

单词 缘何

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

2009 年全民教育全球监测报告——消除不平等:治缘何重要》。
Education for All global
[...] monitoring report 2009: How Far Have we come.
Bernt Berger,《中缘何对缅甸“看走了 眼”》,《亚洲时报》,2007 [...]
年 10 月 3 日。
Bernt Berger, “Why China has it wrong [...]
on Myanmar”, The Asia Times, 3 October 2007.
长期的贫穷和社会服务的缺失将数以百万计的家庭推向了生存的 缘 , 任 何 经 济 动荡和自然灾害都将对他们产生巨大的影响。
Growing impoverishment and deteriorating social
service structures have pushed millions of
[...] households to the edge of survival, leaving [...]
them acutely vulnerable to economic shocks or natural disasters.
品牌广告和整体网络广告正在占领 更大的市场份额,增速达到10%,而传统广 告支出增长仅为5%137 28 导致网络市场划分不均缘由何在?
Although brand advertising was gaining market share, so was online advertising as a whole: up 10 percent versus five percent for traditional ad spending137.
俄罗缘何重视缅甸》,《亚洲时报》,2007年10月10日; [...]
《缅甸将军访问俄罗斯军火制造商》,路透社,2007年10月12 日;Aung Hla Tun,《俄罗斯公司获得缅甸矿物勘探权》,《纽 约时报》,2008年2月17日。
Why Russia’s mum on Myanmar”, [...]
Asia Times, 10 October 2007; “Myanmar generals visit arms maker in Russia”, Reuters, 12 October
2007; Aung Hla Tun, “Russian company gains right to explore for minerals in Myanmar”, The New York Times, 17 February 2008.
王木克, 《中国, 南海合作的积极推进者》; 李清源,
[...] 《唱响和平稳定合作的主旋律》; 丁刚, 《南海问缘何 被炒热》; 暨佩娟, 《必须从合作开始不断增进互信》 [...]
, 均引自《人民日报》,2011 年 8 月 2 日,第 23 页。
王木克 [Wang Muke], “中国, 南海合作的积极推进者” [“China, Active promoters of the South Seas cooperation]”; 李清源 [Li Qingyuan], “唱响和平稳定合作的主旋律” [Playing the melody of peace,
stability and cooperation”]; 丁刚 [Ding Gang],
[...] “南海问题缘何被炒热” [“Why the South Sea issue is [...]
sizzling”]; and 暨佩娟 [Ji Peijuan], “必须从合作开始不断增进互信”
[“Continuously increase mutual trust through cooperation”], all in People’s Daily, 2 August 2011, p. 23.
与此同时,所有针对平民的暴力,无论其来 源缘由为何,都必须停止。
At the same time, all violence
[...] against civilians, irrespective of its source [...]
and cause, must stop.
而且,您也 可以在您希望的水槽缘的任何一处 安装把手。
Here too, you can
[...] install the handle wherever you like around [...]
the sink.
联合调查队对该车辆进行实物检查,但在安全顶窗的 缘 没 有 发现何毛发、血液或其他物质。
When the JIT carried out its physical examination of the vehicle, they did not find any hair, blood or other matter on the lip of the escape hatch.
如果要引入该框架内不曾考虑到的新方式, 则将需要详细说明:随着优先事项的变化,最重要的因素是什么;如果新方式与理事机构先
[...] 增加价值并得到评判;如何确定--并问责于--影响(妨碍、促进)实现具体成果能力的具缘由;以及何看待 影响绩效的各种可变因素和相互依存关系,比如,为了实现一个具体结 [...]
If a new modality is to be introduced that has not been contemplated within this framework, then it would necessitate detailed explanation on: which element is paramount as priorities shift; what to do if the new modality contradicts or is at odds with a prior or subsequent decision of the governing bodies; how to articulate a requisite standard of performance with sufficient precision so as both to add value and to enable it to be adjudged; how to identify – and assign liability to – the particular contribution that has affected
(impaired, enhanced) the ability to
[...] achieve a specific result; and how to account for the [...]
variables and interdependencies that
affect performance, for example, between what the governing bodies expect of a Director-General and what the Director-General needs from the governing bodies in order to attain a particular result.
子女”包括何 血缘子女 、收养子女、过继子女或寄养子女。
Child” includes any biological, adopted, step or foster child.
影像处理是指允许您自动调整各个影像以改善所产生影像的扫描仪功能 (例如,纠正已送进文档的何偏斜、剪切影像的 缘 以 去除 任 何 不 需要 的边框,或清除影像上多余的 “ 噪音 ”)。
Image processing refers to features of the scanner that allow you to automatically adjust each image that may improve the
resulting images (i.e., correcting any
[...] skew in the fed document, cutting the edges of the image off to remove unneeded [...]
or cleaning up extraneous “noise” on the image).
基准长度/订购长度 RL 在输送机辊筒上没有何的基准边缘 , 因 此不会显示。
The reference length/ordering length RL does
[...] not have any reference edges on the conveyor roller [...]
and can therefore not be shown.
关于叙利亚局势,我国代表团强调,考虑到叙利 亚的多族裔社会和特殊的缘政治 地位, 何 外 国 对 叙利亚内政的介入以及在叙利亚人民之间煽动分裂 [...]
With regard to the situation in Syria, my delegation wishes to emphasize that, taking into account the
multi-ethnic Syrian society and the
[...] exceptional geopolitical situation of Syria, any foreign intervention [...]
in the domestic affairs
of Syria and fomenting divisions and sectarian differences among the people would jeopardize peace and stability in the whole region.
在本章中,特别报告员分析种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容忍现 象因其在社会内部产生的缘化或 歧视 何 以 能够成为在某些人口群体之间引发 长期和短期紧张局势或暴力行为的诱因。
In this chapter, the Special Rapporteur analyses how racism, racial discrimination,
xenophobia and related
[...] intolerance, due to the marginalization or discrimination [...]
they generate within society, may act as factors
contributing to the triggering of tensions or acts of violence between certain groups of the population, both in the long- and short-term.
此外,该代表团还希望获知特别报告员 对委员会提出的通过实施法律实现贫困人口去缘 化的建议何看法 ,以及这些建议对特别报告员开 展的各项工作有何补充作用。
What was the Special Rapporteur’s opinion of the recommendations of the Commission on Legal Empowerment of the Poor and of their complementarity with his work?
每个人都必须理解这 个道理,不管他们对区域局势何种 地 缘 政 治 的评 估。
Everyone must
[...] understand that, irrespective of their geopolitical assessment [...]
of the situation in the region.
现在看来,有些海盗似 乎有固定工资,与海盗活动所得的 何 横 财 无 缘。
It appears that now some pirates do not even get any part of the bounty resulting from acts of piracy but are getting, as it were, fixed salaries.
是对车辆的干扰导致可能存在于缘 的任 何物质 消失,还是最初那里就没有这种物质,这一点无法确定。
It is impossible to establish whether the interference with the vehicle resulted in the elimination of any matter that may have been present on the lip, or whether there was no such matter in the first place.
填 充可从基元的何边缘开始,允许创建复杂动态显示。
Fills can occur from any edge of the primitive, [...]
allowing complex animations to be created.
BeoLab 3 外形简洁明快,无何尖锐的边缘。
The shape of BeoLab 3 is
[...] distinctive, without any sharp edges.
教育领域的活动主要集中在以下领域:a) 作为对《暴力侵害儿童问题世界报告》 (2006 年)所载的建议的后续行动的暴力侵害儿童的行为,新增重点包括此种暴力行为的
[...] [...] 性别因素、宗教和文化在防止此类暴力方面的作用以及对非暴力、参与性的做法和支助服务 的推广;b) 全纳教育,旨在促进建立一个满足多样化学生群体需求的、对遭到排挤和被缘 化的群体给予特别关注的教育体系;c) 治理和不平等,研究教育领域的善治 何 在 减 少基于 财富、地点、种族、性别及其他原因的不平等方面发挥作用;d) 对教材进行修订以推广以和 平为导向的方法,同时兼顾与质量有关的新的教育挑战。
In the context of education, activities focus on the following areas: (a) violence against children as a follow-up to the recommendations contained in the World Report on the Violence against Children (2006), with an added emphasis on gender dimensions of such violence, the role of religion and culture in its prevention, and the promotion of non-violent, participatory practices and support services; (b) inclusive education, with the aim of promoting an educational system that answers the needs of a diverse group
of pupils, paying
[...] particular attention to the excluded and marginalized; (c) governance and inequality, looking at how good governance in education can reduce [...]
disparities based
on wealth, location, ethnicity, gender and other grounds; (d) textbook revision to promote peace-oriented approaches taking into account new education challenges related to quality.
报道:项目何保护沙漠缘的野 生小麦并造福当地群众。
The reportage depicts how the project is protecting wild wheat at the edge of the desert, [...]
and shows how people on the ground are profiting from this.
ABB 瑞士公司 Micafil可以提供大量的环氧浇铸树脂系统 Fluvex®,几乎适用于何电力绝缘件 规 格。
ABB Switzerland Ltd, Micafil can offer a large number of cast epoxy resin systems Fluvex®, suitable for almost any electrical insulation specification.
教科文组织在不同国家参加了联合国发展援助框架(UNDAF)的制定及实施工作,由 此表明本组织十分关注何确保边缘 化 和易受伤害的人口接受有质量的教育,并致力于将教 [...]
UNESCO’s engagement in the UNDAF preparation and implementation in various countries
reflects the concern to ensure quality
[...] education for the marginalized and vulnerable [...]
populations, and translates into actions
and joint programmes the related strategic directions identified in the UNESS documents.
另外,《指导原则》要求各国将主要重点放在执行教科文组织《中期战略》(2000-2007 年)上,并详细说明在教育领域何 保 护 社会 缘 群 体和处境不利群体(例如,穷 人;妇女和女童;农村人口;语言、种族、宗教少数民族或其他少数民族;受到各种磨难的 [...] [...]
Additionally, the Guidelines requested States to place particular focus on the implementation of UNESCO's Medium-Term Strategy
(2000-2007), by providing a careful
[...] description of how marginalized and disadvantaged [...]
groups of society are protected against
discriminatory practices in the field of education (for example the poor, women and girls, rural populations, linguistic, racial, religious or other minorities, refugees and countries or populations that are victims of disasters and people with special needs).
山岳研究计划”以一个科学家和生物 圈保护区管理者的全球性网络为基础,开展对全球变化的影响的监测和研究。为加强受到沙 漠化影响国家之间的合作,在联合国大学及国际干旱地区农业研究中心的协助下,人与生物 圈计划/国际水文计划 于 2003 年 11 月在伊朗的设拉子举办了国际讲习班,主题是 何 通过缘干旱 地区的可持续管理来解决八个北非和亚洲国家的防沙漠化问题。
Sustainable management of marginal drylands to help combating desertification in eight countries of northern Africa and Asia was the theme of an international MAB/IHP workshop held in Shiraz, Islamic Republic of Iran, in late November 2003 in collaboration with UNU and ICARDA so as to enhance the scientific collaboration of desertification-affected countries.
我们需要处理实地局势造成的优 先问题,同时也要将我们的行动纳入以下愿景,即注
[...] 重长期并以需要寻求持久解决办法为基础,而这种解 决办法将得到利比亚各方的批准和赞同,不能使何 一方被边缘化或被排除在外。
We need to tackle the priorities dictated by the situation on the ground while at the same time inscribing our action in a vision that is focused on the long term and founded on the need to
find lasting solutions that will be approved and adhered to by
[...] all Libyan parties, without marginalization or exclusion.
这 将重现“议会时期(1948-1962 年)简单多数获胜 选举制何边缘化少 数民族党派,从而使代表缅甸 多数人的以国家中部为大本营的大型政党得益的情 [...]
Their relations with the NLD are reported to be “difficult”,
and the NLD has apparently been
[...] reluctant to discuss any strategic alliance between the [...]
two – with the expectation rather
being that the 88 Generation should join the party.138 In general, the NLD is dismissive of other democratic parties, particularly those that chose to contest the 2010 elections.139 Of even greater concern would be a marginalisation of ethnic political parties.
(c) 强调各成员国和阿拉伯卫生部长理事会继续努力改善保健标准的重要
[...] 性,办法是发展和提高医疗单位档次,实行家庭保健制度,特别是在农村、缘 化和 贫穷地区,改善提供给妇女、儿童和老龄人的保健服务,并集中力量建设卫 [...]
(c) To underline the importance of continued efforts by member States and the Council of Arab Ministers of Health to improve health care standards by developing and upgrading health care units and
applying a family health regime,
[...] particularly in rural, marginalized and deprived [...]
areas, improving the health services provided
to women, children and ageing persons, and focusing on building the technical capacities of health teams.




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