

单词 3-wired




classifier for coils of wire


将接地导线的另一端 (S) 连接到真正 的大地接地点上。
Connect the other end of the ground wire (S) to a true earth ground.
将供气软管接地导线 (Q) 连接到真正 的接地端。
Connect the air supply hose ground wire (Q) to a true earth ground.
These forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially, including, but not limited to, the risk that the proposed tri-band wireless solutions will not function as intended, difficulties in the development and integration of the technologies, the risk that the benefits from the collaboration may not be fully realized or may take longer to realize than expected, competition, technological change and their effects on pricing, and the risks detailed in Atheros' Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2009 and its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2010, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and in other reports filed with the SEC by Atheros from time to time.
经社会还了解到,泰国正在其“智 能泰国”战略下扩大其宽带网络,并在公共场点和那些尚未接入光纤电缆的 偏远地区增加无线互联网连接。
The Commission was also informed that Thailand was expanding its broadband network under its ―Smart Thailand‖ strategy and increasing wireless Internet connectivity in public areas and remote areas where fibre-optic networks were not yet available.
另外,我们建立了范围广泛的硬件平台,用来提供通用固 件,其中一些型号的固件具有模块化设计功能,其特性包括无线接口、附 加传统端口和集成智能卡读卡器。
In addition, we make a broad range of hardware platforms, with some models offering a modular design that includes features such as wireless, additional legacy ports and an optional internal smartcard reader.
目前无线充电联盟WPC是全球唯一推动无线充电技术标准化的组织,联盟成员包括不同产业如飞利浦(Philips)、三洋(Sanyo)、诺基亚(Nokia)、德州仪器等, 终极目标是希望在表面平整的介面上提供消费应用的无线充电功能,目前则主要是针对5W 以下低功率的电子设备供电,并以Qi 标志作为识别标志。
Currently, the Wireless Power Consortium (WPC) is the world¡¦s only organization pushing for wireless charging technology standardization; alliance members include enterprises from a variety of industries, including Philips, Sanyo, Nokia, Texas Instruments, etc. The ultimate goal is to provide consumer applications for wireless charging functions on a smooth-surface interface, with the current target the provision of power for low-power electronic devices under 5W and using the Qi mark as the identification mark.
在一九九三年获委任为本公司行政总裁前,一直受雇於大东电报局,担任工程、市场推 广及管理等方面要职,并曾负责数个卫星电讯项目。
Prior to his appointment as the CEO in 1993, he was employed by Cable & Wireless plc where he held engineering, marketing and management positions and was responsible for several satellite telecommunications ventures.
NOTE ON FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS: Except for the historical information contained herein, the matters set forth in this press release, including the parties' plans to develop and build tri-band wireless solutions, the expected capability of tri-band solutions to enhance the performance and functionality of wireless devices to enable new computing and entertainment applications, the anticipated compatibility of the tri-band devices with existing wireless networking products and standards, and the plans, objectives, expectations and intentions of Atheros and Wilocity, are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
一般而言,个别消费者如果将家中合法接收的免费或收费电视,经过电 脑配件转驳至 3G 手机或其他无线流动装置,以便他本人能够在住所以外的 地方收看有关的电视节目,而过程中并没有涉及复制有关节目,这类转驳电 视节目作私人观赏用途的作为,不会构成《版权条例》下的侵权作为。
In general, if individual consumer re-transmits a free or subscription television programme lawfully received at home to a 3G mobile phone or other wireless mobile devices via certain computer accessories for his personal viewing somewhere outside his residence, and the process itself does not involve making a copy of the programme, such an act of re-transmitting the programme for personal viewing would not constitute an act of copyright infringement under the Copyright Ordinance.
如果您使用 Jabra LINK 850 遇到问题,可能是由于模拟电话或 2 线电话系统不适应无线电频率干扰所造成的。
If you are experiencing issues with the Jabra LINK 850, it might be due to the analogue phone or the fact that the 2-wire telephone system is not tuned into radio frequency interferences.
power tower its shape is generally divided into: the wine glass type, cathead type, font, stem fonts and five bucket Purpose: Strain tower, straight line tower, angle tower, transposition tower(tower replacement wire phase position), terminal tower and across the tower, the structural features of the tower are space truss structure, the rod is composed mainly by single equilateral angle or combination of angle iron, material generally used Q235 (A3Fboth) and Q345 (16Mn), the connection between the rod crude bolt by bolt shear connection, the whole tower angles, connecting steel plates and bolts, the individual components, such as tower leg by a few pieces of steel plate welded into a combinationparts, hot dip galvanized anti-corrosion, transportation, and construction is extremely convenient.
港台不应放弃在无线电视广 播的发展,故此港府不应以港台在有线电视设立专线为借口,削减、或者冻结港台 现有的资源,令港台在两间电视台的发展受到限制。
Therefore, RTHK should not give up its development in the wireless television broadcasting, and the Government should not, under the pretext that RTHK has a special channel in Cable TV, cut or freeze the existing resources of RTHK as this will restrict the development of RTHK in the two commercial stations.
在音乐和通话之间无缝切换 Jabra PLAY 可方便您轻松控制音乐和通话,并保证二者都具有高性能的数字音质,支持无线串流,听筒设计可隔离外部噪音。
Switch between music and calls - seamlessly Jabra PLAY gives you easy control of music and calls, all with high performance digital sound quality, wireless streaming and earphones designed to isolate the noise from outside.
即使在小国、最不 发达国家和经济规模有限的国家,移动电话革命和高速宽带与无线接入的增长已 开始产生可衡量的经济影响,在公共部门 扩大电子政务能力加强了这些影响。
Even in small, least developed countries with limited economies of scale, the mobile revolution and growth of high-speed broadband and wireless access have begun to have a measurable economic impact, reinforced by expansion of e-government capacity in the public sector.
行动电话通信业务及加值业务之收入,系依约定 费率按通话时间,扣除折扣後之净额认列;预付 卡收入则依用户实际通话使用量认列。
Service revenues from wireless services and value-added services, net of any applicable discount, are billed at predetermined rates and are recognized on the basis of minutes of usage.
电子提举臂 (EHS) 提供一种支持兼容的 Jabra 无线耳麦与各种电话的远程操作(例如接听/结束功能)的解决方案,消除了对机械式摘挂机组件的需要。
Electronic Hook Switch (EHS) provides a solution that enables remote operation, e.g. answer/end functions, of compatible Jabra wireless headsets with various phones, thus eliminating the need for a mechanical handset lifter.
将线缆连接至马达箱内底部的三个终端(U、 V 和 W)处。
Connect the wires to the bottom three terminals (U, V, and W) in the motor box.
如果是在一个较小的场所举办与会者众多的会议,则应特别安 排专责技术人员对网络的无线进入环节进行良好管理。
In the case of meetings involving a large number of participants in a small space, particular attention should be given to the management of the wireless network access points by the technicians involved.
汇款存款是通过 Himbol 公司办理,这是人阵 控制的电汇公司,在厄立特里亚各使馆和国外的社区中心设立了官方和非官方 的办事处,并利用国际电汇机构作为汇款转账代理机构。
Remittance deposits are made through Himbol, a PFDJ-controlled wire transfer company that maintains offices — both official and unofficial — at Eritrean embassies and community centres abroad, and which uses international wire agencies as agents to affect transfers.
将 万用表调到交流 电压并将电线与 控制板连接。
Set meter to AC volts and connect wires to control board.
游戏系统通过感知我们的行动和运动将玩家体验提升到新的水平;汽车通过自动感应和控制车辆的移动提升固有的安全性;工业设备和机床无需人干预即可执行作业功能;移动电话具有内置的智能,可以响应我们的手势和位置,从而简化了用户界面,同时还可为我们提供位置感知服务;周围环境通过配备无线传感器的仪表,对我们进行响应;航空电子设备改装后,性能获得提升的同时还降低了系统成本... 解决方案有效时,可能性是无穷的。
Gaming systems have taken the player experience to new levels by sensing our actions and motion; cars are intrinsically safer by automatically sensing and controlling the movement of the vehicle; industrial equipment and machines perform their functions without human intervention; mobile phones have built-in intelligence so they can respond to our gestures and position, simplifying the user interface, and also providing us with location-aware service; the surrounding environment responds to us when instrumented with wireless sensors; avionics equipment has been retrofitted with our high performance yet lower cost systems… The possibilities are endless when the solutions are effective.
(f) 至於证券界对有关电汇安排的规定提 出的关注,应注意的是,该等规定旨 在向代顾客电汇的金融机构施行,而 不会涵盖由本身的户口转帐金额给顾 客进行结算的金融机构。
(f) As regards the concern raised by the securities sector on the requirements on wire transfers, it should be noted that the requirement was meant to apply to financial institutions which carried out wire transfers on behalf of their customers.
咨询委员会获悉,这类安保系统的费用正在降低,新技术即将投 入使用,无线技术的发展可能会帮助节省基础设施和接线费用。
The Committee was informed that the costs of such security systems were dropping, new technologies were becoming available and advances in wireless technology could lead to savings on infrastructure and wiring costs.
至 2013 年 4 月,本公司的能源事业部门,专门负责电线、电缆终端以及连接处理用电力绝 缘材料的“F‐CO 产品部”事业,以及负责大厦、工场设施的大电流供应系统——母线槽产品 的“电材部”事业,此次分割之后归由 FEPS 公司继承,以期实现电力机材事业的进一步扩 大,为顾客的多样化需求提供最佳的解决方案。
The Company will also transfer the business of the F-Co Products Department, which manufactures wire and cable terminals and electrically insulating materials for processing connections in the Company’s Energy Division, and the business of the Electric Feeders Department, which manufactures bus ducts, which are systems for supplying large currents to buildings and plants, to FEPS through the Demerger in April 2013 so that the Group will expand its electrical equipment business and will provide optimal solutions to meet the diversified needs of customers.
本 集 团 致 力 於 设 计、开 发、生 产、分 销 及 安 装 各 种 先 进 的 电 信 系 统 和 设 备,包 括:无 綫 通 信 系 统、有 綫 交 换 与 接 入 设 备、光 通 信 设 备、数 据 通 信 设 备、手 机 和 电 信 软 件 系 统 和 服 务 业 务 等。
The Group is dedicated to the design, development, production, distribution and installation of a broad range of advanced telecommunications systems and equipment, including wireless communications systems, wireline switch and access equipment, optical and data communications equipment, handsets and telecommunications software systems and services.
凭借其在技术上的领先地位,Marketwire提供富有创新意识的产品与服务 — 其中包括社交媒体,搜索引擎优化,News Dashboard报告,加拿大新闻网等网络的独家进入权,简易投资者关系和简易公共关系工作流程解决方案等——帮助传播专家在保证精确性和最佳实行的同时,使工作效率最大化。
With a reputation for technology leadership, Marketwire offers innovative products and services -- including Social Media, Search Engine Optimization, News Dashboard coverage reports, exclusive access to networks such as The Canadian Press Wire Network, Easy IR and Easy PR workflow solutions, and more -- that help communication professionals maximize their effectiveness while ensuring accuracy and best practices.
VCAST is a leading streaming solution provider who provides video broadcasting service & solutions via any IP-based network (e.g. Internet, Intranet, wireless) with virtually no limitation to anyone, anytime and anywhere.
休斯顿--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(最终版本日期待定)— 埃克森美孚化工推出了一款新型的 Label-Lyte™ 50ML580 表面可印刷的镀金属拉伸聚丙烯 (OPP) 膜,适用于需要美观而均匀的金属外观以及高速印刷性能的压敏标签 (PSL) 应用。
HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--ExxonMobil Chemical has introduced new Label-Lyte™ 50ML580 metalized, surface-printable oriented polypropylene (OPP) film for pressure sensitive label (PSL) applications requiring a consistent, attractive metallic appearance and high-speed performance.
(h) 透过联交所营运的电子登载系统散发内幕消息,及後再透过新闻界、通讯 社或在法团网站刊登公告等其他渠道发放该消息。
(h) Disseminate inside information via the electronic publication system operated by the Stock Exchange before the information is released via other channels, such as the press, wire services or posting on the corporation’s website.
本集团无綫通信系统营业收入的上升主要由於国际市场CDMA系统、GSM系统销售增加,以及国内市场GSM系统、 TD-SCDMA系 统 产 品 销 售 带 来 的 增 长。
The growth in sales revenue from the Group’s wireless communications segment was attributable mainly to increased international sales of its CDMA and GSM systems and domestic sales of its GSM systems and TDSCDMA systems.




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