

单词 考察团

See also:

考察 v

inspect v


on-the-spot investigation
observe and study


observe v
inspect v

look into
clearly evident

External sources (not reviewed)

教科文组织向一些选定城市派遣 考察团 , 以帮助成立当地工作组、举办关于这 种手段的使用的简短培训研讨会以及为启动本项目举行当地首次会议。
UNESCO dispatched missions to the selected [...]
cities to help form the local working groups, give a short training seminar on the
use of the tool, and have a local kick-off meeting to start the project.
教科文组织向巴勒斯坦派出了一 考察团 , 以认定教育方面的紧 急需要,最后敲定“结转资金”项下制定的特别项目。
UNESCO sent a team to Palestine to identify the most pressing need in education and to finalize the special projects scheduled under the carryover funds.
考察团听取了关于法庭的工作、面临 的挑战和取得的成就的介绍。
The group was briefed about [...]
the work, challenges and achievements of the Tribunal.
考察团还强调必须确保透明和问责,而且必须设立一 个独立的统计局。
The mission noted, in particular, [...]
that speedy recovery would depend on improvements in the security sector, and stressed
the need for ensuring transparency and accountability and establishing an independent statistical bureau.
大会于 2003 年 10 月通过的第 32 C/39 号决议重申“支持总干事为制定保护耶路撒冷老
[...] 七届会议作出的决定,请总干事尽早与有关方面合作,成立一个纯技术性质的高水 考察 团,前 往耶路撒冷调查耶路撒冷老城及其城墙文化遗产的保存状况,并要求总干事在一年之 [...]
Resolution 39 (adopted by the General Conference at its 32nd session in October 2003) reiterated “its support for the initiative announced by the Director-General at the 31st session of the General Conference to prepare a comprehensive plan of action to safeguard the cultural heritage of the Old City of Jerusalem; in that connection, recalling the decision taken by the World Heritage Committee at its 27th session, invited the Director-General to set up, as soon as possible, in cooperation with the
concerned parties, a highly qualified
[...] and purely technical mission to Jerusalem, concerning [...]
the state of conservation of
the cultural heritage of the Old City of Jerusalem and its walls and requested the Director-General to establish, within a year, an equitably composed committee of experts to be entrusted with proposing, on an exclusively scientific and technical basis, guidelines for this plan of action and proposals for its implementation”.
其中将包括上半年的两个商考察团 , 那 就是二月出访印度孟买、浦那和艾哈迈达巴德;还有四月北上访问中国的辽宁省和吉林省。
In the first half-year, we will be
[...] organising two business missions – to Mumbai, Pune [...]
and Ahmedabad in India in February;
and to Liaoning and Jilin provinces in April.
美属萨摩亚政府分别与萨摩亚和汤加政府签订了经济互助合作谅解备 忘录,还向太平洋区域的若干国家派遣贸 考察团。
The Government of American Samoa has signed memorandums of understanding with the Governments of
Samoa and Tonga on mutual economic cooperation
[...] and has sent trade missions to a number of countries [...]
in the Pacific region.
此行的目的是:(i) 确定教科文组织援助黎巴
嫩重建综合计划的内容,其中应考虑到该国在教科文组织主管领域内的优先事项以及教科文 组织正在提供的援助;(b)
[...] 探讨建立一个教科文组织与黎巴嫩的联合筹资机制的可行性;以 及 (c) 为后续技考察团奠定基础,使其能够制定正式援助计划并为上述教科文组织与黎巴 [...]
The purpose of the mission was to: (a) Identify elements of a comprehensive UNESCO programme of assistance for Lebanon’s reconstruction taking into account national priorities within UNESCO’s fields of competence and major ongoing UNESCO assistance; (b) Explore the feasibility of a joint UNESCO/Lebanon mechanism for fund
mobilization; and (c) Prepare the ground for
[...] subsequent technical missions to develop a fully-fledged [...]
programme of assistance and
details of the mobilization mechanism for the above-mentioned joint UNESCO/Lebanon fund.
在评估世界遗产的保护和保存状况方面,根据需要向格鲁吉亚、俄罗斯联邦、立陶 宛、保加利亚、乌克兰、秘鲁、印度和越南派了监 考察团。
With regard to the conservation and preservation of World Heritage properties, reactive monitoring missions have been undertaken in order to assess state of conservation of World Heritage properties in Georgia, Russian Federation, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Peru, India and Viet Nam.
在与以色列常驻教科文组织的代表和巴勒斯坦常驻教科文组织的观察员的密切配合 下考察团得以 和巴勒斯坦权力机构的教育和高等教育部长、旅游和文物古迹部长、文化和 [...]
As a result of close collaboration established with the Permanent
Delegate of Israel to UNESCO and
[...] the Permanent Observer of Palestine to UNESCO, the mission was able to hold [...]
consultations with the
Ministers of Education and Higher Education, Tourism and Antiquities, and Culture and Information of the Palestinian Authority as well as with high officials of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including the Deputy Minister, and of the Ministry of Education.
在阿富汗、科特迪瓦、海地、非洲之角、利比 亚和尼泊尔部署考察团和对国家主导的粮食安全问题群组的支助。
Scoping missions and support for countryled [...]
food security clusters were deployed in Afghanistan, Côte d’Ivoire, Haiti, the
Horn of Africa, Libya and Nepal.
考察团成员 包括常设论坛主席维多利亚·陶利-科 尔普斯;常设论坛成员拉尔斯·安德斯·贝尔、巴托尔梅·克拉韦罗和卡洛斯·马 [...]
马尼;联合国秘书处经济和社会事务部官员以及来自以下机构的专家:联合国人 权事务高级专员驻该国办事处;联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)(驻巴拿马粮
农组织次区域办事处);国际劳工组织(劳工组织)驻多民族玻利维亚国和秘鲁办 事处。
The mission was comprised of the [...]
chairperson of the Permanent Forum, Victoria Tauli-Corpuz; members Lars Anders-Baer, Bartolomé
Clavero and Carlos Mamani; and two officials of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat, as well as experts from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in the country, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (subregional office of FAO in Panama) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) in both Bolivia (Plurinational State of) and Peru.
原子能机构的《行动计划》要求在这方面定期审查各监管机构,包 括向成员国定期派出综合监管审查服 考察团。
The IAEA Action Plan calls for regular reviews of
the regulatory bodies in this respect, including periodic Integrated
[...] Regulatory Review Service missions to Member States.
关于其组织结构考察团获悉 ,研究所由六 个部门组成:a) 文件;b) 文化保护;c) [...]
财务和行政;d) 文化宣传和国际联络;e) 科研、规 划和统计;以及 f) 能力建设和职业培训。
[...] the structure, the mission was informed that [...]
it is to be composed of six departments: (a) documentation; (b) cultural
preservation; (c) finance and administration; (d) cultural promotion and international liaison; (e) research, planning and statistics; and (f) capacity-building and vocational training.
1802 年,拿破仑授权出版了考察团的发 现成果,这是一部不朽的多卷巨著,其中包括插图、地图、学术文章以及详细的索引。
In 1802 Napoleon authorized the publication of the commission’s findings in a monumental, multi-volume work that included plates, maps, scholarly essays, and a detailed index.
考察团将会 参观澳门世界遗产及最新旅游产品和设施,了解澳门旅游业情况,日后将协助宣传澳门旅游,进一步提升澳门的国际知名度。
The Media Mega Familiarization Group will be visiting the [...]
World Heritage of Macau as well as new tourism products and facilities.
With more update knowledge on the tourism situation of Macau, the media will in turn assist in promoting the industry and lift the international profile of Macau.
本文件是联合国土著问题常设论坛用英文和西班牙文编写 考察团 报 告全 文的摘要,报告依据的考察团进行 的访谈和视察;来自圣克鲁斯省政府和玻利 维亚国家政府的人口统计数据和资料;劳工组织、人权高专处、土著人人权和基 [...]
进发展署在该国的土著人民及赋权方案的正式文件;以及土著人民组织、畜牧业 者联合会和国家及国际非政府组织提供的资料及文件。
The present report is a summary
[...] of the full mission report, which is based on interviews conducted by the mission, inspections, [...]
census data and information
from the Prefecture of Santa Cruz and the national Government, official documents of ILO, OHCHR, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous peoples, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the Organization of American States (OAS), and the Indigenous Peoples and Empowerment Programme of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation in the country; as well as information and documentation provided by indigenous peoples’ organizations, the livestock breeders’ federation, and national and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
[...] 瓜多尔“Manuela Espejo”科学技考察团的做 法,在秘鲁也 成立一个此类团体。
A draft agreement is being prepared with a view to replicating the Ecuadorian “Manuela Espejo”
[...] technical and scientific mission in Peru.
根据三年度全面政策审查的要求,为了确保在减少阻碍国家一级统一业务做 法的瓶颈问题方面取得进一步进展,联合国发展集团和管理问题高级别委员会两
[...] 主席在 2010 年向特定国家派出了一个高级 考察团 , 以 进一步确定业务做法的 主要瓶颈,以找到快速解决办法。
To ensure further progress in reducing bottlenecks to the harmonization of business practices at the country level, as requested in the triennial comprehensive policy review, in 2010 a high-level mission was
launched by the Chairs of the United
[...] Nations Development Group and the High-level [...]
Committee on Management to selected countries
to identify further priority bottlenecks in business practices with a view to finding fast-track solutions for them.
下周,一个欧盟选考察团将访 问东帝汶,评估 在即将到来的议会选举期间派出一个欧盟选举观察 [...]
Next week an EU
[...] election exploratory mission will visit Timor-Leste [...]
to assess the merit and feasibility of an EU election
observation mission for the upcoming parliamentary elections.
行程的最后一天,在“中挪建筑合作”的研讨会上,中 考察团 介 绍了最新的国内建筑市场发展情况、发展机遇和中国的法律背景,和挪威建筑师分享了进入中国市场的个人见解。
On the last day, a seminar titled “Sino-Norwegian cooperation on architecture” was held, where the Chinese delegates presented the latest market developments, opportunities and regulatory requirements in China.
澳门特区政府旅游局设午宴招 考察团 一 行 ,设平台让港澳业者交流;香港旅游业议会成员作为澳门旅游业界的合作伙伴,旅游局鼓励议会继续支持及加强两地合作。
Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) hosted
[...] a luncheon for the delegation and set up an exchange [...]
platform for Hong Kong and Macau
trade; while TIC members serve as the industry partners with Macau travel trade, MGTO encourages TIC to continue to support and strengthen the cooperation between Hong Kong and Macau.
该随军团被称为“研究埃及科学和艺术的法 考察团 ” , 他们对埃及的考古、地形和自然历史都进行了广泛的研究。
Known as the French Commission on the Sciences and
Arts of Egypt, these experts undertook an extensive survey of
[...] the country’s archeology, topography, and [...]
natural history.
奥特莱斯(中国考察团一行 在为期五天的考察中,得到了日本经济界人士的热情欢迎和接待,先后参观了永旺湖城、东京都多摩市三丽欧•凯蒂猫主题乐园、三井奥特莱斯、御殿场•西蒙奥特莱斯等商业中心,同时访问了日本规模最大的野村综合研究所、住友商社、日本最大商业公司永旺株式会社以及运营日本东京迪斯尼度假区的东方乐园株式会社(OLCGroup)等公司。
They visited Aeon Lake Town, Hello Kitty Theme Park of Sanrio in Tama, Tokyo; Mitsui Outlet Park; Gotenba Premium Outlets of Simon Group; Nomura Research Institute, the largest institute of this type in Japan; Sumitomo Corporation; Aeon Group, Japan's largest commercial company; OLC Group, the operator of Tokyo Disney Resort.
(a) 一个亚太经社会技考察团于 2 009 年 11 月到缅甸与联合 国缅甸国别小组会面并讨论增强合作以及所拟定的短期和长期亚太经社会 国别举措;在与缅甸国别小组进行了这种直接和卓有成效的接触之后,相 互诚信度有所改善,一种建立伙伴关系的兴趣和根据联合国对该国的整个 考察情况在缅甸实施一个发展合作伙伴方案过程中对亚太经社会计划发挥 的作用和强项有了更好的了解;为援助缅甸而维持联合国的协调回应的承 诺;以及对亚太经社会可以为现有和未来举措发挥增值作用的理解
As a result of that direct and productive engagement with the Myanmar country team, there is improved goodwill, an interest in partnering and a better understanding of the proposed ESCAP role and niche in undertaking a development partnership programme in Myanmar within the context of the overall United Nations mission in the country; a commitment to maintaining a United Nations coordinated response to assist Myanmar; and an understanding about where ESCAP can add value with regard to existing and future initiatives
贸易法委员会专题讨论会信托基金所支助的内容有:为发展中国家法律界 人士开展的技术合作与援助活动;资助贸易法委员会工作人员或其他专家参加
[...] 相关研讨会,研讨会上介绍贸易法委员会的法规以供研究并视可能加以采纳; 派出法律改革评价工作实考察团对 各 国现行国内立法进行审视并评价各国在 [...]
The UNCITRAL Trust Fund for symposia supports technical cooperation and assistance activities for the members of the legal community in developing countries, funding the participation of UNCITRAL staff or other experts at seminars where UNCITRAL texts are
presented for examination and possible
[...] adoption and fact-finding missions for law reform [...]
assessments in order to review existing
domestic legislation and assess country needs for law reform in the commercial field.
Through the week, the delegation visited several [...]
of Norway’s architectural highlights, such as the National Opera and Ballet, the new Bjorvika development area,
the Tjuvholmen quarter, the former airport area at Fornebu, the Vulkan new area, The Teachers’ House, Gardermoen International Airport, as well as the scenic areas of Trollveggen, Trollstigen Visitor Centre, and Juvet Landscape Hotel.
在于 2012 年 2 月与菲律宾大气、地球物理学和天文学服务管理局举行首次 会议后,国际水灾和风险管理中心与亚洲开发银行编制了一份详细的工作计划 和实施协定,以确保 TA7276 菲律国内组成部分的实效,并且会议之后向菲律宾 派出了第一考察团。
After the initial meeting with PAGASA in February 2012, when the first mission was dispatched to the Philippines, ICHARM and ADB prepared a detailed workplan and implementation arrangements to ensure the effectiveness of the Philippine in-country component of TA7276.




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