单词 | 老婆 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 老婆 —(coll.) wife婆婆 —grandmamother-in-law婆婆 noun —destroyer nExamples:大老婆—primary wife 小老婆—junior wife • concubine • mistress 怕老婆—henpecked • be under one's wife's thumb See also:老—experienced • always • of the past • outdated • of long standing • all the time • old (of people) • prefix used before the surname of a person or a numeral indicating the order of birth of the children in a family or indicate affection or familiarity • venerable (person) • (of meat etc) tough 婆—grandmother • mother-in-law • matron
他是可以批准臨時撥款的,那他便不用苦着臉 [...] 說︰“糟了,臨時撥款決議案不獲通過,那位每晚在鏞記執拾9元紙皮 的老嫗、老婆婆便會沒飯吃。 legco.gov.hk | He can approve provisional appropriations, so he does not have to say with a sorrowful face, "Oh no, the provisional [...] appropriations could [...] not be passed, so that old woman collecting nine [...]dollars' worth of cartons outside the Yung Kee Restaurant every night has to go without food. legco.gov.hk |
我曾經問過一些老婆婆,她們現時回收廢紙是每一百 公斤可獲兩仙,回收價相當低。 legco.gov.hk | According to some old women interviewed [...] by me, they will get two cents for each kg of waste paper recovered, a very low waste recovery price. legco.gov.hk |
在馬會 [...] 內,無須職員宣傳:請不要賭波,賭波會輸掉“身家”、“必定餓 死 老婆醺 臭屋”、令人弄至跳樓的地步等。 legco.gov.hk | Inside the HKJC, employees should not ask people not to gamble, should not say that they may gamble away [...] all their chattels, that their wives may be [...] starved to death as a result, and that [...]they may thus have to commit suicide. legco.gov.hk |
有老婆婆走來 時,又游說她加點錢,說還可以賭些甚麼、 甚麼的。 legco.gov.hk | Even an elderly woman will not be [...] spared. She will be persuaded to add more money and given some gambling advice too. legco.gov.hk |
他這樣做事,應該減少一 [...] 些薪金......如果要求他把今天的薪金捐給香港公益金、捐 給 老婆婆, 他是否願意呢? legco.gov.hk | In view of the way he is doing his work, he should take a pay cut …… If I [...] ask him to donate the salary he receives today to the Community [...] Chest or to some old ladies, will he be willing [...]to do so? legco.gov.hk |
然而,我也希望局長在公民教育方面多做工夫,提醒市 [...] 民在今天大部分人生活富足的時候......當然我們也聽過在深水埗區, 有些吃剩的飯盒被拋掉,便有很多 老婆婆 立 即 爭着來要。 legco.gov.hk | Yet I also hope that the Secretary will make more efforts in civic education to remind members of the public that presently, while most people are living in affluence …… of course we have also [...] heard that in Sham Shui Po, when boxes of leftovers are [...] thrown away, many old ladies will scramble [...]for them right away. legco.gov.hk |
最重要的是,千萬別要那 些在大風大雨的日子仍在旺角撿拾紙皮 的 老婆婆 每 年繳交數百元的牌照 費,但卻只撿得數十元的紙皮。 legco.gov.hk | Most importantly, we must make sure that all those old women who must still scavenge cardboard in stormy weather conditions in Hong Kong are not made to pay an annual licence fee of several hundred dollars while they can only earn several dozen dollars by scavenging cardboard. legco.gov.hk |
我去到一個放置垃圾的地 [...] 方(我想你們也未曾去過這些地方的),我看到有一 位 老婆婆 戴 着 口罩,她 在做甚麼呢? legco.gov.hk | (I think none of you have been to such [...] places.) I saw an old woman with a mask [...]on her face. legco.gov.hk |
多位同事剛才也說出了一些荒謬的情況,例如一 位 老婆婆 拖 着 紙皮 去賣,可能由於濕了導致重量增加,她會被檢控;街市賣菜的商販會被 [...] 控 “呃秤”,剛才亦有例子是售賣抽油煙機的人亦會被檢控,要坐牢,這 些都只涉及少數金額,但也會被告“呃秤”,售賣數百萬元、千多萬元或 [...] 數千萬元的單位,卻不會被控告“呃秤”,這是因為沒有任何法例管制。 legco.gov.hk | For example, an old lady hauling a stack [...] of cardboards to the recycler for sale may be prosecuted for the increased weight [...]of the cardboards probably because the cardboards are wet; a vegetable vendor in a market may be prosecuted for deceiving customers by fiddling with the scale; and another example was cited earlier about a salesperson selling range hoods being prosecuted and imprisoned. legco.gov.hk |
当晚,他做了一个梦,梦见那个 老婆婆 向 他 自我介绍说,她就是碧霞元君,很多年前她看到李白不好好学习,就变成老妇人教导他。 chinesestoryonline.com | At that night, he dreamed [...] that he saw the old woman again, who introduced herself as Bi Xia Yuan Jun, and told Li Bai [...]that many years ago, [...]she saw him neglect his studies, so she turned into an old woman and taught him a lesson. chinesestoryonline.com |
最 後,司 長 和 局長均 和我討論過,亦 和 業 界討論過,我 亦 祝 願 他 們好運, 希望在 下一次 的 CEPA 可以幫 助 我 們 飲食業 界爭取到 一些製造月 餅、老 婆餅 等 工業來 納 入 CEPA 之 中 。 legco.gov.hk | Finally, the Financial Secretary and the Director of Bureau have discussed with me and the industry, and I hope that they can have some luck in striving to include some of our businesses like the manufacturing of moon cakes and other traditional Chinese cakes under CEPA in the next round of CEPA negotiations. legco.gov.hk |
他們又怕兒子㆟生經驗不足,會選錯 老婆。 legco.gov.hk | ) And they are afraid that their son does not have sufficient experience in life and may make a wrong choice. legco.gov.hk |
假如我們都能付出時間和心思,去體諒㆒㆘老㆟家 的處境,這個故事相信亦會改寫,而這 位 老婆婆 就 不 會受無端的鄙視了。 legco.gov.hk | If the people were patient and considerate, they should not have behaved like [...] this. Then, I would have had a different story [...] to tell and the old lady would not have [...]been treated with such unjustifiable meanness. legco.gov.hk |
主席,中風病人一定須有復康服務,現在聯合醫院每天有差不多 100 名 老公公、老婆婆要到 九龍醫院入住復康病室,這正是由於聯合醫院沒有足夠 [...] 的設施。 legco.gov.hk | At present, almost 100 elderly patients in the [...] UCH, be they men or women, are transferred to the convalescent wards of the KH. legco.gov.hk |
許多㆟都知道有關㆒個姓李的老婆婆 的 個 案:她的兒子及媳婦帶她到 澳門,蓄意將他遺棄,在水翼船碼頭被發現時幾成餓殍。 legco.gov.hk | Like the well publicized case of Mrs LEE HO Min-ching, who was taken to Macau by her son and daughter-in-law and deliberately abandoned there. legco.gov.hk |
最近有㆒個七十多歲,經我們協助成功向發展商取得補償 的 老婆婆 告 訴 我們,她在㆖ 環出世,住了七十多年,現在搬去屯門和女兒㆒起住,但她無法適應在屯門的生活。 legco.gov.hk | Recently, an old woman in her seventies [...] whom we had helped in obtaining compensation from the developer told us that she [...]could not adapt to the life in Tuen Mun at all. legco.gov.hk |
从掷手机到背着老婆跑, 从泥泞足球到无形空气吉他、拍打桌子和抛橡皮靴…要多古怪有多古怪。 visitfinland.com | From mobile phone throwing to wife carrying, swamp football to air guitar, table drumming to rubber boot throwing… the list goes on. visitfinland.com |
但是,如果到了最 後階段才使用司法手段,找一些 老婆婆 或 其 他人來做點事,市民的而 且確會認為這樣是濫用的。 legco.gov.hk | We can then come up with the most ideal solution that can best meet public interests. However, if we [...] resort to legal means at a very advanced [...] stage and ask some elderly women to act for [...]us, members of the public would certainly regard such act as abuse. legco.gov.hk |
位 流浪的老婆婆坐在㆞鐵站的通道㆖,背後是㆒張巨大的海報,宣傳政府的老年退休金 計劃,而老婆婆正在 埋首吃手㆖的砂糖,理由是砂糖容易飽,又易於保存。 legco.gov.hk | There was a homeless old woman sitting at the passage of an MTR station. Behind her, there was a huge poster propagating the Old Age Pension Scheme (OPS) [...] proposed by the Government. legco.gov.hk |
当他在河边钓鱼时,他看见一个满头白发 的 老婆婆 , 正 在磨一根棍子般粗的铁杵。 chinesestoryonline.com | One day, he cut class again; when he was fishing by a river, he saw a white-haired old woman grinding an iron rod on a big stone. chinesestoryonline.com |
一些男性到经济更贫困的地区寻找 老婆 , 其 他的则向犯罪团伙求助。 embassyusa.cn | Some men recruited women from poorer regions, while others sought help from criminal gangs. eng.embassyusa.cn |
鄭家富議員:主席,我剛才聽到劉江華議員發言,便覺得......主席, 我是期望劉江華議員能代表民建聯提出一些較具體的立場的,可是,我 一邊聽......劉江華議員從朋友論、 老婆 論 說 起,兼且用了一些近似立 法會不同黨派的甚麼割席、分裂等事件作演繹,我一直期望他在5分鐘 內對今次事件的看法有些定論,因為他也批評了數位議員,特別是對葉 劉淑儀議員的看法也不認同,因此,他的發言也令我感到很奇怪。 legco.gov.hk | He even interpreted the relationship by talking about the split of the various political parties and groupings in the Legislative Council. I was actually expecting that in the five minutes of his speaking time, he would tell us his stance on the issue, because he even criticized several other Members and expressed disagreement to Mrs Regina IP's views in particular. legco.gov.hk |
醫管局的數字顯示,2006 年救護車接載了 3 851 人次,從東涌到九龍西 的醫院急症室求醫,平均每天 10.5 人;其中在 2006 年 11 月,東涌富東邨 街市發生一宗嚴重倒車意外,女事主因傷重致死,其亡夫提出血的控訴:“如 果東涌有醫院,我老婆就唔 會死”,指責當局要不是把他的妻子送往遙遠的 瑪嘉烈醫院,她便不會因為延誤搶救,以致返魂乏術。 legco.gov.hk | Some 10.5 trips a day on average were from Tung Chung to the accident and emergency departments of hospitals in Kowloon West. In November 2006, a serious accident caused by a reversing vehicle happened in Fu Tung Estate, Tung Chung, in which a woman died of grave injuries. legco.gov.hk |
至目前为止,教科文组织一直协助文莱制 定 婆罗 洲 的生物多样性的政策、科学和技术以及文化遗产的政策。 unesdoc.unesco.org | So far UNESCO has been assisting [...] Brunei Darussalam in policy formulation for [...] biodiversity in Borneo, for science [...]and technology, and for cultural heritage. unesdoc.unesco.org |
美國紐 約市有獨立調查警方的機制,他發現:在紐約市,有 30%的個案根本是不能 成立的,因為很多時候,投訴警察的而且確正如涂議員所說,是由於“一時 之氣”,而且絕大多數在香港的投訴個案都屬輕微,例如投訴他們疏忽職 守,即“蛇王”;或投訴他們用詞不禮貌,例如稱呼較年長的婦女為“阿 婆”, (這當然是相當的不智);又或稱呼人為“師奶”等,其實性質也不 太嚴重。 legco.gov.hk | He found that in New York City, 30% of the cases could not be substantiated because very often, complaints against the police are, as Mr TO has correctly pointed out, acts on the spur of the moment. Most of the complaints in Hong Kong are such trivial complaints as against negligence of duty, that is, "loafing" or complaints against impolite remarks such as "nanny" for senior female citizens (a very unwise thing to do) or "virago" for a woman. legco.gov.hk |
联合国儿童基金会正在支持婆罗洲儿童援助协会的工作,并且与马来西亚的棕榈油可持续发展圆桌会议(RSPO)建立合作关系,从商业和人道主义的角度说服整个地区具有区域优势的其他企业效仿这些行动。 unicef.org | UNICEF is supporting the Borneo Child Aid Society and is establishing a collaboration with the Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil in Malaysia to convince other enterprises across the region of the advantages – both from a business and humanitarian perspective – of doing the same. unicef.org |
除了考慮每份意見書所表達的意見及研究意見書在原則㆖是支持或反對 老年退 休金計劃抑或沒有表明立場之外,我們還會留意㆘列各項:(a)意見書是由個別 ㆟士或團體遞交的;(b)意見書是普通的信件或預先印製的形式;(c)假如意見書支 持老 年退休金計劃的話,究竟是有條件或無條件的支持;如屬前者,則是在甚麼條件㆘支 持;及(d)假如意見書是反對老年退休金計劃的話,則是否原則㆖反對或只是反對諮詢 文件內個別的建議。 legco.gov.hk | Apart from considering the views expressed in each submission and whether in principle at least the author was for or against an OPS or did not indicate either way, we took careful note of such points as: (a) whether the submission was from an individual or a group; (b) whether it was an ordinary letter or a pre-printed form; (c) if in support of the OPS, whether such support was qualified or unqualified, and if the former, to what extent; and (d) if the submissions opposed the OPS, whether it did so in principle or in respect of individual recommendations in the paper. legco.gov.hk |
在国家住房政策框架内得到支助的目标群体,包括在私有化改革期间被剥 [...] 夺了私有化权利的承租人,没有父母照管的儿童和青年,残疾人 , 老 年 人,多子 女家庭,牢狱释放人员和缓刑受监视人员,无家可归人员,合作社与合作群体, [...] 以及从事居住环境规划和开发的专门人员。 daccess-ods.un.org | Target groups supported within the framework of state housing policy include lessees deprived of privatisation rights during the ownership reform, children [...] and young people without parental [...] care, disabled people, elderly people, families with [...]many children, persons released from [...]prison and persons under probation supervision, homeless people, cooperative societies and communities, and specialists dealing with planning and development of residential environment. daccess-ods.un.org |