单词 | 翼手龙 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 翼手龙 —pterodactylSee also:翼 n—wing n • wings pl 翼—assist • area surrounding the bullseye of a target • one of the 28 constellations of Chinese astronomy • surname Yi 翼龙—pterosaur 翼翼—cautious
今年,我们可在赛车前翼、车手手套 、维修站帐篷、所有车队成员的制服左袖上看见Oris品牌标示。 oris.ch | This season sees the [...] Oris logo on the front wing end plates of the cars, on the drivers’ gloves and overalls, [...]on the pit wall canopy, [...]and on the left sleeve of all the team uniforms. oris.ch |
提高职业艺术家的能力,特别是女手工业者的能力,通过展览会和 沙 龙 以 宣 传年 轻 手 工 业 者 以及设计师,卓越标签扩展到三个地区。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Reinforcement of craftspeople's professional capacities, particularly [...] craftswomen, and [...] promotion of young craftspeople and designers through cooperation with trade fairs and salons and the extension [...]of the Seal of Excellence in three regions. unesdoc.unesco.org |
属于中/晚侏罗世的我国燕辽动物群也是一个特 [...] 异埋藏的动物群, 以保存丰富的昆虫、两栖类, 以及 精美的哺乳类、翼龙和带 羽毛的恐龙而著称. ivpp.ac.cn | It is well known for its beautiful preservation of abundant insects and salamanders, as well [...] as mammals, pterosaurs and feathered dinosaurs. ivpp.ac.cn |
翼型手柄 digikey.cn | Wing Handle digikey.com.mx |
依照在捷克共和国举行的哈龙管理问题专题会议提出的建议,环境规划署初步汇编 了关于发展中国家利用经济手段维持 哈 龙 库 的 运作(和销毁)的个案研究。 multilateralfund.org | As per the recommendations of the thematic meeting on halon management in Czech Republic, UNEP prepared an initial compilation of [...] case studies on the use of [...] economic instruments to sustain the operation of halon banks (and destruction) [...]in developed countries. multilateralfund.org |
天翼手机阅 读以手机为载体,利用CDMA等无线接入手段与服务器进行交互和下载服务,为用户提供包括原创、书籍、杂志、漫画等各类电子书的在线和离线阅读,并支持书评、推荐等阅读参与方的互动服务。 peopeo.de | E-Live reader use mobile phone as carrier, [...] provide wireless access method and interaction and download with the server through [...]CDMA, provide users with e-books of original, books, magazines, comics, etc. for online and/or offline reading, and it support reviews, recommends, and other ways of participations and interactions. peopeo.de |
连指手套,在工作室龙门, 看到博尔特不竹篙告诉她的母亲,她是多么想念螺栓。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Mittens, on a gantry in the studio, sees what [...] Bolt does not: Penny telling her mother how much she misses Bolt. seekcartoon.com |
作者认为,气候因子影响翼手目动物地理分布的机制是限制性因子的作用,主要受冬眠和活动及摄食时间长短的限制,而种数密度分布则决定于环境资源的丰富度,即主要受到由降雨量决定的食物种类多少的影响。 actazool.org | The authors suggest that geographical distribution of Chiroptera is limited by climate factors mainly related to winter hibernation and daily duration for activity and feeding, but species density distribution is decided by resources abundance of food items which are usually related to rainfall. actazool.org |
范思哲(Versace)同样推出了其限量210只的 “ 龙 年 ” 手 袋 , 设计有黑色皮革和金色中国龙的刺绣,颜色款式与中国古代的皇室风格相似。 labbrand.com | Versace also launched its [...] “Year of the Dragon” handbag with only 210 bags featuring black leather and golden Chinese dragon embroidery similar [...]to the colour and [...]style used by ancient Chinese royalties. labbrand.com |
较低等的脊椎动物如鱼类等还为鸟类 、 翼龙 和水 生的爬行动物提供了重要的食物资源. ivpp.ac.cn | The Jehol fishes became important food source for [...] many birds, pterosaurs, and aquatic [...]reptiles. ivpp.ac.cn |
在这一时期 内,教科文组织向非洲(SIAO, 2002 年 10 月)、阿拉伯国家(2002 年 9 月)、拉丁美洲 (FIDAR,墨西哥,2002 年 11 月)和亚太地区(2003 年 3 月)获奖者颁发了教科文组织手工 艺奖,还在佛罗伦萨手工艺沙龙(2002 年 4 月)上举办了 1992 年以来教科文组织手工艺奖 全部获奖作品展,在总部举行了《设计 21》大赛 64 位获奖作品展。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Access to the international market for creative craftworkers and young designers was improved by awarding the UNESCO Crafts Prize for Africa (SIAO, October 2002), the Arab States (September 2002), Latin America (FIDAR, Mexico, November 2002) and Asia and the Pacific (March 2003), and also the exhibition of all the UNESCO Crafts Prizes since 1992 at the Florence Crafts Fair (April 2002) and the exhibition at Headquarters of the work of the 64 prizewinners of the DESIGN 21 competition (30 September-25 October 2002). unesdoc.unesco.org |
過去五十年間,西方城市抓住世界各地人們的想像,例如電影《 銀 翼 殺 手 》 ( Blade Runner)所描繪的美國洛杉磯,如同反面烏托邦,或是法國巴黎艾菲爾鐵塔、西班牙巴塞隆納聖家堂的美景,前往西方城市的觀光客、投資人、藝術家至今仍絡繹不絕,但並不代表世界其他城市黯淡無光,反倒是不斷興起,挑戰已開發國家既有城市。 thisbigcity.net | Yet this does not mean that other cities around the globe are deemed to remain behind shrouds of mystery, on the contrary, they are booming and posing a challenge to established cities in developed nations. thisbigcity.net |
结果表明,按其影响程度大小,影响中 国 翼手 目 动 物地理分布的连续型环境因子依次为年平均气温、大于零度日数、一月份平均气温、无霜期日数、年降雨量、年平均相对湿度、七月份平均气温、海拔高度和年日照时数,其中年日照时数和海拔高度为负影响;影 响 翼手 目 种 数密度分布的决定环境因子是年降雨量,但年平均气温也有明显作用。 actazool.org | Our results show that impacts of these environmental factors on geographical distributions of Chinese Chiroptera are in order of annual average temperature, days of temperature above zero degree, January average temperature, days of annual frostless season, annual rainfall, annual average relative humidity, July average temperature, altitude, and annual sunshine hours; however, annual sunshine hours and altitude are of negative impact. actazool.org |
凭借其独一无二的椭圆形设计概念,本系列揭开了蛰居在各款式内部、 以 手 工 小 心 翼翼 完 成 的精密构造的神奇面纱。 audemarspiguet.com | Its unique oval shape provides our designers with exceptional scope to [...] reveal the intricate hand-finished inner workings [...]of these models. audemarspiguet.com |
另一方面,水道本身亦為隧 道方案在香港會議展覽中心地基與香港會議展覽中心 新翼 地基 之間的狹縫建造隧道提供一個機會。 devb.gov.hk | The water channel itself, on the other hand, provides an opportunity for tunnel options that can be constructed in the narrow gap between the foundations of the HKCEC and the HKCEC Extension. devb.gov.hk |
另外,对类别环境因子的研究表明,植被类型 对 翼手 目 的 种数分布没有明显影响;具有多洞穴特点的喀斯特和火山熔岩地貌具有较多 的 翼手 目 种类,但红层地貌由于分布于南方和分散分布的特点而具有最高 的 翼手 目 种 密度 [动物学报 51(3): 413- 422,2005]。 actazool.org | In addition, our results also imply that vegetation types do not distinctly influence species density distribution of Chiroptera; Although more Chiroptera species distribute Karst and Volcano lava physiognomies reasonably due to caves for inhabiting, red beds have highest species density of Chiroptera, perhaps seasonably due to its southern distribution and patched dispersion [Acta Zoologica Sinica 51(3): 413 -422, 2005]. actazool.org |
我們建議從港灣道進入會展中心,然後由 西 翼 扶 手 電 梯 或升降機進入展館5G。 interfiliere.com | We recommend accessing the HKCEC via the Harbour Road entrance and taking the West escalator or elevator to Hall 5G. interfiliere.com |
亚特兰大制作公司首席执行官兼“企鹅3D”电影监制,Anthony Geffen表示:“观众非常喜爱我 们在飞行怪兽3D里创造的翼龙,我 们很高兴与nWave合作,并且为他们带来新的大荧屏作品。 penguinsthefilm.com | Audiences have loved our recreation of pterosaurs in Flying Monsters 3D and we’re excited to be partnering with nWave to bring them this new giant screen film,“ says Anthony Geffen, Chief Executive Officer of Atlantic Productions and Producer of “Penguins 3D. penguinsthefilm.com |
洗净双手后,用擦手纸包裹关闭水龙 头 , 再用 擦 手 纸 垫 着推开厕所门离开。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | After washing your hands, shut the faucet with a paper towel, and use the towel to let yourself [...] out through the bathroom door! beijing.ufh.com.cn |
树栖性和植食性的 种类在热河脊椎动物群中占有相当高的比例, 这无 [...] 疑和当时繁盛的森林环境有很大的关系; 如前所述, 无论是鸟类还是翼龙、恐龙、蜥蜴和哺乳类中都有大 量的例证. ivpp.ac.cn | The forests were vital to the evolution of various vertebrate groups as shown by the presence of a high percentage of [...] arboreal and herbivorous forms in the vertebrate assemblages, [...] such as birds, pterosaurs, dinosaurs, lizards, and [...]mammals. ivpp.ac.cn |
万宝龙手表,结合钢铁,皮革,优雅的城市区别开来。 zh.horloger-paris.com | MontBlanc a watch that combines [...] steel and leather, elegant and distinguished for the city. en.horloger-paris.com |
利用地理信息系统提取了中国翼手目 90 个物种已知地理分布点的环境因子数据,并利用主成分分析和逐步回归分析研究了这些环境因子对中 国 翼手 目 动 物地理分布和种数密度分布影响的大小。 actazool.org | We extracted data about environmental factors of 90 Chinese Chiroptera species at known distribution points by using GIS, and conducted PCA and stepwise regression analyses to evaluate impacts of these environmental factors on geographical distribution and species density of Chinese Chiroptera. actazool.org |
所需经费增加主要是由于(a) 国际工作人员(908 200 美元),主要原因是实际 平均空缺率为 8.3%,而预算编列的空缺率为 10%,而且一般工作人员费用也高于 预算;(b) 本国工作人员(1 025 200 美元),原因是实际平均空缺率为 1.2%,而 预算编列的空缺率为 7%,而且本国工作人员的订正薪金表于 2010 年 10 月 1 日生 效,加上员额叙级工作使本国工作人员职等提高(见下文第 22 和 23 段);(c) 空运 (1 142 700 美元),主要是由于租赁和运营固定翼 和 旋 转 翼 飞 机的合同成本高于 预算,加上航空燃料成本上涨。 daccess-ods.un.org | The additional requirements were mainly attributable to (a) international staff ($908,200), owing primarily to an actual average vacancy rate of 8.3 per cent compared to the budgeted rate of 10 per cent, and higher-than-budgeted common staff costs; (b) national staff ($1,025,200), owing to an actual average vacancy rate of 1.2 per cent compared to the 7 per cent rate reflected in the budget and a revised national staff salary scale that took effect on 1 October 2010, in addition to increased national staff grade levels as a result of a post classification exercise (see paras. 22 and 23 below); and (c) air transportation ($1,142,700), owing mainly to higher-than-budgeted contract costs for the rental and operation of fixed and rotarywing aircraft, and higher aviation fuel costs. daccess-ods.un.org |
Sigma-Tau是欧洲的行业领军企业, 在美国(2010年接手Enzon安龙药业的专业护理业务后规模更为壮大)及亚洲(中国、 印度)均设有分公司, 在世界其他地区拥有稳固的特许经营网络。 wacker.com | It is a primary player in Europe, with a direct presence also in the USA (increased in 2010 by the acquisition of Enzon “specialty care” business) and Asia (India and China), and a consolidated network of licensees in the rest of the world. wacker.com |