

单词 美容师

See also:


improve one's appearance (using cosmetics or cosmetic surgery)
make oneself more attractive

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] mei,您需要先填写一份个人资料及初步体质分析,让我们 美容师 能 迅速了解您的情况。
When you arrive for your consultation at Vytal Mei, you will first be asked to
fill in an information form about yourself and a body analysis in
[...] order for our therapist to start getting [...]
to know you.
再下美容师将向您详细讲解VYTAL mei疗程的安全性和设备,如有任何疑问可以随时提出。
The next step
[...] will be for the therapist to tell you all about VYTAL mei, its safety [...]
and its machines and you will be able
to ask all the questions that you have.
Bellhops期望小费,因为这样做服务员,出租车司机,理 师 , 美容师 , 和 搬运工。
Bellhops expect a tip, as do waiters, taxi drivers, hairdressers, beauticians, and porters.
我们训练有素美容师会详 细回答您的疑问,讲解疗程细节,并协助您选择最理想的颜色和疗程。
Our trained beauticians will answer all [...]
your questions, inform you about the whole procedure, and assist you in choosing
the best colors and treatment.
VYTAL mei的每位专美容师都曾于德国柏林总部接受大量培训,回港后仍须接受经验丰富的持久化妆师和专家进行强化训练,并在实习过程中大量使用我们的设备,直至充份掌握各种技巧。
Each and every aesthetician at Vytal Mei [...]
has extensively been trained in our headquarters in Berlin, Germany and Hong Kong
by micropigmentation artists and experts until every line was in place.
社论工作人员很高兴目前第九版的“顶级发型师 - 指南在意大利最好美容师,到2010年,一个成功的出版项目,行业之间出现和妇女在确定”顶级发型师“一个很好的工具,以东方世界dell'hairfashion最好的。
The editorial staff is pleased to present the ninth
[...] edition of "TOP Hairstylists - Guide to the best hairdressers [...]
in Italy in 2010, a successful publishing
project that emerged between the industry and women, in identifying" TOP Hairstylists "an excellent tool to orient the best in the world dell'hairfashion.
然而,信息与传播技术融入教育的问题继续面临 多种挑战,其中包括缺乏相应的政策框架、基础设施不完善、本地语言 容 不 足 以及 师能 力不足等。
However, ICT integration in education continues to face numerous challenges, including the lack of
appropriate policy frameworks, lack of access to infrastructure, insufficient
[...] local language content and capacity among teachers.
b. 非政府组织“青年艺术家论坛”与教育和高等教育部合作,在西岸不同地点举办 了 35 期讲习班,培训学校师和约 1000 名学美术的学生。
(b) Thirty-five workshops organized by the NGO “Young Artists Forum” in coordination with the Ministry of Education and
Higher Education in different locations of the West
[...] Bank to train schoolteachers and some 1,000 pupils to artistic education.
与专家会面和组建编写小组有助于推进编写共同 容 和 为 历史 师 编 制 指南。
Meetings of experts and the formation of drafting groups facilitated progress on the
[...] development of common content and guides for history teachers.
或者您想不想學習更多個人修飾的知識,比如理髮 美容?
Or do you want to learn more about
[...] personal grooming such as hairdressing and beauty therapy?
督導委員會轄下亦會成立工作小組,務求能加快區 分低風險、非入侵美容服務 和高風險醫學治療,並制訂專業 [...]
A working group will also be established under the Steering Committee
to speed up the differentiation of
[...] low-risk, non-invasive beauty services from [...]
high-risk medical treatments and the formation
of professional guidelines in order to protect public safety.
空间教育计划计划(SEP)同联合国其他机构(亚洲及太平洋经济及社会委员会/联合国 外层空间事务厅)合作,在亚洲和拉 美 洲 举办 了 师 资 培 训讲习班。
The Space Education Programme (SEP) conducted teacher training workshops in Asia and Latin America, in cooperation with other United Nations agencies (UNESCAP/UNOOSA, etc.).
参加题为“教师”的专题小组人员重点探讨 了拉美洲和加勒比区域师和教 师职业的发展和改善前景,以下专题小组成员 发了言:危地马拉教育部长 Dennis Alonzo Mazariego 讨论了国家一级的教育政 策主要问题和挑战;特立尼达和多巴哥教育部长 Tim Gopeesingh 讨论了促进国 家一级教育政策的关键问题;智利天主教大学教育政策和实践中心主任兼教育系 研究生项目主任 Cristián Cox 介绍了有关教师的区域战略以及二十一世纪拉美洲和加勒比师的状况;美洲对 话社会政策副主席兼促进拉丁美洲和加勒比教 育改革方案联合主任 Jeffrey Puryear 介绍了拉丁美洲和加勒比在教学方面的挑 战 。
The panellists were: Dennis Alonzo Mazariego, Minister of Education of Guatemala, who
discussed the topic of teaching policies at the national level, keys and challenges; Tim Gopeesingh, Minister of Education of Trinidad and Tobago, who discussed key aspects of promoting teaching policies at the national level; Cristián Cox, Director of the Centre
[...] for Policy and Practice in Education and Director of the Graduate Program of the Education Department, Catholic University of Chile, who made a presentation on regional strategy for teachers and the profile of the teacher in Latin America and the Caribbean in the twenty-first century; and Jeffrey Puryear, Vice President for Social Policy, Inter-American Dialogue, and Co-Director, Program for the Promotion of Educational Reform in Latin America and the Caribbean (PREAL), who gave a presentation on the challenge of teaching in Latin America and the Caribbean.
美国摄影师协会 主席 Harry Wolf 解释说,此活动主要的目的是让全世界同行知道,他 们的艺术创作和成就被其他同辈认同并尊重。
ASC President Harry Wolf explained that the primary purpose was to let colleagues around the world know that their peers recognized and admired their artistry.
例如,将要求来自民法领域的律师特别 注重辩方调查及讯问证人和交叉讯问证人等方面;对于非黎巴嫩籍律师,将要求
[...] 他们注重黎巴嫩法律的相关方面;对于来自 美 法 系的 律 师 , 将 要求他们审视被 害人参与诉讼程序及法官询问证人等方面情况。
For example, counsel from civil-law jurisdictions will be asked to pay specific attention to the defence investigations and the examination and cross-examination of witnesses; non-Lebanese counsel will be asked to
focus on relevant aspects of Lebanese
[...] law; and counsel from common-law jurisdictions [...]
will be asked to review, for example,
the participation of victims in proceedings and the examination of witnesses by judges.
指引為 醫藥理事會提供尺度,以釐訂進 美容 程 序 的醫生的專業及道 德操守,並使有意進行該等程序的醫生可在適當及經風險控制 [...]
The Guidelines serve as a yardstick for SMC to determine the
professional and ethical conduct of
[...] doctors performing aesthetic procedures and enable [...]
doctors who wish to perform such
procedures to do so under appropriate, risk-adjusted regulatory oversight.
[...] 1101也可以作为成膜物质用在装饰 美容 产 品 以及防晒和护肤品当中。
BELSIL® P 1101 also acts as a
[...] film-former in color cosmetics, sunscreen and [...]
skin-care products.
从干燥的根皮中萃取出的苯基黄酮经常被应用于现 美容 业 , 同时也被纳入了中国与日本的药典中。
Phenylflavones, substances used
[...] often in modern cosmetology and also in [...]
both Chinese and Japanese pharmacopaeia, are extracted
from the dried bark of the roots.
您的管家会为您提前预约,让您无需等待即可享受到一系列的健康 美容 及 按 摩服务。
Your butler can assist with priority reservations for a wide range of
[...] exclusive wellness, beauty and massage treatments [...]
throughout the day.
此款 Label-Lyte
[...] 薄膜适合于需要出众标签外观的多种市场领域,包括保健 美容 、 家居用品、饮料、罐装或瓶装食品以及汽车应用等。
This Label-Lyte film is well suited
for a wide range of market segments
[...] including health and beauty care, household [...]
products, beverages, canistered or bottled
food, and automotive applications requiring exceptional label appearance.
28.31 所列经费 8 012 500 美元,减少 52 800 美元,用于(a)续设23个员额(1 个 D-1、2 个 P-5、 3个P-4、2 个 P-3、3 个 P-2/1、1 个一般事务人员(特等)和 11 个一般事务人员(其他职 等))(6 533 000 美元),这些员额负责对主要会议和活动进行新闻和音像报道,制作新闻(通 过电视、广播和因特网)节目、提供公共关系服务以及协调与设在日内瓦的联合国各机关、专
门机构及其他实体开展的新闻活动;以及(b)非员额所需资源(1 479 500 美元),显示新闻产品 费用下减少 52 800
[...] 美元,主要是由于减少使用临时制片人、摄影师、照相师及音 师 ( 27 800 美元)以及家具和设备所需资源减少(25 000 [...]
28.31 The amount of $8,012,500, reflecting a decrease of $52,800, will provide for (a) the continuation of 23 posts (1 D-1, 2 P-5, 3 P-4, 2 P-3, 3 P-2/1, 1 General Service (Principal level) and 11 General Service (Other level)) ($6,533,000), responsible for providing press and audio-visual coverage of major meetings and events, production of news (television, radio and Internet) programmes, public relations services, and coordinate public information actions with United Nations organs, specialized agencies and other entities based in Geneva; and (b) non-post requirements ($1,479,500), reflecting a decrease of $52,800 under public information production costs due largely to decreased use of
temporary producers, cameramen,
[...] photographers and sound engineers ($27,800) and reduced requirements [...]
for furniture and equipment ($25,000).
擁有頂級高濃度膠原蛋白,特別妍選珍 美容 成 分 :珍珠粉、蠶絲蛋白、燕窩萃取、蘋果多酚,給肌膚每日關鍵的補給,讓美の魅力持久綻放。
The trendiest and miracle skin care drink containing
[...] deluxe and high content of collagen, pearl [...]
powder, silk protein, bird’s nest extract
and apple polyphenol can keep your skin elastic and soft.
谨随函附上伊朗伊斯兰共和国外交部长阿里·阿克巴尔·萨利希博士就佛罗 里达一美国牧师 2012 年 4 月 29 日焚烧《古兰经》经书的卑劣行径给你写的信 [...]
I have the honour to enclose herewith a copy of the letter of Dr. Ali Akbar Salehi, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran,
addressed to you (see annex) concerning a
[...] despicable act of an American pastor in Florida, [...]
who burned copies of the Holy Quran on 29 April 2012.
德美乐嘉的产品目前销往80多个国家的专业皮肤护理中心,受到专业皮肤护理治 师 的 推 荐, 美 乐 嘉在加利福尼亚州圣莫尼卡、纽约州纽约市,英国伦敦、德国柏林、新西兰奥克兰、阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜、印度孟买和Dermalogica.com网站设有品牌概念区。
Dermalogica products are currently sold in over 80 countries at select skin treatment centers on the recommendation of a qualified professional skin therapist in addition to the brand's concept spaces in Santa Monica, CA; New York, NY; London, England; Berlin, Germany; Auckland, New Zealand; Dubai, United Arab Emirates; and Mumbai, India and online at Dermalogica.com.
(b) 将少数民族权利的容列入教师培训和学校课程; (c) 鼓励孩子不日托的父母将孩子送到早期教育班,以提高他们的芬兰语 能力、社交技能,使他们顺利向学校过渡并预防留级和辍学。
(c) Encourage more parents whose children are not attending day-care programmes to enrol their children in early childhood development programmes, in order to improve their command of the Finnish language, social skills and make the transition to school easier and prevent school failure and dropout.
日誌還可以看到在主要業務中心、 酒店、 城市莫斯科和索契、 機場貴賓廳
«伏努科沃,(domodedovo),謝列梅捷沃在汽油站盧克石油和英國石油,以及專門的展覽 «房地產 Domexpo» Gostiny 沃爾,"房地產"藝術家、
[...] MIVC"資訊空間",在藝術畫廊、 健身俱樂部美容院, 等我們,謝謝你逗留中央家中尊重您的雜誌世界 [...]
& 房子索契。
Logs can also be seen in major business centers, hotels, cities of Moscow and Sochi, VIP-Hall airport «Vnukovo, Domodedovo, Sheremetyevo at petrol stations Lukoil and British Petroleum, as well as specialized exhibitions «real estate Domexpo» Gostiny Dvor, in the "real estate" in the Central House of
artists, MIVC "Infospace", in art galleries,
[...] fitness clubs, beauty salons, etc thank [...]
you stay with us, with respect for your magazine WORLD & HOUSE SOCHI.




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