单词 | 缤纷 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 缤纷 adjective —colorful adj缤纷 —rich and diverse • vast and various 纷纷 —one by one • in profusion • one after another • numerous and confused • in succession • pell-mell • continuously Examples:五彩缤纷—all the colors in profusion (idiom); a garish display 五色缤纷—all the colors in profusion (idiom); a garish display See also:缤—helter-skelter • mixed colors • in confusion 纷—numerous • confused • disorderly
这座快乐的城市由许多色彩缤纷的气 球组成,鼓励参观者在这16,000平方英尺的巨大操场上积极探索。 ba-repsasia.com | This happy city is made up of intensely colored balloon pieces and encourages visitors to be active and explore the giant 16,000 square foot playground. ba-repsasia.com |
走下地中海邮轮,您便进入了一片色 彩 缤纷 的 天地,清澈蔚蓝的海水和深蓝色的天空交相辉映。 msccruises.com.cn | Step off your MSC cruise liner and enter a world of colour, where the azure crystal sea competes with the deep blue skies. msccruises.com.hk |
儿童园 地 的物品 是 为 了 让 儿童放 松 , 如 色 彩缤纷的 小 桌 椅 、 玩 具、带 有标识 的白色书写板、彩色铅笔、绘画书籍,等等。 daccess-ods.un.org | It contains items aimed at putting children at ease, such as small colourful tables and chairs, toys, white board with markers, coloured pencils, drawing books and so on. daccess-ods.un.org |
她们的头巾和服装底边配有五彩 缤纷的绣花装饰。 netzhammerbreiholz.de | Their head scarves and hemlines are decorated with multi-coloured embroidery. netzhammerbreiholz.de |
珍贵宝石在DJ混音的巧手下,带给您一 个 缤纷 热 闹 的派对夜晚。 piaget.com.cn | When an inspired DJ mixes precious stones, the night comes alive. en.piaget.com |
使用泥土 绘画并利用各种类型的泥土创作五彩 缤纷 的 画 作是⼀种 新的体验,这 不 仅仅是为幼⼉园⼉童准备的。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The fact that you can paint using earth and create colourful pictures with different types of soil was a new experience, and not just for kindergarten children. unesdoc.unesco.org |
此外SWAROVSKI CRYSTALLIZED™呈现了缤纷多样的现代、经典和魅力无限的精选首饰系列。 kristallwelten.swarovski.com | Additionally, SWAROVSKI CRYSTALLIZED™ offers an exquisite range of modern, classic, and glamorous jewelry collections. kristallwelten.swarovski.com |
节日期间,多伦多市中心的皇后公园(Queens Park)被改造成了一座五彩缤纷的彩 虹城,到处可见巨大的图腾、蘑菇群、弹性屋和充气人偶。 ba-repsasia.com | Queens Park in downtown Toronto was converted into Rainbow City, a colorful alternative dimension of gigantic totems, magical mushrooms, oversize bounce houses, and inflatable characters that came to life. ba-repsasia.com |
如果你热爱水下世界的奇幻景色,如果你热爱轻便潜水,那么下载OceanDive Animated Screensaver是不可或缺的,它可以伴随你一起欣赏五 彩 缤纷 的 水 下世界。 oceandive-anim...n.uptodown.com | If you like underwater world and scuba diving, download OceanDive Animated screensaver and enjoy the sights of the world beneath the waves. oceandive-anim...n.uptodown.com |
上海莫尔顿牛排坊提供经典而丰盛的美国美食,包括谷物喂养的顶级牛肉、极品海鲜 和 缤纷 甜 点。 diningcity.com | Morton’s Shanghai specializes in classic, hearty American cuisine [...] including the finest grain-fed aged beef, fresh [...] seafood and spectacular desserts, using [...]top quality ingredients and served in generous portions. diningcity.com |
巨型壁画以缤纷的色 彩和丰富的图案展示不同时代的公屋设计,并反映作者们共建永续绿色家园的心愿。 housingauthority.gov.hk | They have used rich colours and fascinating patterns to portray the different designs of public housing and their aspirations for green and sustainable living. housingauthority.gov.hk |
雨后出现在地平线上 的彩虹会呈现出缤纷的色 彩,尽管彩虹期权不像自然界的彩虹一样呈现出那 么 缤纷 的 色 彩, 但是它们也因为拥有多于两个标的资产而被命名为彩虹期权。 crystalballservices.com | Rainbows on the horizon after a rainy day comprise various colors of the light spectrum, and although rainbow options aren’t as colorful as their physical counterparts, they get their name from the fact that they have two or more underlying assets rather than one. crystalballservices.com |
当然,也能够完全沉浸在被列入世界遗产的湿热带雨林(Wet Tropics Rainforest)世界中,或乘坐观光火车游览蝴蝶飞舞的宁静小镇库兰达(Kuranda),亦或是乘坐游船欣赏色 彩 缤纷 的 鹦 鹉、憨态可掬的鸭嘴兽和闲适淡定的淡水鳄。 australia.com | Immerse yourself in the World Heritage Wet Tropics Rainforest, or take the scenic railway to the tranquil, butterfly-fringed village of Kuranda and cruise amongst colourful parrots, platypus and fresh water crocodiles. australia.com |
风景优美的18洞高尔夫球场从六月到十月开放,九月到十二月间,色 彩 缤纷 的 野花开满金色平原。 australia.com | The scenic 18-hole golf course is open from June to October, and colourful wildflowers cloak the golden plains between September and December. australia.com |
翌日,Accornero带来了他的画作,这就是“Flora”—— 一幅色彩缤纷的花 卉图像,而它注定会在之后的日子里绽放无比璀璨的动人光芒。 gucci.com | The next day Accornero returned with his painting: it was the “Flora”, a multicoloured flowered template that was destined for an unimaginably extended future. gucci.com |
利用LP97的玻璃自转图案、三面棱镜、五面棱镜或TECHNOBEAM的三维立体艺术造型在舞台上投射出超乎寻常的大面积光斑,光斑中不时的变换自由飘动的美丽图形,通过镜片扫描,图形由内而外,由低至高的扫动,与背立面投出的光束层叠分合,在空中构造出色 彩 缤纷 、 扑面而来各式造型。 gzbaiguan.com | Glass using LP97 rotation pattern, three prisms, five-sided prism or TECHNOBEAM three-dimensional artistic design on the stage projected extraordinary large spot, the spot from time to time of transformation free flowing beautiful graphics, scanning through the lens, graphics from the inside, the sweep from low [...] to high, and the back facade cast beam stacked division, constructed in the [...] air, colorful, blowing all kinds of shapes. gzbaiguan.com |
特价体验缤纷多彩 的活动,创造属于自己的美好阳光假期。 sunislandclub.com | Create your own perfect sunshine getaway with choice of activities and cost savings. sunislandclub.com |
客人可以选择色彩缤纷的客 房有2个或4张病床。 instantworldbooking.com | Guests can choose between colorful rooms with 2 or 4 beds. instantworldbooking.com |
S.E.A.海洋馆™ 新加坡圣淘沙名胜世界™ (原价:$29) — 全球最大的水族馆 – S.E.A.海洋馆,汇集了超过800种姿采 缤纷 的 海 洋物种,任您发掘壮丽浩瀚的海底生物奇观。 singaporeflyer.com | S.E.A. Aquarium™ Resorts World Sentosa Singapore™ (Usual Price: $29) - Discover the awe-inspiring world of ocean life at the world’s largest aquarium with more than 800 species of marine animals. singaporeflyer.com |
作为PAPINEE在亚洲地区的第一个艺术展示项目,PAPINEE用玻璃钢和有机玻璃雕塑创作 出 缤纷 活 力 的艺术装置,将PAPINEE动物王国儿童丛书中出现的纽约、伦敦、东京等地的美妙风情用巨型装置的形式带到了现实生活中。 papinee.com | PAPINEE’s first major installation project in the Asia region brings the beautiful and vibrant settings of New York, London, and Tokyo from the Animalia Story Books to life with extra-large fiberglass and acrylic sculptures. papinee.com |
酒店内设丰味坊、MoMo 2 Go 吧台及酒廊,全天供应咖啡、鸡尾酒及休闲餐饮 , 缤纷 美 食 令人难忘。 marriott.com.cn | To satisfy your craving, our MoMo cafe, MoMo 2 Go and lounges offer coffee, cocktails and casual dining throughout the day. marriott.com.au |
一开始色彩缤纷的珠子滚动速度相当的缓慢,但是随着时间的推移和等级的提升,珠子的颜色种类不断增加,滚动速度也越来越快,简而言之就是难度不断上升,乐趣也越来越大。 zuma-pocket-pc...n.uptodown.com | You start playing and the balls move slowly, but once you have passed some levels, the missions are more complicated, more colors, more rows of balls, more speed,... in short, more fun! zuma-pocket-pc...n.uptodown.com |
由参与「活学活用营养标签奖励计划2011/12」及「活用营养标 签 缤纷 购 物 奖励计划」的学校队伍及社区机构代表分享其筹办的营养标签推广活动的特色以及同学、老师、校长、学长及社区机构的同工、义工及服务使用者表达对计划的感想。 cfs.gov.hk | Representatives of participating schools and community organisations of the “Live it, Use it” Nutrition Labelling Promotion Award Scheme 2011/12 and Fun Shopping Award Scheme highlight the features of the nutrition labelling promotional activities being organised. cfs.gov.hk |
色彩缤纷且时 髦的图像组成了图标集,几乎可以应用于所有的应用程序中(打开文件,保存文件和图片等 evget.com | Colorful and stylish images compose a set of icons which are used virtually in all applications (open file, save file, image and so on). evget.com |
是该行 动的时候了,应当开始发掘我们自身创造性的潜力;应当让我 们的办公室更加生动、更加色彩缤纷 、 有 更多曲线和更加灵活 多变。 vital-office.net | It is therefore time to start to develop our creative potential and design our offices to be more lively, diverse, colorful, rounder and more flexible. vital-office.net |
当清风掠过,她让那释放的心灵随欲望起舞,就如 那 缤纷 的 孔 雀耳饰, 羽毛发饰展示于众。 enviefashion.com | As the wind flows, she lets her spirit of free flying desires be displayed to the world like the colorful peacock earrings and feathered head dress. just as the wild beast she stands with pride, showing her beauty to everyone that looks upon her. enviefashion.com |
漫步在古城里像是走入童话故事中,色 彩 缤纷 的 老 房子、优美的装饰门、圆卵石铺成的街道和美丽的公共建筑物,都把已被遗忘的过去氛围重现大家眼前。 visitfinland.com | Walking around Old Rauma is like stepping into a fairy tale: the colourful wooden houses, decorative gates, cobble stone streets and beautiful public buildings create an atmosphere of the long-forgotten past. visitfinland.com |
在饱览柏林的文化风情之后,夏天人们 可以乘游船在市内纵横交错的水道中惬 意穿行,或者在众多公园中觅一幽静之处 休憩片刻,也可以在斯普雷河沿岸五 彩缤 纷的沙滩酒吧里放松自己。 carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com | As well as experiencing the culture Berlin has to offer, you can relax in the summer on a steamboat trip through Berlin’s numerous waterways, or in one of the many parks, or in one of the colorful beach cafes along the banks of the Spree. carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com |
浪漫感人的故事加入滑稽惹笑的鞋匠、剑击高手、乌克兰贵族及哥萨克人,配以乌克兰各地的民族舞蹈、华 丽 缤纷 的 服 装及布景、扣人心弦的乐曲,还有旋风舞蹈团技惊四座的演出,如此精采的奇幻旋风旅程,你又怎可错过呢? hkiac.gov.hk | The everlasting love story with comical Cobblers, Fencing Masters, Noblemen and Cossacks combines Ukrainian regional dances, extravagant pageant of costumes and sets, enchanting music as well as the Shumka's thrilling leaps, sensational spins and high-kicks. hkiac.gov.hk |