

单词 羊年

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

其實我和李永達議員才是真正的羔羊,因為我倆都 羊年 出 生
Mr LEE Wing-tat and I are, in
[...] fact, the real lambs because both [...]
of us were born in the Year of the Ram.
主席 主席 主席 主席:各位,這是本會羊年舉行 的第一次會議,我在此恭祝各位身體健康、 [...]
PRESIDENT (in Cantonese): Members, this is the first meeting of
[...] this Council in the Year of the Goat.
这项技术让我们成为在德国南部众多学校中的开拓者和领 羊, ”2012年2月正 式接任慕尼黑患病儿童学校校长一职的Alto Merkt解释道。
This technology makes us a pioneer and pacesetter in southern Germany for other schools,” explains Alto Merkt, who is taking over as manager of the Munich school for sick pupils in February 2012.
从这些条纹可看出羊的年龄: 一般情况下, 羊 的 角上 每 年 会 长 出两道条纹。
The age of the animal can be determined by the number of ridges: in general it grows two ridges in one year.
在做这个项目之前,我只有幸和一位插图画家合作过,他就是墨必斯(Moebius)。他是一位天才,曾将我的《 羊 少 年 奇 幻 之旅》(Alchemist)一书改编成图画书,我很喜欢这本作品。
Coelho: Before this project, I had only ever once had the privilege of working with an illustrator – Moebius, a genius who transformed my “Alchemist” into pictures.
所有今天生活在瑞士的羊都是1920-19 3 4 年 间 迁 入瑞士的山羊的后裔。
It was reintroduced to the Swiss National Park there between 1920 and 1934, and those now living in the park are all descendents of the animals released then.
据管理国报告,群岛 2008 年出口羊毛 160 万公斤,2008 年通过 Sand Bay 屠宰场加工了 33 000 只山羊和绵羊供出口。
According to the administering Power, 1.6 million kilograms of wool were exported from the Islands in 2008, and 33,000 sheep and lambs were processed through the Sand Bay abattoir for export in 2009.
家庭的生活:许多羊种团体生活 年 轻 女 性组成, 羊 和 她
Family Life: Many goat species live in groups that consist of female goats and her young.
为提高自治区羊品种的质量,2010年 9 月 , 内蒙古政府投资近310万澳元,从澳大利亚进口1284头种公羊。
In September 2010, the Nei Mengu government invested almost A$3.1M to import 1284 rams from Australia to improve the quality of its sheep breed in the region.
年来,牧羊一直 是当地群众的主要收 入来源。
For many
[...] hundreds of years, sheep have been the [...]
main source of income for people here.
该报告汇总并总结了过去 4 年本项目在羊河流域 所开展的模拟工作和相关评价。
This pulls together and summarises the
modelling work and associated assessments carried out in the river
[...] basin under project activities over the last 4 years.
2010年7月21日:定居者在哈利勒老城(希伯伦)以南的 Tuba 村偷盗巴 勒斯年轻牧民的羊只。
21 July 2010: settlers stole sheep from a young Palestinian shepherd in the village of Tuba south of Al-Khalil (Hebron).
但是,2009年对中国的羊毛出 口下降了3.9%,这也部分反映了中国的不景气的出口市场。
However, wool exports to China fell 3.9 per cent [...]
in 2009, reflecting partly China's deteriorating export performance.
农业部官员寄语中国渔政:敢碰硬,敢执法,敢维 权》,中国新闻网,2012 年 2 月 27 日;《七〇一所设计 国内最大渔政船下水》,《中国造船业》,2010 年 4 月; 《首批西沙海域渔政执法船交付使用》, 羊 城 地铁 报》,2010 年 8 月 31 日;《喜迎渔政 310 船返回广州母 港》,南海区渔政局官方网站, www.nhyzchina.gov.cn/Html/2010_10_01/2_1459_2010_10 _01_2953.html。
农业部官员寄语中国渔政:敢碰硬,敢执法,敢维权” [“Agriculture ministry official told Chinese fisheries administrations: be tough and confront foreign vessels, enforce law with courage, defend maritime rights bravely”], China News, 27 February 2012; “七〇一所设计国内最大渔政船下水” [“The Biggest Fisheries Patrol Boat Designed by Institute 701 Tested the Water”], China Shipbuilding Industry, April 2010; “首批西沙海域渔政执法船交付使用” [“First batch of fisheries patrol boats for Paracel region delivered”], Guangzhou Metro Daily, 31 August 2010; “喜迎渔政310船返回广州母港” [Happily Greeting Fisheries Patrol Boat 310 Returning to Its Birth Harbour], South Sea Region Fisheries Administration Bureau official website, www.nhyzchina.gov.cn/Html/2010_10_01/2 _1459_2010_10_01_2953.html.
向会员国、科学界和知识界、媒体和民间社会的机构宣传加强国家和地区预测和展望 能力的必要性:2004 年上半年,联 系“二十一世纪会晤”历届会议的专题,继续出版了载 有重要展望信息的文章,特别是总干事关于 羊 与 人”的文章,该文章已被世界各地的 46 种有影响力的报刊所采用。
Alerting of Member States, scientific and intellectual communities, the media and civil society institutions to the need to reinforce national and regional capacities in the field of anticipation and foresight: The publication of articles conveying key forward-looking messages in connection with the theme of past meetings of
the “Twenty-first Century Talks” was
[...] pursued in the first half of 2004, in particular the article by the Director-General “Of Sheep and Men”, which was published by 46 leading newspapers in different regions of the world.
(17) 經營所有或任何涉及以任何方式預備、紡織、編織、梳理、沖刷、裁切、漂
[...] 白、著色、染色、印刷及整理或製造棉 羊 毛 、絲、亞麻、麻、亞麻布、黃 麻、皮革、合成纖維及其他纖維或紡織品(不論屬任何狀態下之動物、植物 [...]
等業務(不論由本公司或其他人士進行)之廢料之行業或業務,亦生產硫酸 鹽及漂白及染整物料以及買入及賣出及買賣上述所有或任何物質。
(17) To carry on all or any of the trades or business of preparing, spinning, knitting, doubling, weaving, combing, scouring, sizing, bleaching, colouring, dyeing, printing and
finishing, working or manufacturing in any
[...] way whatever, cotton, wool, silk, flax, [...]
hemp, linen, jute, leather, synthetic fibres
and other fibrous or textile substances, whether animal, vegetable or mineral in any state and whether similar to the foregoing substances or not and to treat and utilise and deal in any waste arising from any such operations, whether carried out by the Company or otherwise, and also of makers of vitriol and of bleaching, dyeing, and finishing materials, and the buying and selling of and dealing in all or any of the aforesaid substances.
更多的非法做法包括:通过驱逐巴勒斯坦居民改 变耶路撒冷的人口组成和法律地位;根据建造一个有 20 个住房单元组成的新定居点的计划拆毁位于东耶 路撒冷的历史悠久的羊人酒 店,该计划威胁到巴勒 斯坦领土的地理连续性和任何未来巴勒斯坦国的生 存能力;耶路撒冷市政府最近通过了一项在东耶路撒 冷周围建造 124 个新住房单元的计划;耶路撒冷规划 委员会最近宣布了规定在被占领的西岸被吞并的土 地上为犹太定居者再建造 1 400 个住房单元的新计 划。
Additional illegal practices include changing the demographic composition and legal status of Jerusalem by expelling Palestinian inhabitants; the destruction of the historic Shepherd Hotel in East Jerusalem under a plan to construct a new settlement of 20 housing units, which threatens the geographic contiguity of the Palestinian territories and the viability of any future Palestinian State; the recent adoption by the municipal Government of Jerusalem of a plan to build 124 new housing units around East Jerusalem; and the recent announcement by the Jerusalem planning commission of a new plan providing for the construction of a further 1,400 housing units for Jewish settlers in annexed land in the occupied West Bank.
这种对邪恶的和诱惑罪在最后的日子的精神得到普遍观点,特别强调在Ḥasidean学校,因此之间的tannaitic和救世主的来临之前的时间世界末日图片惊人的相似:“在最后的日子假先知 [假救世主]和腐化将增加 羊 变 成狼被打开,爱被仇恨;无法无天 [见匪徒 ]将占上风,导致男人的仇恨,迫害,并提供了对方;和撒旦,'世界骗子'(见箴),将执行中的神的儿子幌子创造奇迹,作为地球的统治者犯下奇闻的罪行“(”十二使徒遗训,“十六3起。
This view of the prevalence of the spirit of evil and seduction to sin in the last days received special emphasis in the Ḥasidean schools; hence the striking resemblance between the tannaitic and the apocalyptic picture of the time preceding the Messianic advent: "In the last days false
prophets [pseudo-Messiahs] and corrupters
[...] will increase and sheep be turned into wolves, [...]
love into hatred; lawlessness [see
Belial] will prevail, causing men to hate, persecute, and deliver up each other; and Satan, 'the world-deceiver' (see Antichrist), will in the guise of the Son of God perform miracles, and as ruler of the earth commit unheard-of crimes" ("Didache," xvi. 3 et seq.
(a) 除 非冷凍牛肉羊肉或 豬肉經 預先包裝並該包裝依照訂明方 式加上標記 及標籤 ,否則禁止在同一街市攤檔或經營新鮮糧 食 店業務的處所售賣、要約 出 售 或為出售 而展示 或 管 有新鮮 牛肉羊肉或 豬肉及 冷凍牛肉羊肉或 豬肉(新訂第30D條及 新訂附表6)
(a) to prohibit the sale, or offer or exposure for sale, or possession for sale fresh beef, mutton or pork and chilled beef, mutton or pork at the same market stall or premises on which the business of a fresh provision shop is carried on unless the chilled beef, mutton or pork is pre-packaged and the package [...]
is marked and labelled in the prescribed
manner (new section 30D and new Schedule 6)
在凯尔特人时代,人们已经将石墨应用于陶器生产中了,很 年 后 的1 5 6 5 年 , 英 国的 羊 人 发 现了一种闪亮的无烟煤颜色的物质,这种物质非常适用于画画和书写,牧羊人将这种材料命名为“plumbago”。
A long time after the era of the Celts, who already
had used graphite in the
[...] production of ceramics, English shepherds in the year 1565 found a glossy [...]
anthracite-coloured mineral
that was excellently suited for drawing and writing, and they gave it the name "plumbago".
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员), 因为该科在过去年里已经扩大了它所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是以前的一级诊所;病人 从三级医院出院后在他们家里对其进行追踪观察;定期对阿比让以及西区和东区 的 11 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开展外联活动,一周两次访问 地处偏远的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和作为联合国综合框架一部分的联 合国国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库马西后勤基地每天提供八小时的医疗支助, 而不是目前的两小时。
In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now functioning at level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the 11 level III hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors in the regional headquarters perform outreach activity by visiting remote offices twice a week; support is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations country team as part of the United Nations integrated framework; and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day.
本公司亦將於股東年大會上按股東 年 大 會 通告載列的條款,就授予董事發行授權 提呈普通決議案,以配發、發行及處理不超過本公司於有關決議案通過當日之已發行股本 面值總額20%之股份,以及於截至下列時間(以最早者為準)止期間內任何時間,將相當於 本公司於授出購回授權後購回之股份面值總額之任何股份,加入將授予董事之發行授權 內:(a)本公司下屆股東年大會 結束時;(b)細則或任何適用法例規定本公司須舉行下屆股 東年大會之期限屆滿時;及(c)該授權於股東大會上以普通決議案撤銷或修訂當日。
Ordinary resolutions will also be proposed at the Annual General Meeting in respect of the granting of the Issue Mandate to the Directors, in the terms set out in the notice of the Annual General Meeting, to allot, issue and deal with Shares not exceeding 20% of the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital of the Company in issue as at the date of passing the relevant resolution, and adding to the Issue Mandate so granted to the Directors any Shares representing the aggregate nominal amount of the Shares repurchased by the Company after the granting of the Repurchase Mandate, at any time during the period ended on the earliest of (a) the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company; (b) the expiration of the period within which the next annual general meeting of the Company is required by the Articles or any applicable laws to be held; and (c) the date upon which such authority is revoked or varied by an ordinary resolution at a general meeting of Shareholders.
此外,如上文第 2 段所述,根据大会第 63/266 号 决议,秘书长已在他的报告中列入 2010-2011 两年期特别政治任务预算 总额的预测数据,他估计可能高达约 1 148 739 700 美元,比 2010-2011 两年期拟 议方案预算中的特别政治任务经费多出 319 811 300 美元(见 A/64/349,第 78 段和附件三)。
Furthermore, as noted in paragraph 2 above, pursuant to General Assembly resolution 63/266, the Secretary-General has included in his report a projection of the total budget for special political missions for the biennium 2010–2011, which he estimates could amount to some $1,148,739,700, or $319,811,300 more than the provision for special political missions in the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010–2011 (see A/64/349, para. 78 and annex III).
一大批具体的建议已提交给对话的协调员,如建立大学的对话与网络; 年 科 学 家的 对话,邀请教科文组织教席担任者参与对话活动;两个地区的实习记者和资深新闻工作者的 对话;举行年论坛 ;重新启动文学作品翻译委员会,增加用欧洲语言翻译的阿拉伯作品; 学校教科书的比较研究;文化产业专业人士的对话;举办跨地区会议,探讨欧洲历史教科书 中阿拉伯伊斯兰文化的形象。
A host of concrete proposals were suggested to the coordinators of the Dialogue, such as: dialogue and networking among universities; dialogue among young scientists, involving UNESCO chairholders in dialogue activities; dialogue among student journalists and seasoned media practitioners from both regions; the holding of youth forums; reactivation of the Committee for the Translation of Literary Works and increase in the translation of Arabic works into European languages; a comparative study of school textbooks; dialogue involving professionals from cultural industries; the organization of an interregional conference on the image of Arab-Islamic culture in European history books.
值得注意的是,本办事处在教育领域开展的计划主要关注以下战略支助领域,所有这 些都直接回应肯尼亚教育部门支助计划(KESSP)所载的战略和成果,教育部门计划实现 《2030 年展望》:通过教育管理信息系统加强规划、监测和评估教育系统;加强教育部门 以应对艾滋病毒和艾滋病;提高教育促和平计划的质量;以及通过宣传和技术支持战略规划 来加强扫盲发展。
It is noteworthy that programmes implemented by the Office in the area education focused on the following strategic areas of support, all directly responding to strategies and results contained in Kenya Education Sector Support Programme (KESSP), the education sector’s plan to materialize Vision 2030: strengthening the planning, monitoring and evaluation of the education system through EMIS; enhancing the education sector responses to HIV and AIDS; improving the quality of education for peace programme; and strengthening literacy development through advocacy and technical support to strategic planning.




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