

单词 美联储

美联储 ()

US Federal Reserve (Fed), the US central bank



US Federal Reserve (Fed), the US central bank

See also:

have in reserve
surname Chu

External sources (not reviewed)

然而,真实的情况是美联储必须购买国债发行的所有证券中的 57%,才能出清市场,这是因为海外各个政府对美国国债已变得不那么热心了。
It’s true,
[...] however, that the Federal Reserve has to buy 57% [...]
of all securities the Treasury issues in order to clear the
market because overseas sovereigns have become less enthusiastic.
从 2008 年开始美联储不断在增加其资产负债表规模,已从 1 万亿美元增至当前的 3 万亿美元。
Starting in 2008, the Fed has been increasing the size of its balance sheet from $1 trillion to the current $3 trillion.
自 2007 年中至 2010 年初美联储的 资 产负债表增加了 150%强,而欧洲央行的资产负债表则增加了 50%。
Between mid-2007 and the beginning of 2010, the balance
[...] sheet of the United States Federal Reserve increased [...]
by more than 150 per cent while
that of the European Central Bank increased by 50 per cent.
如今每个人都认为他是英雄,因为他仅今年就 美联储 的 资 产负债表增加了一万亿美元,而其中相当一部分正在以自己的方式转变为金融资产。
Everyone considers him a hero now because he’s adding
[...] a trillion dollars to the Federal Reserve balance [...]
sheet in this year alone and a good
portion of that is finding its way into financial assets.
美联储和欧 洲央 行已经向市场注入了大量的流动资金,将整个世界从瘟疫 般蔓延的危机和一触即发的崩溃中拯救了出来。
The FED and the ECB have flooded the market with liquidity, saving the world from contagion and imminent implosion.
他可能明年就会下台一鞠躬,不再担 美联储 主 席 ,现在他必须想想他能留下点什么政绩。
He could step down as Federal Reserve Chairman as [...]
soon as next year and he must be thinking about his legacy.
文件扩展名NZB普遍联系的文件载有标题的较大的档 美联储 的 新 闻或新闻组。
File extension NZB is commonly linked to the files containing headers of larger files fed by a newsgroup or Usenet.
目前市场的焦点暂时转移至美 美联储 伯 南 克下一步所采取的财务政策上,上周四美国小非农ADP 数据和上周五非农就业数据均表现不佳,糟糕的数据表现让市场对美元不禁有所担忧,而有关美国QE3的传闻在市场中再次泛滥,美元指数于非农数据公布后多头作出假象再次上冲至全日高点83.62后大幅下跌,资金流出美元的迹象非常明显。
Currently the focus of the market temporarily
[...] transferred to the U.S. Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke the [...]
next step taken by the financial
policies on the poor performance last Thursday U.S. nonfarm ADP data last Friday, non-farm payrolls data, poor data performance of the market against the U.S. dollar can not help but concern, once again flooding the U.S. QE3 rumors in the market, the dollar index long after the announcement of the non-farm data to make a false impression fell sharply again on the red to the whole-day high of 83.62, the outflow of funds was very visible.
多数新兴市场对美国联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve, 简美联储)的定 量宽松政策并不欢迎,但有关最新一轮定量宽松的争议性应该会远小于之前两轮。
Most emerging markets to United States Federal [...]
Reserve (Federal Reserve, fed for short) quantitative easing is not welcome,
but controversy about the latest round of quantitative easing should be much less than two rounds before.
尽管市场对非农存有积极预期,但兴业投资分析师认为,从此前伯南克对就业市场改善步伐缓慢“令人痛苦”和对高失业率表示“严重关注”等尖锐措辞上来看,或许就业数据仅好于预期且失业率维持在8%以上的高位是难以改 美联储 对 就 业市场的看法,风险货币在跳水后迅速收复部分跌幅,只有就业人数高于市场预期区间上限16-18万,或者就业人数好于预期且失业率有所下降,那么联储对新一轮量化宽松则需要更多考虑,这也将迅速推升美元并对风险货币带来沉重压力。
Despite there are positive expectations, but Societe Generale investment analysts that the painful from the previous Bernanke the slow pace of improvement on the employment market and the high unemployment rate in the market for non-agricultural sharp on the wording of the "serious concern", perhaps employment data is only better than expected and the unemployment rate
remained high at more than 8% is
[...] difficult to change the Fed's view of the job [...]
market, part of the decline in the risk of
currency quickly recovered after diving, the only employment is higher than the maximum range of market expectations of 16-18 million or employment is better than expected and the unemployment rate declined, then you need to give more consideration to the Federal Reserve on a new round of quantitative easing, which will quickly push up the dollar and the risk of currency under heavy pressure.
美联储希望 通过购买证券投入到经济中的钱可以刺激经济增长、创造就业。
The Fed hopes that the money [...]
it pours into the economy through bond purchases will stimulate growth and create jobs.
因此,近期美国股市严重抛售的部分原因归咎于联邦公开市场委员会的会议记录中透 美联储 正 打 算在今年夏天中止每月购进国债和证券的计划,也就一点都不奇怪了。
It is no wonder then, that the recent severe sell-off in the U.S. equity market
was attributed, in part, to indications in
[...] minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee [...]
that the Fed is considering pulling
back on its monthly purchases sometime this summer.
许多新教凭部美联储即将 到来的黄金年龄取决于民主,技术的传播,和其他一些“好处”西方文明的民族主义和天命之火。
Many Protestant ministers fed the fires of [...]
nationalism and Manifest Destiny by presenting the coming of the golden age as
dependent upon the spread of democracy, technology, and the other "benefits" of Western civilization.
就美国经济的改善而言美联储主席Bernanke 颇有几分得意,但也只有在发展途径经证明不受目前正在进行的特别货币扩张举措的影响后,方可确保其正面政绩。
Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke can [...]
take some pride in the improved tone of the U.S. economy, but he can only feel his
positive legacy is secure if the growth path proves to be independent of the extraordinary monetary expansion currently underway.
美联储(Fed)主席本•伯南克(Ben Bernanke)近日推出了“第三轮量化宽松”(QE3),承诺购买更多的抵押贷款支持证券(MBS)来贯彻量化宽松。
The Federal Reserve (Fed) Chairman [...]
(Ben Bernanke) have recently launched "a third round of quantitative easing" (QE3), pledged
to buy more mortgage-backed securities (MBS) to implement quantitative easing.
交投十分清淡,因为投资者都认为,来 美联储 的 大 量流动资金将推动股市走高。
Trading volumes are low because investors believe that the flood of liquidity from the Fed will drive equities higher.
该图像是每天醒来,脱光衣服,洗澡,具有丰富的长袍打扮和装饰项链,手镯,黄金和宝石的皇冠,食品种类与选择用鲜花,灯光,一香,然后荣幸 美联储 声 乐 和招待,并通过可疑凭借寺的少女翩翩起舞器乐,奉献给这项服务。
The image is daily awakened, undressed, bathed, decked with rich robes and adorned with necklaces, bracelets, crowns of gold and precious stones, fed with choice kinds of food, honored with flowers, lights, an incense, and then entertained with vocal and instrumental music, and with dancing by the temple girls of doubtful virtue, consecrated to this service.
美联储,女 蜱可增至约三倍于他们的大小,长度15毫米。
When fed, female ticks can [...]
increase to about three times their size at 15mm in length.
投资者都很清楚,一美联储停止 宽松政策,未来出现艰难局面的可能性有多大,但他们相信,只要货币以如此快的速度流入经济体系中,股市很有可能走高。
Investors are well aware of the possibility of difficult times ahead if the Fed stops easing, [...]
but they believe that as long
as money is flowing into the system at such a rapid rate, stocks are likely to move higher.
在塞浦路斯事件之前较好的金融状况和关 美联储 推 出 QE的传言,会使发达 市场新一轮的去风险化。
Long-term fundamentals remain strong and warrant some
[...] room for upgrade in many countries such as [...]
South Korea, Indonesia, the Philippines
(Fitch gave investment grade to the Philippines in March 2013), Hungary and Russia.
城联邦储备银行(Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia)行长Charles Plosser周二表示,美国联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve, 简美联储)最新 推出的房屋抵押贷款担保证券(MBS)购买计划不太可能刺激经济增长,而且可能会有 美联储 公 信 力。
The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia) President
Charles Plosser said on
[...] Tuesday that the United States Federal Reserve (Federal Reserve, known as the Fed) latest housing mortgage-backed securities (MBS) purchase program are less likely to stimulate economic growth, but may be detrimental to the credibility of the Federal Reserve.
2010年美联储推出第二轮定量宽松措施(QE2)时,许多新兴市场正在全力应对通货膨胀控制问题 美联储 旨 在 刺激经济增长的QE2让它们感到了威胁。
2010 Federal Reserve launched the second round of quantitative easing (QE2), many emerging markets are grappling with inflation control, fed QE2 aimed [...]
at stimulating
economic growth makes them feel threatened.
美联储(FE D)对经济和央行观点的言论。
Speech of the FED on the economy and the views of the Central Bank.
尽管Plosser称,他认为短期内没有通货膨胀或通货紧缩风险,但他担心,新的债券购买计划引发 美联储 资 产 规模扩大以及将接近于零的短期利率维持到2015年中期的做法可能会导致通胀预期失稳。
While Plosser said he thinks no inflation or deflation risk in the short term,
but he fears that raised new
[...] bond-buying program the federal reserve asset scale and [...]
near-zero short-term interest rates
to 2015 medium-term approach may result in unstable inflation expectations.
[...] Bullard)最近表示:“承担单一使命就行了,”而 美联储 应 该 专注于“提供稳定价格以尽可能实现最佳的就业结果”。
St. Louis the fed governor James
brad (James Bullard) recently said: "take
[...] a single mission went," and the fed should focus [...]
on "provide stable price as far as
possible to achieve the best employment result".
为了消除QE2的影响,新兴市场央行虽然不情愿,但最终也不得不加息,并通过大规模的汇市干预行动、资本流动管制措施以及针 美联储 的 外 交抗议来缓解外资大量流入的局面。
In order to eliminate the effects of QE2, emerging-market central banks Although reluctant, but ultimately had to raise rates, and through massive interventions in currency markets, the flow of capital
control measures, as well as diplomatic
[...] protests against the Federal Reserve to ease the [...]
situation of large inflows of foreign capital.
美联储主席 伯南克也这么做了——他承诺美国短期利率将维持极低水平;日本银行新行长黑田东彦最近也如法炮制了一次——他宣布会将货币供应量扩大一倍,让通胀达到2%。
US Federal Reserve Board Chairman [...]
Ben Bernanke provided his own by pledging that US short-term interest rates would remain
very low, and the Bank of Japan’s new chairman, Haruhiko Kuroda, has just provided another by saying that he will double the money supply so that inflation reaches 2%.
随着新元市场的流动性强美国 联邦储备局 可能继续将储备金率保持于低位,国内短期利率预 料将维持于低水平。
With the strong liquidity in the SGD
[...] market and the US Federal Reserve likely to keep [...]
the Fed funds low, domestic short term
rates are expected to remain low.
金融市场美国联邦储备局 采取一系 列振兴经济措施,缓解了欧洲主权债务危机的担忧后,开始 于九月间稳定下来。
Financial markets began to stabilise in September after measures were taken by the US Federal Reserve to support [...]
the economy and ease fears
over sovereign default in Europe.
在 2008 年至 2011 年底期间美国联邦储备的 资产负债表翻了两番, 而欧洲中央银行通过各种“定量宽松”方案对欧洲发达经济体注入流动性,使其 [...]
Between 2008 and the
[...] end of 2011, the United States Federal Reserve quadrupled its [...]
balance sheet, while the European Central
Bank doubled its balance sheet through various “quantitative easing” programmes to inject liquidity into the European advanced economies.




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