

单词 罢了

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External sources (not reviewed)

各方 声称,鸦片禁令不过是让鸦片种植移到了掸邦其他地 罢了, 或 者说,这些少数民族不过是将生产重点转移到了苯丙胺类毒 品的生产上面。
Various sources claim that the opium bans have simply resulted in opium cultivation being moved to other regions in Shan state or that these groups have merely moved into methamphetamine production.
我们认为反对安理会辩论的人和怀疑 气候变化对安全造成影响的人只是对显而易见的事, 视而不罢了。
We believe that those who opposed the debate in the Council and those who doubted the security implications of climate change simply ignored the obvious.
一些人可能会说,“可是,大使先生,巴勒斯坦 人知道他们终将不得不放弃这一诉求;这只是他们在 谈判桌上的轻声耳罢了。
Some might say, “Oh Ambassador, but the Palestinians know that they will have to give up that claim; that is what they whisper quietly at the negotiating table”.
将 RFID 连接至开发软件 Visual Basic, Visual C/C++ 和几乎所有其他的编程语言也只需要几分 罢了。
It is also just a matter of minutes to integrate RFID connectivity in software developed with Visual Basic, Visual C/C++ and virtually all other programming languages.
他们不过是为了继承我们先君的友好关 罢了。
No, that they are here is because they want to continue their friendship with my predecessors.
鲁肃不由轻轻地拍拍吕蒙的背说:“以前我以为老弟不过有些军事方面的谋 罢了。
Later, when Lu Su, the commander-in-chief of Wu's military forces, came to discuss military affairs with Lu Meng, he was greatly surprised by the huge improvements that Lu Meng had made.
巴 茹 阿 特 啊, 所 有 生 物 生 前、 死 后 均 无 身 体, 身 体 不 过 是 生 死 两 事 件 之 间 的 产罢 了, 何 必 为 此 而 悲 伤 呢?
Why grieve over the matter, O Bharat (Arjun), when all beings, disembodied before birth and disembodied after death, appear to possess a body only between the two events?
这也只是斯万森对观众,对时尚和对消费市场的又一影 罢了。
This was yet another of Swanson’s acts of inspiring audiences, contributing to fashion and effecting the consumer market
天秤座在某些方面精明过头,某些方面粗线 条到了极点,天秤座看起来与世无争,其实他只 是有一堆没说出口的原罢了。天 秤座喜欢高谈 阔论,但很能把握尺度;看似合群喜欢热闹,却不 喜欢掏心掏肺。
Librans like to talk and while they look like social animals they never show 100% of themselves.
同一个国家避开这一例子谈论保护平民,不过是一 种虚伪做罢了。
Beyond that example, when the same country talks of protection of civilians it is nothing but hypocrisy.
以色列声称建立此墙是出于防御目的,这一 声明不过是它改变地缘政治现状、以巩固其对水资 源的控制,使所有定居点位于以色列境内,并确保 东耶路撒冷永远受其控制的借罢了。
Israel’s claim that the wall was for its defence was simply an excuse to alter the geopolitical reality so as to consolidate its control over water resources, keep all settlements within Israel and ensure that East Jerusalem would remain under its control forever.
在现实中,宗教自由之称只是做样 罢了 , 而 其他一些消息渠道所 述的情况则截然相反。
In reality, the claim of religious freedom is cosmetic and is contradicted by other sources which indicate persecution of religious movements, as the latter are seen as competing with the personality cult of the leader.
下一轮,埃弗顿又将在主场作战,他们的对手是刚刚击败曼联的诺维奇。但我们都知道诺维奇只是在主场强 罢了 , 他 们在客场这个赛季还没有赢得过一场比赛。
On the next round, Everton will play at home again against Norwich who just beat Man U. But we know that Norwich is only tough at home, they haven’t won any games away this season.
现在我听说你喜欢英才,所以不远千里跑来拜见你,结果过了七天你都不理我,原来你不是喜欢人才 ,你所喜欢的只不过是那些似人才非人才的 罢了。
When the dragon, accompanied by thunder and lightning, landed, his huge body clogged Load Ye's yard; his head was in front of the window of the parlor, nodding at the host, while his tail was in the backyard,
wagging against the wall, at the sight of
[...] which Lord Ye was scared out of his wits and darted away with [...]
a look of terror.
虽然学步儿童要到将近 18 个月才懂得建立清晰的符号联系,但他们在 12 个月左右 便开始热衷于玩模仿游戏,只是所用之物为大人和年长同伴用的替代 罢了。
Although young toddlers do not make clear symbolic connections until they are closer to 18 months, children about 12 months of age will start to actively engage in imitative play with substitutes of objects they see adults and older peers using.
我们举了罢 工并赢得了战斗,而且还在全州展开了一场工人权利 运动。
We held labour strikes and won battles [...]
and began a workers’ rights movement all over the state.
集体劳动合同、罢工和闭厂法》第25条和26条规 了 “ 罢 工 ” 和“闭厂 ”的合法与非法定义。
In Articles 25 and 26 of the Collective Labour
[...] Agreement, Strike and Lockout Act, definitions of legal and unlawful “strike” and “lockout” [...]
are provided.
同时由于洪都拉斯和巴 拿马大规模教罢工等 问题,也对工作产 了 影 响
Work has also been influenced by
[...] issues such as extensive teacher strikes in Honduras and Panama.
2009 年 6 月,国家检察官因为工资和安全条件进行了
[...] 一次为期一天的“离开”,迪哇岛度假村的工作人员也举 了罢 工。
In June 2009, state attorneys went on a one-day “leave” over pay and security conditions and staff at Diva Island
[...] Resort also went on strike.
该期间还发了罢工行动,罢工者是政府和私营部门雇员,起因是服务条 件苛刻,延付和不付薪金,工作环境低劣,以及非法解雇和裁员。
The period
[...] also saw numerous strike actions by employees [...]
of both the Government and the private sector over poor conditions
of service, delayed and non-payment of salaries, poor working conditions, and illegal dismissals and redundancies.
两周后,媒体报导说,盐田一家服装厂的300名工人在管理层要求工人签署新的劳动合同时举 了罢 工 , 新合同在事先没有与工人进行协商的情况下,对有关工资和工作时间的条款进行了变更。
Two weeks later the press reported that
300 workers at a garment factory, also in
[...] Yantian, went on strike when management demanded [...]
workers sign new labor contracts
that contained policy changes to wage and hours that had not been negotiated with workers.
因此拟议调动该 P-4 职位到人道主义和发展办公室承 担拉马迪的地区协调员职能的情况即 罢 论。
Consequently, the proposed redeployment of the P-4 position to the Humanitarian and Development Office to accommodate functions of an Area Coordinator in Ramadi will not take place.
了罢工是司空见惯的近东救济工程处外(如,2010 年 10/11 月间的罢工涉及 5 000 名地区工作人员,持续了 35 天),一般没有长时间 罢工的情况,但一个值得一提的例外是联日办 1976 年 2 月 25 日至 3 月 2 日的罢 工;随后的关于此事的联检组报告(JIU/REP/1976/6)着重指出,在沟通危机中首 先是信任危机,“明显缺乏在单位首长及其工作人员之间谅解和互相信任的基础 上的任何真正的的对话”,显然,在近东救济工程处工作人员-管理层关系危机 的背后也是同样的挑战。
Nov. 2010 involving 5,000 area staff lasted 35 days) there have generally not been work stoppages of any great length, with one notable exception of a strike at UNOG from 25 February-2 March 1976; a subsequent JIU report (JIU/REP/1976/6) on the incident highlighted that over and above a crisis in communication, there existed a crisis of confidence, with the “evident absence of any real dialogue based on understanding and mutual trust between the heads of the Office and their staff”, apparently the same challenges behind the current SMR crisis at UNRWA.
在本报告所述期间,比绍市政委员会举 了罢 工 并 仅提供最低限度的基本服 务,包括有限地收集垃圾。
During the reporting period, the Municipal Council
[...] of Bissau went on strike and provided only [...]
minimum basic services, including limited waste collection.
可悲的是,“只有 经过培训的合格教师才能上岗”的全民教育要求受到
[...] 了忽视,其结果是许多最不发达国家的教育受 了罢 工行 动的影响,培训机会都留给了不合格的教师。
Sadly, the Education for All requirement that only trained and qualified teachers should be deployed had been neglected,
with the result that education in many LDCs
[...] was affected by strike action and training [...]
had been given to unqualified teachers.
3.4 当发了罢工或 其它我方不可预见不可抗力时,而延误了 我方正常 的生产和交货,我方有理由延长交货期。
3.4 The delivery period shall be reasonably extended in the event of occurrences in the field of labour disputes and unforeseen obstacles beyond our control, to the extent that such obstacles will cause a delay in the completion or delivery of the object of delivery.
新《宪法》引进或加了经济 、社会和文化权利和基本自由。除其他外, 这特别包括:获得足够营养丰富的食物和清洁水的权利;适足住房权;获得良好 卫生标准的权利;充足使用排污系统和电力的权利;结婚和家庭权利;受教育的 权利;工作权罢工权 ;享有退休金的权利;参加文化生活的权利;以及拥有财 产的权利。
Economic, social and cultural rights and fundamental
freedoms introduced or
[...] strengthened under the new Constitution include, inter alia: the right to adequate, nutritious food and clean water; the right to adequate housing; the right to a good standard of health; adequate access to sewerage and electricity; the right to marriage and family; the right to education; the right to work; the right to strike; the right to enjoy [...]
a pension; the right
to take part in cultural life; and the right to enjoy property.
其中明确规了以下权利和自由:生命权、身心健康权、个人自由、抗辩 权、迁徙自由、个人及家庭隐私权、住处不受侵犯权、通信保密权、良知自由、 言论自由、知情权、教育权、接触文化的权利、健康保护权、拥有健康环境的权 利、选举权、被选举权、集会自由、结社自由、工作权与劳动社会保障权、禁止 强迫劳动罢工权、私有财产权、经济自由、继承权、享受体面生活的权利、儿 童与青年受保护权、残疾人受保护权、请愿权、遭受公共部门侵害者的权利。
The following rights and freedoms are expressly provided for: right to life, right to physical and mental integrity, individual freedom, right to defense, freedom of movement, personal and family privacy, inviolability of domicile, secrecy of correspondence, freedom of conscience, freedom of expression, right to information, right to education, access to
culture, rights to
[...] protection of health, right to a healthy environment, right to vote, right to be elected, freedom of assembly, right of association, right to work and social protection of labour, prohibition of forced labour, right to strike, right of private property, economic freedom, right of inheritance, right to a decent standard of living, protection of children and young people, protection of disabled persons, right of petition, right of a person aggrieved [...]
by a public authority.
(2) 股东可在依照细则召开及举行的任何股东大会上藉特别决议案于该核数师 任期届满前任何时罢免该 核数师, 并在该会议上藉普通决议案委任另一核数师代替 其履行余下任期。
(2) The Members may, at any general meeting convened and held in accordance with these Articles, by special resolution remove the Auditor at any time before the expiration of his term of office and shall by ordinary resolution at that meeting appoint another Auditor in his stead for the remainder of his term.
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员), 因为该科在过去数年里已经扩了它 所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是以前的一级诊所;病人 从三级医院出院后在他们家里对其进行追踪观察;定期对阿比让以及西区和东区 的 11 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开展外联活动,一周两次访问 地处偏远的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和作为联合国综合框架一部分的联 合国国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库马西后勤基地每天提供八小时的医疗支助, 而不是目前的两小时。
In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now functioning at level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the 11 level III hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors in the regional headquarters perform outreach activity by visiting remote offices twice a week; support is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations country team as part of the United Nations integrated framework; and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day.




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