

单词 美籍

See also:

place of one's family or ancestral records
book or record
surname Ji

External sources (not reviewed)

美籍华裔 大提琴家马友友:“我在音乐中领悟到的一点是,我们必须超越自我,向更大的目标共同努力。
Yo-Yo Ma, American Cellist: “One thing [...]
I've learned in music is that we must work toward something bigger than ourselves.
奖金为7,000欧元的二等奖得主美籍 波 兰 科学家Paul Podsiadlo博士,他来自美国底特律的密歇根大学。
The second prize of EUR 7 000 went
[...] to the Polish-American scientist Dr. [...]
Paul Podsiadlo, from University of Michigan, Detroit, USA.
根據定義,少數族裔語言群體係指非洲裔美國人 美籍 亞 裔 、阿拉斯加本土居民,以及西班牙血 統人士。
A language minority group is
[...] defined as American Indian, Asian American, Alaskan [...]
Natives, and people of Spanish heritage.
在喜迎十月假期之际,北京耀中国际学校迎来了常驻香港 美籍 驻 校艺术家Emily Eldridge。
YCIS Beijing welcomed American-born, Hong Kong-based Emily Eldridge as the Artist-in-Residence just before [...]
the October holiday.
主席先生,當然這只是冰山的㆒角,這數字只代表曾尋求香港 政府協助的㆟數,沒有尋求港府幫助的華 美籍 商 ㆟不會包括在內,而當然我們亦了 解,實際情形是,香港商㆟若遭拘禁作為㆟質,大部分都會乾脆付錢了事,絕口不提。
Of course, Mr President, this only represents the tip of the iceberg because these figures relate only to those who actually sought help from
the Hong Kong Government, and
[...] therefore not counting the American-Chinese businessmen who [...]
have not sought help from the Hong
Kong Government, and we know of course in practice, most Hong Kong businessmen who are held hostage would simply pay up and shut up.
[...] 工作人员、本组织却未得到偿还的金额的债权;潜在影响是《工作人员条例》(第 103.18 条“所得税的报销”)根据工作和职位的资金来源而用 美籍 工 作人员会打折扣。
If no further progress is to be expected in that regard, it must be concluded, on noting that all Member States will bear the arrears of taxes reimbursed by UNESCO and not recovered from the United States of America, that there will be accounting consequences recognised as a dead loss of receivables for monies reimbursed to staff but not recovered by the Organization and potential consequences arising from the application of the Staff Regulations and Staff Rules (Rule 103.18 “Reimbursement of
income tax”), for
[...] employees who are nationals of the United States of America, depending on their [...]
posts and the source of funding thereof.
美籍人士 的定義包括美國公民或美國居民、本土合夥經營公司和本土企業。
A U.S. person is defined to include a U.S. citizen or resident of the U.S., a domestic partnership, and a domestic corporation.
美国新政府已放宽美籍古巴 人访问古巴境内亲人的旅行限制,提高了家庭汇 款的合法核定限额,以及以捐赠或无偿转让形式运送到古巴的货物的数量和种类。
The new administration in the United States has eased travel
[...] restrictions for Cuban-Americans visiting their [...]
relatives on the island and has increased
the legally authorized limit on family remittances, as well as the amount and diversity of goods that may be sent to Cuba in the form of donations or unrequited transfers.
我认为在最近几年已经有了一些进步,因为包括 迈阿密舆论界美籍古巴 人在内,甚至美国社会的年轻人,都希望解除这种经济 [...]
He felt that there had been some progress in the last few years because he had seen
public opinion polls even inside Miami
[...] and among Cuban Americans, testifying that the younger [...]
members of that community wanted
to remove the economic embargo against Cuba and wanted to have normal opportunities to travel in both directions: from the United States to Cuba and also from Cuba to the United States.
2010 年,目前正在监察另一个最近非法进入 该国国境美籍韩裔案件。
The fate of another more recent
[...] case of a Korean American who entered the [...]
country illegally is now being monitored in 2010.
这部分新城区设有一些欧 盟机构总部,还有许多新型建筑,比 如由普利兹克建筑奖得主美籍华裔 建筑师贝聿铭设计的现代艺术博物馆 (Mudam),馆内拥有不少当代艺术收 藏品;由普利兹克建筑奖得主、法国人 Christian de Portzamparc设计的爱 乐音乐厅等。
This new part of the City where the EU institutions have established their headquarters, hosts new buildings like the Museum of Modern Art (Mudam) with a contemporary art collection designed by Pritzker Prize laureate and Chinese American Architect, I.M. Pei, and the Philharmonie concert hall designed by the French Pritzker Prize laureate, Christian de Portzamparc.
如果获得参议院批准,骆家辉将成为首位担任这一职务 美籍 华 人
If approved by the Senate, he would become
[...] the first Chinese American to hold the post.
為反映蒙哥馬利美籍亞裔 人士族群多樣化的人口統計特性及顯著健康不平等的狀態,2005年秉持滿足本社區多數弱勢居民獨特且被忽略的健康需求的使命成立AAHI。
In response to a diverse demographic profile and the
presence of significant health
[...] disparities among Asian Americans in Montgomery County, [...]
AAHI was formed in 2005 with a mission
of addressing the unique and neglected health needs of the most vulnerable residents of our community.
如果外國公司投資於任何消極的外國投資公司,或是如果外國公司是消極 的外國投資公司,美籍股東 可能必須填寫 Form 8621 表格,申報個人持有多 [...]
If the foreign corporation has made an investment in any passive foreign
investment companies, or if the foreign corporation
[...] is a PFIC, then the U.S. shareholders [...]
may be required to file a Form 8621 to report
their share of the income of the PFIC or the gain on any dispositions of PFIC shares.
由於外國公司或多或少將開立外 國的銀行帳戶或金融帳戶,因此 美籍 股 東 可以對帳戶進行管理、授權簽署或獲 得財務利息,而必須在所屬日曆年之後年度的 6 月 30 日之前填寫 TDF 90-22.1 表格。
Since a foreign corporation will have some kind of
foreign bank or financial
[...] account, the U.S. shareholders who have control, signatory authority or a financial interest, over the account [...]
must file Form TD
F 90-22.1 by June 30th of the year after the calendar year.
从衣着看,是典型的华美籍少女,当谈 起北韩情况、活动安排等等,又流露出几分成熟。
When we talked about conditions in North Korea and her activity arrangements, she exuded a certain amount of maturity.
位于地理位置显赫的图根(Thüngen)要塞,卢森堡大公现代艺术博物馆 美籍 华 裔 建筑师贝聿铭设计,占地10,000多平方米,其中3,000平方米将用于永久性展示当代艺术作品(绘画及雕塑)。
Located on the exceptional site of Fort Thüngen, the
Grand Duke Jean Museum of Modern Art,
[...] designed by the Sino-American architect I.M. Pei, [...]
boasts an area of more than 10,000
m2, of which 3,000 m2 is reserved for permanent exhibitions of contemporaryworks (paintings and sculptures).
所有在校學美籍非裔 美籍印地安人或阿拉斯加原住民 亞裔
All Students at the
[...] School African American American Indian or Alaska [...]
Native Asian
本新闻稿不构成出售要约或对本公司在美国组织的、或为 美籍 人 士或位于美国的人士的利益或以其在美国的帐户进行的任何证券招揽购买的要约。
This news release does not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy any of the Company's securities set out herein in the United States, or to, or for the benefit or account of, a U.S. person or person in the United States.
BABI公司擁有三位全美籍總監 和一群優秀的中文員工,在多國語言廣告和包裝上的表現相當優異,並在產品上市前投注極大心血檢視相關資料。
With three full time American Directors and a staff [...]
of highly educated native Mandarin speakers, BABI Corp. excels in multilingual
advertising and package copy, painstakingly reviewing every piece of copy related material before it reaches market.
披戴著自1953年後首位進入NBA哈佛大學學生和首位進入 N B A 美籍 華 裔 球員光環的林書豪,並沒有因自己上了新聞頭版而衝昏頭,反而謙虛地不忘將功勞和自己的團隊分享,感恩地不忘將榮耀歸給神,明白光環只是一時,皆以平常心與人相處。
Having notoriety of being the first Harvard graduate since 1953 and also
[...] the first Asian-American entering the NBA, [...]
Lin was not infatuated, but in fact,
humbly shared credits with his team, and did not forget to glorify God. He understands that glory was but a temporary, and doesn’t let the fame change him.
徐律师还任职于以下组织:南加州亚洲商务社团(ABL)董事会 美籍 亚 裔 联合自强会(CAUSE)、加州州立大学北岭分校中国金融与商务研究中心咨询委员会。
James is a member of the board of directors for the Asian Business
League of Southern California (ABL), the
[...] Center for Asian Americans United for Self [...]
Empowerment (CAUSE) and the advisory board
of the Center for China Finance and Business Research at California State University Northridge.
透過與過去美籍亞裔 人士癌症計畫、郡長、郡議會、蒙哥馬利郡衛生部及社區領導人的共同努力,AAHI成為本郡第一個專為此多樣化社區健康需求而設計的健康相關計畫。
Through a joint effort of
[...] the former Asian American Cancer Program, [...]
the County Executive, County Council, Montgomery County
Department of Health and Human Services, and community leaders, AAHI was the County’s first health-related program to specifically deal with the health needs of this diverse community.
配售股份、大唐優先股份、大唐額外股份及台積電認購股份並無及將不會根據美國證券法註冊,除非該等 股份已根據美國證券法註冊,或獲得美國證券法之註冊規定豁免,否則不會於美國或向任 美籍 人 士 (定 義見美國證券法)發售或出售。
The Placing Shares, the Datang Pre-emptive Shares, the Datang Further Shares and the TSMC Subscription Shares have not been and will not be registered under the US Securities Act and may not be offered or sold in the United States or to US Persons (as defined in the US Securities Act) unless such Shares are registered under the US Securities Act, or an exemption from the registration requirements of the US Securities Act is available.
當百樂文被問到會否嘗試美籍樂手 Kenwood Denard般在台上一邊彈琴、一邊打鼓時,百樂文謙虛地說:「不會了。
When asked whether he would attempt to perform two musical instruments simultaneously like Kenwood Denard, Chris made the following reply: “No, I didn’t play any keyboards and I would leave that up to Kenwood because he is from another planet.
如任美籍人士在海外國家的任何財務賬戶中,擁有財務權益或簽署權或其他權力,而有關賬戶於有關曆年內任何時間的總額超過10,000美元,則其須要在下一年6月30日前提交海外銀行和財務賬戶申報(Report [...]
of Foreign Banks and Financial Accounts)。
Any U.S. person who has a financial interest in or signature authority or other authority over any financial [...]
account in a foreign
country, where the aggregate value of these accounts exceeds $10,000 at any time during the calendar year, is required to file a Report of Foreign Banks and Financial Accounts, by 30 June of the following year.
公眾特別關注到有關籍、美容、 健身、纖體等服務 及時光共享使用權的預繳安排,以及以非應邀形式到訪消費者 [...]
Public concern is focused, in particular, on
[...] pre-payments for club membership, beauty care, fitness [...]
and slimming services, timeshare rights,
and unsolicited visits to consumers' homes promoting telecommunications and paid TV services etc.
外国公民和无籍人员 拥有与摩尔多瓦共和国公民同等的权利、自由和责 任(居住、工作和工作保护、教育、休息、健康保护等权利);同时现行法律规定 了一些例外情况(不得被提名参与或参与根据法律规定必须是摩尔多瓦共和国公 民才能参与的活动,在立法、行政及其他职能机构中无选举与被选举权,无权参 加普选,不得加入党派及其他社会政治组织,不得在摩尔多瓦共和国武装部队服 役)。
Foreign citizens and stateless persons have the same rights, freedoms and responsibilities as do the citizens of the Republic of Moldova (right to residence, work and protection of work, education, rest, health protection, etc.); with the exceptions set by legislation in force (may not be nominated or involved in activities for which, according to the legislation in force, the Republic of Moldova citizenship is required, do not enjoy the right to elect and the right to be elected in legislative, executive and other eligible bodies, to participate in the universal suffrage, may not be members of parties and other sociopolitical organisations, may not exercise the military service in the armed forces of the Republic of Moldova).




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