

单词 罄竹难书

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以色列的所作所为给巴勒斯坦人民造成的苦罄 竹难书,而 且每天、每周、每年都在继续加剧。
The list of the suffering of the Palestinian people caused by Israeli action is long and continues to grow by the day, the week and the year.
由于这种 事例不胜枚举罄竹难书,我 们非常鼓励特别代表以 后提交的报告会对这方面的情况作进一步的说明,而 [...]
Given the abundance of accounts and documentation [...]
of such incidents, we strongly encourage future reports of the Special
Representative to further elaborate on this aspect, rather than mentioning it in passing.
这些团体完全无视人的生命的劣罄 竹难书,而且,它们继续对国家各地儿童所面临的危 险负有绝大部分责任。
Their complete disregard for human life is well documented, and they continue to bear overwhelming responsibility for the danger to children across the country.
正是德国给其邻国,并因此给其本国公民, 带来罄竹难书的痛苦。
It was Germany
[...] that brought unspeakable suffering upon [...]
its neighbours and, as a consequence, also upon its own citizens.
根据这项政策,以色列官员根本不回应世界舆论 对以色列政权不遵守一切人道主义和人权原则的空 前记录和历罄竹难书的罪 行和暴行的指责,包括它 犯下的占领、侵略、军国主义、国家恐怖主义和危害 人类罪,而却总是对其他国家发表煽动性的言论或提 出无端的指控。
In line with this policy, Israeli officials, instead of answering to world public opinion for their unparalleled record of non-compliance with all humanitarian and human rights principles and their long and dark history of crimes and atrocities, including occupation, aggression, militarism, State terrorism and crimes against humanity, have always made inflammatory remarks and baseless allegations against other countries.
讲课人应当最好是人权问题 特别报告员以及曾主持过 1948 年以来为调查以色罄竹难书的罪 行所成立的很多视察队和实况调查团 工作的人。
The lecturers should, preferably, be the special rapporteurs on human rights and those who have chaired the many inspection teams and factfinding missions formed since 1948 to investigate the repeated crimes of Israel.
以色列凌驾于法 律之上,给 40 多年来在包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒 斯坦被占领土受它压迫的巴勒斯坦人民带来 罄竹 难书的痛苦和毁灭。
Acting above the law, Israel has inflicted untold suffering and devastation on the Palestinian people it has oppressed for over four decades in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem.
生活在科特迪瓦的平民沦为巴博先生恐怖统治 下的牺牲品,他的暴罄竹难书,包 括他的民兵亵渎 清真寺和杀害穆斯林教士,设法刺激穆斯林社区做出 类似反应,从而挑起族裔之间后果难以想象的冲突。
Civilians living in Côte d’Ivoire are victims of Mr. Gbagbo’s reign of terror, whose atrocities include a propensity by his militias to desecrate mosques and assassinate Muslim clergy, in the hope of provoking a similar reaction by the Muslim community, thereby sparking an inter-ethnic conflict of incalculable consequences.
總之,這些個罄竹難書 ,希望政府能減少鋪張 浪費。
It is hoped that the Government can be less extravagant and wasteful.
书处还 要求环境规划署在这项 计划中列入规定,确保提供给执行氟氯烃淘汰管理计划的经费 罄 后 ,这项计划仍能继续 进行。
The Secretariat also requested UNEP to ensure that provisions are included in this scheme to ensure its sustainability after funds for HPMP implementation run out.
履行机构还注意到由于 在提供办公室设施方面的延误而造成的 书 处 的 困 难 , 困 难 之 一是需在不同地点 办公。
The SBI also noted the difficulties faced by the secretariat due to delays [...]
in the provision of office facilities, which
include operating from different locations.
这时,瓦岗军首领李密发布了讨伐隋炀帝的檄文,宣布隋炀帝有十大罪状,号召百姓起来推翻隋炀帝,其中有 罄 南 山 之 竹 , 书 罪 未 穷;决东海之波,流 难 尽。
One sentence of the declaration was that "Even if all bamboos on the south mountain were cut, they are not enough to inscribe his crimes; even if all water was in the east sea drained up, they are not enough to cleanse his sin.
在 美元继续疲弱,石油输出国组织生产实行配额,方便的供应来源接近 罄 的情 况下,石油市场面临的种种不确定因素,使 难 以 评 估石油价格则中短期动 态。
In a context of continuing weakness of the United States dollar increasing demand, Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) production quotas, and near exhaustion of easily accessible sources of supply, the oil market faces uncertainties which make it a challenge assessing the development of oil prices over the short and medium term.
亞 洲 人民身受其侵 略 的 痛 苦 和 災 難 ; 中國在 八 年 抗 戰 的 日 子 裏 , 日本侵 華 罪 行罄 竹 難 書
The peoples of Asia all suffered immense pains and tragedies as a result of its aggression; and, during the eight-year War of Resistance in China, the Japanese committed countless crimes.
殘疾人士的交通 障 礙 實在罄竹難 書,問題的根源 正 是公共 交 通 機 構 的 敷 衍 態 度 , 以為做 了 最 基 本 的工作 便完成 了 任 務,根本 沒 有 考慮不 同殘疾人 士的實際需 要 , 而 最 重要的 一 點 ,是顯示了 它 們 沒 有 誠 意 。
The transport barriers to people with disabilities are actually innumerable and the root of the problem is the perfunctory attitude of public transport operators.
它們出現的種種行政問題,由失誤以至我剛才所 說的浪費公帑,甚至很多時候是管治完全失效,我們認為當中失職的情 況,真的罄竹難書,並不是那麼容易在今天的辯論中,逐一分析各機 構。
There are countless instances of dereliction of duty, such that we do not think it is so easy for us to analyze the problems with all organizations one by one in the debate today.
要數當中令人對曾特首的誠信質疑之處,實在 罄竹 難 書, 相信大家也不必我在這裏重複一次。
If we want to enumerate the queries about the integrity of the Chief Executive, loads of paper would be needed to put them all down.
這種所為令 人感到憤怒,我認為罄竹難書的。
It is infuriating to act like that and there, I think, have been far too many such cases.
11 月 22 日至 23 日,人权理事会任命的索马里人权状况独立专家在前往非洲 之 角的访问 时出席 了一次在人权高专办支助下由 联合国索马里政治事务处 (联索政 治处
)人权股 组织
[...] 举行的关于正义与和解问题的筹备会,出席 会议的各方包括高级 别委员会成员、民间社会代表、来自 联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会)、联合国妇女 发 展基金(妇 发基金)、联合国难民事务高级专员办事 处(难民署)和书处的政治事 务部的代表。
On 22-23 November, the independent expert appointed by the Human Rights Council on the situation of human rights in Somalia, while on mission to the Horn of Africa, attended a preparatory meeting on justice and reconciliation organized by the United Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS) Human Rights Unit (HRU) with OHCHR support, with the participation of the members of the High Level Committee, civil society delegates, and representatives from the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), the Office of the
United Nations High
[...] Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the Department of Political Affairs of the Secretariat, among others.
Actually, in a society which adopts a laissez-faire approach towards enterprises, examples of enterprises failing to act as required are inexhaustible.
委员会认识到太平洋诸岛屿因其人口较少、土地面积分散、以及 灾害频发而面对着独特的难,因 此请 书 处 继 续努力增进太平洋的 连通及其获得和使用卫星图像的方便程度,并请秘书处进一步协助太 平洋诸岛屿开展侧重灾害管理工作的空间应用能力建设,包括远程医 疗、电子教学、电子政务、以及社区电子中心等。
Cognizant that the Pacific
[...] islands face unique difficulties due to their small population, scattered land areas and frequently recurring disasters, the Committee requests that the secretariat continue its [...]
efforts to improve
Pacific connectivity and access to and use of satellite imagery and that it further assist the Pacific islands with capacity-building in space applications, including telemedicine, e-education, e-governance, and community e-centres with a focus on disaster management.
事 實 上 ,公營 機構過去 的 劣 行 , 可 說罄 竹 難 書
Indeed, the past misdemeanours of public organizations are just too numerous to name.
我想借此机会,更加广泛地回顾我国政府承诺捍 卫 1951 年《关于难民地位的公约》及其 1967 年的议书,并支持难民署保护难民和为他们的困境找到持 久解决办法的任务规定。
I would like to take this occasion, more generally, to recall the commitment of my Government to upholding the 1951 Convention relating to
the Status of Refugees
[...] and its 1967 Protocol and to support the mandate of UNHCR to protect refugees and find [...]
durable solutions to their plight.
此外难民署根据书长或 联合国各主要主管机 关的具体要求,并经有关国家同意,向境内流离失所者提供人道主义援助和保护 (大会第 48/116 号决议)。
In addition, on the basis of specific requests from the Secretary-General or the competent [...]
principal organs of the United
Nations, and with the consent of the State concerned, UNHCR provides humanitarian assistance and protection to internally displaced persons (General Assembly resolution 48/116).
根据预计,古巴是否愿意成为国难 民 文 书 的 缔 约方,是否愿意寻找解决本 国境内难民问题的办法,取决于与美国双边关系的变化。
It is anticipated that Cuba’s readiness to
become a party to the
[...] international refugee instruments and to engage in finding solutions to the refugee situation [...]
within the country
are dependent on a change in its bilateral relations with the United States.
所以,郭榮鏗議員今天提出這項議案辯論是非常適切的,因為自 回歸以來......我們只談大事,如果談小事那便 罄竹 難 書 ,大事例如 第二十三條立法或領匯上市。
Hence, the motion debate proposed by Mr Dennis Kwok today is most appropriate, for since the reunification …… We will only talk about the major incidents, for those minor incidents are too many to be listed.
大会在其第 64/195 号决议第 6 段中重申,决定利用自愿捐款设立东地中海
[...] 油污废物,采用无害环境的综合管理方式处理因吉耶发电厂储油罐被毁而造成的 环境难,并请秘书长继 续设法确定该信托基金的托管和运作问题,在大会第六 [...]
In paragraph 6 of its resolution 64/195, the General Assembly reaffirmed its decision to establish an Eastern Mediterranean Oil Spill Restoration Trust Fund, based on voluntary contributions, to provide assistance and support to the States directly adversely affected in their integrated environmentally sound management, from clean-up to safe disposal of oily waste, of this environmental disaster resulting from the destruction of the oil storage tanks at
the Jiyeh electric power plant, and
[...] requested the Secretary-General to continue working [...]
towards the hosting and operationalization
of the Trust Fund and to promptly finalize the implementation of that decision before the end of the sixty-fourth session of the General Assembly.
在拉丁美洲和加勒比地区,由于无法在低风险的情况下以当地生长物来代替甲基溴 使得这种物质的使用量极高且替代品的实际用途简单,《蒙特利尔议 书 》 可能 很 难 取得 成功。
The success of the Montreal Protocol may be jeopardized in LAC due to cases of high usage of MB in cases where this substance cannot be substituted under a low risk scenario for local growers and simple field application of alternatives.
此外,对于各国是否有能力提供离岸价的信息的问题,秘书处代表指出,如果各国 提供此种数据有难,秘书处愿 与个别国家讨论此事,并确认有关的数据是进口的数据。
In addition, in response to questions regarding the ability of countries to provide information on Free on Board (FOB) prices, the representative of the
Secretariat indicated that if
[...] countries had difficulty providing such data the Secretariat was open [...]
to discussing that with the
individual country, and confirmed that the data in question was for imports.




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