

单词 羁留室

See also:

羁留 n

detainee n



stay v
retain v
keep v

External sources (not reviewed)

警方亦已引入多项措施,包 括频密而不定时巡羁留室、在羁留 大 楼 内安装闭路电视以监察突发事件,以及 加强警务人员处理被扣留者,包括患有严重疾病或精神失常人士的培训。
Various measures have been introduced, including conducting frequent but irregularly timed cell checks, installing closed-circuit television (CCTV) inside the cell complex to monitor sudden incident, and providing enhanced training to police officers in handling of detained persons including those with serious illness or mental disorder.
透过命令状,针对拘捕羁押或 监禁合法性的司法听证会须 立即进行;如宣告拘禁为违法,须立即将被 留 之 人 释放。
Through this writ, a judicial hearing on the legality of the arrest, detention or imprisonment must be held immediately, followed by an order for release, if appropriate.
您可通过电子邮件或传真将此等“撤消通知书”传送给以下联系人,或将一份该通知 书的副本递交给 PEI 行政办室存留。
You may send such Notice of Cancellation by email or fax to the following
[...] contacts, or leave a copy with the PEI administrative office.
留所满足被羁押证人和被控藐视法庭而遭羁押者 提出的要求,在适当时为被羁押者与媒体的接触提供方便。
The Unit accommodated detained witnesses and detainees charged with contempt of the Tribunal, and facilitated contact between detainees and the media, where appropriate.
在本报告所述期间,中非建和办注意到在不经审判就进 羁 押 、 拘 留 和 监禁 的大环境下,关于侵犯人权事件的报告激增,包括中非共和国安全和防卫部队, 特别是总统卫队在合法的和有时不合法的 留室 对 平 民实施即决处决、酷刑以及 任意逮捕和拘留。
During the reporting period, BINUCA noted a surge in reports of human rights violations, including summary executions,
torture and arbitrary
[...] arrests and detentions perpetrated by Central African security and defence forces, particularly the presidential guards, against the civilian population in legal and sometimes illegal detention cells, in a general culture of custody, detention and imprisonment [...]
without trial.
和平的公众示威遭到 了镇压,包括任意逮捕、不按正当程序实施 留 、 虐 待和酷刑 羁 押 期 间死亡问 题,以及对言论、集会和结社自由的限制。
Peaceful public demonstrations
had been met with repression,
[...] including arbitrary arrest, detention without due process, ill [...]
treatment and torture, deaths
in custody, and restrictions on the freedoms of expression, assembly and association.
该办室继续 管理向所有辩护团 提供的设施,确保被告的权利得到充分尊重,对在联合国 留 所 羁 押 的被拘留者 的投诉和关切作出回应,处理对拘留所的访问申请,并在被告律师与法庭之间发 挥联络作用。
The Office continued to manage the facilities granted to all defence teams, and to ensure full respect of the rights of the accused by responding to complaints and concerns of detainees held at the United Nations Detention Unit, processing [...]
requests for
visits to the Unit, and acting as a liaison between defence counsel and the Tribunal.
(a) 采取了哪些措施,确保充分依照《公约》, 羁 押 期间给予与上述事 件相关的被留者基本的法律保障和保证人道待遇。
(a) The measures taken to ensure that those detained in connection with aforementioned events are afforded fundamental legal safeguards and guaranteed humane treatment while in custody, in full conformity with the Convention.
宪兵队的被留者待遇所采取的措施;对警察和宪 羁 押 的 人 提供食品和水所采取的措施;对消除监狱中的体罚所采取措施;以及对被判处死 刑的囚犯所采取的措施。
These issues included measures taken by the authorities with regard to the treatment of detainees at Dantokpa police station and Bohicon gendarmerie; measures taken with regard to the provision of food and water to persons detained in police and gendarmerie custody; measures taken to eliminate corporal punishment in prisons; and measures taken in relation to prisoners sentenced to death.
然而,许多情 况下,被贩运者被误认为是无正常身份的移民, 羁 押 于 移民 留 中 心 ,或被立 即驱逐出境,因而无任何机会寻求赔偿。
In many instances, however, trafficked persons are misidentified as irregular migrants and detained in immigration detention centres, or immediately deported without being given any opportunities to seek compensation.
齿轮组可留在电动机的前端盖内,也留 在驱动室内。
Gear cluster may stay engaged in motor front end bell or drive housing.
为了尽可能实现成本效益,提议法院利用已实行 2011-2013 年期完成工作战略的卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭在阿鲁沙的设施(审室和审前羁押设施)。
In the interest of cost-effectiveness, it is proposed that the court should use the facilities of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (courtrooms and pretrial detention facilities) in Arusha, United Republic of Tanzania, which has adopted its completion strategy for the period 2011-2013.
(2) 女性被羈留者須由女性中心人員看管,而
[...] 除在緊急情況下,男性中心人員若非由女性中心人員陪 同,不得進入有女性被羈留者在內的 留室。
(2) A female detainee must be guarded by a female officer and, except in an emergency, no male
officer may enter a detention room in which a female
[...] detainee is detained otherwise than in the [...]
company of a female officer.
被执法人员剥夺自由的人在留室时 不应 对他们采用强制手段。
Persons deprived of their liberty by law enforcement officials should not be subject to restraint while in the custody cells.
同那些受到秘密留的 人羁押者 的家人以及受羁押者的法律代表进行了一些谈话。
A number of interviews were held with people who had
[...] been held in secret detention, family members of [...]
those held captive, as well as legal
representatives of individuals held.
缔约国应采取紧迫措施,致使所有 留 设 施 的 羁 押 条 件均符合《囚 犯待遇最低限度标准规则》,改善为被拘留者提供的饮食和保健照顾,并加强对 [...]
The State party should take urgent measures to bring the
[...] conditions of detention in all detention facilities [...]
into line with the Standard Minimum
Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, improving the food and the health care provided to detainees and strengthening the judicial supervision and independent monitoring of conditions of detention.
[...] 非法或任意逮捕、不将未成年人与成年人分开、不 羁 押 和 拘 留 注 册 簿登记以及 恶劣羁押条件都续有存在。
In the prison system, there are still instances of illegal or arbitrary detention, failure to
separate minors from adults and keep records of persons in police custody
[...] or detention, and poor conditions of detention.
(g) 着力重申《维也纳领事关系公约》9 缔约国有义务确保充分尊重和遵守
[...] 该公约,特别是其中规定所有外国国民,不论其移民身份为何,在遭受逮捕、监 禁羁押或拘留时, 有权同始发国领事官员联络,而且接收国有义务立即告知外 [...]
(g) Reaffirms emphatically the duty of States parties to ensure full respect for and observance of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations,9 in particular with regard to the right of all foreign nationals, regardless of their immigration status, to communicate with a consular official of the
sending State in case of arrest,
[...] imprisonment, custody or detention, and the obligation [...]
of the receiving State to inform the
foreign national without delay of his or her rights under the Convention
保安局局長亦作出《2004年入境( 羈留地點)(修訂) 令》(2004
年第60號法律公告)及《2004年入境事務隊(指定地方)(修訂)令》(2004 年第61號法律公告) ,以修訂《入境( 羈留地點) 令》(第
[...] 115章,附屬法 例 B)及《入境事務隊(指定地方)令》(第 331章,附屬法例B),在屯門客 運碼頭內指定留室。
The Secretary for Security has also made the Immigration (Places of Detention) (Amendment) Order 2004 (L.N. 60 of 2004) and the Immigration Service (Designated Places) (Amendment) Order 2004 (L.N. 61 of 2004) to amend the Immigration (Places of Detention) Order (Cap. 115 sub. leg. B) and the Immigration
Service (Designated Places) Order (Cap. 331 sub. leg. B) to
[...] designate a place of detention within the Tuen Mun Ferry [...]
(a) 在就审理作出裁定之前,罪犯当前 羁留 或 监 管将过期
(a) that the
[...] offender’s current custody or supervision [...]
will expire before the proceedings are determined, and
除了所有被捕及羁留人士 享有的权利之外,警方已采取了特别程序处理 被捕的残疾人士。
14.4 In addition to the rights to be enjoyed by all
[...] persons under arrest or detention, the Police have [...]
adopted special procedures for handling
arrested persons with disabilities.
在 第 三 宗 個 案 中 , 一 名 被 羈 留 人 士 要
[...] 求 在 夜 間 完 全 關 掉留 室 內 電 燈 , 但 一 名 看 管 [...]
人 員 無 理 地 拒 絕 有 關 要 求 ; 另 一 名 廉 署 人 員 剝 奪 該 名 其
後 成 為 獲 免 予 起 訴 的 證 人 的 人 士 在 廉 署 案 件 中 為 控 方 出 庭 作 證 後 領 取 證 人 津 貼 的 權 利 。
In the third case, a guarding officer had unreasonably declined a
detainee’s request to completely switch off the
[...] lighting in the detention cell during night [...]
time and another officer had deprived
the same person who subsequently became an immunized witness of her right to witness allowance after the latter testified in court for the prosecution in an ICAC case.
admwing.gov.hk 实室应保留关于将样品或样品的一部分向另一个实验室移交时的监 管信息。
unesdoc.unesco.org The Laboratory shall maintain custody information on the transfer of Samples, or portions thereof to another Laboratory .
用1 ml注射器向样品室内注入去离 子水数并吸走,如此重复数次,以彻底清除样 室 内 残 留的 乙醇。
Use 1ml syringe to load and remove DI water (refer to Fluid Loading and Fluid Removal) several times to flush alcohol out of the sample chamber.
不管有无道理,公众总是认为研究的成果产生后就一 留在 实验室。
The main objective was to make research results accessible to the general public, which, rightly or wrongly, had always believed that any research findings stay in the laboratories.
[...] 们财产及事务的处理,精神病人于精神科医院的收容 羁留 和 治 疗,他们的监 护,以及表示同意接受治疗。
This Ordinance also provides legal safeguards for mentally incapacitated persons in other areas, such as the
management of their property and
[...] affairs, the reception, detention and treatment of [...]
mental patients in mental hospital,
guardianship and consent to medical treatment.
又重申大会第 63/241 号决议第 12 至 16
段,敦促所有缔约国加紧努力, 履行其根据《儿童权利公约》承担的义务,在与出生登记、家庭关系和收养或其
[...] 他形式替代性照料有关的事项上保护儿童,并在发生父母或家庭成员对儿童实施 国际绑架案件时,鼓励各国除其他外,便利儿童返回其在被劫走 羁留 之 前 居住 的国家
Also reaffirms paragraphs 12 to 16 of its resolution 63/241, and urges all States parties to intensify their efforts to comply with their obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child1 to protect children in matters relating to registration, family relations and adoption or other forms of alternative care, and, in cases of international parental or familial child abduction, encourages States to facilitate,
inter alia, the return of the child to the country in
[...] which he or she resided immediately before the removal or retention




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