

单词 群居



head and shoulders above the crowd (idiom); preeminent

See also:

classifier for groups of people, herds of animals, flocks of birds, schools of fish
flock, herd, pack etc


residence n
house n

store up
surname Ju
be at a standstill
(archaic) sentence-final particle expressing a doubting attitude
be (in a certain position)

External sources (not reviewed)

委员会表示关切的是,越来越多地在传统上由土著 群居 住 或 使用的区 域使用化学杀虫剂和转基因大豆种子对这些族群造成了负面影响。
The Committee is concerned about cases in which the increased use of chemical
pesticides and transgenic soya seeds in
[...] regions traditionally inhabited or used by indigenous [...]
communities have negatively affected these communities.
1905年 ﹐群 居 於 奧 地 利 的 克 羅 地 亞 人 (Croats) 譴 責 奧 匈 二 元 帝 國 ﹐ 進 一 步 刺 激 了 親 塞 爾 維 亞 的 情 緒 。
In 1905, a group of Austro-Croats denounced the Dual Monarchy and raised Pro-Serbia sentiment.
由于老挝人民以大家群居,而 不是以小家庭居住,因而老挝人民民主共 和国的平均家庭人口为8至10 名。
In the Lao People’s Democratic Republic the average household comprises of 8–10 persons due to the fact that Lao people live in extended family groups rather than in nuclear units.
城市,因人类相依为命群居生活 方式,和相互交往与分享的愿望而生,在经历与工业时代数百年的不解之缘之后,今天依然在不断更新。
Many centuries before there was a shortage of natural resources, we see the development of an introspective way of energy discovery in the Orient.
家庭生活:黑猩群居部队 多个家庭约占50黑猩猩制成。
Family Life:
[...] Chimpanzees live in troops of about 50 chimps made up of multiple family groups.
家庭生活:豚鼠群居动物,群居在 高达30豚鼠!虽然他们通常旅游作为一对或小家庭单位,因为他们一生一个伴侣。
Family Life: Cavies are
[...] social animals and live in groups of up to 30 cavies!
今 年,改善少数群居住地 区的条件,特别是塞族人占 多数的市镇的条件,将继续是科索沃共和国政府的一 个最高优先事项。
The improvement of conditions in the minority community areas, especially in the Serb-majority municipalities, will remain an issue of high priority for the Government of the Republic of Kosovo during this year as well.
历届大会和特别委员会的决议都承认这种殖民状况既特殊又独 特,双方应为了群岛居民的 利益通过谈判予以解决(见 A/C.4/65/SR.2,第 [...]
37 段)。
Successive General Assembly and Special Committee resolutions had recognized the colonial situation there as special and particular, to be resolved
through negotiations between the two parties in the interests of the
[...] population of the Islands (see A/C.4/65/SR.2, [...]
para. 37).
委员会建议缔约国继续加强努力,消除区域之间的经济和社会差异, 为 “ 国家特殊 关注区”的 可持续 发 展创造条件,这些 地 区主要 由 少数族 群,包括塞族和罗姆等少数群居住。
The Committee recommends that the State party continue to intensify its efforts aimed at creating conditions for a sustainable development of “areas of special State concern”, which are inhabited by the most numerous minorities, including Serb and Roma minorities, by eliminating economic and social disparities between regions.
肯亞正在草擬新憲法,希望避免2007年血腥衝突重演,社會與政治局勢也大抵平穩,但奇貝拉處境依然惡劣,不過自2004年起,奇貝拉12個村落中的索維托東村裡, 群居 民 提 出一項激進構想,要求拆除大片簡陋平房,改建為每棟600戶的公寓大樓,在「肯亞貧民窟升級方案」(KENSUP)推出後,這個夢想有可能成真。
They may get their wish, as such a plan is the pilot project for KENSUP, the Kenyan Slum Upgrading Programme.
群居民和 互助委員會㆒直相信專員公署是㆒個令到公義在社會㆖ [...]
得以伸張的機構,現在卻達不到這個目標,他們至今仍為葵芳 葵仁樓的漏水事件 與房屋署仍有糾紛,今晚,他們又因這件事邀請我出席他們的居民大會。
The residents and the mutual [...]
aid committee had believed that COMAC was a body that can uphold social justice.
主席先生,正如我在較早時的演辭已詳細講述,專案小組部份議員在平衡各界利益之 後,認為我們首要關注的,就是 群居 住 在 受租管樓宇的低收入㆟士,在撤銷租管和 社會保障不足情況㆘所面對的困難。
DR YEUNG SUM (in Cantonese): Just now the Honourable James TO attempted to introduce an amendment to remove rent controls, but only to be negatived.
此外,联 合王国还 注意到,该国居群 体占居民 总数 17%以 上,对该国种族主义问题存 [...]
在 种种关切,建议(b) 进一步采取步骤消除种族歧视、促进宗教和信仰自由。
It also noted concerns on racism in the country –
expatriate communities form more than
[...] 17 per cent of the resident population – and [...]
recommended (b) further steps to eliminate
racial discrimination and to promote freedom of religion and belief.
在这些谈判中,《宪章》的规定和目标(包括关于任何争端之当事国有义 务尽先以谈判方式求得解决的第 33
[...] 条)和第 1514(XV)号决议(领土完整 原则),以群岛居民的利益(从而不考虑自决原则)。
In these negotiations, the provisions and objectives of the Charter (including Article 33 relating to the obligation of the parties to any dispute to seek a solution first of all by negotiation) and of resolution 1514 (XV) (principle of territorial
integrity), as well as the interests of the
[...] population of the Islands (thus leaving aside the [...]
principle of self-determination).
在此情况下,需居家治疗的群体经 济负担在逐步减轻,费用昂贵的住院 治疗量也将不断减少。
Thus, the financial burden of the
[...] population that requires domicile treatment is reducing, [...]
the amount of costly hospital treatment is diminishing as well.
应当指出第 2066/2008 号皇家法令第 35 条及其以下条款规定,在提供最优 惠融资的情况下,为特殊弱势群体兴建的公共房屋应包含适用于残疾人的房屋,
且房屋具有以下特性:建筑的一部分或整体是专为此目的而兴建的;每一住所的 实用面积应在人均 15 至 45
[...] 平方米;在某些情况下,可达到 90 平方米,以供家 庭群体居住; 同样,还可为居住人员的公共服务或辅助服务人员提供不超过 [...]
30 平方米的空间;此外,也会考虑为此类型特殊公共房屋所需要的车库提供优 惠融资。
Articles 35 ff of Royal Decree 2006/2008 provide, for purposes of securing the most favourable permissible sources of finance, that dwellings reserved for specially vulnerable groups (including where appropriate groups of persons with disabilities) must have the following features: they must form part of buildings, or groups of buildings, destined
entirely and solely for that purpose; the usable
[...] space in each dwelling must be not less [...]
than 15 and not more than 45 square metres
per person but may be increased to 90 square metres to permit family units or groups to live together.
其次,由于所述外国群体在其居留 国 与 群 体 成员的国 籍国发生武装冲突时,为国籍国的利益对居留国采取武装敌对行动,所以这些群 [...]
体成员如被驱逐或在驱逐过程中不可能“因其政治意见或宗教信仰害怕受到迫 害”。
Secondly, in so far as the group of aliens in question [...]
carries out its hostile armed activities in the interest of the State
of nationality of its members engaged in an armed conflict with the State of residence, the members of the group who have been or are being expelled cannot “fear persecution for [their] political opinions or religious beliefs”.
在国家住房政策框架内得到支助的目标群体,包括在私有化改革期间被剥 夺了私有化权利的承租人,没有父母照管的儿童和青年,残疾人,老年人,多子 女家庭,牢狱释放人员和缓刑受监视人员,无家可归人员,合作社与合 群 体, 以及从居住环 境规划和开发的专门人员。
Target groups supported within the framework of state housing policy include lessees deprived of privatisation rights during the ownership reform, children and young people without parental care, disabled people, elderly people, families with many children, persons released from prison and persons under probation supervision, homeless people, cooperative societies and communities, and specialists dealing with planning and development of residential environment.
[...] 滋病毒/艾滋病联合规划署和驻南非、亚洲(印度)及拉丁美洲的其它机构合作,正在同处 境不群体和弱势居民一 起致力于改进其谋生技能的工作,具体做法是开展基础教育和商业 [...]
Through the project “Reducing Vulnerability to Achieve Sustainable Livelihoods”, UNESCO, in collaboration with UNAIDS and other agencies in South Africa, Asia
(India) and Latin America, is
[...] working with marginalized and vulnerable populations to improve [...]
their livelihood skills through
basic education and business skills training, including organic farming.
一些报道显示在索马里的居群体以 及 尽管关于这一问题的信息有限,特别报告员在联合王国仍物色到了关于居群体的 良好做法,在那里,2010 年平等法案取代了以前的反歧视法律制度。
Despite the limited information available on the issue, the Special Rapporteur has identified a good practice regarding the diaspora community in the United Kingdom, where the previous anti-discrimination legal regime has been replaced by the Equality Act 2010.
湖南,河南,安徽的这上述第一个记录,和江西基于姚(A),Boufford等等 26199(一,钼),汉德尔-Mazzetti(E,W,吴),以及Tan Ceming 9604090(钼), 来自本种的全缘的范围的百件样品显示物种的对数个的检查少量变型正式在中国是承认, 变化不在特征和地理中显示任何相互关系, 那一些变型(变种是基部)在相同 居群 内 发 生, 例如,小叶数目,在那变种里 polyphylla 据说有4 或更多对,十分易变,虽然最多7 对(例如, Y ü 22173,在A)被在中国发现,而有锯齿,有细锯齿,并且重锯齿小叶被在 居群 观 察 (艾尔-Shehbaz等等 9312,B,BM,E,G,K,钼)。
An examination of several hundred specimens from the entire range of the species reveals that only a small number of the variants has been
recognized formally in China, that the
[...] variation does not show any correlation among characters and/or geography, that some of the variants (on which varieties are based) occur within the same population, and that a thorough study at the population level is needed before the species is divided into infraspecific taxa.
阿尔及利亚还欢迎对其建议采取积极的后续行动,确保 某些少群体享有适足住房、教育、就业及保健权利,并特别注意这 居 民 融入 社会生活的所有领域。
Algeria also welcomed the favourable follow-up on its recommendation to ensure that certain minorities had access to adequate housing, education, employment and health care, and that particular attention was to be paid to the promotion of their integration in all sectors of social life.
因为草质的植株通常成为木质的老时和其他特征,呈交本种的木质的植株到辣椒frutescens林尼厄斯的实践有很少的功绩 假定在草质和木质的植株里区分两种分布于各种各样 居群。
The practice of referring woody plants of this species to Capsicum frutescens Linnaeus has little merit since herbaceous plants often become woody with age, and other characters supposed to distinguish the two species occur in various populations in both herbaceous and woody plants.
在访问期间,工作组发现,非洲人后裔在葡萄牙面临的挑战主要涉及他们 作为一个特群体在葡萄牙国家政策和立法框架中得不到承认;其在历史上对 该国的建设和发展作出积极贡献得不到承认;没有按种族或族裔分列的定性和 定量的分类数据;贫困、获得教育、公共服务和就业机会不平等,以及在行政 和司法制度运作方面的歧视,形成恶性循环;存在种族貌相和警察暴力;在政 治和体制决策进程中代表不足,以及葡萄牙缺少针对非洲人后裔或其他少群 体的具体措施或扶持行动政策。
During their visit, the Working Group found that the challenges faced by people of African descent in Portugal related mainly to
their lack of recognition
[...] as a specific group in the national policy and legal framework; the lack of recognition of their positive contribution throughout history to the construction and development of the country; the lack of qualitative and quantitative disaggregated data by racial or ethnic origin; the existence of a circle of poverty, unequal access to education, public services, employment, as well as discrimination in the administration and functioning of the justice system; existence of racial profiling and police violence; underrepresentation in political and institutional decision-making processes, as well as the lack of special measures or affirmative action policies in Portugal for people of African descent or other minorities.
此外,任何人(作为欧洲联居民并 为某成员国国民的任何自然人;在欧洲联盟 注册的任何法人;在欧洲联盟以外 居 的 任何成员国国民和在欧洲联盟以外设立而由 某成员国国民控制的船务公司;作为欧洲联 居 民 的 任何其他自然人;在欧洲联盟内、 包括在其领海和领空以及由某成员国管辖或控制的任何飞机或任何船只从事职业活 动的任何其他自然人)不得遵守任何直接或间接基于或产生于“1996 年古巴自由和民 主团结法”或在该法基础上或由其产生的行动的规定或禁令,包括外国法院的命令。
Furthermore, no person (any natural
[...] person being a resident in the European Union and a national of a member state; any legal person incorporated within the European Union; any national of the member states established outside the European Union and shipping company established outside the European Union and controlled by national of a member state; any other natural person being a resident in the European [...]
Union; any other
natural person within the European Union, including its territorial waters and air space and in any aircraft or on any vessel under the jurisdiction or control of a member state, acting in professional capacity) shall comply with any requirement or prohibition, including requests of foreign courts, based on or resulting, directly or indirectly, from the “Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act of 1996” or from actions based thereon or resulting therefrom.
[...] 务能力而出台的各种举措,诸如太平洋最大的海洋保护区——基里巴斯的菲 尼克群岛保 护区、以及涵盖亚太区域若干国家的珊瑚礁三角区倡议——这 [...]
The Commission was informed of initiatives that were being undertaken by Pacific island developing countries to protect biodiversity
and the maintenance of ecosystem services,
[...] such as the Phoenix Islands Protected [...]
Area in Kiribati, the largest marine protected
area in the Pacific Ocean, and the Coral Triangle Initiative, which covered a number of countries in the Asia-Pacific region, included the greatest extent of mangrove forests in the world and provided a critical spawning and juvenile growth area for tuna and other globally significant fish species.
在本届会议上,社会科学及人文科学委员会和自然科学委员会审议了 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 号文件所建议的决议(提案国:奥地利、比利时、玻利维亚多民族国、布基纳法 索、刚果、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、丹麦、吉布提、多米尼加共和国、芬兰、冰岛、利比 亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马达加斯加、新西兰、荷兰、挪威、帕劳、巴布亚新几内亚、波兰、 葡萄牙、萨摩亚、塞内加尔、斯洛文尼亚、瑞典、图瓦卢和乌拉圭;共同提案国:巴巴多 斯、哥斯达黎加、德国、哈萨克斯坦、拉脱维亚、黎巴嫩、马来西亚、摩纳哥、巴基斯坦、 所罗群岛、 苏里南和赞比亚),要求总干事利用教科文组织独有的跨学科背景,加强教科 文组织在气候变化问题上的专业能力。
During this session, the SHS and SC Commissions examined the resolution proposed in document 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 (submitted by: Austria, Belgium, Plurinational State of Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Congo, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Finland, Iceland, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Samoa, Senegal, Slovenia, Sweden, Tuvalu, Uruguay; co-sponsored by: Barbados, Costa Rica, Germany, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Monaco, Pakistan, Solomon Islands, Suriname, and Zambia), requesting the Director-General to strengthen UNESCO’s specialized capacity on climate change, building upon UNESCO’s unique interdisciplinary profile.




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