单词 | 翎 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 翎—plumeless common: tail feathers Examples:翎子—peacock feathers on an official's hat displaying his rank (traditional) pheasant tail feathers on warriors' helmets (opera) 白翎面—Baengnyeong township (South Korea) 白翎岛—Baengnyeong Island of South Korea, near the Northern Limit Line
(8) 北朝鲜向天安舰发射 CHT-02D 鱼雷的位置可能是在距白翎岛2至 3 海里 内。 daccess-ods.un.org | 8) The probable firing position of the north Korean submarine utilizing a CHT-02D torpedo is within 2 to 3 nm from PY-Do. daccess-ods.un.org |
(g) 根据对白翎岛附近水域潮流的分析,联合调查组确定潮流不会阻碍鱼雷 [...] 袭击。 daccess-ods.un.org | (g) Based on the analysis of tidal [...] currentsoff Baekryong Island, the [...]Joint Civilian-Military Investigation Group determined [...]that the currents would not prohibit a torpedo attack. daccess-ods.un.org |
(8) 事件发生时,白翎岛一带的地震波和次声波传感器能够测出自爆炸方向 的脉冲曲线。 daccess-ods.un.org | 8) Seismic and infrasound sensors along PY-Do at the time of incident were able to track impulse curves from the explosion. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 我们对事件幸存者和白翎岛上一名哨兵的陈述进行了分析 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) We have analysed statements by survivors of the incident [...] and a sentry on Baekryong Island daccess-ods.un.org |
f. 人民军不尊重与联合国军司令官军事控制下的韩国陆地白翎岛邻 接的 水域,构成了违反《停战协定》的行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | f. The KPA’s failure to respect the waters contiguous to theisland of PY-Do, a land area of Korea under the military control of the Commander, UNC, constitutes a violation of the AA. daccess-ods.un.org |
最容易受到过度捕捞的深海鱼种是市场上易卖的鱼种,其生命周期延长,繁 殖力低,生长缓慢,分布地区与市场较近(如橙连鳍鲑、圆吻鳕、蓝翎及许多深 海鲨鱼)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The deepwater fish species most vulnerable to overfishing are the easily marketable species with extended life cycles, low fecundity, slow growth and [...] distribution areas comparatively close to markets (e.g., orange roughy, [...] roundnose grenadier, blue ling and many deepwater sharks). daccess-ods.un.org |
(7) 白翎岛岸上的一名大韩民国哨兵说,大约在发生爆炸时,他亲眼看见一 个高约 100 米的“白色光柱”,光柱持续了 2 至 3 秒钟——表明他从白翎岛能够 看见事件发生地点。 daccess-ods.un.org | 7) A Republic of Korea sentry on the shore of PY-Do stated that he witnessed an approximate 100 m high “pillar of white flash” for 2 to 3 seconds at the approximate time of the explosion — demonstrating his ability to see the incident location from PY-Do. daccess-ods.un.org |
而且赏赐的花翎只能 戴在吉服冠、便帽或行服冠上,朝冠不戴饰。 sypm.org.cn | And rewardhualing onlyKyrgyzstan [...] suits wearing crowns, Cap or clothing line on the Crown, Crown and do not wear jewelry. sypm.org.cn |
g. 人民军军方武装入侵与联合国军司令官军事控制下的韩国陆地白翎岛邻接的水域和/或向此水域发射一枚鱼雷,构成了违反《停战协定》的行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | g. The KPA military’s armed intrusion and/or firing of a torpedo into the waters contiguous tothe island of PY-Do, a land area of Korea under the military control the Commander, UNC, constitutes a violation of the AA. daccess-ods.un.org |
白翎岛上的一名哨兵说,他亲眼看见一个高约 100 米的“白色光柱”, [...] 光柱持续了 2 至 3 秒钟。 daccess-ods.un.org | (ii) A sentry on [...] the shoreof Baekryong Island stated [...]that he witnessed an approximately 100-meter-high “pillar of white flash” for 2-3 seconds. daccess-ods.un.org |
港乐「社群和谐」筹款音乐会演出乐友及出席嘉宾尚包括(以出场先後序):保良局蔡继有学校、右思维幼稚园、KinderU铃木音乐学院、李轩先生、甘颖昶先生、蔡筱蕊小姐、汤珍妮小姐、刘元生先生及夏定忠先生、方津生医生及汪明欣小姐、陈庆丽小姐、何光鸿先生、Mr Philip Lee & Ms Jigs Abiera、民政事局副秘书长甄美薇女士JP、刘懿翎女士、邱咏筠女士、周董立茂女士以及Tasha Lalvani女士。 hkphil.org | The stellar roster of the Hong Kong Phil and Friends “The Community in Harmony” Fundraising Concert includes (in chronological order): Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School, Rightmind Kindergarten, KinderU Suzuki Music Academy, Mr Lee Hin, Mr Wing-Chong Kam, Ms Shirley Choi, Ms Jenny Tong, Mr Y.S. Liu & Mr John Harding, Dr David Fang & Ms Wong Ming Yan, Ms Sophia Chan, Mr Thomas Ho, Mr Philip Lee & Ms Jigs Abiera. hkphil.org |
清初,戴花翎并不是品级的标志,而是对立功人员的一种赏赐。 sypm.org.cn | The early Qing [...] dynasty, wore hualing flags are not [...]grade, but a reward for meritorious service personnel. sypm.org.cn |
谨提请安全理事会注意 2010 年 3 [...] 月 26 日北朝鲜武装袭击在白翎岛西南方 2.5 公里大韩民国领水水域执行巡逻任务的大韩民国海军天安舰(PCC-772)的事 件。 daccess-ods.un.org | (PCC-772) on patrol duties in the territorial waters of the Republic of Korea, 2.5 km off the [...] south-western coast of Baekryong Island. daccess-ods.un.org |
联合国军司令部军事停战委员会此次调查的目的是厘清与大韩民国天安舰 在与白翎岛邻 接水域沉没有关的一切事实,以便确定是否构成违反《停战协定》的 行为,并将调查结果报告给联合国军司令官。 daccess-ods.un.org | The purpose of the UNCMAC investigation was to ascertain all facts concerning Republic of Korea shipCheonan sinking in waters contiguous to Paengyong-Do (PY-Do) in order to determine if the Armistice Agreement was violated and report the results to the Commander UNC. daccess-ods.un.org |
清中后期,关于戴花翎的规 定更加严格,主要是对皇室以外武官的一种赏赐。 sypm.org.cn | Middle and late Qing dynasty, worehualing requirements more stringent, mainly military attache outside the Royal family a reward. sypm.org.cn |
FF a-c] j. [...] 人民军没有采取行动下令或强制全面停止在朝鲜的一切敌对行动、未尊 重与白翎岛邻接的水域、武装入侵与白翎岛邻接的水域和/或向此水域发射一枚 鱼雷,以及人民军蓄意和有预谋地军事攻击和击沉天安舰,导致 [...]46 名大韩民国 水兵死亡,根据联合国军司令部遵守《停战协定》条例(参考文件(b)),这一切 [...]构成严重违反《停战协定》的行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | j. The KPA’s actions in failing to order or enforce a complete cessation of all [...] hostilities in Korea, failing [...] to respect the waters contiguousto the island of PY-Do, making an armed intrusion [...]and/or firing of [...]a torpedo into the waters contiguous to the island of PY-Do, and their deliberate and premeditated armed attack and sinking of theCheonan , resulting in the death of 46 Republic of Korea sailors, constitute major violations of the AA per UNC regulation on compliance with the AA, reference (b). daccess-ods.un.org |
该水域邻接白翎岛吗? daccess-ods.un.org | In waters continuous to PY-Do? daccess-ods.un.org |
海鲜晚宴大厅以(挪威北部)罗弗敦群岛风光为装饰主题,来宾们在进门后便受到挪威驻沪领事叶德翎( Elin Gjedrem)女士和挪威在华商会会长斯伟庚(Geir [...] Sviggum)的热烈欢迎。 norway.org.cn | Upon entering the ballroom decorated in a theme from Lofoten, the [...] guests at the Norwegian seafood dinner were [...] welcomed by Consul Mrs. Elin Gjedrem [...]and the Chairman of NBA Mr. Geir Sviggum. norway.cn |
(viii) 由於业务承诺相冲突,沈翎女士 委任董事长李福利先生作为其替代董事出席年内举行之一次常规董事 [...] 会会议。 mmg.com | (viii) Due to conflicting business [...] commitments, Madame Shen LingappointedMr Li [...]Fuli, the Chairman, to act as her alternate [...]director to attend one of the regular Board meetings held during the year. mmg.com |
通常插在系于朝服和吉服冠上的翎管中,常与顶子相连,俗称“顶戴花翎”。 sypm.org.cn | Usually plugged in to the Department of [...] court dress and JI Lingpipesserved on the Crown, often connected to the dingzi, commonly known as "official Cap showing various ranks by button of precious stoneon top hualing". sypm.org.cn |
此外,北方界限完全违背了《朝鲜停战协定》第十三条丑款的规定,其中规 定,除白翎岛、大青岛、小青岛、延坪岛及隅岛诸岛群将留置“联合国军”总司 令的军事控制下以外,所有其他岛屿和水域均置于朝鲜民主主义人民共和国一方 的军事控制之下。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, the northern limit line is quite contrary to paragraph 13 B of the Korean Armistice Agreement stipulating that the island groups of Paengyong-Do, Taechong-Do, Sochong-Do, Yonpyong-Do and U-Do shall remain under the military control of the commander of the “United Nations forces” and all other islands and waters under the military control of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea side. daccess-ods.un.org |
下面是对大韩民国和外国专家对事件现场收集到的确凿证据发表的意见的 总结:船体变形;有关人员的陈述;对死亡官兵进行的医学检查;对地震波和次 [...] 声波的分析;模拟水下爆炸;对白翎岛水域潮流的分析;收集到的鱼雷部件。 daccess-ods.un.org | 7. The following sums up the opinions of Korean and foreign experts on the conclusive evidence collected from the incident site: hull deformation; statements of relevant personnel; medical examination of the deceased service members; analysis of seismic and [...] infrasound waves; simulation of underwater explosion; and analysis on [...] currentsoff Baekryong Island and [...]collected torpedo parts. daccess-ods.un.org |
於本公布日期,本公司董事会由十一名董事组成,包括三名执行董事徐惠中先生、王立新先生 [...] 及任锁堂先生;五名非执行董事周中枢先生(主席)、沈翎女士、张寿连先生、宗庆生先生及崔 虎山先生;及三名独立非执行董事刘鸿儒先生、陈维端先生及丁良辉先生。 mmg.com | As at the date of this announcement, the board of directors of the Company comprises 11 directors, of which three are executive directors, namely Mr. Xu Huizhong, Mr. Wang Lixin and Mr. Ren Suotang; six are non-executive [...] directors, namely Mr. Zhou Zhongshu [...] (Chairman), Ms. ShenLing,Mr. ZhangShoulian, [...]Mr. Zong Qingsheng and Mr. Cui Hushan; [...]and three are independent non-executive directors, namely Mr. Liu Hongru, Mr. Chan Wai Dune and Mr. Ting Leung Huel, Stephen. mmg.com |