

单词 老太公

老公公 ()

old man
husband's father
court eunuch

老太太 ()

esteemed mother
elderly lady (respectful)

See also:


old lady


(coll.) eunuch
(coll.) husband

太公 n

father n


(old) grandfather

External sources (not reviewed)

调查显示,感到待遇公, 最 常见的是涉及雇员的年龄(不是太年轻,就 太老 ) 和 官方语言知识不足。
It focused on discrimination in working life, education and provision of public services, and sought to find out people’s awareness and attitudes and experiences.
太平绅士韦公司通过数字文 件形式提供技术性说明,这使得我们可以为全波兰的客户提供服务。
Moreover, JP Weber offers the technical feasibility of accounting with digital documents making it possible to provide services for clients all over Poland.
現在很老太太也告 訴我,她們現在轉購金條保值,這是回復原始的做法,因為她們對於銀 行的遊戲規則已失去了信任。
They have lost confidence in the rules of game of banks.
同样有关的 还有《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》第12条,涉及缔约国消除保健方面对妇
[...] [...] 女歧视的义务;《残疾人权利公约》第25(b)条规定,医疗卫生应“提供旨在尽量 减轻残疾和预防残疾恶化的服务,包括向儿童 老 年 人 提供这些服务”; 公 民及 政治权利国公约》 第 7条禁止酷刑或残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚, 其中包括禁止未经自由同意进行医疗或科学试验。
Equally relevant are the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, article 12, concerning the obligation of States to eliminate discrimination against women in health care; the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, article 25 (b), which requires that health services be “designed to minimize and prevent
[...] disabilities, including among children and older persons”; and the International Covenant on Civil and Political [...]
Rights, article 7,
which prohibits torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and includes the prohibition of medical or scientific experimentation without free consent.
经社会注意到 2012 年 1 月在缅甸仰光举行的太经 社会公私伙 伴关系促进发展讨论会提出的建议,其中包括如何应对在执行公 [...]
私伙伴关系方面遇到的各种各样的制约和障碍,以及针对与公私伙伴关系有 关的各种具体领域拟定一个政策框架。
The Commission noted the
[...] recommendations of the ESCAP workshop on public-private partnerships [...]
for development held in January
2012 in Yangon, Myanmar, which included addressing a broad range of constraints and barriers to the implementation of public-private partnerships and developing a policy framework to address specific areas relating to public-private partnerships.
[...] 及太平洋人口会议通过的《人口和贫穷行动计划》、《亚洲 太 平 洋 老 龄 问题澳门 行动计划》和审查《北京行动纲要》十五周年区域执行情况及其区域和全球成果 [...]
Regional mandates that guide the subprogramme include the Biwako Millennium Framework for Action towards an Inclusive, Barrier-free and Rights-based Society for Persons with Disabilities in Asia and the Pacific, the Plan of Action on Population and Poverty adopted at the Fifth Asian and Pacific
Population Conference, the Macao Plan
[...] of Action on Ageing for Asia and the Pacific and the Bangkok [...]
Declaration for Beijing+15
adopted at the Asia-Pacific High-level Intergovernmental Meeting to Review Regional Implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action at Fifteen Years, and its Regional and Global Outcomes.
应特别注重社会中那些脆弱群体,诸如残 障人士老年公民、 少数民族、以及生活在偏远地区的民众。
Special attention should be given to the vulnerable sections of societies, such as persons with disabilities, senior citizens, ethnic minorities and people living in remote areas.
由於威廉是全美太裔耆老中心長者環境就業 計劃的參加者而不是聯邦政府 環境保護局的職員﹐他的名字 不會在獎項內﹐但他的監督主 任要確認他是獲獎隊伍內重要 的一份子﹐而全美太裔耆老 中心亦認同他的成就。
Because William is a NAPCA SEE Enrollee and not a Federal EPA employee, he will not be named on the award but his monitor wanted to be sure that he received the recognition for being an integral part of the winning team, and we at NAPCA wanted to recognize his achievement as well.
政府养老基金的目的是推动必要的政府储蓄,以应对今 公 共 养 老 支 出 的迅 速增长,并为石油收入的长期管理提供支助。
The purpose of the Government Pension Fund is to facilitate Government savings necessary to meet the rapid rise in public pension expenditures in the coming years, and to support a long-term management of petroleum revenues.
她说,我父太老找不 到工作了,我是个男人,从现在开始不能再去上学了,得去工作。
She said that I was a man and that, from
[...] now on, I would no longer go to school [...]
but had to work because my father was too
old to find a job,” he says.
剛才有很多同事說,對於公屋居民,不可以給予太多福利,因為 如果有太多福利,對納稅人不太公 道。
Earlier on, many colleagues said that we should
[...] not provide too much welfare to PRH tenants because it would be unfair [...]
to taxpayers.
由于对有限资源的需太大,该办公 室 不 能满足维持和平特派团工作人员 在提高对本组织的规则和价值观念的认识、专门针对维持和平特派团工作人员开 [...]
Due to the overwhelming demand on the Office’s limited [...]
resources, the Office has been unable to address the needs of peacekeeping
mission staff in terms of raising awareness of the Organization’s rules and values, conducting outreach and developing ethics education and training specifically related to peacekeeping mission staff.
能力建设举措的范例包括建太平 洋公开学 习健康网,古巴为加勒比小岛屿发展中国家提供医疗教育和卫生保健, [...]
Examples of capacity-building
[...] initiatives include the Pacific Open Learning Health [...]
Net, the provision by Cuba of medical
education and health care in Caribbean small island developing States, and the three faculties of medicine and dentistry in Mauritius.
根据第 35 C/11 号决议,目前正在审议和修订两份地区公约,即 1981 年《非洲国家承
[...] 认高等教育学历、证书、文凭、学位和其他学术资格的地区公约》(以下简称“阿鲁沙公 约”)以及 1983 年《亚太地区承认高等教育学历、文凭和学位的地区公约》(以下简称 “太公约”)。
Currently, two of the regional Conventions, namely the 1981 Regional Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Certificates, Diplomas, Degrees and other Academic Qualifications in Higher Education in the African States (henceforth “Arusha Convention”), and the 1983 Regional Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and
Degrees in Higher Education in
[...] Asia and the Pacific (henceforth “Asia-Pacific Convention”), [...]
are being examined and revised
pursuant to 35 C/Resolution 11.
在大多数情况下,有关武器要太老 , 要 么缺乏 足够信息,让监察组查明武器的掌管链。
In most cases, the
[...] weapons were either too old, or the information [...]
insufficient, to allow the Group to determine the chain of custody of the weapons.
[...] 贸易和流通的所有障碍,解决东耶路撒冷的巴勒斯坦人与 太 人 以色 列 公 民 之 间 的不平等问题,停止改变该城市地理和特性的占领政策,停止营建定居点和隔离 [...]
Some delegations called for reintegrating East Jerusalem into the economy of the OPT by removing all barriers to trade and movement, addressing the
inequality between Palestinians of
[...] East Jerusalem and Jewish Israelis citizens, putting [...]
an end to the occupation policies
that change the geography and characteristic of the city, and stopping the construction of settlements and the Separation Barrier.
[...] 對象是港內線、其他新市鎮的航線,或者離島線,要有關航線乘客承擔今次修訂的惡果, 對他們太公平。
No matter whether it be the inner harbour ferry services, other new towns ferry services or the
outlying islands services which would be affected,
[...] it would not be fair for the [...]
affected passengers to bear the consequence of the present amendment.
本次级方案的战略 方向主要源于在联合国有关政府间进程中所作出的各项承诺,其中包
[...] 括社会发展问题世界首脑会议《行动纲领》、人口与发展国际会议 《行动纲领》、《北京宣言和行动纲要》、《消除对妇女一切形式歧 视公约》、《残疾人权利公约》、《保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员 权利国公》、《马德老龄问 题国际行动计划》《世界青年行动纲 领》、《联合国千年宣言》以及大会高级别全体会议于 2010 年作出的 承诺和 《关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题的政治宣言:加大行动力度,消 [...]
The strategic direction of the subprogramme derives mainly from the commitments agreed upon at relevant United Nations intergovernmental processes, including the Programme of Action of the World Summit for Social Development, the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities, the
[...] International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families, the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing, the World Programme [...]
of Action on Youth,
and the United Nations Millennium Declaration as well as the commitments adopted at the High-level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly in 2010 and the Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS: Intensifying our Efforts to Eliminate HIV and AIDS.
按變化的速度來排行,榜尾是那靜穆的冰川,年復一年地移動,但卻沒有移動了多少, 老太 爺 的 年代到今天,幾乎沒有實質的改變。
At the other end of the change scale is the serenely flowing glacier, not much movement year on year, little real change from your grandad's day to the present.
134.4.2 採納、修改或執行有關董事、其聯繫人及本公司或其任何 附公司僱員的老金或公積金 或退休、去世或傷殘撫恤 計劃,而該等計劃並無向任何董事或其任何聯繫人提供一 般不會給予與該計劃或基金有關類別人士的任何特權或利 益;及 134.5 董事或其任何聯繫人僅因擁有本公司股份或債權證或其他證券權益而 與其他持有本公司股份或債權證或其他證券的人士以相同方式擁有權 益的任何合同或安排。
134.4.2 the adoption, modification or operation of a pension or provident fund or retirement, death or disability benefits scheme which relates both to Directors, their Associates and employees of the Company or any of its subsidiaries and does not provide in respect of any Director or any of his Associates as such any privilege or advantage not generally accorded to the class of persons to which such scheme or fund relates; and 134.5 any contract or arrangement in which the Director or any of his Associates is/are interested in the same manner as other holders of shares or debentures or other securities of the Company by virtue only of his/their interest in shares or debentures or other securities of the Company.
他们的父亲愤怒地宣布温迪已经变 太老 了 , 与他们继续留在幼儿园,这是她成长的时间。
Their father angrily declares that
[...] Wendy has gotten too old to continue staying [...]
in the nursery with them, and it’s time for her to grow up.
在题为“借助公约》终止老年妇 女的歧视”的第 26/III(2002)号决定 中,负责监测《公约》执行情况的消除对妇女歧视委员会承认 公 约 》 是一个解老年妇 女人权方面具体问题的重要工具。
In its decision 26/III (2002) entitled “Ending
[...] discrimination against older women through the Convention”, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, which monitors the implementation of the Convention, recognized that the Convention is an important tool for addressing the specific issue of the human rights of older women.
這樣,市場上 有資歷老公司在政府資源、資歷、閱歷比新創公司有競爭力,而小公司規模小,沒有政策的傾斜, 拿不到政府專案。
Reputable and established businesses, with better government contacts, better qualifications and more experience, are therefore more competitive than their newly established counterparts.
政府應該立即修訂現老㆟公共援 助計劃,以達致更廣泛照顧有需要的老㆟。
The Government should immediately revise the existing Public
[...] Assistance for the elderly so that the needy old people can [...]
receive more extensive care.
除了恢复和维护的halakic学说的统一性和教师为他们提供了一个实用的目的决定的权威性, 太公 顷 , 纳西有纯粹的理论中的另一个对象,即古人的教诲保存,除了那些他认为相对不重要或他认为这已在他的收藏在一些其他地方保存。
In addition to the practical purpose of restoring and preserving uniformity of halakic doctrine and of providing for teachers
an authority for their
[...] decisions, Judah ha-Nasi had another purely theoretical object in view; namely, [...]
the preservation of
the teachings of the ancients, except those which he regarded as relatively unimportant or which he considered to have been preserved in some other place in his collection.
讲习班的主要目的是提供一个论坛,着重介绍最近取得的科学和技术成 果,以便:(a)通过对宇宙形成过程的跨学科研究,发展太阳物理学基础科学 (地球、太阳和行星际空间之间的关系);(b)确定地球和行星的磁层和大气层
[...] 究;(d)推动太阳物理现象研究方面的现有和今后的国际科学合作;(e)在国际地 理物理年五十周年之际保护其传统和遗产;(f)向科学界 公 众 公 布 国 际 太 阳物 理年的独特成果。
The main objective of the Workshop was to provide a forum to highlight recent scientific and technical results in order to (a) develop the basic science of heliophysics (the connections between the Earth, the Sun and inter-planetary space) through cross-disciplinary studies of universal processes; (b) determine the response of terrestrial and planetary magnetospheres and atmospheres to external drivers; (c) promote research on the Sun-heliosphere system outward to the local interstellar medium; (d) foster international scientific cooperation in the study of heliophysical phenomena now and in the future; (e) preserve the history and legacy of the International Geophysical Year on its fiftieth anniversary; and
(f) communicate unique results of the
[...] International Heliophysical Year to the scientific community and the general public.
与中西太平洋渔委违规船只名单有关的程序规定应采取非歧视性措施,包 括禁止涉及从事非法、无管制和未报告捕捞活动的船只的商业交易、进口、上岸 和转运活动,并鼓励贸易商、进口商、运输商和其他有关方面避免参与被中 西太 平洋渔委公约所禁止、由违规船只名单所列渔船捕获的鱼种的交易。
The procedures relating to the WCPFC negative vessel list provided for the adoption of non-discriminatory measures, including prohibiting commercial transactions, imports, landings and trans-shipments involving illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing vessels and encouraging traders, importers, transporters and others involved to refrain from transactions in species covered by the WCPFC Convention which were caught by vessels on the negative vessel list.
香港盲人輔導會就視障長者生活質素情況,於2008年委託嶺南大學 太老 年 學 研究中心進行調查,研究居於社區及院舍的視障長者在生活質素上的差異,以作為本地長者服務發展的參考。
The Hong Kong Society for the Blind
[...] commissioned the Asia-Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies (APIAS) [...]
of the Lingnan University to
conduct a survey on the quality of life of the visually impaired elderly of Hong Kong between November 2008 and January 2009.




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