单词 | 老年痴呆症 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 老年痴呆症 —Alzheimer's diseaseless common: senile dementia 老年痴呆 —Alzheimer's diseasesenile dementiaExamples:老年性痴呆症—senile dementia See also:老年—elderly • old age • autumn of one's years 年老 n—grow old n 年老—aged 老年 n—age n
更严重的损害可能指向老年痴呆症和 阿尔茨海默氏病,它涉及到的其他认知能力的丧失,如学习,推理,决策和注意。 cn.iherb.com | More serious [...] impairment may point to Dementia and Alzheimer's disease, [...]which involves loss of other cognitive abilities, [...]such as learning, reasoning, decision making and attention. iherb.com |
自由基被认为有助於一些健康问题,包括心脏病和癌症以 及 老年痴呆症 和 其 他形式 的 老年痴呆症。 goodlifenutritionhouse.com | Free radicals are believed to contribute to a number of health problems including heart disease and cancer as well as Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. goodlifenutritionhouse.com |
申诉人提出,他们的母亲因为儿子们难以获得 居留证而患上了老年痴呆症。 daccess-ods.un.org | It had been argued that their mother [...] suffered from senile dementia because of [...]her sons’ problems in obtaining residence permits. daccess-ods.un.org |
老年视网膜黄斑部退化症是发达国家中导致失明的重要原因之一,发病率 是 老年痴呆症 的 两 倍,全世界患者大约为3000万人。 tipschina.gov.cn | Age-related macular degeneration is a leading cause of blindness in the developed world, and is twice as prevalent as Alzheimer's disease, affecting approximately 30 million people worldwide. tipschina.gov.cn |
政府的应对措施注重各种问题,包括药 品补贴、免除使用费、医疗保险计划、特殊服务,包括专门针对老人的部门,专 [...] 注一些慢性疾病、人员培训以及研究和政策,以应对心理健康问题,特别 是 老年 痴呆症,尤其是阿尔茨海默病。 daccess-ods.un.org | Government responses have focused on various issues, including subsidies for medicines, user fee exemptions, health insurance schemes, special services, including geriatricspecific departments, focused attention on certain chronic diseases, training of [...] personnel and research and policies to address mental health [...] issues, notably dementia and, specifically, [...]Alzheimer’s disease. daccess-ods.un.org |
在2009年至2010年期间,NARI还进行了研究项目的评估,以评述生理活动、心理活动及饮 食对老年痴呆症的发 展的影响,以及是否有明确证据表明,生活方式的选择 与 老年痴呆症 的 发展存在特定联系。 australiachina.com.au | From 2009 to 2010, NARI also conducted a review of studies into the effects of physical and mental [...] activity and diet on the [...] development of Alzheimer’s disease, and whether there is concrete evidence of a link between such lifestyle choices and the progression of Alzheimer’s in the elderly. australiachina.com.au |
帕金森氏病易与老年痴呆症合并 是众所周知的,根据嗅觉检查实 现 老年痴呆症 的 早期诊断•早期治疗是值得期待。 tohoku.ac.jp | Olfaction tests will enable us to identify and treat dementia earlier. tohoku.ac.jp |
此外,老年妇女在患有 疾病以及诸如糖尿病、癌症(特别是老年妇女中最常见的癌症)、高血压、心脏病、 白内障、骨质疏松和老年痴呆症这样 的老年病时,缺乏医疗保健服务或获得此类 服务的机会有限,致使她们无法充分享有其人权。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, the lack of or limited access to [...] health-care services for [...] diseases and geriatric conditions such as diabetes, cancer (in particular the forms of cancer most prevalent among older women), hypertension, heart disease, cataracts, osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s disease, [...]prevent older women [...]from fully enjoying their human rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们所有的设施,在未来的兰尼埃三世中心,安老院或 患 老年痴呆症 的 患者日间护理中心,都对外开放。 luxe-immo.com | All our facilities, be it the future Rainier III [...] Centre, the two residential homes or the day care centre for [...] patients suffering from Alzheimer's, are open to [...]the outside. luxe-immo.com |
掌 握 两 门 语 言 是 一 种 让 人 们 开 发 保 留 认 知 力 的 方 式 , 它 可 以 防 止 或 者 延 迟 老 年 痴呆症的发作。 cdn.c3a.com.sg | Being bilingual is just one way people develop a “cognitive reserve,” which can prevent or delay dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. cdn.c3a.com.sg |
这些对于GroE的开创性贡献及其他分子伴侣的详细研究,有助于解释因蛋白质折叠错误而导致的疾病如囊肿性纤维化 、 老年痴呆症 ( 脑 退 化症)及亨廷顿氏症。 shawprize.org | These seminal contributions on GroE, along with detailed inspection of other chaperones, help to explain what goes wrong in diseases of protein folding such as cystic fibrosis, Alzheimer’s Disease and Huntington’s Disease. shawprize.org |
在2008-2009年度,政府發放療養院照顧補助金及照 顧 老年痴呆症 患 者 補助金的款額各有多少,獲發補助金最多及最少的院舍名稱、所涉金額,以及它們有多少名該等類別的院友;社會福利署以甚麼準則決定發放予各間院舍的補助金款額;補助金款額佔資助總額的百分比是否各間院舍一致;以及政府為甚麼不按有關的院友人數向院舍發放補助金 legco.gov.hk | of the respective amounts of Infirmary Care [...] Supplement and Dementia Supplement granted by the Government in 2008-2009; the respective names of the C&AHs which were granted the [...]highest and the lowest [...]amounts of such supplements, the amounts involved and the numbers of these two categories of residents in those C&AHs; what criteria the Social Welfare Department has adopted for determining the amounts of supplements granted to various C&AHs; whether the percentage of the amounts of supplements granted in the total subvention is the same for various C&AHs; and why the Government did not grant the supplements to C&AHs according to the number of the residents concerned legco.gov.hk |
东北大学大学院医学系研究科神经内科学领域的武田笃准教授、马场彻医师研究小组,证明了根据嗅觉检验可以预 测 老年痴呆症 帕 金 森氏病。 tohoku.ac.jp | A research group led by Associate Professor Atsushi Takeda and Dr. Toru Baba at Tohoku University Graduate [...] School of Medicine has revealed that olfaction tests can predict [...] the development of dementia associated Parkinson's [...]disease. tohoku.ac.jp |
至於精神病,差不多 6%的老㆟有嚴重的憂鬱症,需要專科治療,4%有妄想 性精神病症狀;65 歲以㆖的老年㆟,有 5%患有老年痴呆症,而 80 歲以㆖高齡 ㆟士,有 20%患有老年痴呆症,往 往需要住院照顧。 legco.gov.hk | As for psychiatric diseases, [...] almost 6% of the elderly people are suffering from depression and they need specialist treatment, while 4% are suffering from paranoia. legco.gov.hk |
在该计划中, Steven Blair 博士和 Timothy Church [...] 博士评论了在健身/肥胖辩论领域的最新研究,还讨论了体育锻炼对推动健康老龄化和防止严重疾病(包括心脏病、 癌 症 、 老年痴呆症 和 帕 金森氏症)所起的作用越来越多的支持,以及激励客户在日常生活中加强体育锻炼的策略。 beverageinstitute.org | In this program, Dr. Steven Blair and Dr. Timothy Church review the latest research in the fitness/fatness debate and the growing support for the role of [...] physical activity in [...] promoting healthful aging and preventing serious diseases, including heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's [...]and Parkinson's, and [...]strategies for motivating clients to put more physical activity into their daily lives. beverageinstitute.org |
公司被世界经济论坛评为2009年最佳生物 医药公司,在老年痴呆症的治 疗和疫苗等领域的研 究处于世界领先地位。 biopole.ch | The biopharmaceutical company, which was named “best biotechnology company of 2009” by the World Economic Forum, is viewed as a leader in developing therapies and vaccines against this degenerative disease. biopole.ch |
雖然當局在本財政年度增撥3,700萬元予安老院舍以照顧需要療養服務或患 有 老年痴呆症 長 者 ,但該筆撥款只是杯水車薪,根本不足以支付照顧該類院友的額外開支。 legco.gov.hk | Although in the current financial year, the authorities have provided additional funding of $37 million to residential care homes for [...] the elderly for taking care [...] of infirm elderly residents and those with dementia, the provision [...]is only a drop in the bucket [...]and far from enough for meeting the extra expenses for taking care of these residents. legco.gov.hk |
有不少社會工作者("社工")、醫生、長者團體、專科醫學團體及殘疾人士團體向本人投訴,政府未有諮詢公眾及專業團體的意見,便兒戲地採納了一項在去年年底由一間慈善團體舉辦的"痴呆症"正名比賽的結果,武斷及毫不專業地 將 老年痴呆症 改 名為"腦退化症"。 legco.gov.hk | Quite a number of social workers, doctors as well as elderly groups, medical specialist groups and groups for persons with disabilities have complained to me that the Government, without consulting the public and professional groups, has casually adopted the result of a renaming competition organized by a charitable [...] organization at the end of last year, and arbitrarily and unprofessionally changed [...] the Chinese rendition of dementia to "腦退化症". legco.gov.hk |
在一些最严重的情况下,例如,当 老年 人 患 有 痴呆症 、 阿 尔兹 海默氏症或帕金森症时,他们可能忘记吃饭或不会自己吃饭。 daccess-ods.un.org | In some of the most dramatic [...] situations, such as when the elderly suffer from dementia, Alzheimer’s [...]or Parkinson’s disease, [...]they may forget or be unable to feed themselves. daccess-ods.un.org |
在2009年至2011年期间,NARI还实施了以社区为基础的教育计划,以期提高居住在墨尔本的亚 裔 老年 人 (尤其是中国籍与越南籍居民) 的 痴呆症 诊 断 率。 australiachina.com.au | From 2009 to 2011, NARI also conducted a community-based education [...] program with the [...] aim of improving dementia detection rates amongst elderly people of Asian background living [...]in Melbourne, [...]especially residents of Chinese and Vietnamese background. australiachina.com.au |
這些新措施有助回應資助院舍對照顧服務持續增長的需 求,並進一步提升對正居於安老院舍 ,而已達療養程度的長者和 痴呆症長者的支援。 legco.gov.hk | The new initiatives will help meet the growing [...] demand for subsidised residential care [...] services and further enhance the care for infirm and demented elders staying in RCHEs. legco.gov.hk |
在過去一年共有23位院友診斷患上老 人 痴呆症 , 而被診斷需要輪候療養院宿位的院友則共有9位。 hksb.org.hk | During the year under review, a total of 23 residents were diagnosed as suffering from senile dementia and 9 residents were assessed and confirmed to be in need of infirmary care service. hksb.org.hk |
尤其痴呆症等老年性精 神疾病可在另设的专门病房接受专业诊断与治疗。 chn.busanmc.or.kr | Especially, the specialized ward can professionally diagnoses and [...] treats senile mental illness with dementia. eng.busanmc.or.kr |
我們的盈餘除了是用作提供就業機會、 [...] 提供長者安居服務、提供救命鐘服務外,現時亦在進行一些研究和發展工作 ( R&D),看看如何讓一些患上老人 痴呆症 的 病人或其他需要服務的殘疾人 士,在戶外也可以獲得救命鐘服務,例如當他們在戶外迷失了,按救命鐘, [...]便可以讓我們找到他們。 legco.gov.hk | Our surplus is used for, besides creating job opportunities and providing home safety services for the elderly and the help bell service, conducting R&D [...] studies to examine ways to enable patients [...] suffering from senile dementia or needy people [...]with disabilities to access our help [...]bell service outdoor so that when they get lost outdoor, for instance, they may press the help bell to enable us to locate them. legco.gov.hk |
潘佩璆議員引述他就評估治療老年癡 呆症 的新 藥提出申請的經驗為例,在考慮該項申請時, 藥物諮詢委員會的成員並無包括該專科的專家,他 [...] 詢問當局可否考慮邀請相關專科的專家出席藥物 諮詢委員會的會議,為委員會就考慮中的藥物提供 專家意見,並解答委員的問題。 legco.gov.hk | Citing his experience of applying for evaluation of new drugs for [...] the treatment of Dementia whereby the membership [...]of DAC did not comprise experts [...]in the specialty when considering the application, Dr PAN Pey-chyou asked whether consideration could be given to inviting experts from the relevant specialties to take part in the meetings of DAC to provide the committee with specialist views on the drugs under consideration and answer questions from members. legco.gov.hk |
因應有關院友的特別照顧需要,年度 內 白普理盲人護理安老院運用政府發放之療養補助金 和 老 人 痴呆症 補 助 金,聘請額外員工,包括社工,起居照顧員及物理治療師等,讓有需要的院友獲特別護理及訓練服務。 hksb.org.hk | In order to meet the constant care needs of the frail elderly, we had employed additional staff including social worker, personal care workers and [...] physiotherapist to provide [...] special care and individual training to the frail elderly and the demented elderly under the provision of Infirmary Care [...]Supplement and Dementia [...]Supplement from the Social Welfare Department. hksb.org.hk |
政府十分重視提倡敬老護老,已經製作 多輯電視宜傳短片,宣揚今年國際長者年“長幼一家”的主題, 以加深巿民對老年癡呆症的認 識及宣傳如何預防長者抑鬱。 legco.gov.hk | TV APIs have also been produced to help the public to better understand elderly dementia and how to prevent elderly depression. legco.gov.hk |