

单词 老头乐

See also:

老头 n

husband n
father n

of the past
of long standing
all the time
old (of people)
(of meat etc) tough
prefix used before the surname of a person or a numeral indicating the order of birth of the children in a family or indicate affection or familiarity
venerable (person)

External sources (not reviewed)

每年七月,莫尔德都将举办欧洲最 老 的 爵士 音 乐 节 , 这里曾经吸引了诸如迈尔斯戴维斯,B.B.King和雷查尔斯等传奇音乐巨星在此演出。
Every July, Molde plays host to the oldest international jazz festival in Europe, which has welcomed such music legends such as Miles Davis, BB King and Ray Charles.
寺庙拥有不同凡响的建筑物、精美绝伦的雕像、独具一格的壁画、 老 传 统 的 乐 器 以 及各种佛教经卷,已成为令游客趋之若鹜的旅游胜地。
The temple has become a popular tourist attraction due to its remarkable buildings, fine statues, distinctive frescos, musical instruments and extensive collection of Buddhist scriptures.
蓝旗奖每年授予符合一定的环境、舒适和安全标准的海滩和 头 , 保证 娱 乐 用 户 得到高质量的海滩旅 游。
A blue flag is awarded annually to
[...] beaches and marinas that meet certain environmental, amenity and safety criteria and assures recreational users of a quality [...]
visit to the beach.
提到地道的芬兰烹饪,人们总联想起一个围着头巾的强悍大娘,从大锅舀出如泥浆似的炖菜,不然就想起叼着叨着雪茄烟,长八字胡的芬 老头。
The phrase “Finnish kitchen” once conjured up images of robust, kerchiefed women ladling out cauldrons of boggy stew to cigar-smoking, moustachioed Finns.
到达后由澳门导游带领游览澳门各大名胜,延途可乘车观看到望海观音,游览澳门回归纪念广场金莲花广场(约20分钟左右),后到澳门的起源及最 老 的 庙 宇妈祖阁(约30分钟)、在车上可远观到主教山,游完至澳门餐厅(多用新帝餐厅)午餐,餐后至澳门融合世界各地不同和建筑风格及中西文化特色的 [渔人 头] 及[巴比伦乐城](约60分钟)。
After arriving from Macao guided tours Macao each big scenic spot, to extend the way can travel to watch sea a Buddism godness Guanyin, Macao regression Memorial Plaza Golden Lotus Square ( about 20 minutes ), to Macao's origin and most ancient temple Mazu Temple ( about 30 minutes ), in the car
can be far view to Bishop hill,
[...] swimming to Macao restaurant (with a new emperor restaurant for lunch ), postprandial to Macao fusion around the world and different architectural styles and cultural ch aracteristics of the fisherman's Wharf ] and [ Babylon City Entertainment ] ( about 60 minutes ).
难道您不认 为烹乐趣应该从头开始吗?
And don’t you think that cooking pleasure should start with the mixer?
布拉格音乐学院创立于 1808 年(1811 年开始招生),它是世界上最老的 音 乐 学 院 之 一,是奥匈帝国的第一所音乐教育机构。
Established in 1808 (but opened to students in 1811), the Prague Conservatory is one of the oldest schools of music in the world and was the first musical training establishment in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy.
这会给实现众望所归的和平的进程注入 新的头与乐观精神。
This could give new momentum and optimism to the process [...]
to achieve the peace to which we all aspire.
邦迪海滩拥有澳大利亚最老的救生 俱 乐 部 , 是希望游泳、排球、冲浪、轮滑或仅仅散步的游客理想去处。
The beach is perfect for those who like to swim, play volleyball, surf and rollerblade or simply take a stroll.
托 儿中心老师乐意与 父母谈论他们的孩子,并回答他们可能会有的问题。
Child Care teachers are happy to talk to parents about their children and answer questions or concerns they might have.
我们在市场上要与很多大品牌和大公司竞争,希尔思公司的企业定位不是要做流量计或露点仪行业的 头老 大 , 而始终是要做压缩空气领域领先的测量仪表供应商。
There many big names on the market you are competing with. Our mission wasn’t to be the number one in flow or number one in dew point, our mission was always to become number one instrumentation supplier for compressed air.
我们从生理上、心理上和情感上都更适合和适应生活在小群体中,让喜怒 乐 、 生 老 病 死 等等自然而然的发生,并遵循生命的节奏、季节的变换、昼夜的交替。
We are physically, psychologically, and emotionally programmed for a much different lifestyle – more suited to live together with a small number of people, to experience our feelings as natural tools of awareness, and to follow the rhythms of life, from the seasons, to the phases of the moon, to the acceptance of life and death.
跳过然后将末底改和里格比到流行 乐 的 头 脑 , 使,末底改和里格,然后说服不情愿的持久性有机污染物中醒来,因此他可以讲话。
Skips then sends Mordecai and Rigby into Pops’ mind, so Mordecai and Rigby must then convince a reluctant Pops to wake up so he can give the speech.
因此,对头音乐演奏 者的收入不课税, 因为这种收入不稳定,而且完全由赏金组成。
There was thus no need to tax the very variable income of street musicians, which consisted solely of such gratuities.
上个世纪90年代初期,法国大型的零售业头,比如家乐福、 欧尚, 吉安和勒克莱克已经 在波兰开始营业,满足波兰人民快速增长的 [...]
From the beginning of the 90´s big
[...] French retail groups as Carrefour, Auchan, Géant and [...]
E.Leclerc had already started trading
in Poland with big hypermarkets to meet the significant demands of the population’s quickly growing market.
超级明星的附加号码使奖金增加25到100倍,在头奖上堆积成百万的奖金,并为意大利 头乐 透 提供了八个种类。
The Super Star additional number multiplies prizes between 25-100 times, heaps millions onto top prizes, and provides Italy’s premier lottery with eight new prize categories!
在影片叙述中,还会出现一些配角,比如一个古董级萨满法师,一位 乐老 师 ,蒙古传统音乐人,还有一位已退休的前社会主义政府音乐审查员,包括那些同时过着城市与乡野生活的蒙古人——他们全部都对蒙古Hip-hop音乐的未来具有的影响,有着极强的主见。
Along the way we meet a supporting cast of characters including an ancient shaman, a music professor, traditional musicians, a retired Socialist government music censor, and Mongolians living both rural and urbanised lives – all of whom have strong opinions on what hip-hop means for the future of Mongolia.
除了担任乌风乐队的主唱,Bot老师 更 常与不同类型的艺人合作,像是孙燕姿、宇珩、Serene詹雪琳、温力铭、叶俊岑、江美琪、陈奕文、汤小康、管启源、Da.Monster等。
Besides the lead singer of Wu Feng
[...] Ling band, Bot also collaborate with different types of artists for example Stephenie [...]
Sun, Yu Heng, Serene
Cheam, Danny Wen, Gary Yap, Ah Guan and Da Monster etc. He is also doing Jingles and Movie Soundtrack such as Public Bank Advertisement, All Star Planet, and Diamond.
中学部音乐及管乐老师Li anne Yu对学生的努力表示满意:“这个活动很成功,学生们自己管理舞台,努力做好自己的表演,向公众做了一场高水准的秀。
Lianne Yu,
[...] Secondary Music and Orchestra Teacher spoke [...]
of her delight at the students’ efforts, “The event was a huge success,
with students managing the stage, putting real endeavour and hard work into their own performances, and putting on a great show of very high standards.
2010年8月31日 -终极耳朵头号音乐家选择世界顶级旅游,联手,与EMI音乐的首都影城,具有里程碑意义的国会山的传奇录音设备在好莱坞塔设计的第一个自定义在耳参考监视利用专业的生产商和音响工程师 [...]
– 最终耳朵™入耳式监听音箱。
Aug. 31, 2010 —
[...] Ultimate Ears, the number one choice of the world’s top touring musicians, [...]
has teamed up with EMI Music’s
Capitol Studios, the legendary recording facility in Hollywood’s landmark Capitol Tower, to design the first custom in-ear reference monitors for use by professional producers and audio engineers – the Ultimate Ears™ In-Ear Reference Monitors.
时间的概念,是在这些老的娱乐图片 的含义是周期性时间涉及自然和生物的寿命。
Its components are the changing seasons, the sowing of seed,
conception, death, growth, etc. The notion of
[...] time which is entertained in these ancient [...]
images by implication is that of cyclical
time relating to natural and biological life-spans.
我有两个女儿的头发非洲的头发和一个超光滑的的头发光滑科不知道还能做些什么来摆脱JA科所做的一切,直到 乐 度 过 了她 头 吸 烟 和其他的东西,我被教导的虱子最后说会员她虱子死者,谁最终有没有想过柯甚至更多的血是甜的PQ她的妹妹quaze没有处理虱内服JA科,我说更多的TBM影响的儿童非常。
I have two daughters a hair african hair and a hyper smooth the hair smooth ke not know what else to do to get rid of the
lice ja ke did everything I was
[...] taught until Coke spent her head smoking and other things [...]
finally say she has louse deceased
who end up not ever think ke has even more blood is sweet pq to her sister quaze not handle the lice medicine orally ja ke I say more tbm affect the child goes very much.
[...] GHZ高速处理器提供动力,配备1600万色屏幕,3.5寸大显示屏,500万像素高清自动对焦摄像头和640x480像素的前置摄 头 * , 拥 有11小时 乐 播 放 时间, 并可通过先进的安卓操作系统下载超过40万个应用程序。
TAG Heuer RACER is powered with a mastering speed processor of 1 GHZ, 16 million of colors screen resolution, a large 3.5’’display, a high-definition 5-mega-pixel auto-focus camera
and a 640x480 pixel VGA video
[...] front camera*, 11 hours of music play time, and, through [...]
its avant-garde Android operating
system, download access to over 400,000 applications.
全国民间舞蹈音乐节”是较近代的“gammeldans”音乐的比赛,而“全国传统音乐比赛”则是较 老的 “bygdedans”乐赛事 ,包括小提琴、声乐、民间舞蹈和 老 器 乐 技 巧 的比赛。
The National Folk Dance Music Festival is a gammeldans competition, while the National Contest
for Traditional Music
[...] encompasses the older bygdedans fiddling and singing tradition, folk dancing and mastery of older folk music instruments.
就是因为沉迷着音乐且希望能与大家分享 乐 所 嗜 ,本 老 板 已 经按照热带法式风格建设了Serenata,其触感则来自意大利音乐家恩里戈土色莉的Serenata──晚曲殷切的佳好曲调。
Because of having the desire for music and wishing to create a place for music share, Serenata's owner put it up in tropical French style, emotion caught from sweet rhythm of Serenata - Khuc Ban Chieu composed by the Italian musician named Enrico Toselli.




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