

单词 缅怀

See also:


detailed adj


think of
surname Huai
harbor in one's mind
conceive (a child)

怀 n

heart n
mind n

External sources (not reviewed)

在今天这个追缅怀的日子里,在我 们悼念死去的人的时候,我们都对那些曾经为了自由 与和平而战斗的国家心存感激。
On this day of remembrance, as we mourn the lives lost, we all owe a debt of gratitude to the nations that fought for liberty and peace.
特别委员会向所有曾经为和仍在为维和行动服务的男女维和人员致敬,赞赏 他们的高度专业精神、献身精神和勇气,并特 缅怀 那 些 为维护和平与安全献出 生命的人。
The Special Committee pays tribute to the men and women who have served and continue to serve in peacekeeping operations for their high level of professionalism, dedication and courage.
措施,落实真相委员会的建议,特别是对实行酷刑、虐待和强迫或非自愿失踪的 犯罪者进行迅速而公正的起诉和处罚,将被确认为侵害人权行为人的公职人员停
[...] 职,建立特别基金以向被害者提供赔偿,建造刻有所有被害者姓名的国家纪念 碑,并设立国定假日缅怀受害者。
The Committee nevertheless urges the State party to take prompt steps to implement the recommendations of the Truth Commission, and in particular to prosecute and punish promptly and impartially those responsible for acts of torture, ill-treatment or enforced or involuntary disappearance, to remove from their posts all officials who have been identified as alleged perpetrators of human rights violations, to create a special fund to compensate victims, to
construct a national monument bearing the names of all the victims, and to declare a national
[...] holiday in memory of the victims.
我坚 信,我缅怀那一 代人的最崇高方式将是采取公 正和非对抗性的政策,开展多边合作,携手应对 共同威胁,从而防止致命的冲突。
I am convinced that the noblest manifestation of respect we could pay to the memory of that generation would be to adopt a just and nonconfrontational policy of multilateral cooperation and joint opposition to common threats, with a view to preventing deadly conflicts.
今天,随着联合国会员国通过一项关于“载人空 间飞行国际日”的决议,我们含 缅怀 空 间 时代的英 雄们,其中首先和最重要的是第一个进入空间并为我 们大家开辟道路的人。
Today, with the adoption by the States Members of the United Nations of a
resolution on an
[...] International Day of Human Space Flight, we bow our heads in memory of the heroes of the space era, first and foremost among [...]
them the first man
who went into space and who opened the path for all of us.
特别委员会强调 5 月 29 日的重要性,这一天是联合国维和人员国际日,是为 联合国维和行动服务的男女维和人员的高度专业精神、献身精神和勇气致敬,并 特缅怀那些为维护和平与安全献出生命的人,包括在 2010 年 1 月 12 日海地地 震中丧生者的一天。
The Special Committee emphasizes the importance of 29 May, as the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers as a tribute to all the men and women who have served and continue to serve in United Nations peacekeeping operations for their high level of professionalism, dedication and courage and to honour the memory of those who have lost their lives in the cause of peace, including those whose lives were lost in the earthquake in Haiti on 12 January 2010.
我们各国人民以英雄主义和无私奉献赢得的 1941-1945 年伟大的卫国战争胜 利 65 周年即将到来,再次使我缅怀那些在艰苦卓绝的反法西斯斗争中,以生 命和痛苦为代价,给世界带来解放与和平的人们的巨大伤亡和壮举。
The forthcoming sixty-fifth anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, won through the heroism and self-sacrifice of the peoples of our countries, reminds us once more of the massive loss of human life and the achievement of those who, at the cost of their lives, deprivation and suffering, brought liberation and peace to the world in the struggle against fascism.
它与秘鲁摄影家和社会活动家 Marina García Burgos 女士 合作,介绍和讨论“希望的围巾”的举措,秘鲁武装冲突期间失踪者的亲属按照 该举措在不同的城市占居公共空间来织围巾,专门以 缅怀 自 己 的亲人。
It partnered with Ms. Marina García Burgos, a Peruvian photographer and activist, to present and discuss the “Scarf of Hope”, an initiative by which relatives of those missing and disappeared during Peru’s armed conflict take over public spaces in different cities to knit scarves, which are devoted to the memory of their loved ones.
法庭庭缅怀最近 去世的保罗·巴梅拉·恩戈(喀麦隆)法官,他担任法庭成 [...]
员达 12 年之久,作为出席第三次联合国海洋法会议的非洲主要代表之一以及会 议第一委员会主席,发挥了重大作用。
The President of the
[...] Tribunal recalled the recent passing [...]
away of Judge Paul Bamela Engo (Cameroon), who had been a member
of the Tribunal for 12 years and had played a major role as a leading African delegate at the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, and had also served as Chairman of the First Committee of the Conference.
大会第六十届会议在题为“纪念大屠杀”的项目下决定指定 1 月 27 日为一 年一缅怀大屠 杀遇难者的国际纪念日(第 60/7 号决议)。
At its sixtieth session, under the item entitled “Holocaust remembrance”, the General Assembly decided to designate 27 January as an annual International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust (resolution 60/7).
我们也在缅怀针对平民所犯战争罪行的受害者们,这些罪行发 生在克罗地亚,特别是发生在 Skabrnja、扎达尔、希 贝尼克、Kijevo、Vrlika、Sinj 和南斯拉夫人民军执 行拉特科·姆拉迪奇的命令攻击的其它城镇;他当时 是位于克罗地亚克宁的南斯拉夫人民军第九军团的 总指挥,他还下命令对平民目标实施疯狂攻击,明明 知道此种攻击会给平民造成过度生命伤亡;特别是, 他还企图通过摧毁佩鲁察水坝来淹没一大片人口居 住地区。
We also remember here the victims of the war crimes committed against the civilian population in Croatia, in particular in Škabrnja, Zadar, Šibenik, Kijevo, Vrlika, Sinj and other towns attacked by the Yugoslav People’s Army (JNA) under orders of Ratko Mladić while he was commander of the Ninth Corps of the JNA based in Knin, Croatia; as well as his orders to launch indiscriminate attacks against civilian objects, knowing that such attacks would cause excessive loss of life or injury to civilians, in particular his attempt of flooding a large populated area by destroying the Peruča Dam.
值此世界纪念缅怀大屠 杀受难者国际纪念日” 之际,我们要重申联合国所代表的理想,并呼吁各方 为恢复《宪章》所载的集体共存精神作出协调努力, [...]
As the world
[...] commemorates International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the [...]
Victims of the Holocaust, we wish to echo
the ideals for which the United Nations stands and to call for a concerted effort to rekindle the spirit of collective existence, as enshrined in the Charter, in order to save the people of the Middle East — and indeed the whole world — from the scourge of war.
我无 须重复已经多次说过的话,即为什么 缅怀 、 纪 念和 哀悼受害者,以便这种事件决不会再次发生。
I need not repeat what has already been said so many times about why it is important to remember, commemorate and mourn the victims, so that such things never happen again.
当我们纪念缅怀这些英雄时,我们 必须以远为坚定的决心对待这一可怕的人类悲剧, 以便从世界上铲除种族主义、仇恨、不容忍、偏见 以及这一悲剧在当今世界的许多其他表现形式。
In our remembrance and tribute to those heroes, we must approach that terrible human tragedy with far greater commitment to rid the world of racism, hatred, intolerance, prejudice and the many other faces it has taken to manifest itself in our world today.
缅怀纳粹 大屠杀的受害者,并重申决心继续防止和打 击反犹太主义及各种形式的种族主义、仇外心理和歧 视,不论这些现象发生在何处。
We pay homage to the memory of the victims of the Holocaust and reiterate our commitment to continuing to prevent and fight antisemitism and all forms of racism, xenophobia and discrimination wherever they may occur.
为了响应 这一要求,教科文组织总干事多次以个人身份邀请所有在 5 月 3 日参加世界新闻自由日纪念 活动的人默哀一分钟,缅怀丧生 的记者们。
Echoing this request, the UNESCO Director-General has, on several occasions, personally invited all those commemorating World Press Freedom Day on 3 May to observe a minute’s silence in memory of journalists who have lost their lives.
今天,我缅怀和纪 念亚拉杜瓦总统个人的尊严 和正直,他对公共服务的执着承诺以及对尼日利亚 1.5 亿人民巨大潜力和光明未来的热切信念。
Today, we remember and honour President Yar’Adua’s profound personal decency and integrity, his deep commitment to public service and his passionate belief in the vast potential and bright future of Nigeria’s 150 million people.
此外,真相与和解委员会建 议通过“议事棚”制度展开传统的寻求真相与和解进程、设立一个赔偿信托基金、 设立一个全缅怀和团 结日,以及保护和促进妇女和儿童的权利。
In addition, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission recommends the establishment of traditional truth-seeking and reconciliation processes through a “palava hut” system, the establishment of a reparations trust fund, the observance of a national memorial and unification day and the protection and promotion of the rights of women and children.
最后,我建议缅怀那次 悲剧受害者的最佳方式 是确保从那次事故中吸取的经验教训将导致核和辐 射安全状况得到持久改善。
In concluding, I suggest that our best tribute to the victims of this tragedy is to ensure that the lessons learned from the accident will bring about lasting improvements in nuclear and radiation safety.
缅 怀了去 年遇害的两名议员 Hashim Watanwal(乌鲁兹甘省)和 Mutaleb BEK(塔克哈 尔省),以及在同一时期因暴力而受害的其他 47 名阿富汗高级官员和社区领袖。
The two Members of Parliament killed in the past year, Hashim Watanwal (Uruzgan Province) and Mutaleb Bek (Takhar Province) were remembered, along with 47 other senior Afghan officials and community leaders who were victims of violence in the same period.
诗中表达出诗人不求回报的暗恋所带来的痛苦,他暗恋的女性浑然不知是自已激发了诗人的情感;接下来是对时间和历史的冥想,诗人感到哀伤,徘徊在生存与死亡、现实与虚无之间,倍感疏离和孤独,继而回望过往的荣光 缅怀 逝 去 的童年(《盛宴的夜晚》)。
The pain of unrequited love for a woman, unaware that she is the cause of the poet’s feelings, is expressed; this is followed by a meditation on time and history that leads the distressed poet, in his isolation and loneliness, on the border between life and death, reality and
nothingness, to contemplate the glories of past
[...] ages and experience nostalgia for his childhood [...]
(Sera del giorno festivo).
在我结束发言之前,我要就最近在摩加迪沙和刚 果民主共和国发生的袭击事件表示哀悼,还 缅怀两 周 前发生在刚果民主共和国的徒手搏斗中为联合国 维和行动牺牲的三名印度维和人员。
Before I conclude, I would like to offer my condolences on the recent attacks in Mogadishu and in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and to also salute the memories of three Indian peacekeepers who died in hand-to-hand combat under the United Nations flag, two weeks ago, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
2010 年 1 月 27 日,联合国举办题为“纪念大屠杀:生存的遗产”第五缅 怀大屠 杀受难者国际纪念日纪念活动,并在大会厅举行纪念仪式和音乐会。
On 27 January 2010, the United Nations observed the fifth International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust, on the theme “Holocaust remembrance: the legacy of survival”, with a memorial ceremony and concert in the General Assembly Hall.
(b) 2012 年 1 月,新闻部为纪念年缅怀大屠 杀受难者国际纪念日,以“儿 童与大屠杀”为主题举办了几个活动。
(b) In January 2012, the Department carried out a number of activities organized in observance of the annual International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust on the theme “Children and the Holocaust”.




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