

单词 罗伯逊

See also:

surname Luo

father's elder brother
paternal elder uncle
eldest of brothers
respectful form of address
one hundred (old)

External sources (not reviewed)

华德士印度尼西亚区国家经理伊恩 罗伯逊 ( I an Robertson)先生说:“能够成为印度尼西亚经济蓬勃快速发展过程中的一分子,令华德士感到非常自豪。
Mr. Ian Robertson, Country Manager for Robert Walters [...]
Indonesia said:"Robert Walters is proud to become a part of Indonesia's booming, high growth economy.
在实施这一政策时,经理事会 其他成员同意,主席退出对一名来自南非的司法界同事的审查,杰弗 里 · 罗伯逊 也退出对一名与其有密切社会关系的候选人的审查。
In application of this policy, and with the agreement of other members of the Council, the Chairperson recused herself from the consideration of a judicial colleague from South Africa, and Geoffrey Robertson recused himself from the consideration of a candidate with whom he had close social connections.
理事会的现任成员是:辛哈·巴斯纳亚克(斯里兰卡,管理层提名的杰出外 聘法学家)、杰弗里·罗伯逊皇家 律师(联合王国,由工作人员提名的著名外聘部 法学家)、弗兰克·埃珀特(美利坚合众国,管理层代表)、珍妮·克利夫特(澳大 利亚,工作人员代表)和担任主席的南非宪法法院前任法官凯特·奥里甘大法官。
The current members of the Council are Sinha Basnayake (Sri Lanka, distinguished external jurist nominated by management), Geoffrey Robertson QC (United Kingdom, distinguished external jurist nominated by staff), Frank Eppert (United States of America, management representative), Jenny Clift (Australia, staff representative) and Justice Kate O’Regan, former judge of the Constitutional Court of South Africa, who serves as chair.
第二十一次缔约国会议副主席苏珊· 罗伯逊 ( 澳 大 利亚)代表第二十一次会议 主席卡米洛·贡萨尔维斯(圣文森特和格林纳丁斯),宣布第二十二次会议开幕。
Susan Robertson (Australia), Vice-President [...]
of the twenty-first Meeting of States Parties, opened the twenty-second Meeting
on behalf of Camillo Gonsalves (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines), President of the twenty-first Meeting.
2003 年教科文组织儿童文学和青少年文学宣扬宽容奖分别授予智利的安东尼奥.斯卡梅 达和南非的捷罗伯逊。前者获奖作品是属小说类的儿童读物:《La Composicion》, 后者 作品为面向青年的小说:《Because Pula Means Rain》。
The UNESCO Prize for Children’s and Young People’s Literature in the Service of Tolerance was awarded in 2003 to Antonio Skármeta of Chile in the category of fiction for children for his book La Composición, and to Jenny Robson of South Africa in the category of books for young people for her novel Because Pula Means Rain.
我特别要感罗伯逊勋爵出色领导了全球道 路安全委员会,也要感谢他和国际汽车联合会汽车与 社会基金给我机会,继续作为“确保道路安全”活动 的全球大使来倡导道路安全问题。
And I am particularly grateful to Lord Robertson for his inspired leadership of the Commission for Global Road Safety, and to both him and the FIA Foundation for the Automobile and Society for giving me the opportunity to continue to advocate for road safety as the Global Ambassador of the “Make roads safe” campaign.
会议以鼓掌方式选举沙泽利纳·扎因·阿比丁(马来西亚)、莱迪亚·希西(阿 尔巴尼亚)、优素福·拉姆加那利(毛里求斯)和苏 珊 · 罗伯逊 ( 澳 大 利亚)为副主 席。
The Meeting elected Shanelina Zainul Abidin (Malaysia), Ledia Hysi (Albania), Yousouf M. Ramjanally (Mauritius) and Susan Robertson (Australia) as VicePresidents, by acclamation.
乔治罗伯逊(George Robertson)先生非常机敏,他从Java [...]
The ingenious Mr. George Robertson has determined [...]
their situation by an Arnold's box chronometer in a short run from Java
Head, and corroborated by three sets of Lunar observation, objects East and West.
内部司法理事会于 2008 年 5 月成立,其现任成员为两位外聘的杰出法学家 辛哈·巴斯纳亚克先生(斯里兰卡,由管理当局提名)和杰弗 里 · 罗伯逊 法 官(大 不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,由工作人员推举)。
The Internal Justice Council was established by May 2008 and its current members are the distinguished external jurists Mr. Sinha Basnayake (Sri Lanka, nominated by management) and Justice Geoffrey Robertson (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, elected by staff), with Ms. Jenny Clift (Australia) a Senior Legal Officer in the International Trade Law Division, Office of Legal Affairs, as the staff representative, and Mr. Frank Eppert (Department of Management, United Nations Headquarters, New York) as the management representative.
本届成员 是:杰出外聘法学家辛哈·巴斯纳亚克(斯里兰卡,管理当局提名)和杰弗 里 ·罗 伯逊(大不 列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,工作人员提名)、珍妮·克利夫特(澳大利 亚,法律事务厅国际贸易法司,工作人员代表)和弗兰克·埃珀特(美利坚合众国, 管理事务部,管理当局代表)。
The current members are the distinguished external jurists Sinha Basnayake (Sri Lanka, nominated by management) and Geoffrey Robertson (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, nominated by staff), with Jenny Clift (Australia, International Trade Law Division, Office of Legal Affairs, staff representative) and Frank Eppert (United States of America, Department of Management, management representative).
耶稣的事工之前,他的激罗宾逊适 用 的术语,因为该部在这个时代的标志,来“proleptic末世论”是在预期可见。
To Jesus' ministry
[...] before his passion Robinson applies the term [...]
"proleptic eschatology" because in that ministry the signs
of the age to come were visible in anticipation.
另一个生动的例子是,哈逊小学在 伯明 翰市中心附近的 Collegeville 社区。
Another vivid example is that of Hudson Elementary School in the Collegeville Community near downtown Birmingham.
[...] 题小组成员发了言:全球发展中心主席南希·伯索尔、世界银行经济政策和债务 部主任卡洛斯·布拉加、巴黎俱乐部共同主席伯努瓦·克莱、汇丰银行债务融资 和咨询部主罗伯特·格 雷,以及伦理全球化倡议主席玛 丽 · 罗 宾 逊。
Statements were made by the panellists: Nancy Birdsall, President of the Center for Global Development; Carlos Braga, Director of the Economic Policy and Debt Department, World Bank; Benoît Coeuré,
Co-Chairman of the Paris
[...] Club; Robert Gray, Chairman of Debt Financing and Advisory, HSBC; and Mary Robinson, President of [...]
the Ethical Globalization Initiative.
在 1918 年“地理评论”杂志的一篇文章中 罗伯 特 ·J ·弗拉哈迪(Robert J. Flaherty,1884–1951 年)详细叙述了这个故事,当时他在加拿大哈 逊 湾 东海岸搜寻铁矿石矿藏,维特托克向他讲解了哈得逊湾错综复杂的岛屿体系,还把这幅非常精确的爱斯基摩地图借给他看,弗拉哈迪也在文章中再现了这份地图。
In an article in the Geographical Review in 1918, Robert J. Flaherty (1884–1951) recounted the story of how, while he was searching for iron ore deposits on the east coast of Hudson Bay, Canada, Wetallok explained the intricacies of the bay’s island system and shared with him this remarkably accurate Eskimo map, which Flaherty reproduced in the article.
因此,教科文组织 为亚逊、刚果和罗洲-湄 公河森林盆地的国家元首和政府首脑会议提供了支持(2011 [...]
年 5 月 31 日至 6 月 3 日,刚果布拉扎维尔),以促进森林生态系统可持续管理的讨论和协作及 其对全球气候调节、消除贫困和经济发展努力的持续贡献。
UNESCO therefore supported the Summit of Heads of State and
[...] Government of the Amazon, Congo, and Borneo-Mekong [...]
Forest Basins (Brazzaville, Congo 31
May to 3 June 2011) to foster discussion and collaboration for the sustainable management of forest ecosystems and their continued contribution to global climate regulation, poverty eradication and economic development efforts.
罗宾逊女士 从人权角度阐述了外债问题,重点谈到了发达国家的责任和责任 [...]
Ms. Robinson addressed the [...]
issue of external debt from a human rights perspective, focusing on the need for responsibility
and accountability on the part of developed countries.
这些成绩的取得主要是由于取消所有国立教育机构注册费的政策、实行学校 膳食计划(2010 年有 4 055 135 名学生从中受益,1998 年的受益学生为 119 512 人,增加了 3 293%)、实施教育计划(罗宾逊一、罗宾 逊 二 、 母校和苏克雷)、修 建4037 所新的国立学校、教师人数增加 161%以及已在各级和各类教育中成功地 设计和实施的战略。
These achievements are owing primarily to the policy of abolishing registration fees at all State-run educational establishments, the implementation of the school meals programme (from which 4,055,135 pupils benefited in 2010, up from 119,512 in 1998, for an increase of 3,293 per cent), the introduction of educational missions (Robinson I, Robinson II, Alma Mater and Sucre), the building of 4,037 new State schools, a 161 per cent increase in the number of teachers, and the strategies that have been successfully designed and implemented at all levels and modalities of education.
在调查过程中,专家组有确凿证据证明贩运网络的作案手法以及屡次违反制 裁制度的行为,贩运网络由两个团体组成: ( a) 罗伯特·蒙 托亚、米哈伊尔·卡 皮罗、弗雷德里克·乐峰和各自的公司;(b) 半官方个人团体,即卡德特·贝尔 坦(巴博的前安全顾问,现居住在加纳)和安塞尔姆·塞卡·亚波指挥官。
In the course of its investigations, the Group has documented with incontrovertible evidence the modus operandi of, as well as repeated violations to the sanctions regime carried out by a trafficking network that is composed of two groups: (a) Robert Montoya, Mikhail Kapylou, Frédéric Lafont and their respective companies; and (b) a para-institutional group of individuals, namely Kadet Bertin (former security adviser of Mr. Gbagbo, now living in Ghana) and Commander Anselme Seka Yapo.
1920 年 4 月,奥斯曼帝国解体,胜利的同盟国指示西亚美尼亚附于新的共和国,并任命美国 总统伍罗·威尔逊来仲裁土耳其(奥斯曼帝国的后继国)和亚美尼亚之间的边界。
In April 1920, the victorious Allied Powers, dismantling the Ottoman Empire, directed that Western Armenia be attached to the new republic and appointed U.S. President Woodrow Wilson to arbitrate the boundary between Turkey (successor to the Ottoman Empire) and Armenia.
专家组还有文件证明,蒙托亚拥有另一本姓名 罗伯 特 ·蒙 塔亚的科 特迪瓦护照(据科特迪瓦当局称是假护照)(见附件 24)。
The Group also documented that Mr. Montoya is in
possession of another Ivorian passport (false according to Ivorian authorities),
[...] under the name of Robert Montaya (see [...]
annex 24).
2010 年 1 月 8 日,关于能源的专门网站 Platts.com 出版发表一篇文章,转
[...] 载参议员莉萨·穆尔科斯基(阿拉斯加共和党)的发言 罗伯 特 ·狄 龙的声明,指 出能源委员会约 [...]
7 个月前表决赞成 2009 年 7 月穆尔科斯基提出的 S 1517 计划, 即允许参与在古巴经济专属区的石油勘探和与此活动相关的旅行。
On 8 January 2010, the website Platts.com, which specializes in energy,
published an article that reported on the
[...] statements by Robert Dillon, spokesman [...]
for Senator Lisa Murkowski (Republican-Alaska),
that the Energy Committee had voted seven months previously in favour of bill S 1517, submitted by Murkowski in July 2009, which would permit participation in oil exploration in Cuba’s exclusive economic zone and travel related to that activity.
10 个国家、地区和当地基金会承诺向这项史无前例的八年期计划拨款 1
亿美元,包括密歇根东南部社区基金会(底特律)、麦克斯 M. 和 马乔里 S.
[...] 费舍尔基金会(密歇根南菲尔德)、福特基金会(纽约)、哈 逊 - 韦 伯 基 金 会(底特律) 、W.K. 凯洛格基金会(密歇根巴特尔克里克)、约翰 [...]
S. 和詹姆斯 L. 奈特基金会(迈阿密) 、克雷奇基金会(密歇根特洛伊)
、麦格雷戈基金会(底特律) 、查尔斯·斯图尔特·莫特基金会(密歇根弗林特)和斯格曼基金会(底特律)。
Ten national, regional and local foundations have committed $100 million to this unprecedented eight-year initiative, including the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan (Detroit), the Max M. and Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation
(Southfield, Michigan), the Ford Foundation (New
[...] York), the Hudson-Webber Foundation (Detroit), [...]
the W.K. Kellogg Foundation (Battle
Creek, Michigan), the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation (Miami), The Kresge Foundation (Troy, Michigan), the McGregor Fund (Detroit), the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation (Flint, Michigan), and the Skillman Foundation (Detroit).
此外,在开罗宾逊计划 的过程中向患有唐氏综合症和其他学习障碍者传 授了读书写字能力:考虑到每个人的具体需要,改写了方案内容,注意个体化设 计,使用了适宜的教学材料。
In addition, persons with Down’s syndrome and other learning difficulties have been taught to read and write in the context of the Robinson mission: programme contents are adapted to take each individual’s specific needs into account, personalized attention is provided, and appropriate educational materials are used.
海军健康研究中心为位于马里兰州Silver Spring的海军医学研究司令部、位于 罗 里 达 州杰 逊 维 尔 的海军医学支持司令部以及海军内外科局(BUMED),管理和开展远期应用医学研究、开发、测试以及评估项目。
NHRC manages and executes expeditionary operational medical research, development and test and evaluation programs for the Naval Medical Research Command, Silver Spring, MD, Navy Medicine Support Command, Jacksonville, FL and the Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED).
目前, 主办天基信息平台各区域支助办事处的有八个国家机构(阿尔及利亚空间局、 哥伦比亚奥古斯丁 · 科达齐地理研究所、匈牙利罗伊 · 罗伯特大 学、伊朗空间 局、尼日利亚国家空间研究和发展局、巴基斯坦空间和高层大气研究委员会、 罗马尼亚空间局和乌克兰国家空间局)和四个区域组织(位于日本神户的亚洲 减灾中心、位于内罗毕的资源测绘促进发展区域中心、位于特立尼达和多巴哥 圣奥古斯丁的西印度群岛大学和位于巴拿马城的拉丁美洲和加勒比潮湿热带地 区水中心)。
Currently, UN-SPIDER regional support offices are being hosted by eight national organizations: Algerian Space Agency, Agustín Codazzi Geographic Institute of Colombia, Károly Róbert University of Hungary, Iranian Space Agency, Nigerian National Space Research and Development Agency, Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission, Romanian Space Agency and National Space Agency of Ukraine; and by four regional organizations: ADRC, based in Kobe, Japan; Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD), based in Nairobi; University of the West Indies, based in Saint Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago; and Water Center for the Humid Tropics of Latin America and the Caribbean (CATHALAC) based in Panama City.
2009 年 4 月 19 日,星期日,一位代表一个未注册公司的不知名索马里男 子走进位于罗毕威尔逊机场 的一家肯尼亚航空公司首都航空有限公司总裁 Himat Vaghela 机长的办公室。
On Sunday, 19 April 2009, an unknown Somali man representing an unregistered company walked into the offices of Captain Himat Vaghela, Managing Director of Capital Airlines Limited, a Kenyan airline company based at Wilson airport in Nairobi.
这所学校曾在第一,但几个特点,它遵循Augustinism(柏拉图),而当时统治神学,并获得通过(不只是世俗的神职人员在巴黎教授威廉属于奥弗涅,根特的亨利等),但还等突出的教师,多米尼加基尔沃比令(罗兰的克雷莫纳 罗伯 特 Fi tzack er , 罗伯 特 )
This school had at first but few peculiarities; it followed Augustinism (Platonism), which then ruled theology, and which was adopted not only by the Parisian professors belonging to the secular clergy (William of Auvergne, Henry of Ghent, etc.), but also by prominent teachers of the Dominican Order (Roland of Cremona, Robert Fitzacker, Robert of Kilwardby, etc.).
在基辅和第伯罗彼得 罗夫斯克举行的会议和会谈的一个结果是,乌克兰 国家空间局、Yu z hn y 机器制造厂、住友公司和三菱重工签署了一项协议,规定 进一步探索是否可能在为风力发电厂制造风力涡轮发电机方面进行有效而富有 成果的合作。
As a result of the meetings and talks held in Kyiv and Dnipropetrovs’k, an agreement providing for further exploration of the possibilities for effective and fruitful cooperation in constructing wind turbines for wind power plants was signed by NSAU, Yuzhny Machine-Building Plant, Sumitomo Corporation and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.
3 月 27 日,特别协调罗伯特·塞 里先生向安理 会通报了情况(见 S/PV.6742)。他报告说,直接谈判 [...]
的前景依然黯淡,而且由于没有政治前途,巴勒斯坦 权力机构的建国努力岌岌可危。
On 27 March, Special Coordinator Robert Serry briefed [...]
the Council (see S/PV.6742), reporting that prospects for direct negotiations
remained slim, and that without a political horizon, the State-building efforts of the Palestinian Authority were at risk.




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