


verb ()

finish v


罢免 n

removal n

罢免 pl

subdivisions pl


a strike

External sources (not reviewed)

因此拟议调动该 P-4 职位到人道主义和发展办公室承 担拉马迪的地区协调员职能的情况即 罢 论。
Consequently, the proposed redeployment of the P-4 position to the Humanitarian and Development Office to accommodate functions of an Area Coordinator in Ramadi will not take place.
同时由于洪都拉斯和巴 拿马大规模教罢工等问题,也对工作产生了影响。
Work has also been influenced by issues such as
[...] extensive teacher strikes in Honduras and Panama.
委员会促请缔约国修订其相关的立法,确保凡不以国家名义行使权力的公务 员均可自由地行使罢工权
The Committee urges the State party to amend its relevant legislative acts to ensure that all
public servants who do not exercise authority in the name of the State party, can exercise
[...] freely their right to strike.
[...] 数第二句,从而解决对“取决于特定环境”的质疑 以及关罢工或绝食的问题。
The penultimate sentence could be deleted, which would resolve the
questions about the phrase “depending on the particular circumstances” and about
[...] the issue of strikes or hunger strikes.
委员会建议缔约国消除一切障碍,促进在全国工会中心之外创立工会组织,并考 虑通过一项专门法律,规罢工活动组织权利的模式。
The Committee recommends that the State party remove all impediments for creating trade union organizations outside of the National
Trade Union Centre and consider adopting a specific law outlining the modalities of the
[...] right to organize strike action.
委员会呼吁缔约国确保《公共服务法》中有关公务员参 罢 工 的权利的规定符合 《公约》第八条,对禁罢工的 规定限于那些身负要职的公务员。
The Committee calls on the State party to ensure that the
provisions on civil
[...] servants’ right to strike in the Public Service Act comply with article 8 of the Covenant by restricting the prohibition of strike to those discharging [...]
essential services.
新《宪法》引进或加强了经济、社会和文化权利和基本自由。除其他外, 这特别包括:获得足够营养丰富的食物和清洁水的权利;适足住房权;获得良好
[...] 卫生标准的权利;充足使用排污系统和电力的权利;结婚和家庭权利;受教育的 权利;工作权罢工权 ;享有退休金的权利;参加文化生活的权利;以及拥有财 [...]
Economic, social and cultural rights and fundamental freedoms introduced or strengthened under the new Constitution include, inter alia: the right to adequate, nutritious food and clean water; the right to adequate housing; the right to a good standard of health; adequate access to sewerage and electricity; the right to marriage and family;
the right to education; the right to
[...] work; the right to strike; the right to enjoy [...]
a pension; the right to take part in
cultural life; and the right to enjoy property.
政府在多数情况下屈服于示威者的要求,加上缺乏其他结构性控 诉渠道,这使得有些人罢工和 暴力威胁作为得到政府回应的主要和最有效的手 段。
The fact that the Government in most cases gives in to the demands of protestors, combined with the lack of structured alternative
avenues to raise grievances, perpetuates
[...] the imposition of bandhs and threat of violence [...]
as the primary and most effective
means to obtain a reaction from Government.
其中明确规定了以下权利和自由:生命权、身心健康权、个人自由、抗辩 权、迁徙自由、个人及家庭隐私权、住处不受侵犯权、通信保密权、良知自由、
[...] 利、选举权、被选举权、集会自由、结社自由、工作权与劳动社会保障权、禁止 强迫劳动罢工权 、私有财产权、经济自由、继承权、享受体面生活的权利、儿 [...]
The following rights and freedoms are expressly provided for: right to life, right to physical and mental integrity, individual freedom, right to defense, freedom of movement, personal and family privacy, inviolability of domicile, secrecy of correspondence, freedom of conscience, freedom of expression, right to information, right to education, access to culture, rights to protection of health, right to a healthy environment, right to vote, right to be elected, freedom of assembly, right of association, right to work and social
protection of labour, prohibition of forced
[...] labour, right to strike, right of private [...]
property, economic freedom, right of inheritance,
right to a decent standard of living, protection of children and young people, protection of disabled persons, right of petition, right of a person aggrieved by a public authority.
毛主义分子学生协会组织的罢 课”无限期进行,教育和体育部于 6 月开始与该协会进行谈判。
An “education strike” organized by the [...]
Maoist students association is currently going on indefinitely and the Ministry of
Education and Sports has started negotiations in June with the Maoist students association.
(2) 股东可在依照细则召开及举行的任何股东大会上藉特别决议案于该核数师 任期届满前任何时罢免该 核数师, 并在该会议上藉普通决议案委任另一核数师代替 其履行余下任期。
(2) The Members may, at any general meeting convened and held in accordance with these Articles, by special resolution remove the Auditor at any time before the expiration of his term of office and shall by ordinary resolution at that meeting appoint another Auditor in his stead for the remainder of his term.
[...] 障法律面前人人平等、享有生命权、人身自由和安全权、法律诉讼相关权利、劳 动权、集会权利罢工自 由、信息自由和媒体自由、组建政党的权利、组建社会 [...]
It also prohibits interference with personal communication, and guarantees inter alia, equality before the law, the right to life, personal liberty and security, rights relating to legal
proceedings, labour, the right to
[...] assemble and freedom to strike, freedom of information [...]
and media, the right to establish
political parties, and the right to establish social organizations, political asylum, education, protection of family, and social welfare.
幸好,为期两个月的 旨在保护教育系统的学生爱罢工取 得了胜利。
Fortunately, the patriotic
[...] two-month student strike to defend the [...]
education system had been victorious.
我们将寻求各种方式——我们不罢 休 , 不会放 弃努力——争取与科索沃塞族建立联系。
We are going to seek ways — and we will not quit, we will not give up our efforts — to reach out to the Serb community in Kosovo.
教育部门和其他公务部 门工作人员举罢工, 要求支付拖欠福利和改善工作条件,这妨碍人们享有受教 [...]
Strikes by workers in the education [...]
sector and in other parts of the civil service who demanded the payment of arrears of
benefits and better working conditions hampered the enjoyment of the right to education.
该法案 赋予民罢工权,以及成立独立工会和雇主协 会的权利,在结社自由方面采用了国际标准。
It provides the right to strike and to form independent [...]
trades unions and employers’ organisations, putting in place international-standard freedom of association.
劳动法》第 157(4)条罢工定 义为“某一机构的 全部或部分劳动者集体商议拒绝遵守正常的工作规则,以促使雇主满足他们的要 [...]
Article 157 (4) of the
[...] Labour Code defines the strike as "the collective [...]
and coordinated refusal by all or part of the workers
of an establishment to comply with the normal rules of work in order to compel the employer to satisfy their claims or demands''.
事实上,如果组织工会权罢工权以及权 利平等、同工同酬和假期平等等权利失去了存在的基础和依据(即就业权),那么, [...]
Indeed, the right to
[...] form unions or to strike, and the right to [...]
equal rights, pay and holidays and so on are useless and
of no value if the grounds and justification for the existence of those rights, namely, the right to employment, does not exist.
全国各地举行了一些要求结罢工的 对抗性抗议,由尼泊尔工 商会联盟和加德满都民间社会团体 罢 工 前 一天组织的“和平集会”被取消了。
A number of counter-protests
[...] calling for an end to the strikes were held across the country, including a large “peace rally” organized by the Federation of Nepal Chamber of Commerce and Industries and civil society groups in Kathmandu a day before the strike was called off.
的张伯伦面对他们再次试图说服他们和平,但是,基拉被捕获和 罢 工 的 张伯伦在他的手上使用的水晶碎片。
The Chamberlain confronts them again and tries to
convince them to make peace; however, Kira is
[...] captured and Jen strikes the Chamberlain [...]
on his hand using the crystal shard.
在有些情况下,尤其在涉及管理不善的情况下,采用其他一些救济办法可能更 为合适,例罢免犯 有过失的董事并限制管理层对重整的参与。
In some cases, particularly where misfeasance of management is involved, other remedies might more appropriately be employed, such as removing the offending directors and limiting management participation in reorganization.
Fordaq将不对因为市场的任何延迟,功能不足或服务中断而承担责任,Fordaq也不对因为不可抗力或异常的问题例 罢 工 ,洪水等 通讯问题或电脑病毒或其他任何由于第三方造成的原因承担责任。
Fordaq shall not be responsible for any delay, poor functioning or service interruption of the Market Fordaq shall also not be liable for any events which are due to force majeure, or for exceptional
problems capable of or affecting its
[...] performance, such as strikes, floods etc., telecommunication [...]
problems or the interference
of computer viruses or generally any event which is due to a third party.
各方 声称,鸦片禁令不过是让鸦片种植移到了掸邦其他地 罢 了, 或者说,这些少数民族不过是将生产重点转移到了苯丙胺类毒 品的生产上面。
Various sources claim that the opium bans have simply resulted in opium cultivation being moved to other regions in Shan state or that these groups have merely moved into methamphetamine production.
2011年11月1日,悉尼-在一场波及范围极广、规模空前浩大 罢 工 行动结束以后,澳大利亚航空公司Qantas的飞机终于重返蓝天,而世服宏图首席信息官兼市场销售总监、小型企业菁英 Marcus Moufarrige 却说,这场广泛影响澳大利亚企业的危机其实是可以避免的。
Sydney, 1 November 2011- With Qantas returning to the skies today after wide-spread industrial action and an unprecedented lockout of staff, Servcorp CIO and Sales Director and small-business champion Marcus Moufarrige said that the crisis - which hurt businesses all over Australia - could have been avoided.
回顾历史,伊斯坦布尔和上海可谓同病相怜,清醒时也好,潜意识 罢 , 都 一直无法摆脱那种源于西方世界的焦虑感。
Historically, Istanbul and Shanghai are two cities that have suffered most from both the conscious and subconscious anxieties produced by the West—a topic that remains still under-researched.
上述任 何委任或权力转授均可按董事会认为合适的条款及条件规限而作出,董事会并 罢免 如上所述委任的任何人士以及可撤回或更改该等权力转授,但本着善意办事及没有被 通知撤回或更改的人士则不会受此影响。
Any such appointment or delegation may be made upon such terms and subject to such conditions as the Board may think fit, and the Board may remove any person appointed as aforesaid, and may revoke or vary such delegation, but no person dealing in good faith and without notice of any such revocation or variation shall be affected thereby.
[...] 的情况包括但不限于火灾、洪水、爆炸、事故、不可抗力、已宣布或未 宣布的战争或暴乱罢工、停工或工人的其他集体行为、政府行为、原 [...]
材料短缺、未能获得出口或进口许可、《美国出口管制条例》的任何条 款或规定,或任何政府行为、不作为、监管、许可、命令或裁定。
Neither party shall be liable for any delay or failure to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement if and to the extent such delay or failure is due to circumstances beyond the reasonable control of such party, including but not limited to, fires, floods, explosions,
accidents, acts of God, declared and undeclared
[...] wars or riots, strikes, lockouts or other [...]
concerted acts of workmen, acts of government,
shortages of materials, inability to obtain export or import licenses, or any provision or requirement of the U.S. Export Administration Regulations or any government act, omission, regulation, license, order or rule.
CNNIC 可信网络服务中心控制以外的情况包括但不限于互联网或电信或
[...] 其它基础设施系统的不可用,或天灾、战争、军事行动、国家紧急状态、疫 症、火灾、水灾、地震罢工或 暴乱或其它证书持有者或其它第三者的疏忽 或蓄意不当行为。
The situations beyond the control of CNNIC Trusted Network Service Center include but not limited to the unavailability of internet, telecommunications and other infrastructures, or natural disaster, war, military
action, national emergency, disease, fire,
[...] flood, earthquake, strike, riot or omission or [...]
intentional behavior of other certificate
holders or other third parties.
在我最近向安理会通报情况(见 S/PV.6308)时, 尼泊尔正处于由寻求迫使马达夫·库马尔·尼帕尔总 理辞职的尼泊尔联合共产党-毛主义(尼联共-毛主 义)发起的全罢工的第四天。
At the time of my most recent briefing to the Council (see S/PV.6308), Nepal was in the fourth day of a national strike called by the Unified Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist (UCPN-M) seeking to compel the resignation of Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal.
罢工影 响了伊洛冶炼厂和南方铜厂的夸霍内矿、必和必拓拥 [...]
有的秘鲁最大铜锌矿安塔米纳、斯特拉塔公司、加拿大巴里克黄金公司拥有的彼 里纳金矿、博尔坎的 Andaychagua 银锌矿以及 Freeport-McMoRan 的绿山铜矿。
The strike affected production [...]
of the Ilo smelter and the Cuajone mine of Southern Copper, Antamina, Peru’s biggest copper-zinc
pit, owned by BHP Billiton, and Xtrata, the Pierina mine of Canada’s Barrick Gold, the silver-zinc mine of Volcan’s Andaychagua, and Freeport-McMoRan’s Cerro Verde mine.




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