

单词 编造

编造 verb ()

spin v
compile v



random lies and falsehoods


a cock and bull story
reckless invention

See also:



compile v
write v
arrange v

External sources (not reviewed)

最后,缔约国提到的第六种可能性是据报道失踪的人事 实上通过证件伪造者网编造的假 证件居住在阿尔及利亚或国外。
Lastly, the sixth possibility mentioned by the State party concerns persons
reported missing who were in fact living in Algeria or abroad under false
[...] identities created via a network of document forgers.
这种 情况使该更加容易受到威胁、不公正 编造 事 实的影 响,使以色列免受国际法原则和《不扩散条约》机制 [...]
That makes the region more vulnerable to threats and
[...] injustices and falsifies truth, serving [...]
to exempt Israel from the principles of
international law and the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) regime.
作为对联合王国代表发言的回应,我并没 编造 我自己对联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团(科索沃 特派团)和欧洲联盟驻科索沃法治特派团(欧盟驻科 法治团)任务范围的界定,我只不过是在宣读 2008 年 11 月 24 日的秘书长报告(S/2008/692),这份报告得 到了安全理事会的核准。
In response to the intervention by the representative of the United Kingdom: I am not making up my own definition of the remit of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) and the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX); I am only reading the report of the Secretary-General dated 24 November 2008 (S/2008/692), which was endorsed by the Security Council.
在这方面,我们希望斯坎德尔·阿夫扎 尔中将进一步介绍特派团编造成安 全真空的风险, 以及特派团在完成缩编过程中面临的后勤问题。
Here, we hope that Lieutentant General Sikander Afzal [...]
will tell us more about the risk of a security vacuum as the Mission
draws down and about the logistical problems it faces in concluding this drawdown.
人力资源管理局为了对其在人力资源方面不加管 理(尤其是总部)做辩解,针对每个问题都具 编造 了 些 说法,如总部的专家过多,应该去 掉一些,以应对全球化的需要,或者又反过来说,总部专家不够,需要雇用顾问和其他合同 签约者来满足计划的需要。
In order to justify its non-management of human resources (especially at
Headquarters), HRM invents
[...] specific theories for each problem: there are too many specialists at Headquarters who must be got rid of in [...]
order to deal with
globalization, or, on the contrary, there are not enough specialists at Headquarters and consultants and other contractors must be employed in order to meet the needs of the programme.
这场运动的开端是采用先进的视频和通信技术,播 放做了手脚的声称是描绘阿拉伯叙利亚共和国境内发生的事件的影像带,以编 造对我国境内发生的事件的谎言。
The campaign began with the fabrication of stories about events in the Syrian Arab Republic with advanced visual and communications technology being used to show fake footage, allegedly of events unfolding in the Syrian Arab Republic.
请务必注意,通过网站、邮件以及电话的形式,以联合国儿童基金会的名义提供工作或者奖励,通常是为诈骗 编造 的。
Please be advised that websites, e-mails and phone calls offering jobs or prizes on behalf of UNICEF are fabricated and fraudulent.
看起来这是一种前互联网时代的想法——想要在没有任何现实基础情况下 编造 一 个 故事,让每个人坚信不疑。
It seems sort of pre-internet era thinking that this story could get serious legs without any kind of basis in reality.
我们能够认可Alfred Little说法的只有一件事,即在《环球邮报》采访其中的一名作者Dino Huang时,他表示:“我们在报告中从来没有说这家公司是一个骗子,或 编造 了 公 司的账簿。
One thing we may give Alfred Little credit for is that when the Global and Mail interviewed one of the authors, Dino Huang, he said that "we never said in the report that the company was a scam, or cooked its books".
另一名青年男子在受访时告诉代 表团成员,因为害怕受到其他囚犯的歧视, 编造 了 他 的民族身份。
Another young man interviewed admitted to members of the delegation that, for fear of being discriminated against by other inmates, he had lied about his nationality.
美利坚合众国和南朝鲜当局被逼无奈,便玩弄拙劣伎俩,提出协商论坛问题, 企图阻止我国检查团的参与,并以 编造 的 谎 言混淆真相。
Being cornered, the United States and the south Korean authorities are playing cheap tricks with the issue of a consultation forum in an attempt to block the involvement of our inspection team and blur the truth behind their fabricated plot.
一种在CMP圆环和韧性需要的方式半导 编造 者 获 取僵硬,纯净将使用从Techtron®用机器制造的圆环PPS。
One way that semiconductor fabricators gain the stiffness, [...]
purity and toughness needed in CMP rings is to use rings machined from Techtron® PPS.
过去二十年的事实表明,某些投诉者为了从委员会成员那里获得善意同情,不择 手段编造谎言 ,声称所谓受害者遭受了“酷刑”,罹患了“严重”、“致命”的疾病。
The facts of the last two decades demonstrate that certain authors of communications, in order to gain sympathy of those goodintentioned members, have done everything possible to fabricate information concerning the “torture” of the alleged victims and their “severe” and “grave” illnesses.
事件的真实进程被简单化和“直线化”了,使革命的每一步都 编造 成 是 前一步的自然延续。
The real course of events was simplified and “straightened,” with each stage of the revolution made into the natural continuation of the previous one.
一个令人百思不得其解的现象仍然是,很多国家 能够经常变出数十亿美元,几乎是一时冲动就发起可 打可不打的战争和进行单方面军事干预,但在发展援 助方面却陷入停滞,不充分兑现承诺, 编造 各 种别 出心裁的理由或是空喊口号, 而这些对于发展中国 家的境遇不会起到任何作用。
It remains a constant source of amazement that many States can regularly conjure up billions of dollars to prosecute discretionary wars and unilateral military interventions, almost on a whim, while developmental assistance stagnates, falls short of commitments and is subject to all forms of creative accounting or empty sloganeering that have no impact on the bottom lines of developing States.
在 4 月 16 日的特别报告第 53 段中,我建议,考虑到国家警察的人群控制能
[...] 力有限,在今后三年间,将联利特派团建制警察部队视需要至多增设三个,以建 立人民的信心,减轻因联利特派团 编造 成 的 任何潜在安全真空的影响。
In paragraph 53 of my special report of 16 April, I recommended that the number of UNMIL formed police units should be increased by up to three additional units as needed over the coming three years to build the confidence of the people and mitigate
the effect of any potential security
[...] vacuum resulting from the drawdown of UNMIL troops [...]
in the light of the limited crowd-control
capacity of the national police.
工作组鼓励各国促进教育确切反映历史,从而避免可导致种族主义、种族 歧视和仇外心理及相关不容忍现象的陈旧观念以及扭曲 编造 史 实 的做法。
The Working Group encourages States to promote accurate reflection of history in
education so as to avoid stereotypes and
[...] distortion or falsification of historic [...]
facts, which may lead to racism, racial discrimination,
xenophobia and related intolerance.
小组委员会的编,造成访 问代表团的扩大,这意味着在策划和进行访问 时会出现有许多后勤方面的困难。
The enlargement of the Subcommittee, resulting in larger delegations during visits, meant that there were numerous logistical difficulties in planning and conducting visits.
此外,所谓的“普通证人”编造出 来 的,因为他们没有受到法院传讯,他们的 名字也没有出现在庭审记录中10 。
Furthermore, the so-called “lay witnesses” are fictional, since they have not been summoned for interrogation by the court and their names do not appear in the transcripts of court hearings.10 He further submits that, since the prosecution has the right to address questions to the accused, the accused has the same right in relation to the prosecution and recalls that the judge did not allow him to address questions to the prosecutor.
详查所有记录,编造一个 有关现有档案的范围和类别的目录。
Go through the whole set of available records and make an inventory of the range and types of materials present.
HEXTRACK正在申请专利的密封保证连续复合网垫(CMP)的真实密封压缩比健身体系 HEXTRACK消除高维护多台系统 HEXTRACK使您能够满足只有一个证严格限制美国环保局 最低的压降CMP系统可用 降低维护成本 CMP的对比更容易摘心门拆除端访问
满足严格的法规(0.006毫克/安培-小时加利福尼亚州和联邦0.015 mg/m3) 符合MACT要求(最大可用控制技术)
[...] 运行具有周期性冲洗干 节省了通过回收编造从1 /4“至1 /2“厚I型,I级聚氯乙烯 [...]
在每个阶段Magnehelic压力表 为便于快拆垫去除旋钮 可选的自动冲洗控制面板和5编监控系统
HEXTRACK patent pending seal guarantees continuous true seal of composite mesh pad (CMP) vs compression fit system HEXTRACK eliminates high maintenance multi-pad systems HEXTRACK enables you to meet strict U.S. EPA limits with just one CMP Lowest pressure drop CMP system available Lower maintenance costs Side access doors for easier removal of CMP vs. top removal Meets strict regulations (.006 mg/amp - hr California and .015 mg/m3 Federal) Complies with MACT requirements (maximum available control technology) Runs
dry with periodic washdown Saves $ by
[...] reclaiming chrome Fabricated from 1/4" to [...]
1/2" thick Type I, Grade I PVC Magnehelic
gauges at each stage Quick release knobs for ease of pad removal Optional automatic washdown control panel and Title V monitoring system Utilizes principle of particle growth separation
特别报告员和联合国各委员会不仅借其职务之 便 编造 了 某种“权 利”,而且其关于性教育形式的观点与很多家长对性教育和道德的理解格格不入。
Not only do the Special Rapporteur and United Nations committees misuse their positions to fabricate a “right”, but their opinion regarding forms of sex education conflicts with many parents’ understanding of sex education and morality.
美国大陆爆破片公司会在 3-D 标签上标记任何客户提供的标签号,但其 造编 号 ( 也在标签上)用来跟踪爆破片批次。
Continental Disc Corporation will mark any customer-supplied tag number
on the 3-D tag, but the Continental
[...] Disc Corporation manufacturing number (also on the [...]
tag) is what we use to trace a lot of rupture discs.
与所有 MPQ 一样,该器件具备了造编程器 所需的一切特性:可靠、高效、灵活和高性价比。
Like all MPQ’s, it is reliable, efficient, flexible and cost effective - all the
[...] features required in a manufacturing programmer.
马耳他在编中说 明了现有的措施以及将要采取 的措施。
Malta explained what currently existed, and measures it would
[...] continue to take, in the addendum.
秘书处代表表示,工发组织提交编 制 压 缩机 造 和 家 用空调机制造次级行业氟氯 烃淘汰管理计划项目提案,这是开发计划署根据第 [...]
55/13 号决定(d)段以牵头机构名义为伊 朗伊斯兰共和国提交的一揽子提案的组成部分。
The representative of the Secretariat said that UNIDO
had submitted a proposal for preparation of an HCFC phase-out management plan
[...] for the compressor manufacturing and residential air [...]
conditioning manufacturing
sub-sector as part of a package proposal for the Islamic Republic of Iran submitted by UNDP as lead agency, in the light of decision 55/13(d).
他与人合著了《盲目:哥伦布的五百年和一个民族的 造 》 ; 编 辑 了《科学,霸权与暴力》及《我们欲望的秘密政治》;他还与人合编了《民主的多元宇宙》,《知识与文化的未来》及《鉴别流行文化的特征》。
He is also a co-author of The Blinded Eye: 500 Years of
[...] Christopher Columbus and Creating a Nationality; editor of Science, [...]
Hegemony and Violence and The Secret
Politics of our Desires; and co-editor The Multiverse of Democracy, The Future of Knowledge and Culture, and Fingerprinting Popular Culture.
美国大陆爆破片公司制造的每批爆破片都可以追踪;美国大陆爆破片公司可通过 造编 号 ( 标在 3-D 标签或装置上)了解爆破片的所有信息,包括特定的金属原料。
Every rupture disc lot made by Continental Disc Corporation is
[...] traceable; the Manufacturing Number (marked on the [...]
3-D Tag or on the device) tells Continental
Disc Corporation everything about that rupture disc, including the particular roll of metal it was made from.
取得的成果包括:实现全民教育的综合国家承诺;广泛宣传波斯语版本的《全民教育 全球监测报告》,以激发关于素质教育的公共意识和政策辩论;建立起有关教育和科学的国
[...] 民议会对话机制;用波斯语为教编 制 和宣传包容性教育的学习培训资料;就滥用药物与艾 [...]
新闻行业开展能力建设,以及报告与性别、环境恶化、防灾减灾以及艾滋病毒和艾滋病有关 的敏感问题。
Achievements include: consolidated national commitment toward EFA; wide dissemination of EFA Global Monitoring Reports (Farsi version) to stimulate public awareness and policy debates on quality education; establishment of a dialogue mechanism with the national parliament on education and sciences; production and
dissemination of learning and training materials in
[...] Farsi for teachers on inclusive education; [...]
consultation on drug abuse and HIV/AIDS;
high-level policy dialogue, exchanges and training on cultural diversity and human rights; capacity-building in journalism and reporting on sensitive issues related to gender, environmental degradation, disaster preparedness and mitigation, and HIV/AIDS.
13 个职业类主管人员中的每个人都将继续负责审查申请,确定由专题专家 (即专家组)进一步评估的候选人,担任其负责范围内的专家组的秘书并合并专家 组的结论和面试报告以提交外地中央审查机构,监测其分管的职业类职位在外地 行动中的在职率,管理其分管的名册 编 制 外 地行动方案主管人短名单并确定何 时应进行外联活动,以处理名册中存在的差距,特别是性别均衡和地域代表性方 面的差距,确定外地在职工作人员的流动机会,以便工作人员在相关工作地点之 间轮调。
Each of the 13 Occupational Group Managers would continue the responsibilities for reviewing applications, identifying candidates for further assessment by subject matter experts, that is, expert panels, serving as Secretary for the expert panel under his or her purview and consolidating findings and interview reports from the panel for presentation to the Field Central Review Bodies, monitoring incumbency rates in the field operations for positions in his or her occupational group, managing his or her assigned roster, developing shortlists for programme managers in the field operations and determining when outreach activities should be conducted to address gaps in the roster, especially in gender and geographic representation, and determining the mobility opportunities for staff members currently serving in the field so as to rotate staff among relevant duty stations.




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