单词 | 翽 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 翽—noise of bird's wings耽—indulge inExamples:耽误v—delayv 耽搁v—hold upv 耽溺—indulge in wallow in
贝鲁特办事处的活动已经恢复,但很 难弥补目前已经耽搁的工作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Activities in the Beirut Office have resumed but it will be difficult to make up for the delay that has taken place so far. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(d) 在本港有多少宗向其他被告提出的刑事检控案件因需等候引渡柯士文先生而 受耽搁,这些案件的严重程度如何? legco.gov.hk | (d) how any other criminal proceedings in Hong Kong against other defendants are being held up pending Mr OSMAN's extradition, and how serious are any such cases? legco.gov.hk |
如果您未能通过测试,您可再次尝试,但费用昂贵而且会耽搁 您注册的程序。 multilingolegal.ca | If you do not pass, you are required to take the tests again and this can be costly for you and delay your registration process. multilingolegal.ca |
实际上,在编写 32 C/5 时已考虑到,在 32 C/5 获得正式批准 之前,秘书处就应当及早开始讨论相关事宜,以便在双年度开始时尽量防止耽误计划的实施。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Indeed, it is envisaged for document 32 C/5 that such discussions at the Secretariat level begin already well before the formal approval of document 32 C/5 in order to minimize delays in programme implementation at the beginning of a biennium. unesdoc.unesco.org |
报告者认为,机场安全检查应确实执行,不应因可能耽 误少数人之行程,而牺牲全机乘客的安全。 tacare.org.tw | The contributor felt that airport baggage screening should be performed thoroughly, and that it is inappropriate to jeopardize the safety of the passengers and crew just to avoid possible delay. tacare.org.tw |
内务委员会主席回应刘慧卿议员时表示, 适用於内务委员会及事务委员会辖下委任的研究政 策事宜小组委员会的限额,并不适用於研究附属法 例或附属法例拟稿的小组委员会,因为审议法例的 工作不能耽延。 legco.gov.hk | In response to Ms Emily LAU, the Chairman said that the quota which applied to the subcommittees appointed under the House Committee and Panels on policy issues did not apply to subcommittees to study subsidiary legislation or draft subsidiary legislation, as the scrutiny of legislation could not be delayed. legco.gov.hk |
然而,该代表团愿意放弃该要求,以使委员会 能够不再耽误时间,完成其工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, his delegation was willing to waive that requirement in order to enable the Committee to complete its work without further delay. daccess-ods.un.org |
(g) 速效项目(200 400 美元,20%),因下列原因而减少了所需经费:项目所 需材料的采购过程有耽搁;取消了四个核定项目;新项目未能如期开始。 daccess-ods.un.org | (g) Quick-impact projects ($200,400, or 20 per cent), owing to reduced requirements resulting from delays in the procurement process for materials required for projects, the cancellation of four approved projects, and delays in the start of new projects. daccess-ods.un.org |
总统和他的政党强调,尽管作出了这些让步,他仍然经常受到不公正的指 责,称他阻碍和平进程和耽误选举,国际社会过去通过了批评他的一些决议,随 随便便地忽视了以下事实,即他是在 2000 年自由和公正的选举中当选的,并且 当前的危机是在他任期快满两年时外部资助的未遂政变造成的,后来政变发展为 叛乱。 daccess-ods.un.org | The President and his party stressed that, despite those concessions, he was often unfairly accused of impeding the peace process and delaying the elections and, that in adopting previous resolutions that criticized him, the international community had conveniently disregarded the fact that he was elected in a free and fair election in 2000 and that the current crisis was created by an externally sponsored coup attempt, barely two years into his term of office, which had failed and developed into a rebellion. daccess-ods.un.org |
原因是该协议的本质 缺陷是要求所有国家,无论贫富,必须为新型药品提供至少 20 年的专利保护,这样一来, 发展中国家的健康机构和贫穷人口赖以生存的低价普通药的生产就被耽搁了。 iprcommission.org | Its essential flaw is to oblige all countries, rich and poor, to grant at least 20 years' patent protection for new medicines, thereby delaying production of the inexpensive generic substitutes upon which developing-country health services and poor people depend. iprcommission.org |
在这种情况下,工作组尽管赞赏政府的合 作态度,但认为在提出意见方面它再也耽误不起时间了。 daccess-ods.un.org | In such circumstances, and although appreciative of the Government’s cooperation, the Working Group considers that it cannot afford a further delay in rendering its opinion. daccess-ods.un.org |
2005 年修正案增加了一条新规定,即只有在儿童父母知情的情况下,才能 对儿童进行调查,某些情况除外,例如:担心儿童遭受身体和心理伤害;因为嫌 疑人是家庭成员,担心可能对儿童造成伤害;以及在做出合理努力的情况下也无 法通知其父母,而任何耽搁都可能破坏调查和无法预防犯罪发生(第 4A 条)。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example: if there is concern as to any damage to the child’s physical and mental wellbeing, if the suspect is a family relative and there is a concern of possible damage to the child, and if there is substantial difficulty in informing the parent by reasonable effort and the delay might foil the investigation or any crime prevention (section 4A). daccess-ods.un.org |
任何因此委任的董事仅可留任至下届股东特别大会(如 属填补临时空缺)或至下届股东周年大会(如属新增董事), 并有资格於大会上膺选连任,惟耽搁将於任何股东周年大会 上轮值告退的董事或董事人数时则不得计算入内。 wuling.com.hk | Any person so appointed shall hold office only until the next following general meeting (in the case of filling a casual vacancy) or until the next following annual general meeting (in the case of an additional Director), and shall then be eligible for re-election at the meeting but shall not be taken into account in detaining the Directors or number of Directors who are to retire by rotation at any annual general meeting. wuling.com.hk |
这个步骤必须要快 速,不能有任何耽搁,而且很重要的是在执行期间还要有冷静的态度。 animalsasia.org | This step must be completed quickly and without any delay - and it is important that you keep calm in the process. animalsasia.org |
上个月,全球水果巨头都乐(NYSE: DOLE)称其全球范围的包装食品和亚洲新鲜水果销售被耽搁,因为没有获得中国政府的批准。 youngchinabiz.com | Last month, global fruit giant Dole (NYSE: DOLE) said the pending sale of its worldwide packaged foods and Asian fresh fruit business was being held up due to failure to receive approval from Beijing. youngchinabiz.com |
在拟订并实施 旨在处理严重侵害儿童行为的行动计划问题上,联合国系统与武装团体之间没有 接触或对话,因而耽搁了在执行安全理事会第 1612(2005)号和第 1882(2009)号 决议方面取得进展。 daccess-ods.un.org | There was no contact or dialogue between the United Nations system and armed groups on the preparation and implementation of action plans to address grave violations against children, delaying progress in the implementation of Security Council resolutions 1612 (2005) and 1882 (2009). daccess-ods.un.org |
再近一些,中国耽搁了摩托罗拉将其手机业务出售给谷歌(Nasdaq: GOOG)的交易,再一次比其他主要市场拖延好几个月,去年五月才最终批准。 youngchinabiz.com | More recently China also held up the sale of Motorola’s cellphone business to Google (Nasdaq: GOOG), again taking months longer than other major markets to finally approve the purchase last May. youngchinabiz.com |
填妥整份表格,以免耽搁使您 的姓名列入官方的选民名单。 easyvoterguide.org | Fill the form out completely to avoid delays in getting your name on the official list of voters. easyvoterguide.org |
这种 方案的例子包括苏丹教育部为帮助达尔富尔学生赶上耽误的学校功课所提供的 方案,以及塞拉利昂教育部和儿基会向该国受冲突影响的青少年提供的辅助速成 小学教育方案(见方框 3)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Examples of such programmes include those being provided by the Ministry of Education of the Sudan to help students in Darfur to catch up with their schooling and the Complementary Rapid Education for Primary School Programme for adolescents affected by the conflict in Sierra Leone, being provided by the Ministry of Education of Sierra Leone and UNICEF (see box 3). daccess-ods.un.org |
此种耗费时间的活 动耽误了她们受教育或创收的时间。 daccess-ods.un.org | This time-consuming activity reduces time for education or income generation. daccess-ods.un.org |
但其他成员和执行机构的代表强调,不能耽误宝贵的时间,需要提供 一定数额的资金,以便立即开展与氟氯烃相关的工作。 multilateralfund.org | Other Members and representatives of implementing agencies, however, stressed that it was important not to lose valuable time and that some funding was required to enable work on HCFC-related activities to start immediately. multilateralfund.org |
如果法律问题非常复杂或者涉及到被告知方一事不在联合国控制之 下,那么就可能会耽搁一些时候;但是,这种情况非常罕见。 daccess-ods.un.org | If the legal issue is complex or involves communications with parties outside the control of the United Nations, then there may be some delay; however, this is highly unusual. daccess-ods.un.org |
曾经试探以许多变通 办法代替这个制度,例如关闭学校而在家里教育儿童,或利用流动的教学体制, 以便儿童能继续参加游牧队伍,而不耽误他们的教育。 daccess-ods.un.org | Many alternatives to the system were explored, such as shutting down the schools and educating children at home or utilizing mobile teaching structures so that children could continue to be part of herding brigades without missing out on their education. daccess-ods.un.org |
每项请求或上诉都必须立即进行处理和回复,不应有不当的耽误,还必须 确保被拘留者不会因此受到损害。 daccess-ods.un.org | Every petition or appeal must be promptly dealt with and replied to without undue delay, and it must be ensured that detained persons do not suffer prejudice as a consequence. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于相关政府官员领导不力,耽误 了总统钻石工作队执行由金伯利进程审查访问团和利比里亚问题专家小组提出 的建议(见 S/2009/640)的工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | The plan of the Presidential Task Force on Diamonds for the implementation of recommendations made by the Kimberley Process review mission and the Panel of Experts on Liberia (see S/2009/640) experienced delays owing to weak leadership of relevant government officials. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管耽搁了一段时间才开始执行该项目,国家项目协调员告知工发组织,与执行委 员会商定的一样,该国的甲基溴消费水平低于 55 ODP 吨。 multilateralfund.org | Despite the delays in beginning implementation of the project, the National Project Coordinator informed UNIDO that the level of MB consumption in the country was below 55 ODP tonnes, as agreed with the Executive Committee. multilateralfund.org |
司法委员会在裁决中提及《销售公约》第 27 条,依照该条的规定,如果一方当 事人根据《销售公约》第三部分,在具体情况下采用适当的方式发送或者提出 通知、要求或其他函件后,这种函件传递上发生耽搁或错误,或者未能到达, 并不使该当事人丧失依靠该项函件的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | In its decision, the Judicial Board referred to Article 27 CISG pursuant to which if any notice, request or other communication is given or made by a party in accordance with Part III of the CISG and by means appropriate in the circumstances, a delay or error in the transmission of the communication or its failure to arrive does not deprive that party of the right to rely on the communication. daccess-ods.un.org |
与B机 之间的间距,采用的应该是目视天气情况(VMC)下的 标准,事件之所以发生,我想是因为许多事情所花费的 时间,都比预期的要长一些,A机延迟起飞,我们的起 飞许可耽搁了一会儿,加上或许B机进场失败後没有立 即右转。 tacare.org.tw | I think we all got into the situation because things took a little longer than expected. tacare.org.tw |