (UC) solution with Jabra hands-free audio solutions, everyone gets the full story.
[...] 说,尽管安理会在苏丹问题上花了很多时间和精力,但这一问题很可能成为 2011 年中对安理会成员的一个重大的 期考 验。
While the Council had already invested significant time and effort
on the Sudan, he added that this issue could well prove to be a
[...] significant short-term test for Council [...]
members in 2011.
一些缔约方对量化使用里约标值的做法提出疑问,建议为下一个报告期 考虑,进一步探讨这一问题。
Some Parties questioned the way that the Rio Markers were used quantitatively and recommended to further work on this issue in view of the next reporting cycle.
2003 年 3
[...] 月间,亚太经社会授权对其各区域机构进行一次外部 评审工作,期考虑如何使这些机构得以在长期而又可持续的基础上为 [...]
In March 2003, ESCAP commissioned
an external evaluation of its regional
[...] institutions to consider how they could [...]
best serve the needs of ESCAP members on
a long-term and sustainable basis.
另一方 面,当前需要通常是如此迫切以至于没有余地做期考虑。
On the other hand, immediate needs are often so urgent that there is
[...] little room for long-term considerations.
[...] 阶段必须与利益攸关方举行协商,以确保在 期考 虑 到 它们的关切和需求。
They have to be consulted during the design phase of the process in order to ensure their concerns and needs are
[...] taken into account at an early stage.
2006年,经世界遗产委员会会员国审议,汉皮古迹群被《濒危世界遗产名录》除名,同时委员会要求:考虑到遗产地的综合应用,请认真考虑并设计Anegundi桥的规模问题,妥善处理并 期考 虑 因 交通问题或不可预知施工给桥梁造成的影响。
In 2006, the World Heritage Committee removed Hampi from the Danger List requesting the State Party, at the same time to “reconsider and adapt the design and dimensions of the Anegundi Bridge… respecting the
visual integrity of the property” and to
[...] address the long-term concerns over [...]
the impact of the bridge on traffic and undesirable construction activities.
本會促請政府全 面 檢討西九龍文娛藝術區發展計劃,在規 劃文化設施 之 前 , 應考慮有關‘軟 件 ’的 內容, 延 長提交發展建議期 限 ,並公開 及 詳 細 地 諮詢文化界 、 專 業 團 體 、地產 界 、立法會、公眾 及相關組織 , 以 [...]
貫徹文化委員會就西九龍發展計劃提出‘以 人 為本’、 ‘建立伙 伴 關 係 ’ 和 ‘民間主導’的原則
, 制 訂 公 開 、公平 和 適切合 宜 的發展及運作方案, 而 在發展過程中,政府應 促成發展商與 文化界 的 伙 伴 關 係,讓 文化界參 與 區 內 設施的策 劃及將來的運作。
That this Council urges the Government to comprehensively review the West
Kowloon Cultural District
[...] development project, consider the ‘software’ contents before planning the cultural facilities, extend the deadline for submission [...]
of development proposals,
openly and thoroughly consult the cultural sector, professional bodies, the real estate sector, the Legislative Council, the public and relevant organizations, and uphold the ‘people-oriented’, ‘partnership’ and ‘community-driven’ principles put forward by the Culture and Heritage Commission for the West Kowloon development in formulating a development and operation plan that is open, fair and proper; and in the process of development, the Government should also facilitate a partnership between developers and the cultural sector, so as to allow the latter to participate in the planning and future operation of the facilities in the district.
特别报告员注意到很少国家具有在司法职业生涯中 期考 试 以 确保司法行政 的一贯质量的制度。
The Special Rapporteur notes that few States have judicial
[...] career systems with periodic examinations that serve to [...]
ensure the continuing quality of the administration of justice.
决定评估各种模式和程序,期考虑 可 否借助市场型方针提高缓解行动的成 本效益并促进这种行动,同时铭记发达国家和发展中国家的不同情况,且不影响 [...]
Decides to evaluate modalities and procedures
[...] with a view to considering the possibility [...]
of using market-based approaches as an
opportunity to enhance the cost-effectiveness of, and to promote, mitigation actions, bearing in mind different circumstances of developed and developing country Parties, without prejudice to the responsibility of developed country Parties for fulfilling their quantified emission limitation and reduction commitments.
(a) 提供詳細資料,說明當局如何能確定強制 性公積金( 下稱" 強積金")中介人修讀訓練 課程後,可充分掌握有關強積金制度及強 積金產品的最新知識(
[...] 包括當局會否進行 突擊檢查及/或喬裝客戶檢查,以及有關 的中介人須否參加期考試)
(a) provide details on how to ascertain that Mandatory Provident Fund ("MPF") intermediaries have acquired from the training courses attended up-to-date and adequate knowledge on the MPF system and MPF products, including whether there would be
surprise checks and/or mystery shopper checks and whether the intermediaries would be
[...] required to attend periodic examinations
在过程的期考虑语 音问题,让每一个人都能享受完整的好处。
Think about voice early in the process, and everyone gets the full story.
尽管如此,捷克共和国将在期考虑 以 下问题,即启动一个将促成通过国 家空间法或设立另一个外层空间活动特别管理框架的立法进程的时机是否已经 [...]
Nevertheless, the Czech
[...] Republic will consider in the near future [...]
the question of whether the time has become ripe for initiating
a legislative process that would lead to the adoption of a national space law or the establishment of another special regulatory framework for outer space activities.
11. 请联合国区域间犯罪和司法研究所同委员会以及联合国毒品和犯罪问
[...] 题办公室交流在针对妇女具体需要的相关方案和措施方面的经验的信息,期 考虑适当的后续措施
the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute to share with it and with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime the information on experiences with respect to
relevant programmes and measures addressing specific needs of
[...] women, with a view to considering appropriate follow-up [...]
10.1 持卡人应有权从CSC的授权卡由或通过它已经被执行,如果满足以下条件收款人发起的交易退款:(一)没有指定的授权卡交易的具体数额时授权制作的;及(b)卡的交易金额超过了持卡人的金额可以合理地 期考 虑 到 他以前的消费模式,在卡协议和案件相关情况的条件.
10.1 The Cardholder shall be entitled to a refund from CSC of an authorised Card Transaction initiated by or through a payee which has already been executed, if the following conditions are met: (a) the authorisation did not specify the exact amount of the Card Transaction when the authorisation was made; and(b) the amount of the Card Transaction
exceeded the amount the Cardholder could
[...] reasonably have expected taking into account [...]
his previous spending pattern, the conditions
in Card Agreement and relevant circumstances of the case.
欢迎近来有些会员国承诺自愿向普通用途资金和特别用途资金做出指示性 两年期或多年期认捐的趋势,鼓励所有有条件承诺做出这种两年期或多年期认
[...] 捐的会员国最好结合毒品和犯罪问题办公室两年期预算 期 , 考 虑 采 用这一变 化中做法,以便加强毒品和犯罪问题办公室供资的可预测性和稳定性
Welcomes the trend that some Member States have recently committed themselves to making, on a voluntary basis, biennial or multi-year indicative financial pledges for general-purpose and special-purpose funding, and encourages all Member States that are in a
position to commit to such biennial or
[...] multi-year pledging to consider following this [...]
evolving practice, preferably aligned with
the UNODC biennial budget cycle, and in order to enhance the predictability and stability of funding for UNODC




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