单词 | 罹祸 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 罹祸 —fall victim to misfortunesuffer a disasterSee also:罹—suffer from • happen to • sorrow 祸—misfortune • calamity 祸 n—disaster n
我們衷心感謝所有支持今次善舉的人士,更向所有在地震 中 罹 難 及受傷的人士寄以 深切的同情。 asiasat.com | We are grateful to all who supported this initiative and our deepest sympathy goes out to all the people whose lives have been affected by the disaster. asiasat.com |
在此背景之下,他们呼吁联合国会员国在国家、区域和国 际各级加强应对和打击这些灾祸方面 的合作。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this context, they called on the Member States of the United [...] Nations at the national, regional and international levels to enhance their cooperation to [...] confront and combat these scourges. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果一个妇女的经济待遇要依赖其配偶或家 [...] 庭网络,她就有更大的可能受到暴力侵害,并且没有能力逃 避 祸 害。 daccess-ods.un.org | If a woman is dependent on her spouse or family network for [...] her economic wellbeing, she is at greater risk of vulnerability to violence and also of an [...] inability to escape from harm. daccess-ods.un.org |
从人权角度来看,这一现象可能构成对可能 或 罹 患 坏 疽性口 炎儿童权利的侵犯。 daccess-ods.un.org | From a human rights point of view, it may amount to a violation of the rights of the children at risk or affected by noma. daccess-ods.un.org |
领导人一方面重申谴责一切形式的恐怖主义,不管其借口为何,并重申他们 的承诺,打击阿拉伯世界任何地方的恐怖主义温床,将交付赎金给恐怖分子或恐 怖集团或组织定为犯罪,领导人也全然拒绝某些外国和政党,特别是某些西方人 士以保护少数等各种借口干涉阿拉伯国家内部事务的所有企图,这些人的行动表 明他们对恐怖主义的性质、原因和目标的无知,因为对于这 种 祸 害 , 世界上任何 国家都无法幸免。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the leaders reiterate their condemnation of all types of terrorism, on whatever pretext, and renew their commitment to confront hotbeds of terrorism anywhere in the Arab world and criminalize the payment of ransoms to terrorists or terrorist groups or organizations, they also completely reject all attempts by certain foreign States and parties and, in particular, certain Western circles, to intervene in the internal affairs of Arab States on pretexts that include the protection of minorities, which demonstrate their ignorance of the nature, causes and goals of terrorism, from which no country in the world is exempt. daccess-ods.un.org |
為使市民可及早接受治療,他促請政府當 局投放額外資源以縮短輪候時間,尤其是那些已被醫生初步診 斷為懷疑罹患癌症的病人。 legco.gov.hk | In order to enable early treatment, he urged the Administration to put in place extra resources to shorten the waiting time, particularly for those who had been initially diagnosed with suspected cancer by medical practitioners. legco.gov.hk |
在确认各国都受到人口贩运影响的同时,各位部长敦促所有国家鼓励正在 开展的打击这一祸患的 国家努力,以合作的态度在区域和国际框架下进行工 [...] 作,而不对其他国家施加任何单边要求。 daccess-ods.un.org | Recognizing that all countries are affected by trafficking in persons, the Ministers urged all States [...] to encourage national efforts being [...] made to combat this scourge and to work together [...]in a collaborative manner and within [...]a regional and international framework without imposing unilateral requirements on other States. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果您是因為罹患 E SRD 而投保聯邦醫療保險,在您成為聯邦醫療保險的合格會員後,您的團體健康 計劃會優先承保最初 30 個月的醫療費用。 lacare.org | If you have Medicare because of ESRD, your group health plan will pay first for the first 30 months after you become eligible for Medicare. lacare.org |
現時我們可以從醫院的入院病㆟數字約略知道哪些是主 [...] 要的疾病及致命的原因,但這些數字不能告訴我們各類疾病在香港的猖獗程度,或哪 ㆒組㆟士特別容易罹患病症。 legco.gov.hk | Right now, we have hospital admission figures which provide some clue to the major illnesses and causes of death, but those [...] figures do not tell us how prevalent various diseases are in Hong Kong, or which groups of [...] people are particularly at risk. legco.gov.hk |
如果是的話,你罹患皮 膚癌的機會比一般 人要高。 cancer-asian.com | If so, your risk of skin cancer is higher than the average person’s risk. cancer-asian.com |
追蹤檢查可以確定判斷您的寶寶是否 罹 患 唐 氏症或其他任何染色 體缺陷。 verloskundigenroermond.nl | Follow-up testing can determine with certainty whether your child has Down’s syndrome or any other chromosomal defect. verloskundigenroermond.nl |
老年妇女特别容易罹患残 疾,其原 因主要是男女在预期寿命和易患疾病方面的差异以及她们一生遭受的两性不平 等待遇。 monitoringris.org | Older women are particularly vulnerable to disability in old age due to, inter alia, gender differences in life expectancy and disease susceptibility and gender inequalities over the life course. monitoringris.org |
他感到关 切的是,这可能会削弱婴儿的生命权、减少母乳喂养并增加妇 女 罹 患 与 接触这些 物质相关的疾病的可能性。 daccess-ods.un.org | He is concerned that this may diminish the right to life of the infant, reduce the practice of breastfeeding and increase the likelihood for women of diseases associated with exposure to these substances. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,過度暴露於陽光卻沒有做好防曬功夫,可能會導致曬傷,增 加 罹 患 皮 膚癌的機率。 health.herbalife.com.hk | Excessive exposure to sunlight without sunscreen, however, can result in sunburn and greatly increase one's risk of developing skin cancer. health.herbalife.co.in |
据发表在11月21日刊《美国医学会杂志》上的一项研究披露,尽管胞二磷胆碱已经在近60个国家中被批准用于治疗创伤性脑损伤(TBI),但在一个包括有超过12 00 名 罹 患 TB I的参与者的随机化的试验中,使用胞二磷胆碱没有给患者带来功能和认知状态的改善。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Although approved for use for treating traumatic brain injury (TBI) in nearly 60 countries, use of citicoline in a randomized trial that included more than 1,200 participants with TBI did not result in improvement in functional and cognitive status, according to a study appearing in the Nov. 21 issue of JAMA. chinese.eurekalert.org |
吃大量水果也會有助 你保持健康的體重,而保持健康的體重可減 低 罹 患 多 種癌症的 風險。 cancer-asian.com | Eating lots of fruit will also help you maintain a healthy body weight, which reduces the risk of a number of cancers. cancer-asian.com |
自1996年起,协会便致力于协助为世界各 地 罹 患 心 脏疾病的儿童提供治疗,至今已成功为600多位儿童进行手术,并在法国为其安排友善的接待家庭。 clarinsusa.com | Since 1996, the association has continuously worked to help cure children with cardiac disorders from all over the world. More than 600 children have been successfully operated and found a warm, welcoming environment in their French host families. clarinsusa.com |
据发表在3月6日出版的《美国医学会杂志》上的一则研究披露,尽管患有类风湿关节炎(RA)的患者有着带状疱疹(shingles)的不成比例的高发病率,但一项对包括了近6万名患有RA及其它炎症疾病的患者的分析发现,与那些启用非生物治疗方案的患者相比,启用抗肿瘤坏死因子疗法的患者 其 罹 患 带 状疱疹的风险并没有增加。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Although patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have a disproportionately higher incidence of herpes zoster (shingles), an analysis that included nearly 60,000 patients with RA and other inflammatory diseases found that those who initiated anti-tumor necrosis factor [...] therapies were not at higher risk of herpes [...] zoster compared with patients who [...]initiated nonbiologic treatment regimens, according [...]to a study appearing in the March 6 issue of JAMA. chinese.eurekalert.org |
还请提供资料,说明是否对 陈光诚在被拘留期间遭受虐待和酷刑,包括对 其 罹 患 慢 性病而得不到治疗的指控 进行调查。 daccess-ods.un.org | Please also provide information on the investigation, if any, into the alleged ill-treatment and torture to which Guangcheng was subjected while in detention, including lack of access to medical care for chronic illness. daccess-ods.un.org |
該保險專為您(或您的家人)設計,防備您身故 、 罹 患 絕 症、暫時殘疾或完全永久殘 疾(TPD)。 australiansuper.com | The cover is designed to provide for you (or your family) if you die, become terminally ill, temporarily disabled or totally and permanently disabled (TPD). australiansuper.com |
而且 –您未患有末期腎病 (ESRD),但有少數例外情形,例如您已經成為我們其中一項計劃的會員或 之前曾是另一項計劃的會員,但該計劃現已終止,之後 才 罹患 ESRD。 lacare.org | and – you do not have End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), with limited exceptions, such as if you develop ESRD when you are already a member of a plan that we offer, or you were a member of a different plan that was terminated. lacare.org |
此外,最近的研究表明,青年尤其婦 女 罹 患 非黑色素瘤皮膚癌有增加的趨勢。 health.herbalife.com.hk | In addition, recent studies have shown that non-melanoma skin cancers are on the rise among young adults, particularly women. health.herbalife.co.in |
但是,在出现心绞痛类胸痛的患者中有 10–50% 的患者严重到足以批准进行侵入性心脏检查,但其并 未 罹 患 心 脏病 [30],可归类为患有非心源性胸痛 (NCCP)。 iasp-pain.org | However, 10–50% of patients presenting with angina-like chest pain sufficiently severe to warrant invasive cardiac investigations do not have cardiac disease [30] and are classified as having noncardiac chest pain (NCCP). iasp-pain.org |
重点越来越集中在少数疾病上,而那 些罹患其它身体和精神疾病的人似乎没有得到同等 程度的关注,即便这些疾病也同样严重。 daccess-ods.un.org | Focus has been increasingly given to a limited number of diseases, while those who suffer, for example, from other physical and mental diseases do not seem to enjoy the same level of attention, even though these diseases are no less serious. daccess-ods.un.org |
过去五年中,已为罹患严 重癫痫的儿童与家人提供重要援助,包括提供癫痫警报救生系统(在夜间患儿严重发病时通知其父母),以至创新的DNA诊疗仪器和专业的饮食诊疗服务,以减缓试验和错误治疗所带来的负面效果。 clarinsusa.com | From lifesaving epilepsy alarms which alert parents to potentially fatal night-time seizures, to ground-breaking DNA diagnostic equipment and specialist diet clinics which help reduce the life-limiting effects of trial and error treatment. clarinsusa.com |
放射劑量的限度的制定是基於一個很保守又很重要的假設, 那就是: 人體只要接受到輻射,不管劑量是多少,都有引發癌症和不良遺傳的機率存在,沒有低限劑量值, 而且致癌或不良遺傳的機率與接受劑量成正比(直線關系),劑量愈高 , 罹 患 的 機率也愈大。 gnetrading.com | Radiation dose limit is draw up based on one very conservative and important assumption that when human body is exposed to radiation, no matter how much the dosage is, it has the possibility to cause cancer and heredity problems. gnetrading.com |
穷人更有可能吸烟,暴露在一些与非传染性疾病相关的风险因素之下的 风险也更大;这些风险因素包括二手烟雾和酗酒,以 及 罹 患 哮 喘病。 daccess-ods.un.org | Poor people are more likely to smoke and are at greater risk of being exposed to a number of non-communicable disease-related risk factors, including second-hand smoke and harmful alcohol use, as well as suffering from asthma. daccess-ods.un.org |
與醫生商討長期的荷爾蒙療法:美國婦女健康行動研究極為關注用以舒緩更年期徵狀的荷爾蒙療法,因此療法會增 加 罹 患 乳癌的機會,並未能保障女性免受心臟病的威脅。 hsbc.com.hk | The Women's Health Initiative study raised concerns about the use of [...] hormone therapy for symptoms of menopause because [...] of increased risk of breast cancer [...]and lack of protection of cardiovascular events. hsbc.com.hk |
創立於2005年,立足於香港,亞洲癌症研究基金會以其獨特的定位,將世界各地癌症研究的最新技術成果積極應用於亞洲的癌症科研領域,運用創新性遺傳和分子生物學技術來探求亞洲人 群 罹 患 癌 症的特殊原因,並力求開發針對亞洲癌症患者更為有效的治療方法。 afcr.org.hk | http://www.afcr.org.hk. Established in 2005 and headquartered in Hong Kong, AFCR is uniquely positioned to implement in Asia the newest cancer research discoveries and technologies from around the world, investigate the distinct causes of cancer in Asian populations through innovative genetic and molecular research, and develop more effective therapies tailored to Asian cancer patients. afcr.org.hk |
同时,自 2008 年开始,通过妇女和社会发展部的网站宣传名为 “留守天使”的优先收养项目,目的是促成对 8 岁以上儿童、少 年、罹患残 疾或健康问题的孩子的领养工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | Information on the “Ángeles que aguardan” (angels in waiting) priority adoption initiative has been posted on the Ministry’s website since 2008 with the aim of promoting the adoption of boys and girls over the age of 8 years, adolescents and groups of siblings with disabilities or health problems. daccess-ods.un.org |