

单词 罢免

罢免 noun, plural ()

subdivisions pl

See also:


External sources (not reviewed)

政体为议 会制,这意味着议会能够以多数 罢免 政 府
The system of government is parliamentary, which means that the Government can be removed by a majority vote in Folketinget.
[...] 215/2001 号法律通过后,罗马尼亚公民可提请 组织全民公决,以解散地方/县议会 罢免 当 地 市长。
Following the adoption of Law no. 215/2001 on the local public administration, the Romanian citizens have the possibility to request
the organization of a referendum in order to dissolve the local/county
[...] council or to dismiss the mayor of their locality.
这将有助于巩固司法改革, 包括经济独立、录用透明和择优录取、惩治 罢免 法 官 ,坚决承诺落实人权,改 组司法委员会。
This is expected to anchor judicial reforms, including financial independence, transparent and merit-based appointments, discipline and removal of judges, strong commitment to human rights and reconstitution of the Judicial Service Commission.
(2) 股东可在依照细则召开及举行的任何股东大会上藉特别决议案于该核数师 任期届满前任何时罢免该核 数师, 并在该会议上藉普通决议案委任另一核数师代替 其履行余下任期。
(2) The Members may, at any general meeting convened and held in accordance with these Articles, by special resolution remove the Auditor at any time before the expiration of his term of office and shall by ordinary resolution at that meeting appoint another Auditor in his stead for the remainder of his term.
宪法》赋予法官的独立性和不罢免 性 确 保各司法机构享有广泛的自主 权;然而,该权利要在以检察院为代表的公共部门监控下行使,检察院负责落实 旨在向刑事司法机关起诉罪犯并使其受到惩罚的公共行动。
The independence of judges and their security of tenure as established by the Constitution ensure a considerable measure of autonomy for the various judicial bodies. However, this autonomy is exercised under the control of the public prosecutor’s office, which is represented by the prosecution and is responsible for initiating proceedings intended to bring the perpetrator of an offence before the criminal courts and punish that individual.
[...] 制定各项监督措施,监测方案主管人员使用这些权力 的情况,表扬合理使用权力的方案主管人员,惩处罢免滥用权力者。
The Office of Human Resources Management should develop oversight measures to monitor how programme
managers handled that authority, and
[...] should sanction or recall any programme [...]
directors who abused their authority, while
commending those who did well.
上述任 何委任或权力转授均可按董事会认为合适的条款及条件规限而作出,董事会并 罢免 如上所述委任的任何人士以及可撤回或更改该等权力转授,但本着善意办事及没有被 通知撤回或更改的人士则不会受此影响。
Any such appointment or delegation may be made upon such terms and subject to such conditions as the Board may think fit, and the Board may remove any person appointed as aforesaid, and may revoke or vary such delegation, but no person dealing in good faith and without notice of any such revocation or variation shall be affected thereby.
[...] 注意到为改革司法系统所做的努力,但认为已批准的改革 所用的措辞可能会提高政府对法官的任命 罢免 的 影 响力。
Human Rights Watch (HRW) noted efforts to reform the justice system but considered that the
language of the approved reforms could increase the Government’s powers to influence the
[...] appointment and dismissal of judges.
全国人大行使下列职权:修改宪法;监督宪法的实施;制定和修改法律;选 举罢免中华 人民共和国主席、副主席、中央军事委员会主席、最高人民法院院 长、最高人民检察院检察长;任命 罢免 国 务 院总理、副总理、国务委员、各部 部长、各委员会主任、审计长、秘书长等。
The functions and powers and powers of the Congress include amending the Constitution; supervising the enforcement of the Constitution;
drafting and amending
[...] legislation; electing or removing the President and Vice-President of the People’s Republic of China as well as the Chairman of the Central Military Commission, the President of the Supreme People’s Court and the Procurator-General of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate; and appointing or removing the Premier, Vice-Premiers, [...]
State Councillors,
Ministers in charge of Ministries or Commissions, and the Auditor-General and the Secretary-General of the State Council.
此外,出于某些原因,在符合《宪法》第 100
[...] 条规定的一定条件情况下,人 民议会可以通过通过决议罢免总统或副总统,或者根据《宪法》第 101 条对一 名内阁成员投不信任票。
Furthermore, under certain grounds, and thereafter, upon meeting certain conditions as prescribed under Article
100 of the Constitution, the
[...] People’s Majlis may, by passing a resolution, remove the President [...]
or Vice President from office
or under Article 101 of the Constitution, take a vote of no confidence in a member of the Cabinet.
在其他两个城市 (Kalesija/Osmaci 和 Sekovici),市长根据有关法律罢免。
In two other municipalities (Kalesija/Osmaci and Sekovici), the mayors had been recalled under the relevant laws.
(2) 除股东可在依照该等细则召开及举行的任何股东大会上藉特别决议案 于该核数师任期届满前任何时罢免 该 核 数师,并须于大会上藉普通决议案委任另 一核数师代替其履行余下任期。
of his term of office and shall by ordinary resolution at that meeting appoint another Auditor in his stead for the remainder of his term.
罢免检察 官应符合严格要求,这些要求不应影响检察官独立、公正地开展 工作。
The dismissal of prosecutors should be subject to strict criteria that do not undermine the independent and impartial performance of their functions.
少数几个工作人员代表机构还规定通 罢免 / 不 信 任动议/简单多数表决―― 这些都是加强工作人员代表机构问责的好做法――来解散代表大会。
A few SRBs also make provisions for the Council to be dissolved through recalls/no-confidence motions/simple majority votes — all good practices to further SRB accountability.
自上一份报告以来,罗马尼亚共举行了 4 次国家全民公决(一次是关于 2003
[...] 年《宪法》修订,一次是 2007 年 5 月罢免总统,这两次全民公决均有着决 [...]
定性价值,一次是 2007 年举行的关于在议会选举中推行实名制投票的咨询性全 民公决,一次是关于减少议员人数、将议会改为单院制的咨询性全民公决),此
Since the last report, four national referenda were held in Romania (a referendum on the
revision of the Constitution in 2003 and a
[...] referendum on the dismissal of the President [...]
in May 2007, both having decisional value,
a consultative referendum on the introduction of the uninominal voting at the parliamentary elections, which was held in 2007, and a consultative referendum on the reduction of the number of parliamentarians and on transforming the Parliament into a unicameral one), plus countless local referenda.
在有些情况下,尤其在涉及管理不善的情况下,采用其他一些救济办法可能更 为合适,例罢免犯有 过失的董事并限制管理层对重整的参与。
In some cases, particularly where misfeasance of management is involved, other remedies might more appropriately be employed, such as removing the offending directors and limiting management participation in reorganization.
废除国家安保法、释放政治犯、主要公职实施选举制 罢免 制!战争和分裂不能再继续,中断济州海军基地建设、废除韩美军事同盟、建 立韩半岛和平体制、实现南北劳动者和人民做主人的和平统一。
S military alliance, establish a peaceful Korean peninsula and realize a unification where the people and laborers of South and North Korea become owners of their own country.
议会应在成立法中明确规定一个透明的国家人权机构成员的遴选和任命程 序,还应规罢免程序 ,以备出现这种情况,并应酌情吸收民间社会参与。
Parliaments should clearly lay down in the founding law a transparent selection and appointment process, as well as for the dismissal of the members of NHRIs in case of such an eventuality, involving civil society where appropriate.
2011 年,领土的调查和起诉特别小组向媒体证实,包括前任部长和现任民进 党领导人在内若干人因涉嫌目前正在调查的 2009 年罢免的当选领土政府人员 中的腐败指控而被捕。
In 2011, the Territory’s Special Investigation and Prosecution Team confirmed to the media that several people, including former ministers and the incumbent PNP leader, were arrested in connection with the ongoing investigations into allegations of corruption within the ranks of the elected territorial Government removed in 2009.
立即停止干预司法,确保通过公开透明的程序任命 罢免 法 官 (澳大利 亚)
To immediately cease its interference in the judiciary, and to ensure that judges are appointed and dismissed by means of an open and transparent process (Australia)
尽管中国《宪法》赋予了其广泛的权力,但全国人大没有权力制定政策 罢免 政 府或党的领导人。
Despite its broad authority under the state constitution, the NPC does not have power independently to set policy or remove political leaders without the party's approval.
此 外,大多数工作人员代表机构都规定,只要满足最低参加人数的要求,广大工作 人员可建议/通过章程的修订(通过公民投票)和发 罢免 表 决 /不信任动议来解散 当选的理事会。
In addition, most SRB statutes make provisions for staff-atlarge to propose/adopt statutory amendments (via referendum) and initiate recall votes/motions of no confidence to dismiss the elected Council, provided that minimum participation requirements are met.
尽管据称布托女士后来通过中间人与穆沙拉夫将军重新建立了联系,她将她 的精力更多地转向她的竞选活动和加强与纳瓦兹·谢里夫先生和穆盟-谢派的关 系。11 月 25 日,谢里夫先生被允许从沙特阿拉伯返回巴基斯坦,在此之前,他 9 月份试图入境时在机场被拘留,并被递解出境,理由是他违反了 1999 年穆沙拉 夫将罢免他的总理职务之后达成的他将在外流亡十年的协议的规定。
While Ms. Bhutto reportedly later re-established contacts with General Musharraf through intermediaries, she turned more of her energies towards her campaign and to strengthening her relationship with Mr. Nawaz Sharif and the PML-N. On 25 November, Mr. Sharif was allowed to return to Pakistan from Saudi Arabia, following a failed attempt in September when he was detained at the airport and deported for violating the terms of an agreement that sent him into exile for 10 years after he was deposed as prime minister by General Musharraf in 1999.
8 月 25 日在加布举行的集会 上,Djaló先生扬言总统拒罢免总理 将导致首都出现暴力行为,包括针对总统 官邸的暴力行为。
At a rally held in Gabú on 25 August, Mr. Djaló threatened the President, saying that his refusal to dismiss the Prime Minister would entail violence in the capital, including violence targeting the residence of the President.
以BVI Vista
[...] Trust为例,该类型的信托对于委托人的主要优势在于:委托人在信托存续期间,一直保持对SPV的控制;对受托人就任 罢免 公 司 董事以及出售公司股份给予了限制;委托人一直拥有对公司经济利益的权利以及对公司的实际控制权。
Taking the BVI Vista Trust as an example, the advantages of this type of trust for grantors is that the grantors always have the control of the SPV during the
existence of the trust; there are limitations on
[...] the appointment or removal of corporate [...]
directors by the trustee as well as on
the sale of corporate shares; the grantors always have the right to obtain the company’s economic benefits and have real control over the company.
9 月 2 日,约 10 名科索沃阿族 Strpce 市政雇员进入市政大楼,企罢免一 名 科索沃塞族人担任的土地、物业及房地产局局长职位,随后,科索沃阿族人和 科索沃塞族人爆发了激烈争吵。
On 2 September, a violent quarrel broke out between Kosovo Albanians and Kosovo Serbs, after approximately 10 Kosovo Albanian municipal employees entered the municipal building in Strpce and attempted to remove a Kosovo Serb from the position of Head of the Directorate of Land, Property and Real Estate.
宪法》的这些修正案设想,由马其顿共和国司法委员会来 选举罢免法 官 ,而不是按照迄今为止的规定,由马其顿共和国议会来选举罢 免 法 官
These amendments to the Constitution envisage that the election and dismissal of judges be conducted by the Judicial Council of the Republic of Macedonia, instead of the hitherto provision, which envisaged that they be elected and dismissed by the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia.
[...] 位的15 个反对党在内的反对党集体要罢免 总 理 ,并谴责马拉姆·巴凯·桑哈 [...]
In response to the Prosecutor General’s decision, demonstrators and the collective of opposition parties, which includes
PRS, the Republican Party for Independence
[...] and Development (PRID) and 15 opposition [...]
parties without representation in Parliament,
called for the dismissal of the Prime Minister and condemned the President, Malam Bacai Sanhá, for not heeding their call.
如工 作文件 A/AC.109/2008/8 所反映,2009 年 11 月,委员会开会审议伦敦枢密院司 法委员会关于 2008 年年初后首席大法官被停职问题的意见, 并以四比三的多数 意见,选罢免首席大法官。
In November 2009, the Commission met to consider the advice from the Judicial Commission of the Privy Council in London concerning the question of the Chief Justice suspended since early 2008, as reflected in working paper A/AC.109/2008/8, and opted for the removal of the Chief Justice by a majority of 4 to 3.




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