单词 | 耀眼 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 耀眼—dazzlingless common: dazzle 耀眼verb—glarevSee also:眼n—eyen 眼—small hole crux (of a matter) 眼—classifier for natural springs and hollow objects e.g. wells, stoves etc.
在圣路易斯世界博览会上,Emerson 在一个耀眼的电力展厅内展示其产品线,当时全国范围内对电的需求持续高涨。 emerson.com | At the World’s Fair in St. Louis, Emerson displays its product line in the dazzling Palace of Electricity as the nationwide demand for electricity continues to soar. emerson.com |
每个人都希望直接:耀眼着名导演顿塔兰泰拉的狡诈和机智,头发花白的主任Bagges授予他们的地下室,为他的电影。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Everyone Wants to Direct: Dazzledby 'famous director' Benton Tarantella's guile and wit, the Bagges grant the grizzled director their basement for his movie. seekcartoon.com |
厨房更明智、更方便地扩大了你社交生活的空间,令你感到惊讶的不仅仅是它耀眼的设计,还有它的复杂和材料的质量。 scavolini.cn | A kitchen for social life, a space that expands, [...] intelligently and conveniently, surprising you [...] not only with itseye-catchingdesign [...]but also with the sophistication and quality of its materials. scavolini.us |
夜间观星旅游团(Stargazing Night Tours)每晚都从蒂卡普湖发团,在南阿尔卑斯高山地区欣赏南半球格外耀眼和明亮的星空。 cn.yha.co.nz | Stargazing Night Tours leave nightly from Lake Tekapo for exploration of the Southern Sky – so bright and clear above this alpine region of the Southern Alps. yha.co.nz |
醒目的黑色三间品牌标签、鞋舌的烫金狮子徽号与及外侧耀眼的Mintos字样,配上低调的全灰鞋身,衬托出它含蓄的独特性和注目度。 think-silly.com | The signature three-stripe branding in black, gold lion embossment and ‘Mintos’ emblem, with subtle grey tone, the aesthetic is unique. think-silly.com |
配备所有最新功能及82寸巨型屏幕,Samsung 820DXn-2大型显示器令您的商业资讯瞩目耀眼,有效接触目标客户。 samsung.com | This 82" screen boasts all the latest features and ensures that you are not only noticed but also connecting with your audience. samsung.com |
清晰的数字设计搭配13颗耀眼的钻石,MOP表盘提升了人们对该表款的渴望程度。 oris.ch | The clear design of the numerals is complimented with 13 dazzling diamonds and the MOP dial heightens the timepiece's aspirational appeal. oris.ch |
零售垫楼、5层毗邻区域以及中庭玻璃“水晶莲花”成为来福士广场的耀眼中心,伴以写字楼大厅的棋盘格玻璃套封彰显其大气恢弘,同时也完美地兑现了关于设计和建造进行绝佳的承诺。 chinese-architects.com | The retail podium with its five-storey sweeping day-lit enclosure and glass ‘Crystal Lotus’ is the defining centre piece of Raffles City, and combined with the office lobby’s tessellated glass envelope is a statement of the project’s ambition and commitment to excellence in design and construction. chinese-architects.com |
这位来自于委内瑞拉的海中蛟龙,屡次打破以不携带氧气配备的自由潜水成绩,成为Oris品牌中耀眼的冠军。 oris.ch | The free-diver from Venezuela, who regularly breaks records for apnea free-diving without oxygen equipment, becomes a champion of the Oris brand. oris.ch |
位处孟买新金融中心BKC的核心位置,The Capital以其前卫的设计、经典与时尚兼备的外观、多元色调和材质交织而成的室内风格轻易成为印度商业中心最耀眼的地标。 executivecentre.com.cn | Located in the heart of BKC, Mumbai’s new financial nerve centre, The Capital is an iconic development that will be the pride of India’s commercial capital and envy for the rest. executivecentre.com.hk |
出类拔萃的女性艺术家─草间弥生,预料她将是2012年最耀眼的亚洲艺术家,其艺术感染力与市场潜能正慢慢发酵中。 ravenelart.com | I foresee that Yayoi Kusama, the outstanding woman artist from Japan, with her infectious artistic appeal and growing market potential, is set to become the brightest Asian star in the art market in 2012. ravenelart.com |
而这条壮丽的金龙带出一种耀眼的光芒及源源不绝的能量,象徵着港龙航空矢志未来的实力、乐观及信心。 dragonair.com | The golden dragon provides a sheer of brilliance, illuminating and boosting energy that signifies the strength, optimism and confidence that Dragonair holds for the future. dragonair.com |
另外,突出、耀眼的箭形车头乃承袭AMG的典型设计;全新AMG车身裙脚包括更低的亮丽黑色支柱、AMG特制的LED日间行车灯和侧出气口。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | The distinctive, strikingly arrow-shaped frontsection ischaracterised by features typical of AMG: a new AMG front apron including lower cross-struts finished in high-gloss black, LED daytime driving lamps specifically created for AMG and side air outlets. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
在矿物质方面,具有打火石锋利耀眼效果的气息,并没有笨重感。 hk.eternal.hk | The mineral aspect, characterised by a note of flint in all its sharp luminous effect, is established without being heavy-handed. hk.eternal.hk |
在过去十年中中国耀眼的经济增长已经使它的经济成为世界的一名领先者。 embassyusa.cn | China’s dazzling economic growth over the past ten years has made its economy a world leader. eng.embassyusa.cn |
是一家致力于打造经典永恒的珠宝首饰的珠宝设计公司,其珠宝以精致的细节和耀眼光泽彰显优雅浪漫的迷人韵味。 hk.ashford.com | Miore Jewelry Co. is a jewelry design house dedicated to create classic and timeless pieces that connote romance and glamour with both subtlety and flash. ashford.com |
毫无疑问,这位年轻的男演员会是这款壁纸中最耀眼的明星,他会穿着蜘蛛侠套装,摆着炫酷的造型,出现在你的屏幕上。 the-amazing-sp...n.uptodown.com | The young actor is also the undisputed star of this wallpaper,l in which you can see the defiant pose and superhero costume looking at the screen. the-amazing-sp...n.uptodown.com |
她饰演过的24部电影使她成为耀眼的国际明星,包括《红磨坊》(Moulin Rouge)、《冷山》(Cold Mountain)等等,她更因为在电影《时时刻刻》(The Hours)中饰演Virginia Wolfe,而被提名第75届奥斯卡金像奖最佳女主角。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | International movie star for her roles in 24 movies, including Moulin Rouge, The Others and Cold Mountain. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
伴随着“十二五”征程的开始, 绿色环保和低碳经济成为国民经济发展中的耀眼主题。 astronergy.com | With the starting of “the Twelfth Five-year Plan”, green and environmental protection and low-carbon economy have become a keytopic in national economic development. astronergy.com |
从最耀眼的星星到最深邃漆黑的夜晚,我们承诺您的双眼不会错过任何精彩的瞬间。 bang-olufsen.com | From the very brightest star, to the deepest, darkest night, we make sure your eyes don’t miss a thing. bang-olufsen.com |
它同时指出,它 并未对之作出任何评论的种种权利是突尼斯残疾人生活中的耀眼之点,也是残疾 人取得成就和得以融入社会生活的原因所在。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Union has also expressed satisfaction with the success enjoyed by persons with disabilities in Tunisia, saying that the rights with regard to which it makes no comment are bright points in the lives of persons with disabilities in Tunisia, and the reason for their achievements and integration. daccess-ods.un.org |
Limelight系列秉承了首批伯爵珠宝腕表的风格,不断创新的款式依然闪烁着耀眼的华丽光芒,宛如一张踏上红地毯的邀请函。 piaget.com.cn | Heir to the first pieces of Piaget jewellery, Limelight extends an invitation to tread the red carpet in a reflection of its flamboyant inventiveness. en.piaget.com |
这次大会是一次标志性事件——它把来自美国和中国最耀眼的文化艺术明星聚集在一起,分享看法,相互学习,开阔视野,使他们的工作得到升华。 embassyusa.cn | This conference is a landmark event – bringing together the brightest stars in the arts and culture from the United States and China to share perspectives, learn from each other, and enhance their own work by broadening their horizons. eng.embassyusa.cn |
如果您偏爱跃然于手腕上的耀眼光泽,一款 Miore 手链 便能满足您的需求,这款手镯做工精美,时尚典雅的气息正是 Miore 珠宝的精髓所在。 hk.ashford.com | If a flash on the wrist is what you crave, a Miore bracelet can satisfy with a beautifully crafted bangle that oozes style and panache that is the pride of Miore Jewelry. ashford.com |
今天,我们将带给你“丹宁热潮”的故事、2012公告牌音乐大奖颁奖典礼上耀眼的群星以及在上海当代美术馆开幕的"Van Cleef & Arpels 梵克雅宝,美之传承"典藏臻品回顾展。 citij.com | This time, we are bringing you 'Denim Hit' style story, best fashion from 2012 Billboards Music Awards, and exciting news of Van Cleef & Arpels Exhibit @ MOCA Shanghai. citij.com |