

单词 缺油

See also:

vacant post
run short of

External sources (not reviewed)

参见沈泽玮,《为改缺油局面 南中 国海将建’深水大庆’”》, 《联合早报网》,2011 [...]
年 4 月 18 日。
Shen Zewei,
[...] “To change the oil shortage situation, a ‘Deepwater [...]
Daqing’ to be established in South China Sea”, Lianhe Zaobao, 18 April 2011].
例如,LSD内的环形齿轮有时会将机油从湿式离合器片中导出,因此在试验机上加装一个滴油润滑器,以模拟摩擦材料 缺油 状 态
For example, the ring gear in an LSD can sometimes divert oil
away from the wet clutch plates, so a drip-feed was added to
[...] the rig to simulate oil starvation at the [...]
friction material.
當然,我們明白到機場 供油給飛機是非常重要,但我們從來沒有聽過飛 缺油 這 回 事。
We surely understand the paramount importance of fuel supply for planes at the airport, but we have never
[...] heard of planes running out of fuel.
这是一种改善了非结晶性树脂缺点 ( 对 油 及 药 物的抵抗力差)的聚合合金。
U series resins are polymer alloys that are improved
[...] in resistance to oils and chemicals, the shortcoming of amorphous resins.
同时我国的油资源短 缺,预计到2020年,我油品短缺约在 2亿吨左右。
The shortage of oil products is expected to be 0.2 billion tons in 2020.
如 果水力发电站需要水源供应,万一水资源 缺 ,有 可用的油发电机吗?
If the water supply is required for a hydroelectric power plant, is
[...] there an alternative oil-fired generator available in the event of water shortage?
主席,本地油市場長期缺乏價 格競爭,行業存在寡頭壟斷,加上 政缺乏監管,最終造成今油公司 “店大欺客”的局面。
This, coupled with the lack of government monitoring, has ultimately resulted in today's scenario where the oil companies have become so powerful [...]
that they can bully their customers.
尽管通过发放人道主义援助满足了流离失所者的 基本人道主义需求,但社会经济机会 缺 和 食 品和油价格 不断上涨都使海地的生活条件恶化。
While the basic humanitarian needs of displaced persons have been met by the distribution of humanitarian assistance, the
sparse socio-economic opportunities and the
[...] rising costs of food and oil have exacerbated the Haitians’ [...]
living conditions.
我们不但没有取得既定的结果,却经历了冬季供暖季的 油 短 缺 、 供 应问题、配给以及国内石油和天然气投资与开采的下降。
Rather than achieving our intended
result, we experienced
[...] winter heating oil shortages, supply problems, rationing, and a reduction in domestic oil and gas investment [...]
and exploration.
12 评估团亲眼见到油短缺导致加油站 外排长队, 道路交通量减少的。运输困难严重影响了国家经济,并导致燃气以及很多其他基 [...]
Transportation difficulties have severely affected the
[...] economy and resulted in a shortage of cooking gas and many [...]
other basic supplies and commodities.
这些因素包括人员、车辆和油短缺 以 及 就巫术所涉的种种禁忌及巫 术本身即有碍采取干预措施。
These include shortages of personnel, vehicles [...]
and fuel and a limited presence of the police, as well as the taboo surrounding
sorcery, which in and of itself prevents intervention.
此外,基金组织说,它对该国政府的石油收入, 特别是科特迪瓦国家石油公司所经管的 油 收 入 的管 缺 乏 信 任。
In addition, IMF states that it has little confidence in the
[...] Government’s management of oil revenues, particularly [...]
those administered by PETROCI.
我想,長遠而徹底的解決辦法,惟有靠引入公平競爭法針對油公 司,透過授權有關當局向涉嫌違反公平競爭的石油公司或相關公司索取 資料,或查閱公司帳目,以免油市 場 欠 缺 競 爭 ,任 油 公 司 舞高弄低。
I think in order to thoroughly solve the problem in the long term, the only solution is to introduce a fair competition law targeting oil companies, whereby the relevant authorities are empowered to obtain information from or examine the accounts of oil companies or other relevant companies suspected of having breached the fair competition
law, in order to
[...] ensure that there is no lack of competition in the fuel market which would otherwise enable the oil companies to do [...]
whatever they like.
我們聽到社 會 上有不少 聲音, 直指香 港 油價高 企 ,定價 上 的 “加快 減 慢 ” 等情況油 商 定缺 透 明度有關。
We have recently heard many in society say that the high oil prices in Hong Kong and the "quick
increases but slow
[...] decreases" in oil pricing are directly attributable to the lack of any transparency in the price determination of oil companies.
此外,考虑到阿斯马拉航空油短缺 , 当 时肯定不清楚该机如何能够避免在吉 布提中途停留。
Moreover, given Asmara’s
[...] aviation fuel shortage, it must have [...]
been unclear how the aircraft could avoid a stopover in Djibouti.
2011年10月,议会对油合同缺乏透 明度表示不满,并声称致使部长层待遇丰厚也表明总统并没有绝对控制权。
The October 2011 parliamentary
[...] revolt over the lack of transparency in oil contracts and alleged [...]
resulting large payments to
ministers also suggests the president’s control is far from absolute.
不 少職業司 機更表示 , 行 政長官 要 大 力 推 動 石 油氣的 士 和小巴 , 但 卻 完 全 沒有理會是 嚴缺 乏 配 套 設 施油站、 維 修 地 點 等 未 有 詳 細 方 案 , 叫 他們 如 何 找 生 計 呢 ?
Madam President, the Chief Executive reiterated in the policy address that he upholds the non-intervention policy featuring market-orientation and fair competition; this is very important to the development of a free economy in Hong Kong.
(二) 中電提供的報告和調查顯示,青山發電廠在 2004 年 7 月 29 日, 曾有油污從燃油泵房附近喉坑內一條直徑兩 油 管 上 的 缺 口泄 漏。
(b) According to the report provided by the CLP and investigation findings, it was discovered on 29 July
2004 that oil had leaked from a
[...] slit in an oil pipe of 2 inches in diameter inside a pipe trench near the fuel pump house.
[...] coal alongside scarce oil and gas is the fundamental [...]
natural resource reality of our country.
然而油价格补贴缺点是针对性 不强,其他用户和富裕顾客可以与穷人和不太富裕的人一样从中获益。
However, fuel price subsidies have a disadvantage; they cannot be [...]
clearly targeted, and other users and affluent constituencies
can benefit equally along with the poor and less affluent.
审计委员会对 2008/09 年度期间联苏特派团的情况发表了具体的意见和建 议,指出在制定和取消油购买合同 缺 乏 内 部控制;新口粮合同的采购程序不 正常;持续的高更替率、高空缺率和漫长的征聘周转时间;需要从承包商处回收 燃料消耗费用以用于维修和其他用途;信息安全股管理失误,对特派团的信息和 通信技术管理结构造成有害影响;需要做出进一步努力,来改善速效项目的执行 工作。
The Board of Auditors issued specific observations and recommendations with respect to UNMIS for the period 2008/09, indicating lack of internal control in the creation and cancellation of obligations for the purchase of fuel; anomalies in the procurement process for a new rations contract; persistent high turnover rates, high vacancy rates and extensive recruitment lead times; the need to recover from the contractor the cost of fuel consumption for maintenance and other uses; lapses in management with respect to the Information Security Unit, with a consequent adverse impact on the information and communications technology governance structure of the Mission; and the need to make further efforts to improve the implementation of quick-impact projects.
(c) 本港各油公司的零售價基本上相同,導致 油 市 場 缺乏 競爭。
(c) The local retail prices
[...] among different oil companies were essentially the same, leading to a lack of competition [...]
in the fuel market.
直到發明博世噴射泵,高速柴油機才得以誕生——這是機動車輛所用的高速 油 機 不 可 缺 少 的 部件。
High speed diesel engine came into birth
until Bosch ejector pump was
[...] invented- it was a indispensable part for high speed diesel engine used [...]
in motor vehicles.
路博润的传动系技术经理William D.
[...] Abraham博士表示:“为评估多种市售拖拉机液压油的性能而进行的测试表明低等级的润 油 存 在多 种 缺 陷。
Tests to assess the performance properties of a
range of available tractor hydraulic fluids
[...] illustrate the shortcomings of lower-tiered [...]
fluids,” says William D. Abraham, Ph.
国际油价的持续上涨和我国油资 源的 短 缺 已 经成为制约国民经济发展的瓶颈, 寻求烯烃产品新的原料路线势在必行。
The persistent increase of
[...] international oil price and the shortage of oil resources in [...]
china has long been the bottle neck
of its economic growth, therefore to seek new source of Olefin products is crucial for the development of China.
《石油(保存及管制)條例》,在制訂時增加了賦予政府的權 力,以影響油價,但要清楚說明,當天制定條例的時候,政 府已清晰向當時的立法局表示,此條例訂立目的是讓政府於
[...] 燃油供應出現困難時,採取緊急的應變措施;政府當時向立 法局作出承諾,該條例賦予的權力,只會於 油 供 應 出現缺時,才會被引用。
Yesterday, Mr Fred LI made special mention of the Oil (Conservation and Control) Ordinance of 1979 in which additional power was conferred on the Government on its enactment to influence oil prices. But it should be made clear that when the Ordinance was enacted at that time, the Government had stated clearly to the then Legislative Council that the object
of that Ordinance was to enable the Government to take contingency
[...] measures should there be any problem in fuel supply.
承认油、水和电的缺导致 并已经导致无辜平民遭受极度痛苦,包 括一些情形中无辜平民的死亡,避免袭击为平民提供这些基本服务的 目标
Recognizing that shortages in fuel, water and electricity [...]
cause and have caused extreme hardship, including death in some
cases, to innocent civilians, refrain from attacking targets that provide such essential services to the civilian population
具体而 言,此类战略应解决公共运输问题,具体途径包括:
[...] 减少汽车的使用;鼓励在长距离通勤人数多的社区创 造就业机会;在油需求缺乏弹 性的情况下,提高燃 料税,将所得用于资助可再生能源和绿色企业的发 展。
In particular, such strategies should address the problems of public transportation by reducing the use of automobiles, encouraging job creation in
local communities affected by long
[...] commutes and, where gasoline demand was inelastic, [...]
introducing fuel tax increases and
using the proceeds to fund the development of renewable sources of energy and green businesses.
到的, 例如, 包括笔记本电脑的高成本, 购买普通买家不可用,
[...] 但看在不同侧面的笔记本电脑, 我们得出的结论, 在这些笔记本电脑职业玩家做的更多利大于弊, 因此,油价和其他缺点我 们只是没注意, 是的那里他们的通知, 因为性能, 样式和压实度,他们不受.
As laptops have disadvantages, to which, for example, include the high cost of laptops, not available to purchase ordinary buyer, but looking at laptops with different sides, We have come to the conclusion, the
pros in these laptops do
[...] more than disadvantages, Therefore, high prices and other disadvantages we just don't [...]
notice, Yes and there
they notice, because performance, style and compactness, they are not affected by.
神华集团煤制烯 烃项目的启动,是国家能源重化工产业重大战略布局的需要,不仅为缓解我国油短缺保障 国家能源安全开辟了一条新的化工路线,而且对延长煤炭产业链,实 现煤炭工业可持续发展具有示范作用,同时为国民经济发展提供保障。
The start of Shenhua Group MTO (Coal to Olefin) projects could meet the demand of China’s energy and heavy chemical industries.




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