单词 | 罪行 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 罪行 noun —offenceBE n罪行 noun, plural —offences plSee also:罪 n—sin n • guilt n • sinner n • fault n • guild n
為方便調 查意外和該條例及其附屬法例所訂的其 他 罪行 , 亦建議賦權警 方檢索經認可記錄儀所儲存的任何數據,並訂明有關數據可在 [...] 任何刑事法律程序中獲接納為該數據所顯示的事項的證據,而 無須再作證明。 legco.gov.hk | To facilitate investigation of [...] accidents and other offences under RTO and its [...]subsidiary legislation, it is also proposed [...]to empower the Police to retrieve any data stored in an approved EDRD and to provide for the admissibility of such data as evidence of the matters appearing from the data without further proof in any criminal proceedings. legco.gov.hk |
相關的考慮因素包括:(a)是否需要強加刑事制裁以控制 有關的行為或做法,及 (b) 是否有構成罪行的意圖的因素存在。 legco.gov.hk | Factors that are relevant for consideration will include: (a) whether the act or practice in [...] question needs to be controlled by imposing criminal sanction; and (b) whether [...] the element of culpable intent is present. legco.gov.hk |
當局在訂定新 罪行時必須加倍謹慎,並須平衡警方的執法權,既要令受藥物 影響或服藥後駕駛能力受損的司機會被繩之以法,以保障道路 使用者,亦要確保相關罪行不會 殃及大多數奉公守法的駕駛人 士,因為他們可能需要服用藥物作真正醫療用途。 legco.gov.hk | It has to be very careful [...] in drawing up new offences and ensuring the enforcement power by the Police is balanced, so that while drivers who drive while being influenced or impaired by drugs are prosecuted and road users are protected, the offences would not adversely [...]affect the majority [...]of the law-abiding driving population who may need to take drugs for genuine medical purpose. legco.gov.hk |
你是否贊成把停車不熄匙定為違例事項( 只處以定額罰款320元的 輕微罪行)? forum.gov.hk | Do you accept that the violation be made a contravention (a minor infraction, with a fixed penalty of $320 as the only punishment)? forum.gov.hk |
此外,為使在指明毒品影響下駕駛 罪行 的 罰 則發揮最大 阻嚇作用,條例草案建議,如該人曾被裁定相 同 罪行 , 而 法庭 經考慮犯罪情節和該人的行為後,認為不宜容許該人繼續駕駛 汽車,則除可判處就相關罪行所訂 的罰則外,還可判處該人終 身停牌。 legco.gov.hk | In addition, in order to maximize the [...] deterrent effect [...] for driving under the influence of specified illicit drugs, it is proposed in the Bill that, if the person has previously been convicted of the same offence and, having regard to the circumstances under which the offence is committed and the behaviour of the person, the court is of the opinion that it is undesirable for the person to continue to be allowed to drive a motor vehicle, the court may order driving disqualification for life in addition to imposing the penalties provided for [...]the offence. legco.gov.hk |
(v) 任何人在任何道路上駕駛或企圖駕駛或正在掌管汽 [...] 車,而該人當時是受任何藥物的影響,其程度達到 沒有能力妥當地控制該汽車,即屬犯罪;這 項 罪行 是現行的“一般藥駕罪行"。 legco.gov.hk | (v) It will be an offence for a person to drive or attempt to drive or is in charge of a motor vehicle on road under the influence of any drug to such an extent as to be incapable of [...] having proper control of the vehicle (this [...] is the existing drug drive offence in section 39 of the Road [...]Traffic Ordinance). legco.gov.hk |
第 46(2)條訂明例外的情況:(i) 為條例所訂罪行在任何法庭或裁判官席前進行的法律程序過程中作出 披露;(ii)向專員或其訂明人員認為適當的有關當局報 告 罪行 的 證 據;及 (iii)將專員認為可能是某人作出投訴的理由的任何事宜,向該人披露。 legco.gov.hk | Section 46(2) provides the excepted circumstances [...] where (i) disclosure is [...] made in the course of proceedings for an offence under the Ordinance before any court or magistrate; (ii) the reporting of evidence of crime to such authority as the Commissioner or his [...]prescribed officer [...]considers appropriate; and (iii) disclosing to a person any matter which in the Commissioner’s opinion may be ground for complaint by that person. legco.gov.hk |
在同時考慮到條例的領域原則後,專員認為條例第 58(1)(a) 及(b)條的「罪行」或「犯罪者」 指香港法律下 的 罪行 或 犯 罪 是 明 智、審 慎及合理的釋義,而這些詞語亦可以伸延包括《刑事事宜相互法律協助 條例》適用的個案。 legco.gov.hk | Having regard also to the territorial principle of the Ordinance, the Commissioner finds it sensible, prudent and reasonable to interpret the words “crime” or “offenders” under section 58(1)(a) and (b) to mean crime or offence under Hong Kong laws and it also extends to cover cases to which the MLA Ordinance is applicable. legco.gov.hk |
至於該公司的董事或其他高級人員是否也同屬 犯了該項罪行,則 視乎指向個別人士的證據而定。 legco.gov.hk | As to whether the directors or other officers of the company [...] may also be guilty of the same offence, it will [...]depend on the available evidence against each individual separately. legco.gov.hk |
法案委員會部分委員(包括主席)建議,政府當局應考慮 [...] 對條例草案提出修正案,以加入受"零容忍"管制的違禁藥物清 單,在所有危駕罪行中涉 案司機如被發現曾服用此等藥物,即 [...] 構成犯罪情節特別嚴重,藉以發揮阻嚇作用,除對付酒後駕駛 外,亦對付藥後駕駛。 legco.gov.hk | Some Bills Committee members including the Chairman have suggested that the Administration should consider proposing CSAs to the Bill to include a list of illicit drugs, under the "zero tolerance" control, which would constitute [...] a circumstance of aggravation in all [...] dangerous driving offences if the driver [...]concerned is found to have taken such drugs, [...]so as to provide deterrence against drug driving in addition to drink driving. legco.gov.hk |
小組法官已協助確保只有在有需要為防止或偵測嚴 重罪行或保 障公共安全的目的,以及有關條例所指行動是相 [...] 稱的情況下,才會批予授權進行這類行動。 legco.gov.hk | The panel judges have helped to ensure that only where there is a [...] need for the purposes of preventing or [...] detecting serious crime or of protecting public [...]security and that the statutory activity [...]is proportional that they will grant an authorization for such activity to be carried out. legco.gov.hk |
(a) 鑒於本港職業司機經常需在內地駕 車,政府當局應解釋計劃如何釋除職 業司機對於服用在內地購買的藥物後 誤墮法網,被指觸犯藥駕罪行的疑慮 (例如透過在條例草案訂定所需的免責 辯護條文),因為內地藥物不受香港藥 物標籤規定所規限,未必載有服後影 響駕駛能力的副作用的任何或詳細警 告字句 legco.gov.hk | (a) In recognition that professional drivers in Hong Kong frequently had to drive on the Mainland, the Administration should explain how it planned to address professional drivers' concern about being inadvertently caught drug driving after taking medicines bought in China, which were not subject to Hong Kong's drug labelling requirements and hence might not contain any or detailed warnings on their side-effects on driving capability, such as by providing the necessary defences in the Bill legco.gov.hk |
根據條例草案,違反記錄儀相關規定(例如使用沒有安 裝認可記錄儀的公共小巴,或使用已安裝認可記錄儀,但該記 錄儀未能保持於良好及有效的運作狀態的公共小巴) 列為罪 行,違 例者會被處以《道路交通(車輛構造及保養)規例》(第 374A 章 )第 121(1)條所訂一般罪行的罰 則,即罰款10,000元及監禁6個 月。 legco.gov.hk | Under the Bill, contravention of the requirements in relation to EDRD (such as using a PLB without an approved EDRD or with an approved EDRD [...] which is not maintained [...] in good working order) is made an offence where offenders will be subject to the penalty under the general offence under regulation 121(1) of the Road Traffic [...](Construction [...]and Maintenance of Vehicles) Regulations (Cap. 374A), i.e. a fine of $10,000 and imprisonment for 6 months. legco.gov.hk |
7.3 為確立已觸犯本條所訂的罪行,必 須證明某商戶就某產品接受付款或其 他代價時,意圖不供應有關產品或意圖供應與有關產品有重大分別的產品,或個 [...] 案的情況顯示,一名有合理思想及常識的公眾人士會認為沒有理由令身處與商戶 同一處境的人相信自己能在指明的時間(或如沒有指明的時間則在合理的時間) [...]內供應有關產品或服務。 legco.gov.hk | 7.3 In order to [...] establish an offence under the section, it is necessary to [...]prove that at the time of accepting payment or [...]other consideration for a product, the trader intends not to supply the product or intends to supply a materially different product, or the circumstances are such that a common sense, right thinking member of the community would consider that there are no reasons to lead a person in the same position as the trader to believe that he would be able to supply the goods or services in the time specified or, if no time is specified, within a reasonable time. legco.gov.hk |
你是否曾經在香港或其他地方就任何刑 事 罪行 被 定 罪? fso-createhk.gov.hk | Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence in Hong Kong or elsewhere? fso-createhk.gov.hk |
為確保真誠行事的企業不會因無心之失而干 犯罪 行,現 就餌誘式廣告宣傳提供額外免責辯護:被告如能舉出 充分證據,顯示在出現需求大於原先所預測的情況後,已在 合理時間內採取補救行動(例如補充存貨、安排另一供應商 以相同條件提供相同產品或服務,或以相同條件提供同等產 品或服務),則被告有權被裁定罪名不成立。 legco.gov.hk | To ensure that businesses acting in good faith would not be inadvertently caught, additional defences are provided for bait advertising: a defendant will be entitled to be acquitted if he can adduce sufficient evidence to raise an issue that he has taken remedial action within a reasonable period of time (such as replenishing the stock, causing another supplier to supply the same goods or service at the same terms or offering equivalent goods or service on the same terms) if the demand was greater than he originally foresaw. legco.gov.hk |
有關上述數字,懲教署未有備存以在囚人士類別及其涉 及 罪行 的 進 一步分項 數字。 csd.gov.hk | Regarding the above figures, the CSD has not maintained breakdowns on the types of persons in custody being [...] searched and their offences involved. csd.gov.hk |
刑事 事宜相互法律協助條例》第 5(1)(g)條訂明:「如律政司司長認為有以下 情況,對於由香港以外某地方提出的要求根據本條例提供協助的請求, [...] 須予以拒絕:該項請求關乎某作為或不作為,而假使該作為或不作為在 香港發生,將不會構成香港罪行。 legco.gov.hk | Section 5(1)(g) of the MLA Ordinance provides that “a request by a place outside Hong Kong for assistance under this Ordinance shall be refused if, in the opinion of the Secretary for Justice, the [...] request relates to an act or omission that, if it had occurred in Hong Kong, would not have [...] constituted a Hong Kong offence”. legco.gov.hk |
任 何人士如作出虛假聲明或就重要事實作出失實陳述即屬觸犯刑 事 罪行 , 可 能會被檢控。 bd.gov.hk | Any person making a false declaration or misrepresenting a material fact shall be guilty of a criminal offence and subject to prosecution. bd.gov.hk |
法令訂明,第 [...] 55(1)條並不適用於下列情況:(a)為防止或偵 查 罪行 而 必 需 取得、披露或促使披露資料的行為;(b)任何成文法則、法律規則或法庭命令所規定或授權而 [...] 取得、披露或促使披露資料的行為;(c)該人有理由相信他獲法律賦予權利取得、披露或促使 [...] 披露的;(d)該人有理由相信假如資料控制者得知他取得、披露或促使披露有關個人資料以及 相關情況,資料控制者會同意該行為;(e)取得、披露或促使披露有關個人資料的行為在特定 情況下符合公眾利益;以及(f)該人為了特別目的取得、披露或促使披露有關個人資料,供任 何人用作任何新聞、文學或藝術材料的發布,他並有理由相信有關舉動符合公眾利益。 legco.gov.hk | The Act provides that section 55(1) does not apply to cases where (a) the obtaining, disclosing [...] or procuring was necessary for [...] preventing or detecting crime; (b) the obtaining, disclosing [...]or procuring was required or [...]authorised by any enactment, rule of law or order of a court; (c) the person acted in the reasonable belief that he had in law the right to obtain, disclose or procure the disclosure; (d) the person acted in the reasonable belief that he would have had the consent of the data controller if the data controller had known of the obtaining, disclosing or procuring and the circumstances of it; (e) in the particular circumstances the obtaining, disclosing or procuring was justified as being in the public interest; and (f) the person acted for the special purposes, with a view to the publication by any person of any journalistic, literary or artistic material and in the reasonable belief that such act was justified as being in the public interest. legco.gov.hk |
不這樣做可能觸犯條例第 64A 條所訂的罪行。 police.gov.hk | Failure to do so may [...] constitute an offence under section [...]64A of the Ordinance. police.gov.hk |
(j) 如警務人員在進行行為反應測試後認為司機沒有 [...] 因服用藥物受影響,便會讓司機離開(除非司機涉 及其他罪行),否 則會要求司機提供血液或/及尿 液樣本作化驗分析。 legco.gov.hk | (j) If the police officer, after the IT, is of the opinion that the driver is not under the [...] influence of drug, he will release the [...] driver unless other offences have surfaced, otherwise [...]the driver will be requested to [...]submit blood or/and urine specimens for laboratory analysis. legco.gov.hk |
申請人也須注意,根據香港法例第 200 章《刑事罪行 條例 》,任何人製造虛假文書,意圖由其本人或他人藉使用該文書而誘使另一人接受該文 書為真文書,並因接受該文書為真文書而作出或不作某些作為,以致對該另一人或其他人 不利,則該名首述的人即犯偽造的 罪行 , 一 經循公訴程序定罪,可處監禁 14 年。 sfaa.gov.hk | Applicants are reminded that a person who makes a false instrument, with [...] the intention that he or another shall [...] use it to induce somebody to accept it as genuine, and by reason of so accepting it to do or not to do some act to his own or any other person’s prejudice, commits the offence of forgery and is liable on conviction on indictment to imprisonment for 14 years under the Crimes Ordinance (Chapter 200 of the Laws of Hong Kong). sfaa.gov.hk |
8.2 倘牙醫在執行專業職務時,或對其病人或同業,犯有刑事欺騙 (例如 [...] 以虛假理由獲得金錢或貨物)、偽造、詐騙、偷竊、猥褻行為或毆打 等罪行,委 員會將視作特別嚴重的事件處理。 dchk.org.hk | 8.2 A particularly serious view is likely to be taken if a dental practitioner is convicted of criminal [...] deception (e.g. obtaining money or goods by [...] false pretences), forgery, fraud, theft, [...]indecent behaviour or assault in the course [...]of his professional duties or against his patients or colleagues. dchk.org.hk |
任何人士(包括申請人及其家庭成員)若代替申請人、其父母或配偶簽署,將構成偽造文件 的 罪行 , 不單會引致申請資 格被取消,若經定罪,根據香港法例第 200 章《刑事罪行條例》,可被判入獄 14 年。 sfaa.gov.hk | Any person (including the applicant and his/her family member) signing the declaration on behalf of applicant / the parent(s) / spouse will not only lead to the application being rejected, but will [...] also constitute an act of [...] forgery, which on conviction, may hold the offender liable for imprisonment for 14 years under the Crimes Ordinance (Chapter 200 of the [...]Laws of Hong Kong). sfaa.gov.hk |
如中醫組在研訊後信納一名註冊中醫曾犯有《中醫 藥條例》第 98(2)(a)至(g)條列明的事項,包括曾在香港 或其他地方被裁定犯任何可處監禁的 罪行 ; 或 曾在香港 或其他地方被裁斷有專業上的失當行為,則中醫組有權 作出處理。 cmchk.org.hk | Where the Practitioners Board is satisfied after inquiry, that a registered Chinese medicine practitioner falls into one of the circumstances listed under section 98(2)(a) to (g) of the Chinese Medicine Ordinance, including, having been convicted in Hong Kong or elsewhere of any offence punishable with imprisonment; or having been found guilty in Hong Kong or elsewhere of misconduct in any professional respect, the Practitioners Board has the power to take necessary action. cmchk.org.hk |
此外,申請人也 須注意,根據香港法例第 200 章《刑事罪行條例 》,如法律規定或授權任何人經宣誓後為 任何目的作出陳述,而該人在司法程序以外的情況下,經依法宣誓後故意作出一項為該目 的的具關鍵性的陳述,且知道該項陳述是屬虛假的或不相信該項陳述是屬真實的,即屬犯 罪,一經循公訴程序定罪,可處監禁 7 年及罰款。 sfaa.gov.hk | Applicants are also reminded that if any person being required or authorised by law to make any statement on oath for any purpose and being lawfully sworn (otherwise than in a judicial proceeding) wilfully makes a statement which is material for that purpose and which he knows to be false or does not believe to be true, he shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction upon indictment to imprisonment for 7 years and to a fine under the Crimes Ordinance (Chapter 200 of the Laws of Hong Kong). sfaa.gov.hk |