

单词 美称



symmetry (as an aesthetic quality)

External sources (not reviewed)

坎塔布里亚有“西班牙瑞士”美称 , 她 不但 山清水秀而且牛羊成群。
Cantabria is known as “the Switzerland [...]
of Spain”, not only because of its green mountains, but also because of its large numbers of dairy cattle.
美 国 称 , 美 国 支持博茨瓦纳努 力 推 动其保安部队 的 [...]
The United States stated that it [...]
supported Botswana’s efforts to promote professionalization and human rights training for
its security forces and the seeking of assistance in this area.
独特的非香草豆提取香兰素可被冠以终端消费品“天然香精” 美称。
The unique non-vanilla bean originated vanillin that can be labellized as a “Natural Flavor” for the consumer end-products.
连绵的山峦、林地、海洋洞穴和独特的红土,这一派田园风光为爱德华王子岛赢得了“海湾花园” 美称 , 它是在当地海域及北美均颇受欢迎的旅游度假地。
The island’s pastoral landscapes of rolling hills, woodlands, ocean coves and unique red soil have earned PEI the name ‘Garden of the Gulf’ and it is a very popular holiday spot with tourists from local maritime areas and from North America.
您们好!我是海口市秀英区永兴镇永德村委会儒吴村人,早在中学时期,就对农学感兴趣,1984年我接受了何铜昌老师果树专业的启蒙教育,1985年高中毕业后为谋求致富之路我曾试种过多种经济作物,如咖啡、胡椒、木瓜、番石榴、菠萝、柑桔、黄皮、人心果等,但总觉得不对劲,因为永兴农家历来的大宗收入都来自荔枝,自古就有“雷虎荔枝——荔染三台” 美称 典 故 (雷虎是永兴镇古名、三台就古时道台、州台、县台之官级),何不立足本地荔枝资源以求生财之道呢?
I Xiuying District, Haikou Yongxing Town, village Ru Wu Yongde village, back in high school to interest on agriculture, where in 1984 I accepted the fruit of copper Chang professional elementary education teacher in 1985 after graduating from high school to seek The Way to Wealth I have to try to grow a variety of cash crops such as coffee, pepper, papaya, guava, pineapple, orange, yellow, sapodilla, etc., but always felt wrong, because the bulk of Yongxing farm income has always been to from litchi, since
ancient times, "Thunder Tiger Lychee - Lychee
[...] dyed three," the name allusions (Thunder [...]
Tiger is the ancient name of the town,
Yongxing, three sets to the ancient road, state units, county-level units of government), why not based on local resources in order to make money, litchi it?
CCIE是Cisco(除了新推出的CCA以外)最高级技术能力的认证,位于cisco金字塔认证体系中塔尖,也是IT界公认的最权威、最受尊重证书之一,2003年被评为全球十大IT认证榜首,具有IT终极认证 美称。
CCIE Cisco (in addition to the new CCA) certification of the most advanced technical capabilities spire located cisco certification system of the pyramid, is also recognized by the IT sector the most authoritative, one of the most respected certificate in 2003 was named the world's top ten IT certification list, with the good name of the IT ultimate certification.
里亚尔与美国美元(以下称“美元 ” )汇 率的变化,对于上述表格中的预算金额有影响。
Fluctuations in the exchange rate between the real and the US dollar (“the dollar”) have consequences for the sums considered in the tables above.
据美国国务院一位高级官称,“美 国 正 在鼓励 中国继续并扩大对联合国维和的支持。
According to a high-ranking State Department official, “The U.S. is encouraging the Chinese to continue and expand their contribution to UN peacekeeping”.
所有针对美国政府或代表美国政府及其机构和/或部门 (称“美国政 府”)从本服务器下载的任何软件都是由按有限权利提供的。
Any Software downloaded from this Server for or on behalf of the
[...] United States of America, its agencies [...]
and/or instrumentalities ("U.S. Government"),
is provided with Restricted Rights.
国际贸易遵从性。本订单项下授权或销售的商品以及本订单补充的交易(可能包括技术和软件)受美利坚合众国( 称 “ 美 国 ”)的海关和出口控制法律及法规管辖,并且还可能需要受制造或接收产品的国家的海关和出口法律及法规管辖。
International Trade Compliance The goods or services licensed or sold under this order, and the transaction contemplated by this order, which may include technology and software, are subject to the customs and export control laws and regulations of the United States ("US") and may also be subject to the customs and export laws and regulations of the country in which the goods are manufactured or received.
这个机构有权命令美国海关及边境保护局( 称美 国 海 关)禁止向美国进口侵犯美国知识产权保护法的产品(包括医疗器械产品)。
It has the power to order the US Customs and Border Protection (US Customs) to bar products (including medical devices) that infringe US IP rights from being imported into the United States.
在贸易与投资会议开幕式之后,美国代表团团长Florizelle Lizer称,美国联 邦政府旨在把与安哥拉的贸易多元化,加强投资环境并吸引更多美国企业家进入安哥拉市场。
After the opening of the Trade and Investment Council meeting, held per the Trade and
Investment Framework
[...] Agreement (TIFA), the head of the US delegation, Florizelle Lizer, said the US federal [...]
government aimed
to diversify commercial exchanges with Angola, to enhance the investment climate and attract more American entrepreneurs to the Angolan market.
1986年,安全理事会收到的控称,美 国 在 锡德拉湾部署海军对该地区的和平与安全构成了威胁。
In 1986, the Security Council received
[...] complaints that the naval deployment by the United States in [...]
the Gulf of Sidra posed a threat
to regional peace and security.
日前,因与前美国职业篮球联赛( 称美 职 篮)球星阿伦•艾弗森(Allen Iverson)的名字相同,异议商标“IVERSON及图”被北京市第一中级人民法院认定为“不正当利用阿伦•艾弗森声誉”,构成了对艾弗森姓名权的损害。
Recently, because the name of the opposed trademark is the same with
former U.S. professional
[...] basketball league (hereinafter referred to as the United States NBA) [...]
star Allen Iverson, the opposed
trademark was determined as “using Allen Iverson’s reputation improperly” by the Beijing First Intermediate People's Court and constituting damage to Iverson's name right.
斯洛伐称,美国一 直是世界上最重要的人权捍卫者和支持者之一,为此 投入了大量资源。
Slovakia stated that the United States had been one of the prominent global defenders and promoters of human rights, dedicating significant resources to that commitment.
乘坐美国联合航空公司(以下称“ 美 联 航 ”)、类似于美联航快运开展业务的承运商和以美联航代码共享合作伙伴身份运营的其他承运商(以下 称 为 “ 美 联 航 承运商”)航班的乘客和在其航班上托运的行李受到美联航运输协议中规定的相关条款和条件的约束,以及受到任何机票、机票封套或电子机票收据上打印的或这些机票中包含的任何条款和条件的约束。
Transportation of Passengers and Baggage on flights operated by United Airlines, Inc. ("United"), Carriers doing business as United Express, and other carriers operating as United's Codeshare partner (collectively "United Carriers"), are subject to the terms and conditions set forth in United's Contract of Carriage, in addition to any terms and conditions printed on or in any ticket, ticket jacket or eticket receipt.
2002 年 9 月 12
[...] 日,乔治·布什 总统在联合国大会讲话中宣布此决定 称 , 美 利 坚 合众国重返教科文组织“表明我们对人类 [...]
When announcing this decision in his Address to the United Nations General Assembly on 12 September 2002, President
George W. Bush referred to the return of the
[...] United States of America to UNESCO “as a [...]
symbol of our commitment to human dignity”.
城联邦储备银行(Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia)行长Charles
[...] Plosser周二表示,美国联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve, 简称美联储 )最新推出的房屋抵押贷款担保证券(MBS)购买计划不太可能刺激经济增长,而且可能会有损美联储公信力。
The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia) President Charles
Plosser said on Tuesday that the United States Federal Reserve
[...] (Federal Reserve, known as the Fed) latest [...]
housing mortgage-backed
securities (MBS) purchase program are less likely to stimulate economic growth, but may be detrimental to the credibility of the Federal Reserve.
美国国防部长莱昂• 帕内塔(Leon Panetta)称,美国希望在 2013年中或年底结束其在阿富汗的作战 [...]
USA Defense Minister Leon Panetta
[...] announced that America wanted to finish [...]
its war mission in Afghanistan by middle or end
of 2013 to concentrate on training Afghan military forces and providing consulting assistance.
该文称,美国将“不会 允许妨碍我国海上力量自由部署和自由通行的情况发 生……也不会允许任何敌对势力试图通过阻断关键的海 上通讯和商务通道来扰乱全球供应链”。
The paper then stated that the U.S. “will not permit conditions under which our maritime forces will be impeded from freedom of manoeuvre and freedom of access … nor permit an adversary to disrupt the global supply chain by attempting to block vital sea-lines of communication and commerce”.
Taman Mini Indonesia又称“美丽的印尼缩影公园”,是一个令人流连忘返的娱乐区。
Literally translated as “Beautiful Indonesia Miniature Park”, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) is a culture-based recreational area located in East Jakarta, Indonesia.
它还重申承诺尊重营地居民 的权利,并称美国驻 伊拉克部队的离开不应影响向居民提供人道主义物资和服 务的情况。
It has also reiterated its commitment to respect the rights of the Camp’s residents and has stated that the departure of USF-I should not affect the supply to them of goods and services of a humanitarian nature.
2009年7月1日《华尔街日报》的一篇文 称 , 美 国 签 署同意抵消印尼欠下的3千万美元的债务,并以此交换印尼必须保护苏门答腊岛森林。
An article in the Wall Street Journal on July 1, 2009, explained that the United States had agreed to write off $30 million in debt owed by Indonesia.
又有报称,美国仅可基于双边引渡条约寻求引渡或准予引渡要求,因此,尽管在已具 有双边条约的情况下可通过《联合国反腐败公约》扩大引渡罪行范围,但《联 [...]
It was further reported that the United States may only [...]
seek extradition or grant an extradition request on the basis of
a bilateral extradition treaty, and therefore the UNCAC alone cannot be used as the basis for extradition, although it is available to expand the scope of the extraditable offence when a bilateral treaty is already in place.
据管理称,美属萨摩亚及其他美国领土要求能够更多地进行互动,并成为 太平洋岛屿论坛和加勒比共同体秘书处等太平洋和加勒比区域政治论坛的观察员。
According to the
[...] administering Power, American Samoa, along with [...]
other United States territories, requested to be allowed
to interact more and to become an observer at regional political forums in the Pacific and in the Caribbean, such as the Pacific Islands Forum and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM).
对关于战俘待遇之公约的反称:“ 美 利 坚 合众国反对某些国家对关于战俘待遇之日内瓦公约 的保留,但同意与所有各方建立条约关系,保留提出的修改内容除外”(同上,第 213 卷,1955 年,第 383 页)。
The objection to the Geneva Convention relative to the treatment of prisoners of war reads: “Rejecting the reservations which States have made with respect to the Geneva Convention relative to the treatment of prisoners of war, the United States accepts treaty relations with all parties to that Convention, except to the changes proposed by such reservations” (ibid., vol. 213, 1955, p. 383).
ZGS11系列组合式变压器是一种新型配电设备 ( 又 称美 式 箱 变),是将高压负荷开关、插入式熔断器、高压限流熔断器安装在变 [...]
ZGS11 series combined transformer
is a new type of power
[...] distribution equipment(also called American box variable),is will [...]
high-voltage switch plug-in fuse,high-pressure
current limiting fuse installed in transformer,the insulation and cooling with mineral oil,with reasonable structure compact,small volume,installation flexible,convenient operation,cover an area of an area small,etc.Combined transformer is especially applicable to the load center city grid,to reduce the consumption,improve the quality of power supply.
国家学院科学教育委员称,美国对 科学基础扎实的学生的需求继续增长, 但是美国目前的科学教育无法满足这些需求。
According to the Board on Science Education of the National Academies, the demand in the United States for students with a solid foundation in science continues to grow, but current science education in the country falls short.
对《关于战俘待遇之公约》的反称 : “ 美 利 坚合众国反对某些国家对关于战 俘待遇之日内瓦公约的保留,但同意与所有各方建立条约关系,保留提出的修改内容除外” (同上,第 213 卷,1955 年,第 383 页)。
(8) It is not unusual for States to formulate objections to reservations which are incompatible with the object and purpose of the treaty while at the same time noting that they consider the reservation to be “null and void”.




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