

单词 罚站

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External sources (not reviewed)

关于国家防范机制的法律草案――关于防范酷刑和其他残 忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或罚 国 家观 察 站 的 建 立、组 织、权力和运作法案草案
Act on the establishment, organization, powers and operation
of the National Observatory for the prevention of torture and other
[...] cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
兹定于在贝宁共和国建立一个防范酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待 遇或罚国家观察
There is established in the Republic of Benin a National Observatory for the
prevention of torture and other cruel, inhuman or
[...] degrading treatment or punishment (hereafter referred to as “the Observatory”).
第一章 防范酷刑和其他残忍,不人道或有辱人格的待遇或 罚 国 家观 察 站; 建立和主要办事处
National Observatory for the prevention of torture and other cruel, inhuman or
[...] degrading treatment or punishment; establishment and [...]
principal office
[...] 说,在国家安全法取消以后发生了大量的拘留抗议者,在村外 设立罚性检查站,专 门以宗教为由或者因手机的内容对一些平民进行检查。
JS4 stated that numerous violations had occurred after lifting the National Safety Acts, including the arbitrary
detention of protesters and the
[...] establishment of punitive checkpoints outside villages [...]
by which civilians were targeted because
of their religion or the contents of their mobile phones.
构,尤其是人权理事会,采取坚定措施,以便制止 在被占巴勒斯坦领土针对平民的任意攻击,并取消 以色列当局多年来对加沙实施的不公正的围困,这
[...] 一围困是对被占领巴勒斯坦领土居民实施的一种集 体罚,其 方式全然不顾相称性和有区分原则并显 然违反了国际法的原则。
Moreover, we call on the Security Council and the relevant United Nations bodies, especially the Human Rights Council, to take firm measures to put a stop to random attacks against civilians in the occupied Palestinian territories, as well as to lift the unjust siege imposed by the Israeli authorities
for many years on Gaza, which is a
[...] form of collective punishment imposed on the residents [...]
of the occupied Palestinian territories
in a manner that takes no account of proportionality or differentiation and clearly violates the principles of international humanitarian law.
根据巴拿马刑法规定,凡接收、储存、交易、转换或转让资金、证券、财产 或其他财政资源,且明知它们源自与贩毒、诈骗、非法武器贩运、贩运人口、 绑架、勒索、贪污、腐蚀公职人员、恐怖主义行为、盗窃或国际贩运车辆有 关的活动,而且其目的是隐藏或掩盖其非法来源或协助逃避此种犯罪的法律 后果的,应处以 5 至 12 年监禁和 100 至 200 天罚款。
Anyone who receives, deposits, trades in, converts or transfers money, securities, property or other financial resources in the knowledge that they are derived from activities related to drug trafficking, fraud, illicit arms trafficking, trafficking in persons, kidnapping, extortion, embezzlement, corruption of public servants, terrorist acts, theft or international trafficking in vehicles, as provided for under Panamanian criminal law, with the aim of hiding or concealing their illicit origin or of helping to evade the legal consequences of such crimes shall be sentenced to 5 to 12 years’ imprisonment and a fine of 100 to 200 days.
同样有关的 还有《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》第12条,涉及缔约国消除保健方面对妇
女歧视的义务;《残疾人权利公约》第25(b)条规定,医疗卫生应“提供旨在尽量 减轻残疾和预防残疾恶化的服务,包括向儿童和老年人提供这些服务”;《公民及 政治权利国际公约》第
[...] 7条禁止酷刑或残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或 罚, 其 中包括禁止未经自由同意进行医疗或科学试验。
Equally relevant are the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, article 12, concerning the obligation of States to eliminate discrimination against women in health care; the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, article 25 (b), which requires that health services be “designed to minimize and prevent further disabilities, including among children and older persons”; and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, article 7, which
prohibits torture or cruel, inhuman or
[...] degrading treatment or punishment and includes the [...]
prohibition of medical or scientific
experimentation without free consent.
的能力:确保可持续安全饮用水的供应,城市水资源的开发和管理战略,以及与城市及其周 边排水和卫生相关的问题,恢复恶化了的水生态系统,对正在消失的水资源进行研究、预防
[...] 和解决与水资源问题有关的冲突问题,建立分地区水观 站 、 研 究某些生态系统、尤其红树 林系统的可持续性,以及利用当地知识来保护环境。
Emphasis should be placed on enhancing the capabilities of countries of the region to secure sustainable and safe drinking water supplies, urban water development and management strategies as well as issues related to urban and peri-urban drainage and sanitation, the rehabilitation of degraded water ecosystems, research on disappearing water resources, aspects of conflict prevention and resolution in
relation to water issues, the creation of
[...] subregional water observatories, research in [...]
the sustainability of certain ecosystems
and in particular of mangrove systems, as well as drawing on local knowledge for the protection of the environment.
大会第六十三届会议注意到秘书长任命了一名新的使用多种语文问题协调 员;请秘书长确保平等对待所有语文事务处,并确保会员国代表之间有效地用多 种语文进行沟通,包括通过以所有正式语文同时分发文件;请新闻部改进所采取 的行动,实现在联合国站上同 等使用六种正式语文;请秘书长向大会第六十五 届会议提交一份综合报告,说明充分执行大会有关使用多种语文的各项决议的情 况(第 63/306 号决议)。
At its sixty-third session, the General Assembly took note of the appointment by the Secretary-General of a new Coordinator for Multilingualism; requested the Secretary-General to ensure equal treatment for all language services and effective multilingual communication among representatives of Member States, including through simultaneous distribution of documents in all official languages; requested the Department of Public Information to improve actions taken to achieve parity among the six official languages on the United Nations website; and requested the Secretary-General to submit to it at its sixty-fifth session a comprehensive report on the full implementation of its resolutions on multilingualism (resolution 63/306).
这些计划包括对公共站适应 性的分析及支持;在公共部门 及私人部门的专业培训,包括对所涉及 站 内 容 的改进和更新;推动实施新型技 术方案以发展用于维护信息社会接入水平的工具及服务,以及对于通用设计作为 保障信息社会无歧视服务的入口,提升对其重要性认识的社会敏感度。
The projects include analysis of and
support for the
[...] adaptation of public websites, the training of both public- and private-sector professionals involved in the development and updating of those websites, the launching [...]
of innovative technological
projects designed to develop tools and services facilitating maintenance of the level of accessibility required by law and the promotion of awareness in society of the importance of universal design as a means of guaranteeing nondiscriminatory access to the services of the information society.




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