

单词 老弱



old and weak [idiom.]

See also:

of the past
of long standing
all the time
old (of people)
(of meat etc) tough
prefix used before the surname of a person or a numeral indicating the order of birth of the children in a family or indicate affection or familiarity
venerable (person)

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 法幫助每個家庭恢復原有的功能,包括照顧子女及家㆗ 老弱 , 學習㆟際關係和相處 之道,以及經驗和價值觀的傳遞等。
So the Government as well as the public should try to help restore the functions of the
family which include the caring of the
[...] children and the old and weak, the teaching of [...]
interpersonal skills, the sharing of experiences and values.
既然是這樣的產品,我們便要自問,在我們這麼成熟的金融制度下, 為何竟然會把這些產品售賣老弱婦 孺 呢?
As these products are such as they are, we have to think about why they are
[...] sold to the aged and the weak in our sophisticated [...]
financial system.
(二) 鑒於現時部分地鐵車站沒有裝設升降機連接車站範圍外的行人
道,當局有否督促地鐵公司安裝有關設施,以便輪椅使用者及其 他有需要人士出入車站;若有,詳情為何,以及該公司有否這方 面的計劃;若有計劃,詳情及時間表;若沒有計劃,當局會否計
[...] 劃成立委員會,研究及跟進改善地鐵系統的出入口設施,以 便老 弱及其他有需要人士出入車站?
(b) as some MTR stations have not yet been installed with lifts that link up the station premises with the walkways outside, whether the authorities have urged the MTRCL to install such facilities to facilitate wheelchair-bounded persons and others in need to enter and leave the stations; if they have, of the details, and whether the MTRCL has any plan in this regard; if it has such plan, of the details and timetable; if it has not, whether the authorities plan to set up a committee to study and follow up the issues relating to the improvement of access
facilities of the MTR system, with a view to
[...] facilitating the infirm and others in need [...]
to enter and leave the stations?
家庭可以帮助培育儿童成为社会上健康及有 责任感的一员,亦可给老弱伤残和误入歧途的成员,支持和力量。
The family provides support and
[...] strength for the infirm, elderly, persons with [...]
disabilities and the delinquent.
當我們說,最低工資是每小時20元的時候,我們要明白 ⎯⎯
[...] 那些 無須工作或沒辦法找到工作的人,例如領取綜援 老弱 傷 殘的人,還有 社會的安全網,他們最少可獲得基本的保障 [...]
⎯⎯ 現時社會上,情況最 差、最慘的,便是一些所謂在職貧窮的人。
When we say that the minimum wage should be $20 per hour, we have to understand ― for those people who do not have to work or are
unable to find work, for example, people
[...] on CSSA or the old, the weak and persons with disabilities, [...]
they can still rely on the
safety net in society and can at least get basic protection ― at present, the people faring the worst and in the greatest misery in society are the so-called the working poor.
巴勒斯坦平民,特别是儿童老弱病 残 者的人 道主义、社会经济和心理状况仍然困难,令人感到十 [...]
The humanitarian, socio-economic and psychological conditions of the
Palestinian civilian population, especially of
[...] children, the infirm and elderly, remain dire [...]
and cause for great concern.
在"鑒於"之後加上"經濟情況改善,但弱勢社衞生活仍然困苦,而";在"促請政府善用盈餘,"之後加上"撥款加強各項遏止家庭暴力的措施,以便真正落實對家庭暴力'零度容忍'的政策,並 老弱 傷 殘人士、單親及兒童綜合社會保障援助金額及傷殘津貼金額回復至2003年被削減前的水平,以";及在"刺激經濟及增加就業"之後加上";此外,政府亦應注資嚴重急性呼吸系統綜合症信託基金,加強協助嚴重急性呼吸系統綜合症(下稱 [...] [...]
'沙士' )病人及已故沙士患者的家屬"。
To add "the socially disadvantaged groups are still living in hardship despite the improved economic situation, and" after "That, as"; to add ", allocate funds to enhance various measures to curb family violence so as to truly implement its policy of 'zero tolerance' to family violence, and revert the
Comprehensive Social Security
[...] Assistance rates for the elderly, the vulnerable, the disabled, single [...]
parents and children as well
as the Disability Allowance to the levels prior to their reduction in 2003, so as" after "effectively utilize the surplus"; and to add "; furthermore, the Government should also inject additional funds into the Trust Fund for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome ('SARS') to strengthen the assistance to SARS patients and the families of those who died of SARS" after "increase employment opportunities".
达尔 富尔混合行动正在帮助运送该社区 老弱 病 残 人员, 并且为返回者提供安全和水。
UNAMID is assisting in
[...] transporting the most vulnerable members of the community [...]
and providing security and water to the returnees.
[...] 我肯定的答覆,說明須待經濟復甦至甚麼程度、庫房有多少收入,政府才會 考慮這老弱傷殘人士的請求?
Even if the Government says no, I still hope that it can describe concretely to me the degree of economic
recovery and the level of Treasury revenue that will induce it to consider
[...] the request of the elderly and the disabled.
[...] 我們看見,政府從 2003 年起“一刀切”老弱傷殘 的綜合社會保障援助 (“綜援”)金額大減 [...]
11%,主要目的是為了節省開支,以致這些人的基本 需要不獲照顧。
However, we can see that since the blanket reduction of 11% in Comprehensive
Social Security Assistance (CSSA) payment
[...] rates for the weak and frail in 2003 which [...]
was meant mainly to reduce public expenditure,
the basic needs of these people are therefore not catered for.
這個所謂「與成本掛 」的 收費計
[...] 算法,令到香港㆒般市民感到擔憂,尤以㆗㆘階層的市民,經常使用醫院服務而未有足夠 能力支付高昂收費的病患者,以及㆒ 老弱 、 身 患慢性疾病的㆟士為甚。
This so-called "cost-pegged" method for calculating fees and charges has indeed caused worries to the general public, especially the middle and lower strata of society, the
patients who have to use hospital services frequently but cannot afford
[...] higher charges, the elderly and the chronic [...]
以色列并不 满足于实施军事打击,侵入巴勒斯坦和被占领戈兰
[...] 的城镇和村庄,任意杀害和逮捕平民,包括儿童、 妇女老弱病残 ,摧毁房舍,破坏公共建筑和基础 [...]
设施,连根拔起树木,推平土地,摧毁农场以及公 共和私人财产,掠夺自然资源和文化遗产,侵犯礼
拜场所和圣地的自由,最近以色列还向前发展了一 步。
Not content with perpetrating military attacks against and making incursions into the towns and villages of Palestine and the occupied Golan, arbitrarily killing
and arresting civilians, including children,
[...] women and the infirm, destroying houses, [...]
targeting public buildings and infrastructure,
uprooting trees, bulldozing land, destroying farms and public and private property, pillaging natural resources and the cultural heritage, violating freedom of worship and sacred places, Israel had recently gone still further.
On trunk buses, these seats are only indicated as priority seating by red-coloured cushioning, meaning that if someone is sitting on a seat, the red is not visible.
随着石油资源的枯竭,截止2007年有9万多人迁出老市区,留守人员除石油生产工人外,绝大部分是无力搬迁 老弱 病 残和下岗失业人员。
Those remaining are a few oil workers, and the elderly, sick, handicapped and unemployed who do not have the resources to relocate. 35,000 are unemployed, with 14,000 living in poverty and more than 6000 receiving the municipal minimum income welfare.
日颁发,通过适当的体制机制向高龄公民提供优惠和福利。在这方面,于 2011年3月30
[...] 日发起了《菲律宾高龄公民社会养老保险》这是一项非缴费养老 金,对象老弱病残 没有任何养老金来源,得不到家庭或亲戚定期支助的贫困高 [...]
Related to this, the Philippines Social Pension for Senior Citizens, a
non-contributory pension targeting indigent senior
[...] citizens who are frail, sickly or with [...]
disability, receiving no pension from any
source, and with no regular support received from family or relatives, was launched on March 30, 2011
随息居饮食谱》载:“海参,滋阴、补血、健阳、润燥、调经、养胎、利产,凡产后,生脉血,治下利疾及溃疡,病后 老弱孱 。
In Chinese medicine, Sea Cucumber is believed to nourish blood, moisturize dryness-syndrome, regulate menstruation, nourishing fetus, help in recovery after delivery, as well as a tonic for the kidney.
[...] 改组苏丹南方警察局,所采取的手段包括通过新的警察法、任命新的警察总监以 及征聘 6 000 名高中毕业生来取代苏丹南方警察局 老 体 弱 人 员
During the reporting period, the Government of Southern Sudan took encouraging steps to reorganize, reform and restructure the Southern Sudan Police Service, including through the passage of the new Police Act, the appointment of a new Inspector General of
Police, and the recruitment of 6,000 high school
[...] graduates to replace the elderly and infirm personnel of the Police [...]
(a) 将老年人纳入社区救济和复兴方案,其方法包括查明及帮助 弱老年 人;(b) 确认老年人作为家庭和社区的领导人,在教育、沟通和解决冲突方面所
(b) Recognize
[...] the potential of older persons as leaders [...]
in the family and community for education, communication and conflict resolution
司法机关已决 定简化涉弱势妇女和老年人 的刑事案件的程序。
The Judiciary has decided to simplify the process for criminal cases
[...] involving women in vulnerable situations or older persons.
院友義工在過去數年已陸續在各院舍成立,以提昇他們照 弱老 , 互 助互愛及參與社區之動力。
Volunteer groups among residents had been set up among the more capable service users in some of the Homes to promote mutual help and community service spirit.
阿尔及利亚感到鼓舞的是,马耳 他已经采取措施并作出努力,增弱 势 群 体,尤其是儿童和妇女的权利,同时还 [...]
Algeria was encouraged by the measures
and efforts already under way to promote
[...] the rights of vulnerable groups, especially [...]
children and women, and by the increased
participation of women in the labour market.
此处规定的生命权应能够更好地实现经济、社会和文化权利,尤其是在医 疗、教育和其他公共服务领域内,尤其是儿童、残疾人以 老 年 人 等 弱 势 群 体。
The right to life thus stipulated should allow the better realization of economic, social and cultural rights; notably in the areas of health, education and
other public services, in
[...] particular for vulnerable groups such as children, persons with disabilities and older persons.
[...] 问:怎么可能有那么多的事件致使那么多无辜和手无寸铁的平民包括儿童,妇女老人和体弱者死 亡和受伤,并使财产包括日常生活和社会福利运作所必须的重要 [...]
民用基础设施如医院、儿童的学校、水、卫生设施和电力系统,受到如此肆意的 毁坏和损坏,都能辩解和原谅,有时被说成是“判断错误”,有时则是无辜的“错 误”?
The conclusion has to be in the nature of a rhetorical question, namely: how is it possible that so many incidents resulting in so many deaths and injuries to innocent and
defenceless civilians, including
[...] children, women, the elderly and infirm persons, and causing [...]
such wanton destruction and damage
to property, including to vital civilian infrastructure such as hospitals, children’s schools, and water, sanitation and electricity systems necessary for the functioning of daily life and the well-being of the society, is consistently justified and excused, in certain instances as an “error in judgment” and in other instances as an innocent “mistake”?
关于 劳动力市场,该发展司司长提到了包括以下各项的重大政策:承认劳动权利(最 低标准)和最低工资;加强工会力量和集体谈判能力;加强社会对话;提供职业
培训;简化获得正规就业的程序;正式认可技能;扶植中小企业;提供失业保险; 在劳动力市场提供中介服务;推动某些群体(如青年和妇女)的就业;建立机制,
[...] 减少退休和养恤金制度中的性别不平等现象;调拨资金给最贫穷群体(特别是抚 养儿童和青少年的家庭);弱势老年人无需缴款就能获得转让的资金。
With regard to the labour market, the Director referred to vital policies that included: recognizing labour rights (basic floor) and a minimum wage; strengthening unionization and collective bargaining; strengthening social dialogue; providing occupational training; simplifying procedures to access formal employment; recognizing skills formally; providing small and medium-sized enterprises with support; introducing unemployment insurance; providing labour market intermediation services; advocating the employment of specific groups (such as young people and women); establishing mechanisms to reduce gender inequality in retirement and pension systems; making transfers to the poorest sectors (particularly
families with children and adolescents); and providing non-contributory access
[...] to transfers for vulnerable older adults.
[...] 念有关的具体威胁,包括由于巫术指控而实施的暴力行为,对特别 弱 的 老 年 人 , 例如移民、残疾老年人、身处冲突局势下的老年人和生活在贫困状态的老年人, [...]
There are also specific threats related to traditional beliefs, including violence as a result of accusations of
sorcery and violence against
[...] particularly vulnerable older persons [...]
such as migrants, older persons with disabilities, older
persons in conflict situations and older persons living in poverty, particularly the homeless.
其目的是软化Christianlike人性的一面是很难看到的平和,慈善实现其许多经验教训生病, 弱 , 以 及 老 年 人 ,并在其上​​的伤害和宽恕以德报怨责任的坚持。
Its Christianlike aim to soften the hard side of human nature is seen in its many lessons of
mildness, charity
[...] towards the sick, feeble, and aged, and in its insistence on the duty of forgiving injuries and returning [...]
good for evil.
它很受鼓舞的是,智利愿意保障所有儿童,尤其 弱 势 群 体儿童,例如难民 儿童、农村地区家庭的儿童或贫困线以下家庭的儿童接受教育。
It was encouraged by Chile’s readiness to guarantee access to education for all children, especially those from marginalized communities, such as refugee children and children whose families live in rural areas or below the poverty line.
教科文组织主张教育领域的规划和管理工作应以更强 有力的证据为基础,而且主张尝试使用具有包容性、方便儿童的创新型教育办法,制定有效
[...] 的教育政策和法律,重点确保优质教育权、特别是农村 弱 势 群 体的优质教育权,从而提高 质量。
UNESCO advocated for stronger evidence-based planning and management in the area of education and for improved quality through piloting innovative inclusive and child-friendly educational approaches and developing effective education
policies and laws, focusing on ensuring the right to quality education, especially
[...] for rural and disadvantaged populations.




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