单词 | 罚 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 罚—penalize罚verb—punishvExamples:处罚pl—penaltiespl punishmentspl 处罚n—sanctionspl 罚则n—penaltiespl penaltyn
(4) 任何人犯第(2)(a)或(b)款所订罪行,一经定罪,可处第2级罚款或该人藉其行为规避或意图藉 [...] 其行为规避的徵款的款额的3倍,两者以款额较大者为准。 hkcic.org | (4) A person who commits an offence [...] under subsection (2)(a) or (b) is liable on [...] conviction toa fine atlevel 2 or [...]3 times the amount of the levy that was evaded [...]or intended to be evaded by his conduct, whichever is the greater. hkcic.org |
倘 土地使用权出让合同被终止或撤销或可能被终止或撤销或成为无效或不具效力, 或有关机关施加上述的延误罚款,买方亦有权於完成前终止该协议。 cre8ir.com | The Purchaser also has the right, prior to Completion, to terminate the Sales and Purchase Agreement if the Land Use Right Grant Contract is or is liable to be terminated or [...] rescinded or becomes void or invalid or the relevant [...] authorities impose penalty for suchlate [...]payment as mentioned above. cre8ir.com |
(v) 本集团任何成员公司因赔偿契诺日期之後任何时间未能履行其根据遗 产税条例第42(1)节向税务局局长或根据香港以外任何司法权区相等法 律向有关之相等机关提供资料之任何责任而根据遗产税条例第42节或 根据香港以外任何司法权区相等之法律被施加任何罚款。 embryform.com | (v) for any penalty imposed on any member of the Group under section 42 of the Estate Duty Ordinance or the equivalent thereof under the laws of any juridiction outside Hong Kong by reason of any member of the Group defaulting, at any time after the date of the deed of indemnity, in any obligation to give information to the Commissioner under section 42(1) of the Estate Duty Ordinance or the equivalent authority thereof under the laws of any jurisdiction outside Hong Kong. embryform.com |
4.43 在任何情况下,本行、聯营公司或任何资料供应商,毋须对阁下、授权使用者或任何其他 人士就任何偶发性、间接、特殊或相应或惩罚性损害赔偿负责,包括但不限於有关使用、 收入、利润或储蓄方面之任何损失负责。 hncb.com.hk | 4.43 In no event shall we, Associate or any Information Provider be liable to you, the Authorized User or any other person for any incidental, indirect, special, consequential or exemplary damages including, without limitation, any loss of use, revenue, profits or savings. hncb.com.hk |
我明白,根据《房屋条例》(第 283 章)第 26(1)(c) 条的规定,任何人若在提供资料时蓄意向「房委会」作出虚假陈述,即属违法,一经定罪,可判《刑 事诉讼程序条例》(第 221 章)附表 8 所订第 5 级罚款及监禁 6 个月(在本申请书修订之日第 5 级的 最高罚款为港币 50,000 元)。 housingauthority.gov.hk | I understand that by virtue of Section 26(1)(c) of the Housing Ordinance (Cap. 283), any person who knowingly makes any false statement to HA in furnishing the particulars shall be guilty of an offence and [...] shall be liable on [...] convictionto a fineat Level 5 as specified in Schedule 8 to the Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap. 221) and to imprisonment for 6 months (as at the date this Application Form is revised, the maximumfine at Level 5 is [...]HK$50,000). housingauthority.gov.hk |
董 事 认 为 以 及 据 中 国 法 律 顾 问 告 知 , 鉴 於 以上所 述 中 国 政 府 引 入 的 新 措 施 , 以 及 上 马 矿 已 营 运逾10 年 , 故 抚 顺 上 马 因 在 没 有 土地使 用 权 证 的 情 况 下 於 上 马 矿 当 前 地 点 采 矿 而 遭 受处罚的风险 远 低 於 本 公 司 上 市 之 前 的 风 险 。 cre8ir.com | The Directors are of the view that, and as advised by the PRC legal adviser, in light of the new measures introduced by the PRC government above, and the Shangma Mine has been in operations for over 10 years, the risk that Fushun Shangma will be subject to penalties as a result of conducting mining activities at the current site of the Shangma Mine in the absence of land use rights certificates is much lower than that at the time prior to the listing of the Company. cre8ir.com |
你是否赞成把停車不熄匙定为违例事项( 只处以定额罚款320元的 轻微罪行)? forum.gov.hk | Do you accept that the violation be made a contravention (a minor infraction, [...] with a fixed penalty of $320 as [...]the only punishment)? forum.gov.hk |
采取有关行动的可能性或後果目前尚不明确,但可能包括财务或其它罚款,性质可能较为严重并可能对本公司产生重大不利影响。 southgobi.com | The likelihood or consequences of such an outcome are [...] unclear at this time but could include [...] financial or otherpenalties,which could [...]be material, and which could have a material [...]adverse effect on the Company. southgobi.com |
如该等经营风险及危险变为现实并产生相关成本,或会对本集团的业务、经营业绩及财务 [...] 状况造成重大不利影响,包括用以降低风险或危险的大额资金及营运开支需求、重建本集 团或第三方物业、补偿对第三方任何损失及/或支付罚款或损失。 glencore.com | The realisation of such operating risks and hazards and the costs associated with them could materially adversely affect the Group’s business, results of operations and financial condition, including by requiring significant capital and operating expenditures to abate the risk [...] or hazard, restore the Group or third party property, compensate third parties for any [...] loss and/or pay fines ordamages. glencore.com |
重组拨备包括 终止租约罚款和终止雇员合约所支付之款项。 asiasat.com | Restructuring provisions comprise [...] lease terminationpenalties and employee [...]termination payments. asiasat.com |
18.8 指示的弥偿 在不违反本客户协议任何规定的原则下,阁下应在要求下立即及时就(a)吾等接受或按任何指示行事;(b) 任何该等指示的撤销或变更;或(c)通过传真及/或其他电子方式(不论该等指示是由阁下还是阁下的获授 权人士及/或由阁下授权作出)发送该等指示的任何错误或遗漏而直接或间接导致吾等遭受或产生的所有 索赔、请求、诉讼、法律程序、损失、罚款、税负、损害、成本、费用和开支(包括所有吾等支付的法 律费用)及任何其他责任作出弥偿及令吾等获得弥偿以及使吾等免受损害。 tanrich.com | Without prejudice to any provision in this Client Agreement, you shall indemnity immediately on demand and keep us indemnified at all times against and save us harmless from, all claims, demands, actions, proceedings, losses, penalties, fines, taxes, damages, costs, charges and expenses (including all legal costs incurred by us) on a full indemnity basis and any liability whatsoever which may be brought against us or suffered or incurred by us either directly or indirectly as a result of or in connection with (a) our accepting of or acting on any Instruction; (b) any revocation or alteration of any such Instruction; or (c) any error or omission in such Instruction given by facsimile transmission and/or such other electronic means (regardless of whether such Instruction was given by you or an Authorized Person and/or properly authorized by you). tanrich.com |
发言人补充,在规管制度方面,主要的修订建议包括提高升降机 [...] 及自动梯工程师注册的资歷要求、为业界工人引入注册制度及提高在 条例下违例事项的罚则水平。 devb.gov.hk | On the regulatory regime, the major amendment proposals included the upgrading of qualification requirements for lift and escalator engineers, introduction of registration [...] system for workers in the industry, and the [...] increasein the penalty levelof offences [...]under the Ordinance, the spokesman said. devb.gov.hk |
有关罚则与《公众衞生及市政条例》(第132章)第54条 就售卖不宜供人食用的食物所订的罚则一致。 cfs.gov.hk | The penaltywas inline withthepenalty for selling food that was unfit for human consumption under section 54 of PHMSO, Cap.132 cfs.gov.hk |
任 何 人 以 任 何 有 欺 诈 成 分 的 诡 计 或 计 谋 , 取 得 任 何 其 他 人 的 可 被 盗 取 的 东 西 , 或 向 任 何 人 支 付 任 何 数 额 的 金 钱 或 支 付 若 然 不 是 这 些 诡 计 或 计 谋 便 不 会 支 付 的 额 外 金 钱 , [...] 或 将 货 物 交 付 给 任 何 人 , 或 将 若 然 不 是 这 些 诡 计 或 计 谋 便 不 会 交 付 的 额 外 货 物 交 付 给 任 何 人 , 即 [...] 属 犯 非 重 刑 罪 ﹝ 最 高刑罚为监禁 两 年 ﹞ 。 hkreform.gov.hk | Any person who by means of any fraudulent trick or device obtains any other person anything capable of being stolen, or pay or to deliver to any person any money or goods, or any greater sum of money or greater quantity of goods than he would have paid or [...] delivered but for such trick or device, is guilty of a misdemeanour [...] [the maximum penalty for which is [...]two years' imprisonment]. hkreform.gov.hk |
你是否赞成以定额罚款制度而非传票方式执行停車熄匙规定? forum.gov.hk | Do you accept that the ban be [...] implemented byfixed penaltysystemrather [...]than summons? forum.gov.hk |
2011年3月24日本公司召开了内控建设项目启动会,项目指委会副主任陈健洲先 生出席了启动会,项目经理石春茂先生和谢杰鹏先生在启动会上明确了内控建 设项目的目标、工作计划、团队成员、协作方式、奖罚机制等,确定了每项应用 指引对应的责任部门和责任人。 zte.com.cn | Mr Chen Jianzhou, deputy convenor of the project steering committee, attended the meeting, while project managers Mr. Shi Chunmao and Mr. Xie Jiepeng explained the objectives, work plans, team composition, coordination and reward/punishment mechanisms of the internal control development project and confirmed the responsible departments and responsible officers corresponding to each application guideline. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
当中,96%认为「加强检控」重要,认为一半半及不重要的分别只占2%和1%;而91%认为「加重刑罚」重要,5%表示一半半,认为不重要的占3%。 hkupop.hku.hk | Among them, 96% thought 「reinforcement of prosecution」 important, only 2% and 1% said [...] half-half and unimportant respectively. 91% thought [...] 「increase of penalty」 important, [...]5% said half-half and 3% unimportant. hkupop.hku.hk |
由 於 本 集 团 并 无 订 立 任 何 有 关 套 期 保 值 头 [...] 寸,亦 未 有 提 前 还款罚金的合 同 条 款 设 置,故 [...]该 修 订 不 大 可 能 对 本 集 团 构 成 任 何 财 务 影 响。 zte.com.cn | As the Group has no hedging instruments [...] and is not subject to terms of [...] contract thata penaltyforearly [...]repayment of a loan, this revised standard [...]is unlikely to have any financial impact on the Group. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
第26(1)(a)条 任何人在提供第25(1)条所指申报表指明的详情时;明 [...] 知而作出虚假陈述,即属犯罪,一经定罪,可处第5级罚款及监禁6个月。 rl.com.hk | Section 26(1)(a) Any person who knowingly makes any false statement in furnishing the particulars specified in a requisition under Section [...] 25(1) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on [...] conviction to a fineat level 5 and [...]to imprisonment for 6 months. rl.com.hk |
最後,差不多所有被访者都赞成当局将假药的执法及刑罚提升至危害公众健康层面。 hkupop.hku.hk | Moreover, nearly all respondents agree the government should raise the [...] prosecution and penaltyon drug counterfeiting [...]to the level of threatening public health. hkupop.hku.hk |
( 3 ) 如 公 司 没 有 按 本 条 例 指 示 的 方 式 髹 上 或 紧 附 公 司 名 称 , 公 司 及 其 每 名 失 责 高 级 人 员 均 可处罚款$5 0 ; 如 公 司 没 有 保 持 其 名 称 按 如 此 指 示 的 方 式 髹 上 或 紧 附 , 公 司 及 其 每 名 失 责 高 级 人 员 均 可 处 失责罚款。 hkreform.gov.hk | (3) If a company does not paint or affix its name in manner directed by this Ordinance, the company and every officer of the company who [...] is in default shall [...] be liableto afine of $50,and if a company does not keep its name painted or affixed in manner so directed, the company and every officer of the company who is in default shall be liable to adefault fine. hkreform.gov.hk |
倘本公司未能遵守现行或未来的环境法律法规,本公司或会遭受罚款及须作出补救措施,而任何一项均可能对 [...] 本公司的经营业绩及财务状况造成重大不利影响。 southgobi.com | Should the Company fail to comply with current or future environmental [...] laws and regulations, the Company may be [...] requiredto pay penalties or takecorrective [...]actions, any of which may have a material [...]adverse effect on its results of operations and financial condition. southgobi.com |
有关条例草案是以现行的《升降机及自动梯(安全)条例》(第 327 章 )为基础,改 [...] 善现有的规管措施,以加强升降机及自动梯从业员的注册制度、提高罚则水平, 以及改善运作效率和执法效力。 devb.gov.hk | The Bill is based on the existing Lifts and Escalators (Safety) Ordinance (Cap 327) with enhanced regulatory measures to strengthen the registration regime of [...] personnel engaged in lift and escalator [...] works, increase thepenalty levels of offences, [...]and improve operational efficiency and enforcement effectiveness. devb.gov.hk |
(j) 在这样的情形下,球员可因他自己跑回执行罚踢或自由踢的队友後面, 或持球的队友跑到他前面,或当球被踢时处身在球後面的队友跑到他前 [...] 面,而成为在位。 irblaws.com | (j) In this situation, players [...] become onside when they run behind the [...] team-mate whotook the penaltyorfreekick, or [...]when a team-mate carrying the ball runs [...]in front of them, or when a team-mate who was behind the ball when it was kicked runs in front of them. irblaws.com |
(2) 任何人违反本条,即有法律责任向吊车公司支付对吊车公司 [...] 财物造成的损害或对吊车公司授权人员造成的人身伤害的赔偿金额,或对 任何其他人所蒙受的损害或伤害的赔偿金额,而不影响因违反本条而招致 的任何处罚。np360.com.hk | (2) A person who contravenes this section is liable to the Company for the amount of the damage done to any property or personal injury caused to the authorized officials of the Company or damage or [...] injury suffered by any other person without [...] prejudice toany penalty incurred asa result [...]of the contravention of this section. np360.com.hk |