

单词 老婆孩子热炕头

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其中一些孩子就直接把大头菜生吃了,有 孩子 会 把 大 头 菜 放 在火上 热 些。
Some of them eat them directly, while others toss them in the fire to warm their meal a little bit.
不過,我想重申,我們 已制訂了㆒個全面的計劃,進行治理河道工程和各項排水漕工程,以解決這個問題。
I wish to reiterate, however, that we have a comprehensive programme of river training works and drainage channel project to tackle the problem.
方舟”每天孩子们提供一热腾腾 的午饭,辅导他们做作业 孩 子 们 可以一起玩游戏,或和辅导员们一起郊游。
Every day, the charity provides the children in its care with a hot lunchtime meal, helps them with their [...]
homework, supervises
games and accompanies them on day trips.
此外,當局亦會定期進行 維修,使排水漕的操作情況保持良好。
The drainage channels will also be kept in good working condition by regular maintenance.
Park in Xuhui. You will find WACKER office building at the northwest corner of the crossing of Hongmei Road and Cao Bao Road.
從溢流堰排出的水,流入㆒條㆝然河道內,河水 跟 流入㆒個排水漕系統內。
Water from the overflow weir discharged into a natural stream course that is intercepted by a network of drainage channels.
最重要的是,千萬別要那 些在大風大雨的子仍在 旺角撿拾紙皮 老婆婆 每 年繳交數百元的牌照 費,但卻只撿得數十元的紙皮。
Most importantly, we must make sure that all those old women who must still scavenge cardboard in stormy weather conditions in Hong Kong are not made to pay an annual licence fee of several hundred dollars while they can only earn several dozen dollars by scavenging cardboard.
当他在河边钓鱼时,他看见一个头 白 发 的 老婆婆 , 正 在磨一根 子 般 粗 的铁杵。
One day, he cut class again; when he was fishing by a river, he saw a white-haired old woman grinding an iron rod on a big stone.
到婆罗门教的启动仪式上被授予唯一的男性儿童,当他们开始 婆 罗 门 老 师 , 这起发生在第八个 头 的 婆 罗 门 的地方,一般的研究,并在为刹帝利和Vaisya分别为第十一届和第十二届年。
The rite of initiation into Brahminism was conferred on male children only, when they began their studies under a Brahmin teacher, which took place generally in the eighth year of the Brahmin, and in the eleventh and twelfth years for the Kshatriya and the Vaisya respectively.
不要听老太太的说法:让流鼻血 孩子 将 头 部 后倾或埋在膝盖上。
Don’t believe the old wives’ tale that a child with a nosebleed should place his head between his knees or tip his head back.
[...] 球教育运动”(它将报告用在了其题为“所有 孩子 都 有 老 师 ” 的运动中)以及牛津饥荒救 济委员会(Oxfam)、教育国际和其它许多组织。
The promotion of the report was further boosted by joint activities with civil society organizations, namely the Global Campaign for
Education, which used the report for its A
[...] teacher for every child campaign, along with [...]
Oxfam, Education International and many others.
婆子常见于热带地 区,在沙地或岩石地区,或地面土壤已损坏的地方肆意蔓延。
Found commonly in the tropics, Waltheria satisfies [...]
its need to grow by spreading over sandy or rocky areas or in places
where ground soil has been damaged.
我们在雅各书1:27中找到这项事工的圣经基础,而当我们以此为起点开始事奉时,我们 热 诚 是 要带 孩子 们 清楚地知道,他们是被爱的,是特别的,因为在他们成长的过程中,这种认知往往与现实大相迳庭。
We find a scriptural basis for this in
James 1:27 and as we serve from
[...] this point our passion is to let the children clearly know [...]
that they are loved and special,
because as they grow up this is often so far from their reality.
热敏打印机的工作方式不同于行式点阵打印机或激光打印 机,因为热敏打印机采用了热元 件打 印 头 以 及 特殊的打印纸或碳带。
The thermal printer operates differently from a line
matrix or laser printer, because the thermal
[...] printer uses a printhead with heating elements and special [...]
paper or ribbon.
多位同事剛才也說出了一些荒謬的情況,例如一 老婆婆 拖 着 紙皮 去賣,可能由於濕了導致重量增加,她會被檢控;街市賣菜的商販會被 控 “呃秤”,剛才亦有子是售 賣抽油煙機的人亦會被檢控,要坐牢,這 些都只涉及少數金額,但也會被告“呃秤”,售賣數百萬元、千多萬元或 數千萬元的單位,卻不會被控告“呃秤”,這是因為沒有任何法例管制。
For example, an old lady hauling a stack of cardboards to the recycler for sale may be prosecuted for the increased weight of the cardboards probably because the cardboards are wet; [...]
a vegetable vendor in a market may be prosecuted
for deceiving customers by fiddling with the scale; and another example was cited earlier about a salesperson selling range hoods being prosecuted and imprisoned.
简便浴室主要说的是它可以应对人口结构的不断变化,它是针对所有群体,不管是针对残障人士还是针对不同年龄段的年轻人、 孩 、 老 人 等 都是适用的,这种浴室非常安全, 子 设 备 和辅助工具安装在需要的地方,比如洗漱台前提供滚轮式的 子 , 可以自由拉伸的水 头 等。
Simple to say that the main bathroom which can respond to the changing population structure, it is against all groups, whether they are disabled person
or a different age for
[...] young people, children, the elderly and so on are all Shi Yong's, this bathroom very safe electronic equipment and support tools installed in areas of need, such as washing the stage to provide roller chair, taps, etc. are free to [...]
他們又怕子㆟生經驗不足,會選 老婆。
) And they are afraid that their son does not have sufficient experience [...]
in life and may make a wrong choice.
假如我們都能付出時間和心思,去體諒㆒㆘老㆟家 的處境,這個故事相信亦會改寫,而這 老婆婆 就 不 會受無端的鄙視了。
If the people were patient and considerate, they should not have behaved like
this. Then, I would have had a different story
[...] to tell and the old lady would not have [...]
been treated with such unjustifiable meanness.
當局將修復斜坡受 侵蝕的部份,並重建有關的排水漕,以改善其排水量。
Eroded parts of the slopes will be reinstated, and the channels concerned will be reconstructed to improve their drainage capacity.
在我们的宿舍;舒适和放松开始在卧室,因此这些都必须宽敞,私人浴室,在那里你会发现 热 毛 巾, 镜 子 , 马桶,洗脸盆,淋浴和厕所的肥皂,卫生纸,毛巾,热水24装备小时,良好的压力,那里有干净的床垫,DirecTV公司(豪华客房只), 头 台 灯 ,良好的通风,采光好。
In our hostel; comfort and relaxation begin in the bedrooms hence these have to be spacious,
with private baths
[...] where you will find heated towel, mirror, toilet, wash basin and shower and equipped with toilet soap, toilet paper, towels, hot water 24 hours with good pressure, where there are clean mattresses, DirecTV ( luxury rooms only), bedside table lamps, [...]
good ventilation and good lighting.
[...] 說︰“糟了,臨時撥款決議案不獲通過,那位每晚在鏞記執拾9元紙皮老嫗、老婆婆便會沒飯吃。
He can approve provisional appropriations, so he does not have to say with a sorrowful face, "Oh no, the provisional
appropriations could
[...] not be passed, so that old woman collecting nine [...]
dollars' worth of cartons outside the Yung Kee Restaurant every night has to go without food.
智慧人的圣无辜的我那些(401-17) 热头 街 卓西姆(417-8),以及严重圣圣境也许是最在本世纪上半的重要,而在下半年对Hilarus,Simplicius,及以上的所有学到的圣格拉西(492-6)。
Those of the wise St. Innocent
[...] I (401-17), the hot-headed St. Zosimus [...]
(417-8), and the severe St. Celestine are perhaps
the most important in the first half of the century; in the second half those of Hilarus, Simplicius, and above all the learned St. Gelasius (492-6).
1)临时撤除 30°32′22″.9N、122°03′01″.0E 位置处的漕泾大型灯浮,其上雷达应答器暂停工作。
1)Delete the light-buoy named " 漕泾大型灯浮" and Radar Beacon temporarily in position 30°32′22″.9N,122°03′01″.0E.
论坛产生了几项重要成果和宣言,其中包括:在里斯本和里 热 内 卢头两次 “对话咖啡馆”活动;与各国际机构谈判、缔结或延续协定,包括与教科 文组织、伊斯兰历史艺术文化研究中心、伊斯兰会议组织、劳工组织、阿拉伯联 [...]
段(预定于 2010 年 11 月开始);启动关于移民和融合的在线社区(与国际移民组 织合作);创建联合国大学不同文明联盟国际研究所(将设在西班牙巴塞罗那); 发起青年团结基金第三版;以及其他许多举措。
The Forum led to several significant outcomes and
announcements, including: the
[...] inauguration of the first two Dialogue Cafés in Lisbon and Rio de Janeiro; the negotiation, [...]
conclusion or renewal
of agreements with international bodies, including UNESCO, the Research Centre for Islamic History, Arts and Culture, OIC, ILO, the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization, the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation and the World Bank; the second phase of the Fellowships Programme (due to start in November 2010); the launch of the Online Community on Migration and Integration (in partnership with the International Organization for Migration); the creation of the United Nations University International Institute for the Alliance of Civilizations (to be based in Barcelona, Spain); and the launch of the third edition of the Youth Solidarity Fund, among many other initiatives.
下列人员不需事先就业或从事等于工作的活动:在登记失业之前的十二个 月期间,身为父母或监护人,至少有 180 天抚养 18 岁以下中度、重度和极重度 残疾孩子,8 岁以下孩子或 8 岁至在学校读完一年级孩子的失 业人员;在 登记失业之前的十二个月期间至少 180 天接受住院治疗的人,护理病人的人;长 期无法工作的人老年人 ,或接受《残疾人社会福利法》或《社会福利法》规定 的照顾者津贴的人,因为宣布长期无法工作而失业的人,在监押的人,在狱中或 拘留所服刑的人。
Previous employment or engagement in an activity equal to work is not required of an unemployed person who, for at least 180 days during the twelve months prior to registration as unemployed
raised, as a parent or a guardian, a child of up to 18 years of age with a moderate, severe or profound disability, a child under 8 years of
[...] age or a child of 8 years of age until the child completed year one at school; or of a person who, for at least 180 days during the twelve months prior to registration as unemployed was under in-patient treatment, cared for a sick person, a person who is permanently incapacitated for work or an elderly person, or received [...]
a caregiver’s allowance
under the Social Benefits for Disabled Persons Act or under the Social Welfare Act, was unemployed due to declaration as permanently incapacitated for work, or held in custody or served a sentence in a prison or house of detention.
在马戏团的动物运输,夫人珍宝,其中 头 象 , 接收她 孩子 从 鹳
While circus animals are being transported, Mrs. Jumbo, one of the elephants, receives her baby from a stork.
采用以家庭为方案对象的方法会使妇女处于不利地位, 因为这无视了如下的事实:无论家庭收入状况如何,妇女、尤其 老 年 妇 女和孩获得的资源往往少于子和男孩。
The use of household targeting methods can put women at a disadvantage by ignoring
the fact that women, in
[...] particular older women and girls, often receive fewer resources than men and boys, regardless of household income.
最重要的是,在国家或公共机构作为那些正在进行精神病治疗的人、幼儿园 孩子和 养老院的 老人的法定监护人的情况下,每当那些政府和公共机构在研究项目中有利益时,批 [...]
Above all, in cases where state or public bodies act as the legal
guardians of such persons who are in
[...] psychiatric care, in children’s homes or nursing [...]
homes, there may be conflicting interests
as regards the approval of research projects whenever those state bodies also have an interest.
另外,还将努力再度把优先关心的对象定 为处在困境中的孩子,特别是居住在贫民窟 孩子 , 流落 街 头 的 孩子 , 感 染艾滋 病病毒或者患艾滋病的孩子,以及残疾孩子。
In addition, efforts will be made to restore priority attention to children in difficult circumstances, especially slum-dwellers, street children, children affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic and the disabled.
新增第 106.2(丙)条(收养假),增加这一条可使有关工作人员照顾其收养的孩
[...] 子,并享受带全薪的八周特别假,可分一次或两次,按相等或不等的期限 孩子 到 家 后 头一 年的任何时候休这一特别假。
The new Rule 106.2 ter (Adoption leave) has been introduced in order to allow the staff members concerned to take care of their adopted children during eight weeks of special leave with full pay to be taken at
any time during the first year
[...] following the arrival of the child in the home, as one [...]
continuous period or in two periods of equal or unequal duration.




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