

单词 罄匮

See also:


lack v

surname Kui

External sources (not reviewed)

这些团体完全无视人的生命的劣罄 竹难书,而且,它们继续对国家各地儿童所面临的危 险负有绝大部分责任。
Their complete disregard for human life is well documented, and they continue to bear overwhelming responsibility for the danger to children across the country.
然而,以这种方式提供的能力建设,因秘书处现有资 匮 乏 而 受到 影响,通常需要组织者支付该司专家参与这些活动的相关费用。
The delivery of capacity-building in
this format is affected, however, by the
[...] scarce resources available to the Secretariat, [...]
and usually requires that the organizers
defray expenses related to the participation of Division experts.
三台汽车均已罄,每 台各采用意大利国旗中的一种颜色——绿色、白色、红色,从而交织成一部三部曲,彰显独特魅力。
The three
[...] cars sold to customers each feature [...]
a single color of the Italian national flag, together a triology in green,
white and red accents and thus representing each a unique piece.
鉴于当今世界正面临着全球性重大挑战:环境恶 化加剧,生物多样性减少,水资匮 乏 , 环境污染以及气候变化带来的新影响,并且认识到所有这些挑战会对 我们在消除贫困和实现公平社会方面的努力构成妨碍,我们赞赏教科文组织对发展中国家人民的支持、对科学 事业中妇女作用的强调以及对地球未来的关注。
Considering that the world is facing major global changes: accelerating environmental degradation, loss of biodiversity, water scarcity, pollution, and emerging impacts of a changing climate and recognizing that all of these challenges impede efforts to eradicate poverty and achieve an equitable society, we commend the Director General’s support of developing nations, the role of women in science, and the future of our planet.
倘若劉健儀議員就我的動議所提出的修訂獲得通過,則正如黃宏發 議員指出,在數個月後,我便須為了同㆒目的,再次前來本局,因為假如在㆒九九
[...] 五年㆒月稅款沒有按建議作出增加,到明年㆓、㆔月間,援助基金便會 罄。
If the amendment to my motion now proposed by the Honourable Mrs Miriam LAU were carried, I would have to, as the Honourable Andrew WONG pointed out, come before this Council again in but a few months’ time for the same purpose,
because without the proposed increase in levies in January 1995, the TAVA Fund could
[...] only last until next February/March.
(c) 尽资源的最大可能,采取一切必要措施确保生活贫困的人至少能得到 营养适足和安全的最低水平的必要食物、基本的躲避处、住房和卫生设施,以及 供应充足的安全饮用水,以预防疾病和物 匮 乏 所 造成的其他有害后果,包括营 养不良、流行病和母婴死亡等。
(c) Take all possible measures, to the maximum of their available resources, to ensure that persons living in poverty have access to at least the minimum essential food that is nutritionally adequate and safe, basic shelter, housing and sanitation, and an adequate supply of safe drinking water, so as to prevent diseases and other harmful consequences of material deprivations, including malnutrition, epidemics and maternal and infant mortality.
[...] 贸易扭曲性农业补贴,因为这会导致农产 匮 乏, 在长期内加剧粮食危机。
In that regard, she urged developed countries to discontinue their trade-distorting
agricultural subsidies, which led to shortfalls of
[...] agricultural products and would exacerbate [...]
the food crisis in the long term.
藝術及體育發展基金 分別在2003年 7月及2005年 2月罄原先 獲注入的1億 6,000萬元(藝術部 分 )及 1億 4,000萬元(體育部分)後,政府當局已運用原先注入資金的投資 收入,來支付從藝術及體育發展基金批出的額外撥款及資助。
With the exhaustion of the sum of $160 million and $140 million initially injected into the arts and sports portions of the Fund in July 2003 and February 2005 respectively, the Administration had used investment income generated from the initial injection to cover the excess of the grants and funding support made under ASDF.
秘书处还要求环境规划署在这项 计划中列入规定,确保提供给执行氟氯烃淘汰管理计划的经费 罄 后 ,这项计划仍能继续 进行。
The Secretariat also requested UNEP to ensure that provisions are included in this scheme to ensure its sustainability after funds for HPMP implementation run out.
至 少,儿童有权获得一套基本的社会服务,其中包括高质量的医疗保健、充足的食 物、住房、安全饮用水和卫生设施、以及初级教育,从而使他们得以充分成长, 远离疾病、营养不良、文盲和其他的形式 匮 乏。
At a minimum, children are entitled to a package of basic social services that includes high-quality health care, adequate food, housing, safe drinking water and sanitation and primary education, so that they can grow to their full potential, free of disease, malnutrition, illiteracy and other deprivations.
獲資助機構必須把所有項目資金存 放於項目帳戶,直至有關資金按照項目協議悉數 罄 或全 數歸還政府為止。
All project funds shall be kept in the project account by the applicant until such funds are spent (paid) in compliance with the project agreement or returned to the Government by the applicant in accordance with the project agreement.
在 美元继续疲弱,石油输出国组织生产实行配额,方便的供应来源接近 罄 的情 况下,石油市场面临的种种不确定因素,使人难以评估石油价格则中短期动 态。
In a context of continuing weakness of the United States dollar increasing demand, Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) production quotas, and near exhaustion of easily accessible sources of supply, the oil market faces uncertainties which make it a challenge assessing the development of oil prices over the short and medium term.
繼於二零零六年售 出約77%之單位後,所有餘下單位於二零零 七年均已罄。
Following the sale of approximately 77% of units in 2006, all its remaining units were sold in 2007.
[...] 其他外,全球金融和经济危机对发展中国家经济增长与发展严重的不利影响, 这可能会导致这些国家贫穷匮乏的 日益增加、发展中世界绝大多数国家处于 [...]
持续缺乏资源和不发达的状态;另一方面,除其他外,贸易条件持续不平等、 发达国家缺乏合作,一些发达国家施加强制和单方面措施。
These impediments are in the form of, inter alia, the severe adverse impact of the global financial and economic crises on the economic growth and development of developing countries which could lead to
increasing poverty and deprivation in these
[...] countries, the continuing lack of resources [...]
and underdevelopment of the majority
of the developing world, on the one hand, and in the form of, inter alia, the continuing unequal terms of trade, the lack of cooperation from developed countries, as well as coercive and unilateral measures imposed by some of them, on the other hand.
医疗中心遭到破坏,清洁水资匮乏 , 教育系统几近完全崩溃。
Health centres have been damaged, clean water is scarce, and the education system is near complete collapse.
电视台播放的最获成功的录像片涉及以下方面:在文化方面有关于新列入《世界遗产名录》 的遗址,《保护世界遗产公约》三十周年,水下遗产,重建莫斯塔尔桥的奠基仪式;在教育 方面有国际劳工局/教科文组织共同开展的关于世界教 匮 乏 问题研究的录像片。
The sequences that proved most successful with the television programmes concerned were, in the field of culture, those on the new sites placed on the World Heritage List, the thirtieth anniversary of the World Heritage Convention, the underwater heritage and the laying of the first stone in the reconstruction of Mostar Bridge, and, in the field of education, the sequence produced on the occasion of the joint UNESCO-ILO study on the shortage of teachers.
的众多威胁和东部地区仍不见减少的不稳定情况不会消除,除非根本问题得到有 效解决,包括建立有效的国家权力,建设装备及供应充分的专业的安全机构和法
[...] 治机构,特别是武装部队、国家警察和司法部门,制止非法开采自然资源,应对 国家存在薄弱匮乏情况,并使外国和当地的非法武装团体丧失能力。
These include establishing of effective State authority; building professional and adequately equipped and supplied security and rule-of-law institutions, in particular the armed forces, the national police and the judiciary; curbing the illegal
exploitation of natural resources; addressing
[...] the weak or absent presence of [...]
the State; and neutralizing illegal foreign and local armed groups.
認購權儲備不得用作上文所指定者以外之任何用途,惟當本公司所有其他儲備(股份溢價賬 除外)罄則除 外,在此情況下只可動用認購權儲備根據法例規定將本公司損失減至最低; 於行使所有或任何由任何認股權證代表之認購權時,可行使之認購權所涉及之股份面值須等 於該認股權證持有人行使其認股權證所代表之認購權所需支付之現金款額(或視情況而定, 如行使部分認購權則為其相應比例);除此以外,須配發額外股份(入賬列作繳足)予行使 認購權之認股權證持有人,該等額外股份之面值須等於以下兩者之差額
(c) upon the exercise of all or any of the subscription rights represented by any warrant, the relevant subscription rights shall be exercisable in respect of a nominal amount of shares equal to the amount in cash which the holder of such warrant is required to pay on exercise of the subscription rights represented thereby (or, as the case may be the relevant portion thereof in the event of a partial exercise of the subscription rights) and, in addition, there shall be allotted in respect of such subscription rights to the exercising warrantholder, credited as fully paid, such additional nominal amount of shares as is equal to the difference between
同时,建设和平基金为调解人特别代表办公室提供的资金将在 2010 年 9 月 底罄。
Meanwhile, funding from the Peacebuilding Fund for the office of the Special Representative of the Facilitator will be exhausted by the end of September 2010.
(f) 市場力量 – 除了決定權證或牛熊證的理論價格的基本因素外,權證或牛熊證的價格亦 受權證或牛熊證的供求情況影響,尤其是當某系列權證或牛熊證快將 罄 及 增 發某系 列權證或牛熊證時。
(f) Market forces - In addition to the basic factors that determine the theoretical price of a warrant or CBBC, prices of warrants or CBBCs are also affected by the demand for and supply of the warrants or CBBCs.
关于此点,据报一旦监狱医疗中心的现有药品 罄 , 将 没有补 充。
On this point, once the supply of medications available at the health care centre of the prisons was exhausted, there was reportedly no replenishment.
根据这项政策,以色列官员根本不回应世界舆论 对以色列政权不遵守一切人道主义和人权原则的空 前记录和历罄竹难 书的罪行和暴行的指责,包括它 犯下的占领、侵略、军国主义、国家恐怖主义和危害 人类罪,而却总是对其他国家发表煽动性的言论或提 出无端的指控。
In line with this policy, Israeli officials, instead of answering to world public opinion for their unparalleled record of non-compliance with all humanitarian and human rights principles and their long and dark history of crimes and atrocities, including occupation, aggression, militarism, State terrorism and crimes against humanity, have always made inflammatory remarks and baseless allegations against other countries.
许多最贫穷者继续生活在冲突后国家,这些国家的基础设施和投匮乏, 妨碍了基本社会服务的提供,限制了经济生产能力。
Many of the poorest continue to live in post-conflict States where inadequate infrastructure and low investment prevent the delivery of basic social services and limit the productive capacity of the economy.
預計有關撥款在 2013 年年底會大致罄,以支付原來 3 000 個培訓名額的所需開支。
It is anticipated that the funding will be substantially expended by end 2013 to meet the original training quota of 3 000.
然而,由于资匮乏、 挑战巨 大,比如保证索马里人道主义机构的人身安全等,他 呼吁在联合国安理会的领导下建立更加健全的国际 响应机制,以增加非洲自身的努力,尤其是与索马里 问题相关的努力。
However, in view of their meagre resources and the immense challenges, such as guaranteeing physical security for humanitarian agencies in Somalia, he appealed for a more robust international response under the leadership of the United Nations Security Council to augment Africa’s own efforts, particularly with regard to Somalia.
最后,有些并不反对《公约》的国家仍然置身于《公约》之外,原 因仅仅在于行政资匮乏, 而批准或加入《公约》只不过是在资金分配上互有冲 突的众多优先事项之一。
Finally, some States with no objections to the Convention remain outside it simply because ratification or accession to it is one of many competing priorities for scarce administrative resources.
本区域许多国家都因缺乏连通农村地区的全天候道路、前往偏 远地区和岛屿的交通运输服匮乏或 不可靠、很难深入内地地区、以及农村 与城市之间的连接不畅等因素而存在着大规模的地域不平等现象,包括收 入、资产和机会诸方面。
Many countries in the region suffer large spatial inequalities with regards to income, wealth and opportunity. This is due to a lack of all-weather roads to villages, infrequent or unreliable transport services to outlying areas and islands, poor access to deeper hinterlands and weak rural-urban connectivity.
然而,在联合国建设和平基金项下提供的催化经费将在2009年1 月罄, 因 此令人关切的是,除非能得到政府和国际合作伙伴提供额外支助,委员会的运 [...]
However, the catalytic funding provided to the
Commission under the United Nations Peacebuilding
[...] Fund will run out in January 2009, [...]
and unless additional support is forthcoming
from the Government and international partners, there are concerns that the operations of the Commission may be adversely affected.
在20世紀末之前,世事均呈現上升趨勢,人口增加、糧食用量提高、耗費更多鋼鐵、燃燒更多石油,但如果人們無力負擔,或是資源 罄 , 情況會變得更嚴重,這正是地球正在逼近的狀態。
Until the end of the 20th century we’d seen everything go up as more and more people consumed more food, used more steel, burnt more oil – more of just about everything.




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