

单词 美国51区

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External sources (not reviewed)

在任期间,Schaefer 和他的团队经过不懈努力,使 美国区 与 加 拿大区的业务追上 UL 现行业务转型的步伐,最终为引入新的经营模式奠定基础。
During this assignment, Mr. Schaefer and his team worked to
[...] synchronize the Region with UL's ongoing [...]
business transformation activities, and
eventually prepared the way for the introduction of the new Operating Model.
他也是注册专利律师,具有丰富的知识产权诉讼经验,尤其擅长医疗器械内案件,包括涉及I TC 与 美国区 法 院有 关 美 国 境 外知识产权争议的案件。
He is a registered patent lawyer with extensive IP-based litigation experience with a particular emphasis on medical
devices, including cases involving the
[...] ITC and US district courts in connection with IP disputes outside of the United States.
美国区法院 对知识产权诉讼案的裁决可能是数亿美元的赔偿金。
Remedies in US IP litigation in district courts can exceed hundreds of millions of dollars.
查普曼法官于 1995 年至 2010 年担任加利福尼亚区美国地区法院 美国 治安 法官,最近退休。
Judge Chapman has recently retired as a United States Magistrate Judge on the United States District Court for the Central District of California, a position which she held from 1995 to 2010.
此外美国区法院 诉讼一般有两个“作战”方,即原告和被告,而与此不同,ITC设有不公平进口调查办公室(OUII),可作为独立的一方参与ITC的所有337调查。
In addition, unlike US district court litigations [...]
that typically involve two “warring” sides (plaintiffs and defendants),
the Office of Unfair Imports and Injury (OUII), a part of the ITC, can be a separate participant to all ITC Section 337-based investigations.
从本质上说,这意味着ITC对进口到或即将进口到美国的产品具有管辖权,因此,不需要具有对境外实体的个人司法管辖权(如最低程度的某种形式接触),这 美国区 法 院 不同。
Essentially, this means that the ITC has jurisdiction over products imported (or imminently to be imported) into the US.
泛美卫生组织/世卫组织古巴国家办事处无法获得计算机、维修或其他用品, 因为这些物品主要由负责所有相应的国家办事处的泛美卫生组 美国区 域 办事 处管理和分发,很难保证各国办事处的技术一致性。
The PAHO/WHO country office in Cuba is unable to receive computers, maintenance or other supplies that are centrally managed and distributed by
the PAHO Regional
[...] Office in the United States for all of the corresponding country offices, which has made it difficult [...]
to maintain the
uniformity of the technology used in all country offices.
您 理解,在任何情况下,均不得向美国禁运的任何国家 / 地 区 、 美国 规 定 禁止的个人或实体、或者 美国特别指定的国民出口本协议软件。
You understand
[...] that under no circumstances may the SOFTWARE be exported to any country [...]
subject to U.S. embargo or to U.S.-designated
denied persons or prohibited entities or U.S. specially designated nationals.
全球频率套件工具箱覆盖以下国家或 区 : 美国 、 加 拿大、巴西、欧盟区、中国大陆、韩国、澳大利亚、马来西亚、新加坡、台湾和香港。
Global frequency kits including the following countries:
[...] United States, Canada, Brazil, EU Zone, China, Korea, [...]
Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong.
客户理解, 在任何情况下,均不得向美国禁运的任何国家 / 地 区 、 美国 规 定 禁止的个人或实体,或者美国特别指 f. 您可以出于存档和灾难恢复目的制作合理数量的副本。
Customer understands
[...] that under no circumstances may the Software be exported to any [...]
country subject to U.S. embargo or
to U.S.-designated denied persons or prohibited entities or U.S. specially designated nationals.
资助机构:美国海军、Oticon基金会、Carlsberg基金会、美国国家科学基金会、格陵兰教育与科研部、Stellwagen海岸国家海洋保 区 、 美国国 家 海 洋保护区办公室,以及美国国家海洋学伙伴关系项目。
United States Navy, the Oticon Foundation, the Carlsberg Foundation, the National Science Foundation, Greenland’s Department for Education and Research, the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, the US Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, and the U
CB制度的成员国包含了所有中国产品的重要 出口区:美国、日 本、西欧、北欧、波兰、俄 国、东盟、南非、澳大利亚和新西兰等。
CB Scheme members include all of China’s most important export markets: the United States, Japan, Western Europe, Scandinavia, Poland, Russia, ASEAN, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand.
(e) 项目厅美区域办事处主任布鲁斯·麦卡伦先生强调了项目厅对“一体 行动”的坚定承诺,并分享国家工 作队在阿富汗联合交付成果的经验。
(e) Mr. Bruce McCarron, Director of the North America Regional Office, UNOPS, emphasized the firm commitment of UNOPS to Delivering as One and shared experiences [...]
of country
team joint delivery in Afghanistan.
用户的姓名、实际住址和联系电话,以及用户出具的一份声明,表示同意接受实际住址所在司法 区美国 联 邦 地方法院的司法管辖,或者表示同意接受万事达卡指定的任何司法辖区的司法管辖(若用户的实际住址位于美国境外),并表示用户同意接收由指控侵权的通知人或其代理人发送的任何法律程序文书。
Your name, physical address and telephone number, and a statement that you consent to the jurisdiction of a Federal District Court for the judicial district in which your physical address is located, or if your physical address is outside of the United States, for any judicial district in which we may be found, and that you will accept service of process from the person who provided notification of allegedly infringing material or an agent of such person.
关于IEEE1725标准:IEEE1725标准是IEEE(美国电子电器工程师协会)发布的手机用可充电电池测试标准,但CTIA(美国无线通信与互联网协会)根据此标准已实施了强制性手机电池认证计划,并从2009年1月1日开始进入全面强制阶段,目前北美 区 ( 美国 、 加 拿大等)几乎所有的运营商都已经对其进行了强制要求。
As to the IEEE1725 Standard: IEEE1725 standard is a testing standard about rechargeable battery used in cell phone
published by IEEE (Association of
[...] Electrical Engineers of America) and CTIA has implemented [...]
the compulsory certification scheme
of cell phone battery from January 1st, 2009.
但是,这些教育机构正在努力战胜 困难,拉美洲及加勒比区国际高等教育研究所则正 在寻求预算外资金,以期采用更多的方式来支持研究所 的活动。
However, the institutions are making serious efforts to overcome those difficulties and IESALC, on its side, is also seeking extrabudgetary funds to support its activities in a more diversified way.
这就是为什么希拉里•克林屯国务部长不仅多次访问本地区,还关注本 区美国国 务 部长很长一段时间没有访问过,或者可能从来没有访问过的国家。
That’s why Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has
not only made many
[...] visits to this region but has also paid attention to nations in the region that had not been visited by [...]
a U.S. Secretary of
State in a long time, if ever.
最后,在陈述该地区就本次会议和调查问卷达成的结论前,参加“第 14 届拉美洲和 加勒比区国家委 员会会议”和“总干事与拉 美 洲 和 加勒比 区 联 合 国教科文组织各国家 委员会就《2010——2011 年计划和预算草案》(35 C/5)的编制问题召开的磋商会议”的各 国家委员会向巴拿马政府,特别是其教育部表示了感谢,感谢他们对出席会议的代表团的热 烈欢迎和盛情款待。
Before setting out the region’s conclusions on the consultation and the questionnaire, the National Commissions that
participated in the 14th
[...] Conference of National Commissions of Latin America and the Caribbean and in the Director-General’s consultation of the National Commissions for UNESCO of Latin America and the Caribbean on the Preparation [...]
of the Draft Programme
and Budget for 2010–2011 (35 C/5), thanked the Government of Panama and, in particular, the Ministry of Education for their warm welcome and for the generosity and hospitality that they showed the attending delegations.
(b) 设施和基础设施项下在以下方面所需资源增加:㈠ 向部队派国政府支付的特遣队所属自我维持装备偿还费用增加,因为编列了全年经费,而 2011/12 年度仅编列了部分时间经费(4 047 800 美元);㈡ 工程、清洁和虫害防治及熏蒸 等维持服务费用升高,因为维持服务估计数还可包括新地点,例如联合边界核查 监测机制总部和 4 个区(2 024 000 美元)。
(b) Increased requirements under facilities and infrastructure with regard to: (i) higher costs for reimbursement to the troop-contributing Government for contingent-owned self-sustainment equipment, as the provision is for the full year as compared to a partial provision for 2011/12 ($4,047,800); and (ii) higher maintenance services costs, such as engineering, cleaning and pest control and fumigation, as maintenance services estimates can also include the new locations, such as the Joint Border Verification and Monitoring Mechanism headquarters and four sectors ($2,024,000).
秘书长在其 2011 年 2 月 17 日的信(S/2011/77)中告知安全理事会任命以下 人员为专家组成员:纳尔逊·阿卢萨拉先生,肯尼亚(武器);鲁本·德·科宁先 生,荷兰(自然资源);史蒂文·黑格先生 美 利 坚 合众国(武装团体);玛丽·普 拉马代勒女士,摩尔多瓦共和国(海关与物流);弗雷德·罗巴茨先生,大不列颠 及北爱尔兰联合国(区域问 题兼协调员)。
By a letter dated 17 February 2011 (S/2011/77), the Secretary-General informed the Security Council that he had appointed to the Group of Experts, Mr. Nelson Alusala of Kenya (arms), Mr. Ruben de Koning of the Netherlands (natural resources),
Mr. Steven Hege of the
[...] United States of America (armed groups), Ms. Marie Plamadiala of the Republic of Moldova (Customs and logistics) and Mr. Fred Robarts of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (regional issues and Coordinator).
他在许多制造业企业担任过不同职位,例如,德国迪伦的BTR/斯通伍德有限公司以 美国 斯 特 伯鲁的斯通伍德北美分公司,他于2001年加入Xerium集团,并从2003年起负责该集团整个 美区 业 务
After various posts in industry, for example at BTR/Stowe Woodward AG
in Düren and Stowe
[...] Woodward North America in Westborough, USA, he moved on to the Xerium Group in 2001, where he was responsible for the entire North America business from 2003.
中国北京(2012 年 9 月 10 日)— Emerson 公司美国艾默生电气公司,纽约证券交易所股票代码:EMR,下称 “艾默生”)国区总经理赵大东受邀出席了在北京举行的“美中产业与竞争力对话”,并分享了有关制造业发展方面的见解与建议。
Beijing, CHINA (September 10, 2012) — Dadong Zhao, general manager of Emerson (NYSE: EMR) China, today attended US-China Industries and Competitiveness Dialogue in Beijing, sharing his insights and advices on the development of the manufacturing industry in China.
伯爵马球大使马克•甘兹(Marc Ganzi)和杰夫•霍尔(Jeff Hall)亦到场与伯爵美区总裁 拉里•博兰(Larry Boland)先生为晚宴助阵,他们最近刚刚代 美国 队 力 克英国队,捧回世界杯。
Joining Larry Boland, Piaget’s
[...] president of North America, to lend their support to the cause, were Piaget polo ambassadors, Marc Ganzi and Jeff Hall, who recently won the International Cup for Team USA against England.
KCP Capital是唯一一家国商业 银行,主要办事处位于迪拜、纽约和洛杉矶,将重点关注波斯湾合作理事会(GCC) 区 、 美 洲 以及新兴市场间不断增长的商业机遇和资金流动。
KCP Capital represents a
[...] unique cross-border merchant bank, with principal offices in Dubai, New York and Los Angeles, focused on the increasing business opportunities and capital flows between the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) zone, the Americas, and the ascendant [...]
emerging markets.
基于此更新信息,并根据 委员会的决定,主席在此向大会报告,2011 年 1 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日期间纽约 P-1 至 D-2 职等的联合国工作人员薪酬净额与华盛顿哥伦比亚 区美国 联 邦 公务 员薪酬净额之间的比值为 114.9 点。
Based on this updated information, and in accordance with the Commission’s decision, the Chair hereby reports to the General Assembly that the margin between the net remuneration of United Nations staff in grades P-1 to D-2 in New York and that of the United States federal civil service in Washington, D.C., for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2011 stands at 114.9.
Composite Technology公司(CTC)(OTCBB:CPTC)欣然宣布,加利福尼亚州 区美国 联 邦 地方法院批准了CTC Cable公司在诉Mercury Cable & Energy公司专利和版权侵权诉讼案(民事诉讼案第SACV 09-261号文件(MLGx))中提交第二次修改起诉书的动议。
Composite Technology Corporation (CTC) (OTCBB: CPTC) is pleased to announce that, on October 18, 2010, the United States District Court for the Central District of California granted CTC Cable Corporation's motion for leave to file a Second Amended Complaint in its patent and copyright infringement action against Mercury Cable & Energy (Civil Action NoSACV 09-261 DOC (MLGx))The Second Amended Complaint names several individuals as additional defendants as well as naming Mercury Cable's wholly-owned subsidiary Energy Technology International (ETI), its U.Sstranding manufacturer, General Cable Corporation, and its U.Score manufacturer, Diversified Composites
和许多发展中国家的私有银 行一样,Banco Cuscatlan 集团——总部在萨尔瓦多 的一家美区域性 银行——虽然不是《赤道原则》 的签国,它 也要求敏感项目提供环境行动计划。
Like a number of developing country private
[...] banks, the Banco Cuscatlan Group, a regional Central American bank headquartered in El Salvador, [...]
though not a signatory
to the Equator Principles, requires the preparation of an environmental action plan for sensitive projects.
最后, 他强调在近两年中(2010/2011 年)突出考虑了非洲优先的原则,批准的非 国 家 的 项目的 总额大约为 600 万美元,远远高于其他地区(亚太区 - 3 751 404 美元;拉丁美洲和加勒比 - 3 639 095 美元)。
Finally, he said that during 2010-2011, Priority Africa had been increasingly taken into account since the approved total sum for African countries stood at around $6,000,000, which was significantly higher than for other regions (Asia and the Pacific – $3,751,404; Latin America and the Caribbean – $3,639,095).




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