

单词 羚羊



Przevalski's gazelle (Procapra przewalskii) of Central Asia




Tibetan antelope or Chiru (Pantholops hodgsonii)

See also:


sheep n
goat n
lamb n
goats n

surname Yang

External sources (not reviewed)

在山脉地区还可以发现一些有趣的物 种,包括在苏台德山脉的欧洲盘羊和塔特拉 的羚羊。
Some interesting species can be found in the mountains, including mouflons in the Sudetes and chamoises in the Tatras.
由此可見,華南珠三角很多地區的物流業 和貨運業便羚羊般飛 躍,但香港仍像蝸牛般增長,而且還自我滿足地漫 步。
This shows that the logistics and freight forwarding industries in
many places in the PRD in South China
[...] are leaping like antelopes, whereas Hong [...]
Kong still crawls like a snail in its growth
and worse still, it is just easing along with sheer complacency.
我也正两个不同的委员会的项目创作,一个是瑞士设计公司的,另一个是一个巨大 羚羊 头 骨 ,我将像 Botanical Skull 系列那样制作他。
I am also working on two different commission projects, one for a Swiss design company and the other is a huge wildebeest skull that I will be decorating like the Botanical Skull series.
例如,如果 决策者正在考虑颁布一羚羊禁猎 令,该评估模式 可帮助他们清楚地了解所有相关问题——如,禁令 [...]
For example, if policy makers are considering
[...] instituting an antelope hunting ban, [...]
this assessment model can help them get a
clear picture of all the relevant issues – such as, how will the ban affect the larger ecosystem?
店內特別為訂造皮革的顧客而設的選冊,提供鱷魚皮、蜥蜴皮、鴕鳥皮 羚羊 皮 等 超過一百五十種不同顏色的皮革選擇。
A leather sample book is available for tailor-made orders, includes crocs, python and another one hundred and fifty varieties.
阿拉伯羚羊保护区(阿曼)是 2007 年被除名的第一项遗产(第 [...]
31 COM 7B.11 号决 定)。
The Arabian Oryx Sanctuary (Oman) [...]
was the first property delisted in 2007 (Decision 31 COM 7B.11).
The antelope population?
[...] 尼亚海龟、贝宁村庄太阳能供电和保护肯尼亚珍稀邦戈 羚羊 等 项 目。
These small-scale environmental initiatives cover a huge range of projects, such as the protection of sea
turtles in Albania, the solar powering of villages in Benin and the protection of the rare
[...] mountain bongo antelope in Kenya.
羚羊可以 将这些长毛竖起,扩大身躯形象,以致看起来非常伟岸。
The chamois can make the hairs [...]
of this mane stick up, which makes the animal appear bigger and gives it an advantage in social interaction.
此外,教科文组织还帮助制定了一项保护 ROSE 湖
[...] 及其流域盆地的战略,协助创建了塞内加尔国家海洋数据资料中心(CNDO-SN),以及协 助实施了关于监测和保护 Niokolo Kaba 国家公园羚羊计划
UNESCO, which is also supporting the preparation of a strategy for the conservation of Lac Rose and its basin, has also helped in launching the National Centre for Oceanographic Data in Senegal
(CNDO-SN) and in implementing of the monitoring and conservation
[...] programme for the antelopes in the Niokolo [...]
Koba National Park.
羚羊一向 是瑞士民谣中重要的角色,也正因此使其至今未能绝灭。
For some people, the chamois is first and foremost [...]
the source of soft leather used for polishing cars, but the Swiss have
hunted it since long before the days of the combustion engine.
尽管失明只是暂时的,但是许羚羊 常 常在复明之前便死于饥饿或从陡峭的山崖上跌落。
Before it can
[...] recover, the animal will almost certainly [...]
starve to death or fall off a cliff.
喜歡茗茶的客人在這裹可找到過百不同的品種,在燭光照明的地窖內舒適地享受;而喜歡咖啡的可以往樓上喝一杯,佈置亦充滿特色, 羚羊 皮 鼓 充當櫈子。
Tea drinkers can enjoy over a hundred varieties in the cosy candle-lit cellar while espresso aficionados can sip their potions upstairs in an unusual setting where bongo drums have replaced barstools.
舉例來說,條例附表 1 內現行附錄中的賽羚 羊 ( Saiga tatarica (Saiga))已分拆為兩個物種,分別是賽 羚羊 ( Saiga tatarica (Saiga)) 及蒙古賽羚羊( Saiga borealis (Mongolian saiga))。
For example, Saiga tatarica (Saiga) in the existing Appendices of Schedule 1 to the Ordinance has been split into two species, namely Saiga tatarica (Saiga) and Saiga borealis (Mongolian saiga).
狼不会羚羊吃草 的时候轻举妄动,因为其反应灵敏、奔跑快捷,狼根本不是其对手; 羚羊 睡 觉 的时候,狼虎视眈眈却不敢放肆,因 羚羊 的 敏感度非常高; 羚羊 散 步时,狼只能在其周围无所事事,因为警惕性决定了这时进攻必定失败;只有在早 羚羊 撒 尿 的时候,而且是撒了三滴尿的时候,狼才会出击,这时 羚羊 由 于 膀胱充盈,奔跑的速度受到限制,两腿的快速摩擦可以导致膀胱破裂,狼的早餐便有了着落。
Wolf will not act
[...] rashly when the antelope is grazing because the quick response and running speed of the antelope is far more superior to the wolf; when the antelope is sleeping, wolf will stare but do not dare to take any action since the sensitiveness of antelope is very high; when the antelope is walking, wolf will just lurk around but do nothing, since its vigilance decides that attacking antelope at this time is bound to fail; only when antelope is peeing in the morning and has just peed out three drops of urine, wolf will attack because at this time, antelope’s running speed [...]
is limited since its
bladder is filling and the quick friction between two legs will cause its bladder to break, now there will be a delicious breakfast for the wolf.
[...] a.m./p.m.),位于购物中心前三个最佳位置之一,为中心的其他零售商店带来大量的客户流,也满足了 羚羊 广 场 变成人们聚会、购物和用餐的目的地的目标。
Arco, a.m./p.m. rounds out the top three locations in the center, giving it plenty of draw for its
remaining retail locations and meeting the
[...] goal of making Antelope center a “destination” [...]
where people can meet, shop and dine.
考虑羚牛对 空间的需求、保持最佳繁殖状态、其它草食动物种群的需求和保护当地植被等因素,建议保护区 羚 牛 种群的数量控制在1 000只左右[动物学报 49(4):445~450,2003]。
Consideration of the space
[...] requirement of takins and the food consumption of other herbivorous species, we suggest that it would be preferable to keep the population size of golden takins at Foping at [...]
1 000 animals[Acta
Zoologica Sinica 49(4):445-450,2003].
(17) 經營所有或任何涉及以任何方式預備、紡織、編織、梳理、沖刷、裁切、漂
[...] 白、著色、染色、印刷及整理或製造棉 羊 毛 、絲、亞麻、麻、亞麻布、黃 麻、皮革、合成纖維及其他纖維或紡織品(不論屬任何狀態下之動物、植物 [...]
等業務(不論由本公司或其他人士進行)之廢料之行業或業務,亦生產硫酸 鹽及漂白及染整物料以及買入及賣出及買賣上述所有或任何物質。
(17) To carry on all or any of the trades or business of preparing, spinning, knitting, doubling, weaving, combing, scouring, sizing, bleaching, colouring, dyeing, printing and
finishing, working or manufacturing in any
[...] way whatever, cotton, wool, silk, flax, [...]
hemp, linen, jute, leather, synthetic fibres
and other fibrous or textile substances, whether animal, vegetable or mineral in any state and whether similar to the foregoing substances or not and to treat and utilise and deal in any waste arising from any such operations, whether carried out by the Company or otherwise, and also of makers of vitriol and of bleaching, dyeing, and finishing materials, and the buying and selling of and dealing in all or any of the aforesaid substances.
这种对邪恶的和诱惑罪在最后的日子的精神得到普遍观点,特别强调在Ḥasidean学校,因此之间的tannaitic和救世主的来临之前的时间世界末日图片惊人的相似:“在最后的日子假先知 [假救世主]和腐化将增加 羊 变 成狼被打开,爱被仇恨;无法无天 [见匪徒 ]将占上风,导致男人的仇恨,迫害,并提供了对方;和撒旦,'世界骗子'(见箴),将执行中的神的儿子幌子创造奇迹,作为地球的统治者犯下奇闻的罪行“(”十二使徒遗训,“十六3起。
This view of the prevalence of the spirit of evil and seduction to sin in the last days received special emphasis in the Ḥasidean schools; hence the striking resemblance between the tannaitic and the apocalyptic picture of the time preceding the Messianic advent: "In the last days false
prophets [pseudo-Messiahs] and corrupters
[...] will increase and sheep be turned into wolves, [...]
love into hatred; lawlessness [see
Belial] will prevail, causing men to hate, persecute, and deliver up each other; and Satan, 'the world-deceiver' (see Antichrist), will in the guise of the Son of God perform miracles, and as ruler of the earth commit unheard-of crimes" ("Didache," xvi. 3 et seq.
陕西佛坪国家级自然保护区位于秦岭南坡的中段,1998~1999年冬季通过分层抽样的方法,测定了保护区 羚 牛 秦 岭亚种(Budorcas taxicolor bedfordi)10种栖息地类型的单位面积食物资源量和含有的能量,估计了越冬区可以利用的总能量。
The carrying capacity of Foping National Nature Reserve for golden takin(Budorcas taxicolor bedfordi) was estimated during the winter of 1998-1999 based on the total energy contained in available food resources produced in the winter habitat and the energy requirements of captive animals in the Xi'an Zoo.
(a) 除 非冷凍牛肉羊肉或 豬肉經 預先包裝並該包裝依照訂明方 式加上標記 及標籤 ,否則禁止在同一街市攤檔或經營新鮮糧 食 店業務的處所售賣、要約 出 售 或為出售 而展示 或 管 有新鮮 牛肉羊肉或 豬肉及 冷凍牛肉羊肉或 豬肉(新訂第30D條及 新訂附表6)
(a) to prohibit the sale, or offer or exposure for sale, or possession for sale fresh beef, mutton or pork and chilled beef, mutton or pork at the same market stall or premises on which the business of a fresh provision shop is carried on unless the chilled beef, mutton or pork is pre-packaged and the package [...]
is marked and labelled in the prescribed
manner (new section 30D and new Schedule 6)
向会员国、科学界和知识界、媒体和民间社会的机构宣传加强国家和地区预测和展望 能力的必要性:2004 年上半年,联系“二十一世纪会晤”历届会议的专题,继续出版了载
[...] 有重要展望信息的文章,特别是总干事关于 羊 与 人”的文章,该文章已被世界各地的 46 种有影响力的报刊所采用。
Alerting of Member States, scientific and intellectual communities, the media and civil society institutions to the need to reinforce national and regional capacities in the field of anticipation and foresight: The publication of articles conveying key forward-looking messages in connection with the theme of past meetings of the “Twenty-first Century Talks” was pursued in the first half of
2004, in particular the article by the
[...] Director-General “Of Sheep and Men”, which was [...]
published by 46 leading newspapers in
different regions of the world.
更多的非法做法包括:通过驱逐巴勒斯坦居民改 变耶路撒冷的人口组成和法律地位;根据建造一个有 20 个住房单元组成的新定居点的计划拆毁位于东耶 路撒冷的历史悠久的羊人酒 店,该计划威胁到巴勒 斯坦领土的地理连续性和任何未来巴勒斯坦国的生 存能力;耶路撒冷市政府最近通过了一项在东耶路撒 冷周围建造 124 个新住房单元的计划;耶路撒冷规划 委员会最近宣布了规定在被占领的西岸被吞并的土 地上为犹太定居者再建造 1 400 个住房单元的新计 划。
Additional illegal practices include changing the demographic composition and legal status of Jerusalem by expelling Palestinian inhabitants; the destruction of the historic Shepherd Hotel in East Jerusalem under a plan to construct a new settlement of 20 housing units, which threatens the geographic contiguity of the Palestinian territories and the viability of any future Palestinian State; the recent adoption by the municipal Government of Jerusalem of a plan to build 124 new housing units around East Jerusalem; and the recent announcement by the Jerusalem planning commission of a new plan providing for the construction of a further 1,400 housing units for Jewish settlers in annexed land in the occupied West Bank.




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