单词 | 翩翩起舞 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 翩翩起舞—(start) dancing lightly and gracefullySee also:翩翩—graceful smart dance lightly 翩翩adj—elegantadj
在悠扬的小提琴声中,龙与凤翩翩起舞,腕表因此而栩栩如生,呈现着纤纤雅态和古朴风韵。 piaget.com.cn | In a gentle danceperformedto the tune [...] of violins, these animals bring watchmaking products to life with a delightful blend of refinement and simplicity. piaget.com |
Féerie令人神往,将我们带人非比寻常的世界,那里满天繁星,蝴蝶翩翩起舞,充满幻想色彩。 hk.eternal.hk | A pure object of desire, Féerie carries us off to anexceptional world of [...] stars, butterflies and enchanted dreams. hk.eternal.hk |
此外,声音传感器还可以让她跟随音乐翩翩起舞,以及配合其他音响做动作。 tipschina.gov.cn | Built-in infrared sensors allow her to detect and avoid objects, while sound sensors enable her to move and groove to music and other auditory stimuli. tipschina.gov.cn |
在悠扬的小提琴声中,龙与凤翩翩起舞,腕表因此而栩栩如生,呈现着纤纤雅态和古朴风韵。 piaget.com.hk | Ina gentle dance performed to the tune [...] of violins, these animals bring watchmaking products to life with a delightful blend of refinement and simplicity. piaget.com |
帝雅延临近酒店着名的表演湖,宾客到时可一边享受美食,一边可以近距离感受由夺目的 [...] LED 灯、壮观的喷火技术以及随音乐翩翩起舞的水柱交织而成的全新表演湖演出,让晚宴锦上添花。 yp.mo | Dinning at Ristorante il Teatro, customers can enjoy the splendid shows of the [...] Performance Lake featuring an exciting display of vibrant LED lighting, dramatic [...] fire effectsand sensational choreography. yp.mo |
该图像是每天醒来,脱光衣服,洗澡,具有丰富的长袍打扮和装饰项链,手镯,黄金和宝石的皇冠,食品种类与选择用鲜花,灯光,一香,然后荣幸,美联储声乐和招待,并通过可疑凭借寺的少女翩翩起舞器乐,奉献给这项服务。 mb-soft.com | The image is daily awakened, undressed, bathed, decked with rich robes and adorned with necklaces, bracelets, crowns of gold and precious stones, fed with choice kinds of food, honored with flowers, lights, an incense, and then [...] entertained with vocal and [...] instrumental music,and with dancing by the temple girls of doubtful [...]virtue, consecrated to this service. mb-soft.com |
晚宴由一群才华横溢的苏格兰儿童揭开序幕,他们在恬静幽芳的花园背景下随着优美旋律翩翩起舞,将众宾客带入精彩迷人的舞蹈艺术世界之中,让人陶醉不已。 piaget.com.cn | The gala commenced with a beautifully choreographeddance performed by a talented group of young kids from Scotland. piaget.com |
享受Auera [...] Spa中心的双人按摩服务,在泳池边的啜饮中放松身心,与爱人共进浪漫晚宴并在星空下相拥起舞。msccruises.com.cn | Pamper yourself with a couples [...] massage in our MSC Aurea Spa, take a drink and relax by the pool, savour a romantic [...] dinner together anddance under the stars. msccruises.com.eg |
加勒比海的迷人风情,让人目眩神迷!被翩然而至的味觉之舞吸引,新鲜薄荷的冰凉快感与Arpeggio顶级品咖啡的可可香味,两者形成极致滋味。 nespresso.com | Be swept away bya danceofflavours, where the intensity [...] of fresh mint mingles with the intensely grilled, subtle cocoa [...]notes of Arpeggio Grand Cru among the ice cubes. nespresso.com |
据传说,有位道士在一户人家的墙上画了一只能听从人的指令起舞的飞鹤,这户家庭为了感谢这位道士,特建此楼。 shangri-la.com | Legend has it that the original tower was built by a family to thank a Taoist priest who had drawn a [...] crane that coulddance on request. shangri-la.com |
她发现了一个女人,这个女人随着任何她听到的音乐起舞,就在一栋公共建筑的门厅里跳得如痴如醉。 shanghaibiennale.org | She sawa womandance to musiconly she [...] could hear, completely lost to the world, in the foyer of a public building. shanghaibiennale.org |
Marco 是个不愿跟随流行而起舞的艺术家,享有社会对他极佳的评价。 bang-olufsen.com | At his core, Marco is a renegade artist who enjoys a good social critique. bang-olufsen.com |
开幕式上首以香港青年钢琴家李伟安先生独奏出由小提琴家廖原先生作曲、李伟安先生编曲的「美高梅蝶舞翩篇」活动主题音乐《Waltzing Butterflies at MGM MACAU》拉开序幕,紧随廖原先生以小提琴联同长笛演奏家胡永彦先生及三位香港管弦乐团成员把原曲演绎成精彩的钢琴六重奏。 mgmmacau.com | Within seconds after the ceremony, Steinway Artist Mr. Warren Lee charmed the crowd with his piano solo on “Waltzing Butterflies at MGM MACAU,” the original score composed by Mr. Vincent Liauw for the butterfly exhibition at MGM MACAU. mgmmacau.com |
目的应当是停止让人们受苦和被杀害……(在 [...] 维也纳)我们可能没有促成和平,甚至没有共同起舞,但或许我们朝着正确的 方向迈出了一步——或者两步。 daccess-ods.un.org | The aim should be to stop people from suffering [...] and being killed … We might not have [...] made peace, oreven dancedtogether (in Vienna), [...]but perhaps we had taken a step — [...]or two — in the right direction. daccess-ods.un.org |
生气勃勃、风度翩翩,Gordon Morton 最大的优点就是能将周围的人提升至更高水平。 xango.com.tw | Vibrant andmagnanimous,Gordon Morton’s greatest strength is lifting thosearound him to new heights. xango.co.uk |
一次既感性又震撼的发现之旅,温云达斯今次在镜头聚焦在德国乌珀塔尔尔 (Wuppertal),随着舞者的步伐穿梭大街小巷,感受翩娜包殊生活、创作逾35年的城市氛围,浮生若舞,为舞蹈艺术写下全新经典。 moviemovie.com.hk | He takes the audience on a sensual, visually stunning journey of discovery into [...] a new dimension: [...] straight onto the stage with the legendary ensemble and followsthe dancers out of the theatre into the city and the surrounding areas of Wuppertal [...]– the place, [...]which for 35 years was the home and center for Pina Bausch’s creativity. moviemovie.com.hk |
未来翩然降临,赞果的业界首创天然原创健康产品、宏伟愿景与崭新形象,已由数以千计的朋友们抢先见证。 xango.com.tw | The future arrived—with natural wellness [...] originals, industry firsts, epic visions and a striking new look to capture it [...]all—and thousands upon thousands were privileged to witness it firsthand. xango.co.uk |
不是在树下,而是在树上几乎平行的树枝上搭起舞台。 swissworld.org | Not under the tree, but in the tree, where planks were laid over the almost horizontal branches. swissworld.org |
若中国都市共组成一顶皇冠,上海应是最璨烂耀眼的钻石,人口超过2300万,推动全球经济霸权东移,每位居民也随之起舞。 thisbigcity.net | A megacity of over 23 million people, it [...] has catalysed the shift of global economic hegemony eastward, with seemingly each one of its [...] inhabitants spurringit on. thisbigcity.net |
近期曾为香港舞蹈团外展部演出《画舞翩翩》、多空间剧场的《非常搞野》及在东边舞蹈团的《环境舞蹈创作之筑‧动I》发表其创作《breaking》等,而2008年与香港话剧团合作演出音乐剧《顶头鎚》。 ccdc.com.hk | Her recent performances could be seen in Dancing Sketch (an outreach programme of the Hong Kong DanceCompany) and New Dance Platform 2009 (Y-Space). ccdc.com.hk |
在聚光灯下光彩夺目的Millenary Pianoforte腕表让我们随着它欢快的节奏摇摆起舞。 hautehorlogerie.org | Shining in the spotlights, the Millenary Pianoforte [...] watch gets us swinging to the sound of its lively rhythms. hautehorlogerie.org |
人们分为四组,要么单独起舞,要么交替起舞,而且每一组都有自己独特的特点……我们 有许多乐器,特别是各种各样的鼓,一种类似吉 他的乐器,还有与 Stickado 十分相像的乐器。 daccess-ods.un.org | We have many musical instruments, particularly drums of different kinds, a piece of music which resembles a guitar, and another much like a stickado. daccess-ods.un.org |
在灵感、象徵、技巧与理念等方面,周春芽都有自己独特的艺术走向,不随流行起舞,努力建立自己的艺术表现手法。 ravenelart.com | In inspiration, symbolism, technique, and purpose, Zhou has effectively developed his own artistic direction, continually diverging from the movements around him to explore and establish his own means of expression through art. ravenelart.com |
开幕式於是日晚上七时举行,出席主礼嘉宾包括中央人民政府驻澳门特别行政区联络办公室经济部副部长陈翔先生、澳门特别行政区政府旅游局局长安栋梁先生、澳门特别行政区政府民政总署管理委员会副主席李伟农先生、美高梅中国控股有限公司董事长及执行董事何超琼小姐、美高梅中国控股有限公司联席董事长 Jim Murren 先生,以及美高梅中国控股有限公司首席执行官及执行董事简博贤先生,与在场一众宾客共同见证「翩蝶馆」的盛大开幕。 mgmmacau.com | João Antunes, Director of Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO); Mr. Lei Wai Nong, Vice Chairman of the Administration Committee of Instituto Para Os Assuntos Cívicos E Municipais (IACM); Ms. Pansy Ho, Chairperson and Executive Director of MGM China Holdings Limited; Mr. Jim Murren, Co-Chairperson of MGM China Holdings Limited and Mr. Grant R. Bowie, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of MGM China Holdings Limited. mgmmacau.com |
就在宫女和仆人为暴政结束而欢腾的时候,埃莱克特拉在狂喜中突然跳起舞来,对身边事物浑然不觉。 hkphil.org | While maids and servants rejoice at the end of their tyranny, [...] Elektrabegins todance in uncontrolled [...]ecstasy, increasingly unaware of everything around her. hkphil.org |
爱尔兰的历史能让你浮想联翩,而其古老的城堡堡垒、哥特式复兴时期建筑、辉煌的十七世纪花园、拥有自然风景的花园、广阔的乡村田园气息花园、农庄花园、植物园和动物园都能让你对爱尔兰文化生活、过去及现在有生动的了解。 discoverireland.com | Ireland’s history will set your imagination on fire. And its corresponding castle strongholds, gothic revival houses, formal 17th-century gardens, landscaped parks, rustic wilderness gardens, cottage gardens, botanic gardens and arboreta offer a vibrant insight into Irish cultural life, past and present. discoverireland.com |