

单词 老大



pretentious and vacuous person


regarding oneself as number one in terms of leadership, seniority or status


big brother

See also:

of the past
of long standing
all the time
old (of people)
prefix used before the surname of a person or a numeral indicating the order of birth of the children in a family or indicate affection or familiarity
(of meat etc) tough
venerable (person)

External sources (not reviewed)

然而,必须把青年人的健康放在更广阔的背景上来看,因为有众多年老大 病的病例,根源都在童年和青年时期。
Nevertheless, the health of young people must be seen in a wider context, because a large number of cases of disease in later age have their root causes in childhood and adolescence.
当时速达到300公里/小时并且滑行条件在可控边界内,这辆超速的RUF CTR3赛车展现出了它作为赛车领老大正本色。
At speeds of up to 300 km/h and sliding conditions at the edge of control, the superfast RUF CTR3 revealed its true colours as a leader in the field of motor sport.
2008 承认监督事务咨询委员会为第 VI 类专家委员会,就解决了该委员会如何能在教科 文组织的合法构架内举行会议这一法律上 老大题。
The legal impasse on how the Oversight Advisory Committee could meet within the legal structure of UNESCO was resolved by recognizing the Committee as a Category VI Expert Committee.
He encounters a crotchetyold gorilla who at first keeps the boy distant, but Tarzan discovers that this old gorilla actually is the Zugor, who uses hollow trees as megaphones to amplify his voice and pretend to be a monster to scare other jungle creatures away from his territory and food.
在新西兰的持续协助 下,托克劳现任政府委员会打算持续注重实施与基础设施、核心服务提供以及航
[...] 运有关的各种优先项目,并注重发展各村以及加强 老大 托克劳现任政府委 员会和托克劳公共事务处。
With the continued assistance of New Zealand, the Council of Ongoing Government of Tokelau intends to maintain its focus on implementing various priority projects related to infrastructure, the delivery of core services and shipping, as well as on
developing the villages and to
[...] strengthening the General Fono, the Council of [...]
Ongoing Government of Tokelau and the Tokelau Public Service.
A/AC.109/2001/5、A/AC.109/2002/6、 A/AC.109/2003/10、A/AC.109/2004/8 和
[...] A/AC.109/2005/3)报告,当前的宪政发 展进程源自老大(托克劳全民代表机构)1998 年决定核可题为“托克劳现代议 [...]
As reported in previous working papers on the question of Tokelau (see A/AC.109/2001/5, A/AC.109/2002/6, A/AC.109/2003/10, A/AC.109/2004/8 and A/AC.109/2005/3), the current process of
constitutional development stems from the 1998
[...] decision by the General Fono(thenational representative [...]
body of Tokelau) to endorse
a comprehensive report entitled “Modern House of Tokelau”, which addressed the core issue that faced Tokelau in creating a constitutional framework that suited an atoll- or village-based self-governing community that respected traditional decision-making customs.
2007 年在贝尔格莱德举行的教育和环境部长会议确认这是一 老大题。21 其他问题的包括对教育促进可持续发展的含义缺乏统一认识;对环境教 育和教育促进可持续发展之间的区别存在着混淆;需要调整立法和政策框架以纳 入教育促进可持续发展;没有适当的教学工具和研究;有必要加强民间社会在多 级别治理中的参与(包括学校、社区、区域和国家各级)。
This was recognized as a persistent bottleneck by Ministers of Education and of the Environment in Belgrade in 2007.21 Other challenges include the absence of a consensus on what education for sustainable development means; confusion regarding the differences between environmental education and education for sustainable development; the need to adapt legislative and policy frameworks to integrate education for sustainable development; lack of appropriate teaching tools and research; and the need to strengthen civil society involvement in governance at multiple levels including schools, the community, regionally and nationally.
当然,这一切的前提是民众能够接受政府 老大,追踪人民一举一动。
Of course, this is all assuming we could get past the creepy, big-brotherly quality of the government tracking our every move.
铭记老大 2003 年 11 月会议上决定,在所有三个乡村进行广泛磋商后, 正式与新西兰探讨自由结合的自治备选方案;并且在 [...]
2005 年 8 月决定在托克劳 宪法草案和与新西兰自由结合条约基础上进行一次关于自治的全民投票;随后决 定于
2007 年 10 月再次举行全民投票
Bearing in mind the
[...] decision ofthe General Fonoatits meeting in [...]
November 2003, following extensive consultations undertaken
in all three villages, to explore formally with New Zealand the option of self-government in free association and its decision in August 2005 to hold a referendum on self-government on the basis of a draft constitution for Tokelau and a treaty of free association with New Zealand, and its subsequent decision to hold a further referendum in October 2007
日本代表评论了全球卫生政策和教育政策之间的联系,强调说必须解决孕产 妇保健、艾滋病毒/艾滋病、结核病和疟疾 老大题,必须提供前往熟练医 生处求医问药的机会。
The representative of Japan commented on the links between global health and education policy, emphasizing the need to address persistent issues of maternal health, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, as well as the imperative for access to skilled health providers.
斯里兰卡希望与大会其他成员一道,再次就淹没 巴基斯坦这片老大洪水所造成的不幸生命损 失和广泛破坏,向巴基斯坦政府和人民表示我们最深 切的同情。
Sri Lanka wishes to join other members of the Assembly in conveying once again our deepest sympathy to the Government and the people of Pakistan on the tragic loss of life and the widespread devastation caused by the torrents of water that have flooded that ancient land.
在幸运土猫的很多TNR社区中, 志愿者们都亲见绝育后的大公猫依然牢牢霸占着群 老大位。
In many of the Lucky Cats TNR communities, volunteers have witnessed the neutered male cat still remains the dominant cat within its community.
但如果要编辑PDF文件,就要请出它 老大 Adobe Acrobat了,它不但具有Adobe Acrobat Reader的所有功能,还能够制作和编辑PDF文档。
However, if you want to edit PDF files, it is necessary out of its big brother Adobe Acrobat, and it not only has all the features of Adobe Acrobat Reader, but also able to produce and edit PDF documents.
Kapok的旧址位於港岛区天后半山皇龙道,靠近几株 老大环境清幽,与喧嚷的地铁站大街相距不过五分钟路程。
The previous location of Kapok was Tin Hau Temple Road on Hong
[...] Kong Island,with old treesand tranquil [...]
surroundings as its neighbour, but a mere
five minutes walk from the MTR station at the same time.
colors when printing color hasalways been a difficult to deal with the problem, especially in four-color CMYK does not support the software, the RGB color and must be converted into the corresponding document in CMYK document.
适合此阶段婴儿玩的认知型 和手握型玩具,常见的有:镜子、磨牙玩具、轻的球(如有音乐的、有音乐钟的、 抓握用的、有特效的和有凹凸纹理的球)、多种纹理和多感官元素的婴儿玩具、 手握型板块、婴儿健身房、布玩具、毛绒玩具、挤压即响玩具、嵌套玩具、分类 玩具、堆叠式玩具、简单因果关系玩具(如弹出式玩具和不倒翁)珠、 塑料钥匙串等。
Examples of cognitive and motor manipulative toys for these children include mirrors, teething toys, lightweight balls (such as musical, chiming, grasping, special effects, and textured balls), multi-textured and multi-sensory infant toys, manipulative panels, activity gyms, cloth toys, plush toys, squeeze and squeak toys, nesting toys, sorting toys, stacking toys, simple cause-and-effect toys such as pop-up toys and roly-poly toys, large beads on rings, and plastic keys on rings.
他们就将要进一步推进的目前 的进展情况、以及亚洲及太平洋区域残疾人面临的新的 老大问 题,贡献了有用的视角,以加强成果文件草案。
They contributed useful perspectives concerning current progress to be built on, as well as new and persistent issues that persons with disabilities faced in Asia and the Pacific for strengthening the draft outcome document.
美国代表团也不能参与就决议草案 A/C.3/63/ L.53/Rev.1 所涉方案预算问题 D 节达成的协商一致意 见,因为另外开会来解决积压报告的问题会增加费 用,这个问题已成老大
Her delegation also disassociated itself from the consensus on section D, relating to the programme budget implications of draft resolution A/C.3/63/L.53/Rev.1, because of the cost implications of holding additional meetings in order to reduce the backlog of reports, which had become a persistent issue.
由国际农业工程学会合作发起, 康塞普西the University of Concepción)农业工程学院和国家 农业研究所(National Agricultural Research Institute) 组织的第 5 届农业工程国际代表会议将于 2006 年 5 月 10-12 日 在智利糠袋普西奇廉校区 (University of Concepcíon,Chillán Campus)召开。
Co-sponsored by CIGR and
[...] organised by the Agricultural Engineering School of the University of Concepción and the National Agricultural Research Institute, the 5th International Congress of Agricultural Engineering will be held from 10 to 12 May 2006,at the University of Concepcíon, Chillán Campus, Chile.
[...] Carlson在《外交政策》杂志中主张,这种对建筑文化的批发式复制的根基可能存在于比无耻的商业借用更强大的东西中:“这些山寨项目的古代相似品显示它们并非简单的愚蠢做法,而是中国作为全 老大程碑式的断言。
Archaeologist Jack Carlson, writing in Foreign Policy magazine, argues that the wholesale copying of architectural culture may have its roots in something much bigger than shameless commercial borrowing: “The ancient parallels
for these copycat projects suggest that they are not mere follies, but monumental
[...] assertions of China’sglobal primacy.
我们在市场上要与很多大品牌和大公司竞争,希尔思公司的企业定位不是要做流量计或露点仪行业的龙 老大始终是要做压缩空气领域领先的测量仪表供应商。
There many big names on the market you are competing with. Our mission wasn’t to be the number one in flow or number one in dew point, our mission was always to become number oneinstrumentation supplier for compressed air.
它们与中国一起所构成的惊人力量,足以颠覆美国人建立起来的秩序:2009年,亚洲的业务量首次赶超作为龙 老大国(亚洲地区为1.55亿美元,美国为1.42亿美元)。
Along with China, these markets are generating enough revenue to topple the USA’s leadership of the global art market: in 2009 Asia’s total auction revenue was substantially higher than USA's ($155m vs. $142m) for the first time ever.
First of all, ourbig boss gavea speech to [...]
welcome everyone to the party.
老挝将继续提高教育质量和大老族人民受教育的机会,积极推行 “国家教育战略计划”、“人人受教育国家行动计划”和“教育体制改革国家战 略计划”,并( 根据修订后的《教育法》) 将国家预算的18% 用于教育部门的投 资。
The LaoPDR will continue to improve the quality of education, increase access to education for the Lao multi-ethnic [...]
people by means of
actively implementing the National Education Strategic Plan, National Action Plan on Education for All and National Strategic Plan on Education System Reform and allocating 18 per cent of state budget (based on the amended Law on Education) for investment in the education sector.
目前我国高档白酒竞争格局大概可划成四大阵营:以五粮液、茅台 大老 处於第一阵营;以水井坊、酒鬼酒、国窖酒1573等代表的强势品牌处在第二阵营; [...]
Competition pattern of China's high-end liquor can
be broadly divided into four camps:
[...] Wuliangye, Maotaitwoold brand inthe first [...]
camp; Swellfun, alcoholic liquor, country
wine cellar 1573 on behalf of a strong brand in the second camp; Xifeng, willing to wine, in a third camp the Dacheng out cellar Collection, forever, as represented by a strong brand; fourth camp is based on small and medium enterprises as the representative of the regional brand or motley crew, superior products brand distribution of the largest number, a considerable part of manufacturers to launch its own premium brand, the number of rough estimate of two to three hundred, the difference is that as the gas is not gas, the length of life or not.




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