单词 | 罪案率 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 罪案率 noun —crime rate nSee also:罪案 n—crime n 罪案 pl—crimes pl 罪案—a criminal case 罪 n—sin n • guilt n • sinner n • fault n • guild n
世界各㆞很多文明國家都妒忌我們的 低 罪案率 和 高度信心, 我們必須謹慎,在改革有效的傳統治安制度時,切勿操之過急。 legco.gov.hk | Our low rate of crime and high level of [...] confidence are the envy of much of the civilized world, and we must take care not [...]to "throw out the baby with the bath water" when we seek alteration to effective traditions of law and order. legco.gov.hk |
你可否告知我們, [...] 當局採取了甚麼行動,使國際間知道香港是㆒個安全的城市,而且與很多其他同類城 市相比,我們的總體和暴力罪案率都 較 低? legco.gov.hk | But could you tell us what steps have been taken to put over the message [...] internationally that Hong Kong is a safe city with lower [...] total and violent crime rates than in many other [...]similar cities? legco.gov.hk |
我們 的罪案率仍然 遠低於很多其他備受罪案問題困擾的大城市。 legco.gov.hk | Our crime rates remain well below [...] the levels which plague so many other major cities. legco.gov.hk |
再者,假如部份的原本目標是針對可以提高效率的,我們就必須考慮到,香港 是世界各大都會㆞區㆗罪案率最低 的㆞方之㆒。 legco.gov.hk | Furthermore, if part of the original objectives were aimed at enabling greater [...] effectiveness, we must consider that Hong Kong has [...] one of the lowest crime rates amongst the world's [...]great metropolitan areas. legco.gov.hk |
陳 智思議員(譯文 ) :主席女士,本港的 罪 案 率在今年首兩個 月 持 續 上 升 , 單 是 [...] 非 禮 案 的 數 字 , 便 已 增加達 30%以 上 。 legco.gov.hk | MR BERNARD CHAN: [...] Madam President, the crime rate in Hong Kong has [...]increased in the first two months of the year, with the [...]number of indecent assaults alone rising by more than 30%. legco.gov.hk |
由於這情況與一般人認為罪案率會隨 經 濟情況改善而下跌的信念背道而馳,他質疑當局有否作出努 力,以確定總體罪案率上升的原因。 legco.gov.hk | As it ran contrary to the general belief that crime rates would decrease with improvements in the economy, he enquired if efforts had been made to ascertain the rationale [...] for the increase. legco.gov.hk |
3.13 李永達議員察悉並關注到,雖然經濟有所改善,但2006年 的總體罪案率卻上升。 legco.gov.hk | 3.13 Mr LEE Wing-tat noted with concern [...] that the overall crime rate figure in 2006 [...]had increased despite improvements in the economy. legco.gov.hk |
我 們 相 信整體罪案率的上升 , 與輔警人員減 少執勤 並沒有關係 。 legco.gov.hk | We believe that there is no correlation between the [...] increase in the overall crime rate and the reduction [...]of beat duties performed by auxiliary police officers. legco.gov.hk |
房署不能以公屋平均罪案率低於 私㆟樓宇,以及資源不足為藉口,對治安有問 題的屋 [...] 不加理會。 legco.gov.hk | The Housing Department should not neglect those housing [...] estates with law and order problems by using the excuse that [...] the average crime rate in public housing [...]is lower than that of [...]private housing and that resources are insufficient. legco.gov.hk |
我們應該看看有甚麼方法,透過我們在海外舉辦的資訊活 動,將這個訊息傳開去,或許我們應與旅遊局更緊密合作,把這個有利香港的好消息 傳開,就是 ― 我重申 ― 香港是世界㆖極少 數 罪案率 有 所 ㆘降的㆞方之㆒,而 我們對此並不感到自滿。 legco.gov.hk | I think we should look at ways in which we can spread that message through our information effort abroad, and perhaps should work more closely with the tourist authority in getting across the good news about Hong Kong which, I repeat, is one of the very few places anywhere in the world which can actually point, without any complacency at all, to a falling level of crime. legco.gov.hk |
各位也知 道 , 近 一 、 兩 年 來 , 罪 案 率 稍為上升 , 其中增幅 較 多 的 [...] 罪 案 類 別是爆竊。 legco.gov.hk | As Members know, the crime rate has slightly risen [...] in recent years and there has been a more sizable rise in the crime rate of burglary. legco.gov.hk |
雖然去年的罪案率整 體 ㆖已有所㆘降,但青少年罪犯的數目卻增加 2%。 legco.gov.hk | Despite an overall reduction in [...] the level of crime last year, the number of juvenile offenders increased by 2%. legco.gov.hk |
主席,我在此重申,我們能夠一直維持良好治安及 把 罪案率 維持 在低水平,實在有賴專業紀律部隊的高效率和盡忠職守。 legco.gov.hk | President, I wish to reiterate that we have always been able to [...] maintain good law and [...] order and keep the crime rate at a low level, [...]thanks to the professionalism, high efficiency and dedication of the [...]disciplined forces, which perform their duties impartially and act according to the law. legco.gov.hk |
我們能夠把罪案 率維持在 一 個 低 水 平,除了靠 警 隊 的 努 力 外 , 廣大市 民 對 執 法 部 門 的 支 持也是 不能缺少的。 legco.gov.hk | Apart from the efforts of the police, the support of the public at large for law enforcement agencies is indispensable in keeping crime rates at a low level. legco.gov.hk |
很多同事剛才也提出了很多數字,顯示一個城市如果設立賭場的話,其 罪案率將會大幅增加。 legco.gov.hk | Many Honourable colleagues have [...] also cited a lot of figures showing that if casinos are [...] established in a city, its crime rate will increase significantly. legco.gov.hk |
警務處 處長補充,雖然2006年香港的總體 罪案率 上 升,但平均每10萬 人口1 160宗的罪案率,仍 較世界上其他主要城市為低。 legco.gov.hk | CP added that [...] while the overall crime rate in 2006 had increased, the average crime rate had remained at 1 160 cases per 100 000 population, [...]which was quite [...]low when compared to other major cities in the world. legco.gov.hk |
當然,警隊亦繼續在打擊 罪案方面不遺餘力,使我們的罪案率 保 持 在低水平。 legco.gov.hk | Of course, the Police Force will continue to spare no effort [...] in combating crimes so that our crime rate can be kept at [...]a low level. legco.gov.hk |
罪案率仍然 低于正常水平,没有发生涉及联合国工作人员的 事件。 daccess-ods.un.org | The crime rate remains under normal [...] levels, with no incidents involving United Nations staff. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些国家的民间社会组织表达了它们关切, 因厌恶同性恋原因的犯罪发案率不断 加剧的情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | In these countries, civil society organizations have expressed their concern regarding [...] increasing incidents of homophobic crimes.128 76. daccess-ods.un.org |
武器扩散已助长了持械打劫、抢掠、勒索等暴力 犯 罪 发 案率 的增 加,犯罪者中包括科特迪瓦共和军人员和其他武装人员。 daccess-ods.un.org | The proliferation of weapons has [...] contributed to a higher incidence of violent crimes, such as armed [...]robberies, looting and racketeering, [...]including by FRCI and armed elements. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,規劃環境㆞ [...] 政司亦指出,公屋的治安並無惡化,且今年首 季 罪案率 有 所 ㆘降,在此請規劃環境㆞ 政司告知本局,過去兩年公共屋 [...] 的實際罪案數字和罪案的性質,以及政府有何措施 去防範和減少公共屋 的罪案。 legco.gov.hk | Here I should like to ask the Secretary for Planning, [...] Environment and Lands to advise this [...] Council of the actual crime rate and the nature [...]of crimes in public housing estates for the last [...]two years, and what measures the Government has to prevent and reduce crimes in public housing estates. legco.gov.hk |
我們這個社會將香港建設成為世界第十大貿易㆞區,按㆟口平均計算的本㆞生產總 值比葡萄牙和希臘為高;我們又是世界 ㆖ 罪案率 最 低 的㆞區之㆒;在亞洲來說,我們 是其㆗㆒個最穩定的商業㆗心,受到舉世稱頌。 legco.gov.hk | This community has built up Hong Kong to be the tenth largest trading territory in the world with a per capita GDP [...] higher than Portgual and Greece, with [...] one of the lowest crime rates in the world; a [...]place universally admired as one of the [...]most stable business centres in Asia. legco.gov.hk |
雖 然 因 為 法 律 上 的 差 異 , 不 能 準 確 比 較 , 但 在 [...] 香 港 , 有 報 警 的 罪 案 率 ( 以 每 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 人 [...]口 計 的 罪 案 ) 是 1 , 5 4 1, 比 起 其 他 城 市 : 倫 [...]敦 , 1 1 , 6 4 2; 紐 約 , 8 , 6 3 7; 東 京 , 1 , 9 3 0 ; 曼 谷 , 1 , 1 6 0 ; 新 加 坡 , 1 , 5 0 7 ( 1 9 9 0 年 的 統 計 ) 情 況 尚 好 。 hkreform.gov.hk | Whilst differences in law mean that comparisons cannot be exact, [...] the reported crime rate (crime per 100,000 [...]population) in Hong Kong of 1,541 also [...]compares favourably with other cities: London, 11,642; New York, 8,637; Tokyo, 1,930; Bangkok, 1,160; and Singapore, 1,507 (statistics for 1990). hkreform.gov.hk |
与以往报告所述期间的情况一 [...] 样,由于缺少核实途径,而且因受害者担心蒙受社会耻辱,这 种 罪 行 的 报 案率极 低,实际案件数字要高得多。 daccess-ods.un.org | As in previous reporting periods, the lack of access for verification and the social [...] stigma, which leads to a serious [...] underreporting of this type of crime, suggests that the actual [...]numbers are significantly higher. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,正如 犯罪受害者调查结果所示,一般来说,警方就其他一般犯罪形式记录 在 案 的 数据 无法代表基本的犯罪率。 daccess-ods.un.org | As crime victimization survey results show, however, [...] police-recorded data on other forms of [...] conventional crime cannot generally be taken as representative of underlying crime rates. daccess-ods.un.org |
极为重要的是,在有些国家,总体杀人率有所增加,而这可归因于 同犯罪团伙或有组织犯罪集团 有关的杀 人 案 件 所占 比 率 有 所 上升。 daccess-ods.un.org | Crucially, in a number of countries that showed an increase in the overall homicide rate, this could be attributed to an increase in the proportion of homicides involving gangs or organized criminal groups. daccess-ods.un.org |
(d) 监测向警察和其他刑事司法机构报告的暴力侵害妇女案件的数量并发 布这方面的年度报告,包括逮捕率和 结 案率 、 对 犯 罪 人 的起诉和案件处理情况以 及暴力侵害妇女行为的发生率;在进行监测和报告时,应当利用通过基于人口的 [...] 调查所获得的数据。 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) To monitor, and publish annual reports on, the number of cases of violence against women reported to the police as well as other criminal justice [...] agencies, including arrest [...] and clearance rates, prosecution and case disposition of the offenders and the prevalence [...]of violence against [...]women; in doing so, use should be made of data derived from population-based surveys. daccess-ods.un.org |
举 例而言,这可包括以下领域的经验:国内严重和复杂罪行的辩护,如恐怖主义、 杀人、非预谋杀人、贩运和复杂的白领罪行 等 罪案 ; 涉及国际层面的案子的辩护 经验,诸如国际司法协助、复杂的移民案、超国家的罪行;以及战争罪、灭绝种 [...] 族罪和危害人类罪的辩护经验。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example, this may include experience in the following areas: the defence of those charged with serious and complex crimes at the domestic level, such as terrorism, homicide, [...] manslaughter, trafficking and [...] complex white-collar crimes; the defence of cases with international [...]dimensions, such as those [...]involving international judicial assistance, complex immigration issues or supranational crime; and the defence of those charged with war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity. daccess-ods.un.org |