







External sources (not reviewed)

如果您是由於残疾或是抚养人死亡 等原因获得那麽您可以享 受15% 的税务抵消。
15% tax offset is available if you receive a pension due to disability or receive the pension as a dependant of a person who has died.
Replacementof aged meters is [...]
the most cost effective way to enhance their overall accuracy.
(3) 根据香港特别行政区荃湾葵青地政处於 2007 年 3 月 21 日签发的不反对通知书(注册摘要号码﹕07032802020015), A 座地下 G01
[...] 号单位可於现有大厦存在期间用於非住宅用途(酒店、加油站及外)。
(3) According to the No Objection Letter dated 21 March 2007 issued by The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region by the District Lands Office / Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing registered vide Memorial No.07032802020015, Unit G01 on Ground Floor of Tower A may be used for non-residential
purposes (excluding hotel, petrol filling station
[...] and residential carehome) for the [...]
lifetime of the existing building.
本手册也向家长供了许多帮助孩子学习科 学的资源范例,如文献资料、杂志以及值得參观的地点。
The handbook also provides parents and teachers with a list of sample resources—literature, magazines, and places worth visiting—that support children’s learning of science.
The teacher’s directions for these activities usually include a list of materials or equipment that may be required.
(bb) 采纳、修订或执行任何涉及本 公司或其任何附属公司董事、 其任何聯系人及雇员之退休金,或退休、死亡或伤 残福利计划,且并无董事或其 任何聯系人获提供有别於有关 计划或基金相关類别人士之任 何特别权利或有利条件;及 (v) 董事或任何其聯系人仅因持有本公司 股份或债券或其他证券的权益而与其 他持有本公司股份或债券或其他证券 的人士一样以相同方式拥有权益的任 何合约或安排。
(bb) the adoption, modification or operation of a pension or provident fund or retirement, death or disability benefits scheme which relates both to Directors, any of their Associates and employees of the Company or any of its subsidiaries and does not provide in respect of any Director or any of his Associates as such any privilege or advantage not generally accorded to the class of persons to which such scheme or fund relates; and
至於把纳米粒子排出体外方面,行的实验 结果显示,纳米粒子不会长时间留在实验动物体内,但基於现有研究十分有 [...]
On excreting
[...] NPs, experiment withmousedid not [...]
suggest NPs would be retained in body of the experimental animals for a
long period of time yet this was not conclusive in light of the limited studies on this.
(vi) 任何有关接纳、修订或操作涉及本公司或其任何附属公司董事、其 联系人及雇员的购股权计划、退休、身故或伤残福利计划 或其他安排,且并无给予董事或其联系任何与涉及该计划或基金的 类别人士一般所享有的特别待遇或利益以外的任何特别待遇或利 益。
(vi) any proposal concerning the adoption, modification or operation of a share option scheme, a pension fund or retirement, death or disability benefits scheme or other arrangement which relates both to Directors, his associates and employees of the Company or of any of its subsidiaries and does not provide in respect of any Director, or his associate(s), as such any privilege or advantage not accorded generally to the class of persons to which such scheme or fund relates.
贷计画——适用於达到領取年龄但资金被套在 资产中的人士。
Pension Loans Scheme – for people of Age Pension age whose capital is tied up in assets.
根据教师持份者问卷显示,超过 80%教师表示於课堂上经常向学生提问不同层次 的问题,约 90%学生表问题具启发性,能帮助他们思考。
The teacher and stakeholder questionnaire has indicated that over 80% of the teachers have often raised questions of different levels to students in class, and about 90% of the students believed the teachers’ questions were enlightening and could help them understanding the concepts mentioned in the lectures.
(9) 不得将课提供的笔记及教材上载於其他伺服器,及/或将此等教材以印 刷或电子形式复制成副本,交给其他并非有关课程的学生。
(9) Uploading notes and programme materials provided by teachers to other servers and / or making copies, either in printed or electronic format, of the materials to other people who are not learners of the programme concerned is not allowed.
另一项研究的结 果也显示,把使用微波烹煮的食物喂跟采用传统方法烹煮的食 物比较,一样害10。
Results of another study also indicated no adverse
[...] effects of diets cooked by microwaves compared with those cooked conventionally whenfedto rats10.
简而言之有 创意地把不同资源整合來强化学生学习。
In short, teachers should try to integrate various resources creatively to enhance student learning.
如果申请人的祖父/母或外祖父/母的在 1.4.2012 至 31.3.2013 住在全部费用由申请 人父母负担 6 个月或以上,则请把他/她们的资料输入到表格 G 第一表丁组内,以及附上 上个财政年度的所有用的收据和有关银行纪錄。
If the applicant’s paternal / maternal grandparents resided in a home for the elderly between 1.4.2012 and 31.3.2013 and the expenses are wholly covered by the applicant’s parents for an aggregate period of 6 months or more, please provide the information in Section D of Table 1 of Form G. The applicant is required to attach all the receipts issued by the home for the elderly in that financial year.
特区政府应针对众多业主不愿意或没有能力復修樓宇的问题,积极介入,从速 制订一个整全的政策,以持续及即时措施改善樓题,为樓宇復修提供 更多支援,从而舒缓市区衰败的情况。
Seeing  many  owners  are  reluctant,  or  without  the  capability,  to  undertake  the  rehabilitation  works,  the  Government  should  be  more  proactive  and exert  a  higher  degree of intervention as well as to provide furt her assistance for rehabilitation.
不过,我们会继续监测水管的狀况,有需 要时会重新编排工作,为那些需要更早更换或修復管提前进行 工程。
We would however keep on monitoring the conditions of the water mains and reschedule the work programme to bring forward the works of those aged water mains in need of earlier replacement or rehabilitation.
接纳:(牧师,事,同工]向受洗者握手表示接纳。也可邀请亲友进前 來握手或起立鼓掌表示恭贺)
It may also invite relatives and friends to shake hands with them or stand up to clap hands to show congratulation.
董事会可设立或维持或安排设立或维持任何供款或非供款退休金或公积金 或金或(在经普通决议案批准情况下)雇员或行政人员购股权计 划,而受益者或向其给予或安排给予捐赠、抚恤金、退休金、津贴或酬金的 对象,为现时或於任何时间曾在本公司或属本公司附属公司的任何公司,或 与本公司或上述任何附属公司结盟或有聯系的公司受聘或服务的任何人 士,或现时或於任何时间曾为本公司或上述任何其他公司的董事或高级职员 的人士,及担任或曾经担任本公司或上述其他公司的任何受薪职位或职务的 人士,以及任何上述人士的妻子、遗孀、家庭成员及受抚养家属。
The Board may establish and maintain or procure the establishment and maintenance of any contributory or non-contributory pension or provident or superannuation funds or (with the sanction of an ordinary resolution) employee or executive share option schemes for the benefit of, or give or procure the giving of donations, gratuities, pensions, allowances or emoluments to any persons who are or were at any time in the employment or service of the Company, or of any company which is a subsidiary of the Company, or is allied or associated with the Company or with any such subsidiary company, or who are or were at any time directors or officers of the Company or of any such other company as aforesaid, and holding or who have held any salaried employment or office in the Company or such other company, and the wives, widows, families and dependents of any such persons.
(b) 采纳、修订或执行与董事、其聯系人及本公司或其任何附属公司之 雇员有关之退休、身故或伤残抚恤金计划,而该等计划并 不赋予任何董事或其聯系人与该等计划或基金有关之類别人士一般 不获赋予之任何特权或利益;及
(b) the adoption, modification or operation of a pension fund or retirement, death or disability benefits scheme which relates both to Directors, his associates and employees of the Company or any of its subsidiaries and does not provide in respect of any director, or his associate(s), as such any privilege or advantage not generally accorded to the class of persons to which such scheme or fund relates; and
由香港赛马会慈善信托基金主导,与香港中文大学医学院及香港大学社会科学学院 合作的五年计划 —「流金颂:赛马会长者计划新里程」,於 2007 年 6 月至 2008 年 3 月期间,成功访问了新界东及香港西 707 名依靠别人照顾的居家长者及 705 名以了解他们选择院舍护理的意愿。
As part of “CADENZA: A Jockey Club Initiative for Seniors”, a five-year project initiated by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Faculty of Social Sciences of The University of Hong Kong, a survey was conducted to address these questions.
董事会可为现时或过往任何时候曾於本公司或本公司之任何附属公司或与本公司或上 述任何附属公司之任何联盟或联营公司任职或服务之任何人士、或现时或过往任何时候 曾担任本公司或上述任何其他公司董事或高级职员之人士、及现时或曾在本公司或上述 其他公司担任受薪职务或行政职务之人士、以及任何上述人士之配偶、遗孀、鳏夫、亲 属及供养人士之利益,设立及管理或促使设立及管理任何供款或免供款退休金或金提供或促使提供捐赠、抚恤金、退休金、津贴或酬金予上述人士。
The Board may establish and maintain or procure the establishment and maintenance of any contributory or non-contributory pension or superannuation funds for the benefit of, or give or procure the giving of donations, gratuities, pensions, allowances or emoluments to any persons who are or were at any time in the employment or service of the Company, or of any company which is a subsidiary of the Company, or is allied or associated with the Company or with any such subsidiary company, or who are or were at any time directors or officers of the Company or of any such other company as aforesaid, and holding or who have held any salaried employment or office in the Company or such other company, and the wives, widows, families and dependants of any such persons.
76. 强积金制度实行将届 10 年,流弊丛生,特区政府宜作出彻底检讨,但有关 检讨只能收局部改善之效,设立全民退休金制度才能正本清源,故特区政府 应扩大检讨范围并制订全民划。
A  pension  system  covering  the  whole  population  is  regarded  as  the  right  medicine  and  therefore  should  be  included  in  the  upcoming review.
调查结果显示,九成三 (92.8%) 的被访者表示父母应该知道学生验毒的结 果,八成一 (81.4%) 表示学生本人应该知道,六至七成表示学校社工、校 长、班主任应该知道,五成七 (57.0%) 表示辅该知道,三成九 (39.2%) 表示警方学校聯络主任应该知道。
Some 60 to 70-odd percent of the respondents answered that school social workers, school principal and class teacher should know the test results. 57.0% said that teachers responsible for student counseling should know the test results. 39.2% of the respondents answered that the police liaison officer [at school] should know the test results.
涉及董事、其聯系人及本公司或其任何附属公司的雇员、而并 无给予董事或其聯系人任何涉及该计划或基金的類别人士所没 有的任何优惠或优待的退休、死亡或残疾福利计划或 其他安排。
(b) a pension fund or retirement, death or disability benefits scheme or other arrangement which relates both to directors, his associate(s) and employees of the Company or of any of its subsidiaries and does not provide in respect of any Director, or his associate(s), as such any privilege or advantage not accorded generally to the class of persons to which such scheme or fund relates.
(4) 公众认知计划旨在推广正面的晚年生活,带出口有关的六个重点课题:(一) 推广及维持长者健康;(二) 香港的医療和社会服务;(三) 长者生活环境;(四) 财政 及法律事务;(五) 生活质素及臨终质素;(六) 年龄差異。
Public Awareness seeks to promote positive ageingand highlight important issues pertaining to elderly population, covering 6 major themes: (i) health promotion and maintenance, (ii) health and social services in Hong Kong, (iii) living environment, (iv) financial and legal issues, (v) quality of life and quality of dying, and (vi) age disparities.
校外服务活动 有卖旗、清洁郊区及探访等,主要由 SGT 负责,參与的主要是高年 级学生。
Besides, extracurricular service activities included flag sale, suburb cleaning and visiting elderly homes, which were organized by the SGT and senior students were mainly involved in these activities.
务是要与牧师治理教会,宣扬福音带領敬拜,造就信徒,服务 教会与社会,访问有病的,勉勵冷淡的,教育年幼的,带領慕道的,造就会 员的信仰,做信徒的榜样,引領全群虔诚事奉主。
The duty of an elder is to manage the church with the pastor, to advance the gospel, to lead the worship service, to serve the church and society, to visit the sick, to encourage the faint-hearted, to teach the youth, to nourish seekers, to confirm the faith of the members, to be an example to the believers, and to lead the whole congregation to serve the Lord in a godly manner.




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