

单词 羁押

羁押 adjective ()




noncustodial (sentence)

See also:


(literary) sign
escort and protect
detain in custody


mortgages pl

External sources (not reviewed)

另一方面,在释放良心犯的同时,应立即采 取措施避免残忍待遇、改羁押条件 、保证紧急医疗救护。
On the other hand, parallel to release, immediate measures should be taken to avoid any cruel treatment, improve conditions of detention and ensure urgent medical treatment.
每当达到法定期限时,电脑数据系统能够发出信号;这是防 止长时间审羁押的一 个潜在的重要手段。
Computerised data systems have the capacity to signal whenever a legal time limit has been reached; this is a potentially important tool in preventing lengthy pre-trial detention.
在可能的情况下,应当采取适当的 措施来抵消在远离她们家庭的监所 羁押 的 女 性所面对的不便条件。
Where possible, measures shall be taken to counterbalance disadvantages faced by women detained in institutions located far from their homes.
应当遵守审羁押的具 体规定,而且保释金 应当与被逮捕的人的经济条件相称。
Specific rules should be observed with regard
[...] to pretrial detention and bail should [...]
be proportionate to the economic situation of the arrested person.
从程序角度看,法庭也显示出若干创新之处,其中包括:(a) 有
一名权力和责任很大的预审法官;(b) 为法官们规定了较为积极主动的作用;(c) 被
[...] 害人广泛参与诉讼程序;(d) 用其他措施取羁押,目 的是保证审判前的人身自 由是常规,而不是例外;(e) [...]
保护敏感资料,这既是为了保证证人的安全,也是 为了满足各国的合理请求(包括国家安全利益);(f)
在某些情况下对被告进行缺 席审判,并建立旨在充分保护被告权利的机制。
The Tribunal also exhibits several novelties from the point of view of procedure, including: (a) a Pre-Trial Judge with significant authority and responsibility; (b) a more proactive role for judges; (c) extensive victim
participation in the proceedings; (d) measures
[...] alternative to detention, aimed at [...]
ensuring that freedom pending trial is the
norm rather than the exception; (e) the protection of sensitive information, both to ensure the safety of witnesses and to accommodate the legitimate requests of States (including national security interests); and (f) trials in the absence of the accused under certain circumstances and with mechanisms designed to fully protect the rights of the accused.
剥夺自由和禁止酷刑——各国必须尊重人的自由、安全和尊严,依照国 际法对待所羁押地点的所有囚犯(见第 61/171 号决议,第 8 段),充 分遵守有关绝对禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚 的义务(见第 63/185 号决议,第 8 段)。
Deprivation of liberty and prohibition of torture — States must respect the liberty, security and dignity of the person, treat all prisoners in all places of detention in accordance with international law (see resolution 61/171, para. 8) and fully comply with their obligations with regard to the absolute prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (see resolution 63/185, para. 8).
这些人 还表示,被安全人羁押期间 ,他们遭受讯问人或狱卒以刑讯逼供或侮辱为目的 [...]
These individuals also stated
[...] that, while in the custody of security agents, [...]
they were beaten and tortured by interrogators
and jailers for the purposes of extracting a confession or in order to humiliate them.
律师就此提 出了一些建议,包括如下:如果在法律上有理由实行审羁押,就应该照办,以保证受害人的安全;如果采取“较 为宽容的做法”,就应该保证各机构之间迅速交流信息;如 果较为宽容的措施受到违反,就应该立即实 羁押 ; 违反 民法保护令的行为应被定为刑事犯罪。
The counsel made several recommendations in this regard, including the following: if there are legal grounds for pretrial detention they should be applied to guarantee the safety of the victim; if “more lenient means” are applied, a swift information [...]
exchange between all agencies should be
guaranteed; detention should be imposed immediately in the event that the more lenient measure is breached; and a breach of civil law protection orders should be made a criminal offence.
透过命令状,针对拘捕羁押或监 禁合法性的司法听证会须 立即进行;如宣告拘禁为违法,须立即将被拘留之人释放。
Through this writ, a judicial hearing on the legality of the arrest, detention or imprisonment must be held immediately, followed by an order for release, if appropriate.
(a) 采取了哪些措施,确保充分依照《公约》, 羁押 期 间 给予与上述事 件相关的被拘留者基本的法律保障和保证人道待遇。
(a) The measures taken to ensure that those detained in connection with aforementioned events are afforded fundamental legal safeguards and guaranteed humane treatment while in custody, in full conformity with the Convention.
然而,许多情 况下,被贩运者被误认为是无正常身份的移民, 羁押 于 移 民拘留中心,或被立 即驱逐出境,因而无任何机会寻求赔偿。
In many instances, however, trafficked persons are misidentified as irregular migrants and detained in immigration detention centres, or immediately deported without being given any opportunities to seek compensation.
若一涉嫌人或被告 人根据法庭命令羁押在其 居住国或法庭的拘留设施内,预审法官(或分庭)可命 [...]
If a suspect or
[...] an accused is detained, upon order of [...]
the Tribunal, in his or her State of residence or in the Tribunal’s
detention facilities, the Pre-Trial Judge (or a Chamber) may order that the person be provisionally released and sent back to his or her State of nationality or residence.
最后,在 2005 年 4 月 25 日第十一届联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法大
[...] 中,会员国宣布致力于建立和维护公正有效的刑事司法制度,包括根据适用 的国际标准,对所有关押在审羁押 所 和教改所里的人给予人道待遇(第 8 段);它们建议预防犯罪和刑事司法委员会考虑审查与监狱管理和囚犯有关 [...]
的标准和规范的适当性(第 30 段)。
Finally, in the Bangkok Declaration on Synergies and Responses: Strategic Alliances in Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, adopted by the Eleventh United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice on 25 April 2005, Member States declared that they were committed to the development and maintenance of fair and efficient criminal justice institutions, including the humane
treatment of all those
[...] in pretrial and correctional facilities, in accordance with applicable international [...]
standards (para.
8); and they recommended that the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice should give consideration to reviewing the adequacy of standards and norms in relation to prison management and prisoners (para. 30).
致各国政府的信函和国家特派团报告中常常提及发生 羁押 中 的 死亡,其中 包括警卫杀害犯人、监狱间暴力、自杀 羁押 拷 问 致死、监狱条件致死(包括卫 生条件差、过度拥挤和食物不足)。
Communications to Governments and country
mission reports often
[...] address deaths in custody, which encompass guards killing prisoners, inter-prisoner violence, suicides, death resulting from torture in custody and deaths resulting [...]
from prison conditions,
including poor health care, overcrowding and inadequate food.
他会见各政党领袖 的要求未能得到满足,因为所有领导人都 羁押 中 , 或被软禁,或被囚禁在偏远 地区的监狱里。
His request to meet with the leaders of various political parties was not met since all the leaders were held in detention, either under house arrest or in prisons in remote areas.
深为痛惜在打击恐怖主义斗争中发生了侵犯人权和基本自由的行为以及违 反国际难民和人道主义法的行为, 关切地注意到有些措施可能损害人权和法治,例如在没有按 羁押 的 依 据和 正当法律程序保障的情况羁押恐怖 行为涉嫌人,以相当于将 羁押 者 置 于法律 保护之外的方式剥夺自由,在没有基本司法保障情况下审判涉嫌人,非法剥夺恐 怖活动涉嫌人的自由并将他们移送他处,在未作个别风险评估以断定是否存在确 [...] [...]
凿理由相信涉嫌人回国有可能遭受酷刑的情况下便遣送涉嫌人回国,以及限制有 效监督反恐措施
Noting with concern measures that can undermine human rights and the rule of law, such as the detention of persons suspected of acts of
terrorism in the absence
[...] of a legal basis for detention and due process guarantees, the deprivation of liberty that amounts to placing a detained person outside the protection [...]
of the law,
the trial of suspects without fundamental judicial guarantees, the illegal deprivation of liberty and transfer of individuals suspected of terrorist activities, and the return of suspects to countries without individual assessment of the risk of there being substantial grounds for believing that they would be in danger of subjection to torture, and limitations to effective scrutiny of counter-terrorism measures
这种侵犯行为还给家长和其他家庭成员带来恐惧和痛苦, 他们目睹了逮捕过程,甚至没有得到关于其子女 羁押 何 处 的通知。
This abuse also inflicts fear and suffering on parents and other
family members who witness the arrest procedures and are not even informed about where
[...] their child is being held in custody.
[...] 的机构类型及其报告机制,包括提供资料说明关于酷刑和虐待、隔 羁押 、 拘 留 期间死亡、人口贩运、家庭暴力和性暴力的申诉、调查、起诉和定罪情况,以及 [...]
The State party should compile and provide the Committee with statistical data relevant to the monitoring of the implementation of the Convention at the national level, the type of bodies engaged in such monitoring and their reporting mechanisms, disaggregated by, inter alia, sex, ethnicity, age, crime and geographical location, including information on complaints, investigations, prosecutions
and convictions of cases of torture and
[...] ill-treatment, incommunicado detention, [...]
deaths in custody, trafficking, domestic and
sexual violence, and the outcomes of all such complaints and cases, including compensation and rehabilitation provided to victims.
然而,即使在法庭上表达 了这种意见,法庭不但不下令释放被拘留者,反而根据在采取行动时并不构成犯 罪的这些行动下令对他进行审羁押。
However, even though this opinion had been expressed in court, instead of ordering the detainee’s release, the court ordered that he be held in pretrial detention on the basis of actions that did not constitute offences at the time they were performed.
执行判决的法官确定每个被定罪 人羁押方式,包括假释和替代刑罚。
The judge for the execution of sentences determines detention modalities for each convicted person, including release on parole and alternative sentences.
该委员会敦促马耳他根据《公民权利和政治权 利国际公约》和《保护所有遭受任何形 羁押 或 监 禁的人的原则》改善其拘留中 心的条件。
The Commission urged Malta to improve conditions in its detention centres in accordance with the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights and the Body of Principles for the Protection of All Persons under Any Form of Detention or Imprisonment.
在利比里亚蒙罗维亚监狱设立的流动法庭处理审 羁押 问 题 ,审查 了 2 988 个案件,使 1 194 名犯人得到释放。
In Liberia, mobile courts operating in the Monrovia Prison to address pre-trial detention reviewed 2,988 cases, leading to the release of 1,194 prisoners.
缔约国应作为当务之急解决过度拥挤问题以及实行男 女囚犯分羁押,并 制定具体的条例,以保护在押女犯的权利。
As a matter of priority, it should tackle overcrowding, as well as the separation of female and male inmates, and adopt specific regulations to protect the rights of women in detention.
各国在反恐的同时必须遵守国际法义务,特别是要确保遵 守关于绝对禁止酷刑和残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的义务;确保被剥 夺自由者受益于根据国际法有资格享受的保障,包括 羁押 得 到复核及享受其他 基本司法保障;确保任何形式的剥夺自由措施都不得将 羁押 者 置于法律保护之 外;遵守正当法律程序义务并尊重公平审判权利;全面遵守不驱回义务;确保给 恐怖行为刑事定罪的合法性;尊重有效补救权。
All States countering terrorism must comply with their obligations under international law, in particular by ensuring respect for the absolute prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; ensuring that all persons deprived of liberty benefit from the guarantees to which they are entitled under international law, including the review of the detention and other fundamental judicial guarantees; ensuring that no form of deprivation of liberty places a detained person outside the protection of the law; respecting due process obligations and the right to a fair trial; abiding fully by non-refoulement obligations; ensuring legality in the criminalization of acts of terrorism; and respecting the right to an effective remedy.
主要基准将包括:(a) 建立一支训练有素、纪律严明的专 业警察队伍,这支队伍应能向公民提供安全保障并且不太容易受腐败的诱惑; (b)
监狱应配有足够数量的受过充分训练的工作人员,并且囚禁人数比例应符合 国际标准;(c)
[...] 及时采取司法行动并改进案件的行政管理,从而减少时间过长的 审羁押;(d ) 通过司法救助让人们获得司法正义并下放司法权力;(e) [...]
高级司 法委员会一类的重要机构开始工作并有效发挥职能;以及(f)
制定和实施重要立 法,包括改革《企业法》、《刑法》和《刑事诉讼法》。
Key benchmarks will include: (a) the establishment of a trained, disciplined and professional police force that would be able to provide security to the citizens and that would be less prone to the temptation of corruption; (b) prisons that are staffed by a sufficient number of adequately trained personnel and that are in compliance with international occupancy standards; (c) timely judicial proceedings and improved administrative management
of cases, leading to fewer cases of
[...] prolonged pretrial detention; (d) access to [...]
justice through legal assistance and decentralization
of justice; (e) key bodies, such as the Superior Council of the Judiciary becoming operational and functioning effectively; and (f) development and implementation of key legislation, including a reform of the Business Law, the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedures Code.
[...] 了镇压,包括任意逮捕、不按正当程序实施拘留、虐待和酷刑 羁押 期 间 死亡问 题,以及对言论、集会和结社自由的限制。
Peaceful public demonstrations had been met with repression, including arbitrary arrest, detention
without due process, ill treatment and
[...] torture, deaths in custody, and restrictions [...]
on the freedoms of expression, assembly and association.
他们强烈谴责以色列在其占领区监狱中所采取的残忍做法,并对 被占领的叙利亚戈兰的叙利亚羁押 者 所 遭遇的不人道待遇深表关切,因为这 将会导致其身体健康状况恶化,并使其生命面临风险,同时这也公然违反了国 际人道主义法。
They strongly condemned the Israeli brutal practices in Israeli occupation prisons, and expressed their grave concern at the inhuman conditions of the Syrian detainees in the occupied Syrian Golan which have led to the deterioration of their physical health and put their lives at risk, in a blatant violation of international humanitarian law.
七人中有五人在战斗中受伤,他们在得到草草急救后被转移到阿萨 布的一羁押设施 ,他们在那里受到讯问并 羁押 了 近 两个月。
Five of the seven had been injured during the fighting and received superficial first aid before being transferred to a holding facility in Assab, where they were interrogated and remained in detention for almost two months.
(d) 确保那些有着精神健康护理需求的 羁押 在 非限制性和保安级别 尽可能最低的环境中,并且得到适当的待遇,而不是仅仅由于她们的精神健 康问题而把她们关押在保安级别更高的设施内。
(d) Ensure that those with mental health-care needs are housed in accommodation which is not restrictive, and at the lowest possible security level, and receive appropriate treatment, rather than being placed in higher security level facilities solely due to their mental health problems.
其中许多是在原籍国和中转国遭受过 粗暴虐待的妇女,她们遭受过未经许可试图逃离原籍国的惩罚、人口贩运和偷 运、强迫婚姻、因非法移民遭到迫害、在等待前往大韩民国之前 羁押 在 移 民监 狱中等暴力行为。
Many were women who had been treated brutally in the country of origin and in transit, having undergone such violence as punishments for trying the leave the country of origin without permission, human trafficking and smuggling, forced marriage, prosecution as illegal immigrants, and detention in immigration jail pending exit to the Republic of Korea.




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