

单词 缠扰者

See also:

缠扰 v

disturb v



wind around
wrap round

External sources (not reviewed)

如果一个生态系统受到干扰后可恢复原始状态,发生不太明显 的暂时变化,者受到干扰时不 会发生显著变化,那它就是稳 定或健康的生态系统。
An ecosystem is considered stable or healthy if it returns to its original
state after a disturbance, exhibits low temporal variability, or does not change
[...] dramatically in the face of a disturbance.
However, designs and practices need to be developed
[...] to prevent the entangling of non-fish species [...]
in netting and mooring ropes of the trap.
Wrap the cuff around the patient‘s upper arm midway between the elbow and the shoulder.
[...] 能包括:海流速度减缓,利用海浪能或潮汐能使海浪高度降低;建造活动以及海 洋可再生能源设备的持续存在导致海底生境改变、沉积物迁移或沉积;噪声和电 磁场导致鱼类和哺乳动物死亡或行为发生变化;鱼类、哺乳动物和鸟类的行动、 摄食、产卵和迁移路线受扰,使 其可能受伤、 缠 绕 或 可能受引诱或离开水面; 意外溢出和泄漏导致有毒化学品释放, 者 金 属 或有机化合物积累。
Researchers, industry experts and government agencies recognize that the most common environmental impacts of renewable energy technologies may include reduction of the velocity of marine currents and decrease in the heights of waves resulting from extraction of wave or tidal energy; alteration of benthic habitats and sediment transport or deposition by the construction activities and the continuous presence of marine renewable energy devices; killings or change in the behaviour of fish and mammals from noise and electromagnetic fields; interference with the movement, feeding, spawning and migration paths of fish,
mammals and birds, which may get hurt or entangled or may be attracted or hauled out; and release of toxic chemicals as a result of accidental spills and leaks or the accumulation of metals or organic compounds.
危害包括 但不限于:机械危害(如碰撞、跌倒、滑倒/绊倒 缠 绕 、 与设备有关的伤害)、 物理危害(如噪音、振动、光、辐射、电、窒息、冷应激、热应激)、化学危害(如 酸、贱金属和重金属相关危害)、接触铅溶剂和微粒(如石棉)、接触烟雾和高放 射性化学物质、火/火灾/爆炸、生物危害(如细菌、病毒、真菌、血源性病原体、 肺结核)、心理社会危害(如压力、暴力、性 扰 ) 和 不 良人体工程学设计造成的 肌肉骨骼疾病。
Hazards include, but are not limited to: mechanical hazards
(e.g., collisions, falls,
[...] slips/trips, entanglements, equipment-related injuries); physical hazards (e.g., noise, vibration, lighting, radiation, electricity, asphyxiation, cold stress, heat stress); chemical hazards (e.g., related to acid and base heavy metals); exposure to lead solvents and particulates (e.g., asbestos); exposure to fumes and highly reactive chemicals; fires, conflagrations and explosions; biological hazards (e.g., bacteria, viruses, fungi, blood-borne pathogens, tuberculosis); psychosocial hazards (e.g., stress, violence, sexual harassment); and musculoskeletal [...]
disorders resulting from bad ergonomic design.
如果太圆,就会导致纱线缠结更甚者随 着 弯曲压力增加导致断针。
If it is too round, this can result in snarling or even needle breakage because of the increased bending pressure.
委员会还促请缔约国处理侵犯受教育权的情况,包括因行动受到限 制、学童和教育设施受到以色列军方和定 者 骚 扰 和 攻 击而导致的这种情况,以 及因缺乏登记而无法入学的情况。
The Committee also urges the State party to address violations of the right to education, including those stemming from
restriction on movement,
[...] incidents of harassment and attacks by the Israeli military and settlers on school children [...]
and educational
facilities, as well as non-attendance caused by a lack of registration.
尤 其是,任何雇主均不得对雇员或求 者 进 行性 骚 扰 , 任 何雇员均不得对同事进行 骚扰,教育机构的任何教职员工均不得对同事或学生进行性骚扰。
In particular, no employer may sexually harass an employee or a job seeker, no employee may harass a fellow employee, no staff of an educational institution may sexually harass a colleague or a student.
缠扰,不 是传统地直接显示暴力 本身,而是显示作为预防或暴力事件良好处理结果的积极行动。运动包括电台 和电视台播报、海报、在“让我们停止暴力侵害妇女,让我们使社会变得快乐 一些”的口号下讲述真实生活中的英雄故事。
The campaign included announcements for radio and television, posters, telling the stories of real-life heroes under the slogan “Let’s stop violence against women, let’s make society a happier place”.
非正规移民更有可能成为仇外分子和种族主义分子的目标,遭 受无良雇主和性扰者的侵 害,容易沦为贩运和偷运罪犯的猎物。
Irregular migrants are more likely to be targeted by xenophobes and racists, victimized by unscrupulous employers and sexual predators, and can easily fall prey to criminal traffickers and smugglers.
此外,持续滥用权力所带来的心理后果也令人烦恼,监察员直接观察 了由于每天与被指控的扰者接触 而导致心理健康下降的情况。
In addition, the psychological consequences of continuing abuse of authority can be distressing, and the Ombudsman
made first-hand observations of the decline in mental wellbeing that results from
[...] daily contact with alleged harassers.
特别报告员注 意到,最近为控制和防范秘密入境采取边界管制措施,包括在过境国和海上开展 联合边界执法行动,对受者的影 响和 扰 很 大
The Special Rapporteur observes that recent border control measures aimed at tightening and preventing clandestine entry, including joint border enforcement operations in transit States or at sea, have had troubling effects on the victims.
关于 以色列在包括东耶路撒冷在内巴勒斯坦领土和被占领 的叙利亚戈兰的定居点的决议草案
A/C.4/65/L.14,她 提请注意序言部分第十二段至第十五段及第 3 段、第 4 段和第 6 段,前者严重关切修建和扩大定居点以及
[...] 继续非法修建隔离墙,后者除其他外再次要求以色列 立即全面停止一切定居点活动,并防止以色列定者 的暴力骚扰行为
In draft resolution A/C.4/65/L.14 on Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan, she drew attention to the twelfth through fifteenth preambular paragraphs expressing grave concern about the construction and expansion of settlements and the continuing unlawful construction of the wall and to paragraphs 3, 4 and 6, which, inter alia, reiterated the demand for the immediate and complete
cessation of all Israeli settlement activities and the prevention of all acts
[...] of violence and harassment by Israeli settlers.
所有的部件都具有优异的耐化学腐蚀性,并且内 置止回阀,确保相邻的应用不会交叉污染 者 相 互 干 扰。
The modules are very resistant to
chemicals and have built-in check valves to ensure that adjacent applications do not
[...] contaminate or interfere with one another.
当时装界不断为高级订造服面临灭亡的问题 缠扰, J OYCE很高兴邀请了高级订造服设计师Yiqing Yin来到北京和香港,向具识别力的顾客展示这门工艺背后的艺术,及现代订造服依然吸引的个中奥秘。
While the fashion world
[...] keeps obsessing over the imminent death of Haute Couture, JOYCE was pleased [...]
to invite couturier Yiqing
Yin to Beijing and Hong Kong to show our discerning customers the art behind the craft and what makes modern couture so desirable.
它可以增强音频信号并过滤扰,以 便来 者 的 声 音洪亮而清晰地传过来。
It enhances the audio signal and filters out interference so your caller comes through loud and clear.
保留条文的目的是防止针对香港特区政府并以受歧视为借口的无 缠扰的 诉 讼,以维持香港特区有效的出入境管制,确保香港特区的稳定,以及有效打击 跨境罪行。
34.2 The reservation clause aims to forestall vexatious legal challenge against the HKSAR Government on the alleged ground of discrimination, and help uphold HKSAR’s effective immigration control so as to ensure the stability of the HKSAR and combat crossboundary crimes.
除了第一项措施外,所有 其他措施都必须由法官下令,且只能在满足以下要求的前提下加以适用:即被告
[...] 在逃避或者有逃避的风险;被告有可能扰乱质询或指令,即损害证据;以及犯罪 活动有可能继续者严重扰乱公 共秩序和安宁。
All such measures, except the first, must be decreed by a judge and can only be applied if the following requirements are met: that the defendant is evading or there is a risk of evasion; that there is the risk of him disturbing inquiry or instruction, namely by compromising evidence;
and that there is the risk of continuation of criminal
[...] activity or serious disruption of public order [...]
and tranquillity.
为了给孩子们提供额外的保护,来自巴勒斯坦和以色列普世同行计划(Ecumenical Accompaniment
[...] Programme,EAPPI)的志愿者们将陪同孩子们上下学,以提供随时随地的保护,阻止定 者 的 骚 扰 和 攻 击。
To provide additional protection for the children, volunteers from the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and
Israel (EAPPI) will travel with the children to provide a protective presence
[...] and deter settler harassment and attacks.
未成年人(不满 15 岁),扰者为成 年人,即使这并非利用权力地位 [...]
A minor (under
[...] 15), where the harasser is an adult, [...]
even though the act was not committed by exploiting a position of authority.
(b) 进一步明确监管者的作用、责任和任务,监管者要有等级分明的决策 结构,并掌握最新监管信息,以便使其能够迅速采取行动,包括保护消 者 和投 资者免受扰乱金 融事件的影响,加强金融产品安全,并在国家和国际范围内加强 中央银行、监管者和政府之间的协调,以避免“监管套利”,并对流动性和破产 风险进行监测
(b) Clearer roles, accountability and mandates for regulators with a clear hierarchical decision-making structure and up-to-date supervisory information to enable regulators to act swiftly, including to protect consumers and investors from financial abuse and for financial product safety, and greater coordination among central banks, regulators and governments, domestically and internationally to prevent regulatory arbitrage and to monitor liquidity and solvency risks
(b) 采取必要措施减少性侵害儿童刑事案件的调查和起诉时间,适当保护 受害儿童不受侵者骚
(b) Take the necessary measures to reduce the duration of investigation and proceedings
in criminal cases regarding sexual abuse of children and ensure appropriate protection of
[...] child victims from perpetrators
心或信仰自由的权利得到尊重,在这方面欢迎新的大众媒体法,认为这是一项重 要进步,同时关切地注意到针对阿富汗记者的恐吓和暴力行为日益增加,媒体的
[...] 独立性遭到越来越多的挑战,谴责恐怖主义团体以及极端主义团体和犯罪团体绑 架甚至杀害记者,敦促阿富汗当局调查对 者 的 骚 扰 和 攻 击,并将负责任者绳之 以法;37.
Stresses the need to ensure respect for the right to freedom of expression and the right to freedom of thought, conscience or belief, as enshrined in the Afghan Constitution, welcomes in this regard the new mass media law as important progress, while noting with concern the growing intimidation and violence targeting Afghan journalists and challenges to the independence of the media, condemns cases of the abduction and even killing of journalists by terrorist as
well as extremist and criminal
[...] groups, and urges that harassment and attacks on journalists [...]
be investigated by the Afghan authorities
and that those responsible be brought to justice
同时,也证明反对此一建议的人恰恰 是和平的扰者和战争的挑衅者。
It also proved that those opposed to this are precisely harassers of peace and provocateurs of war.
[...] 否能成功完成授权任务部分程度上取决于他们是否 了解实地的情况和是否有能力适当地调动充足的部 队,以遏制扰乱袭击,者在必 要时进行自卫。
The success of field commanders in achieving mandated tasks is shaped in part by their awareness of the situation on the ground
and their ability to mobilize adequate forces
[...] appropriately to deter, disrupt or, if necessary, defend [...]
against attacks.
据发表在12月26日出版的《美国医学会杂志》上的一项研究披露,在患有慢性丙型肝炎病毒感染及晚期肝纤维化(生长出过多的纤维结缔组织)的患者中,与那些没有持续病毒学应答(SVR)的患者相比,那些 者 对 以 干 扰 素 为 基础的治疗作出的持续病毒学应答(SVR)与较低的全因死亡率有关。
Among patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection and advanced hepatic fibrosis (development of excess fibrous connective tissue), sustained virological response (SVR) to interferon-based treatment was associated with a lower risk of all-cause mortality compared with patients without SVR, according to a study in the Dec. 26 issue of JAMA.
[...] 行使其受教育权,因为他们的行动受到限制、学童和教师上下学途中经常受到定者骚扰、教 育设施受到攻击以及学校的基础设施不合标准。
The Committee is concerned that Palestinian children living in the Occupied Palestinian Territory are not able to enjoy their right to education, as a
consequence of restrictions on their
[...] movement, regular harassment by settlers of children and [...]
teachers on their way to and from
school, attacks on educational facilities, and substandard school infrastructure.
50 多万名以色列定居者(其中很多人持有武器)不断加剧暴力和无法无天的恐 怖行为,其中在哈利勒和拉马拉地区的一起肇事逃逸的车祸中一名巴勒斯坦人遇 害、一名残疾人和青年人受重伤;Qusra 清真寺被纵火、Bir Zeit、Deir Istiya 和 Yetma 村的清真寺受到亵渎;3 000 多株橄榄树和葡萄藤被连根拔除和烧毁; 为报复
[...] 村每周针对非法隔离墙进行的和平示威而焚烧了 20 德南农田; Walaja 附近定居点排出的污水淹没了 40 德南农田;Halhoul、Jeet 和 Deir Dibwan 村 63 德南农田被烧毁;巴勒斯坦人,包括儿童每天不断地受到定 者 的 骚 扰和 羞辱。
The escalating acts of violence, lawlessness and terror being perpetrated by the more than half a million Israeli settlers, many of whom are armed, include the killing of a Palestinian and the serious injury of a disabled person and a youth in a hit-and-run accident in Al-Khalil and the Ramallah area; the burning of the Qusra mosque and the desecration of mosques in the villages of Bir Zeit, Deir Istiya and Yetma; the uprooting, burning and destruction of over 3,000 olive trees and grapevines; the burning of 20 dunums of agricultural land in Bi’lin in response to weekly peaceful protests against the illegal wall; the flooding of 40 dunums of agricultural land in Walaja with sewage from nearby settlements; the burning and destruction of 63 dunums of agricultural land in the villages of Halhoul,
Jeet and Deir Dibwan;
[...] and the constant harassment and humiliation of Palestinians, including children, on a daily basis by settlers.
对在包括东耶路撒冷在内巴勒斯坦被占领土和在被占领的叙利亚戈兰的定 居点活动以及涉及没收土地扰乱 受保 护 者 生 活和实际兼并土地的任何活动,表 示非常遗憾
Deploring settlement activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan and any activities
involving the confiscation of
[...] land, the disruption of the livelihood of protected persons and the de [...]
facto annexation of land
委员会严重关注根据1970 年《公共犯罪和控制法》,遭受性剥削的儿童受者仍有风险扰乱公共秩序与安全为由遭到逮捕。
The Committee expresses serious concern that child victims of sexual exploitation still risk being arrested for disturbing public order and safety in accordance with provisions of the 1970 Public Offences and Control Act.




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